Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

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Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Aliens On Earth - Alternative View

Video: Aliens On Earth - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, October

Could it be that aliens have been living among us for thousands, perhaps millions of years?

Aliens live among us

Phil Schneider was one of the few who sacrificed his life to reveal the truth about UFOs and aliens to ordinary people. His body was found in 1995 in his own home, strangled by a piano string. The results of the examination of the body by criminologists confirmed that he was severely tortured before his death. Many of Phil's acquaintances associate his death with his professional activities - he worked for a long time as an engineer in US government organizations and participated in projects to develop underground military bases. According to his own statements, he is one of three people who survived the armed confrontation with aliens in 1979 at a military base in Dulce.


Phil Schneider managed to talk about what he saw and in what projects he participated. His lectures did not last long - 7 months after his next speech, he was killed in his own house. Schneider himself has repeatedly emphasized in his lectures that he is fully aware of the threat to his life and that his words may serve as a pretext for his elimination.

Phil was a patriot of his country and admired the American spirit and will to freedom. He graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, over the years built himself a solid reputation as a professional geological and civil engineer, and was soon recruited to work in the aerospace industry. With his active participation, 2 especially important objects were built, which were directly related to the construction of the so-called "New World Order" system. At the time of their construction, Phil still had no idea about their true purpose. In 1979, at one of the bases in the city of Dulce, he got into a shootout with alien beings, during which more than 60 people died, and he and two others survived. It is shocking that all those killed, according to Schneider, belonged to specially trained combat units of the US intelligence services and had serious combat training and experience. After this incident, Phil understood the real purpose of the government programs regarding the construction of underground bases and realized their real purpose.

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Alien underground bases and the US shadow budget

In his speeches, Phil mentioned a secret program of government organizations to build underground military bases with aliens. He argued that the shadow budget for these programs is allocated from the pockets of ordinary US taxpayers and is about 25% of America's total GDP, in monetary terms - about $ 1.25 trillion per year.

There is an interesting story with the so-called "Dulce documents" - information that was published by a former security officer at the Dulce base, Thomas Castello. According to him, he worked at this base for a long time and was able to describe in great detail the structure of the underground objects of the aliens. The Dulce Papers show that the alien base in the town of Dulce consisted of 7 levels and its staff consisted of aliens and humans who worked together every day. Among the main specializations of the Dulce base, Castello named restorative engineering of alien technology, methods of controlling the human mind, and experiments in genetics (including cloning and the creation of human-alien hybrids).

Work on these projects was carried out at different levels of the base - the aliens worked in the deepest levels (from 5th to 7th). Aliens used ancient natural caves to build their base. Castello also mentioned that the base has clearly separated responsibilities and that several different alien races are working on it at the same time. There are levels where complete control over the work belongs not to humans, but to aliens. Castello himself has repeatedly witnessed the results of genetic research and experiments in which people were just prototypes.

Tomass argued that the most terrifying discovery was that people were treated like a kind of animal in the laboratory: "samples" of people were frozen, some of them were used as objects of influence during experiments on mind control, as well as in genetic experiments on the crossing of species. Further, Castello said: “The 7th level is the most terrible, there is a refrigerator, where several thousand bodies and separate compartments with various internal organs of people are kept in a state of deep freeze.

These levels also contained a storehouse of humanoid embryos at different stages of development. They swam in special vats, and Castello himself said that he often met people in cages who shouted and cried for help.

Since the early 1940s, the US government has built over 130 such bases, some of which have been built even earlier. These bases are huge underground cities covered by a network of railways that allow you to get unnoticed to almost any point on the map of the country.

On average, the depth of the underground bases is about 1.3 km, the average size is about 4.5 cubic km. The builders of these bases have the most modern laser drilling equipment at their disposal, which allows them to make tunnels at a speed of 9 km / 24 h.


Over the past 50 years, technology has stepped forward unseen distances. Schneider argued that already in 1943, the military had the knowledge and technology that made it possible to develop an aircraft that disappears in one place and appears in another in a second. He claimed that his father (Otto Schneider) was one of hundreds of participants in the project that became known to the general public as the "Philadelphia Experiment." On that day, while testing a new scientific development in front of hundreds of people, a huge US Air Force cruiser disappeared along with its entire crew.

During World War II, his father served as a submarine captain, on duty was associated with the use and study of the impact of nuclear weapons. It was Schneider Sr. who invented the first high-speed video cameras, which were used during video recording of the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons on Bikini Island in 1946.

During his lectures, Schneider showed those present photographs of these experiments, which his father passed on to him. In the photographs, in addition to bomb explosions, many UFOs were recorded, which, fearing the consequences of the explosion, in a hurry left the territory of the test site. Interestingly, for the inhabitants of Bikini Island themselves, the sudden appearance of a UFO is no longer surprising - locals often mention in conversations that they constantly observe a lot of UFOs that fly straight out of the water. Among local farmers, evidence of the disappearance of livestock and the discovery of mutilated, bloodless bodies of animals are also often found.

Shootout with aliens at Dulce Base in 1979

Schneider argued that even during the time of President Eisenhower in 1954, the constitution and the will of the people of the United States were completely ignored, and the presidential administration entered into a treaty with extraterrestrial civilizations. Later, the agreement was called the "Grenada Treaty of 1954" and actually officially allowed the aliens to take farmers' livestock and a certain number of people for experiments, but only on the condition that they were returned to their previous conditions of existence. They also didn't have to remember anything. The terms of the agreement obliged the aliens to report to the federal government on the number of abductions, to describe the details of the incidents. Over time, the aliens unilaterally changed the terms of the deal and reporting ceased.

Over time, cooperation with aliens has become beneficial only for aliens. According to Schneider himself, a very striking example of this was the shootout with representatives of alien civilizations, which took place deep in the bowels of the earth, at an underground military base near the town of Dals. The base itself is located at a depth of 3 km in the ground and is one of the deepest on the planet, the layout of the base is a city of seven levels. At the time, Phil and his team were drilling cavities in the desert in order to later connect them underground and create premises for a future military facility. He had to go down into these cavities and take rock samples in order to give his recommendations to the demolitionists - what kind of explosives to use and where exactly to place it. When he got inside the cavities, he saw a whole alien complex,where there were many ships and alien soldiers.

Schneider was the first to open fire and a firefight began. During it, 30 people were killed on the surface and 40 more of those who arrived in time to help his detachment. He hit one of the aliens in the chest, to which he responded with return fire and wounded Phil with a weapon that used some kind of radiation as a defeat. Later, he was treated for cancer as a result of being damaged by this radiation. His team invaded an underground alien base, for which they paid with their lives. After a while, Phil learned that aliens lived and continue to live on our planet for millions of years without our knowledge.

At that time, Schneider was not yet involved in the work on the study of alien technology. It took him about 2 years to heal the injuries sustained by the shootout. After that, he began working at a "known" secret facility - Area 51, near Las Vegas.

Anxiety about government action or wagons for prisoners …

When Phil got to work at Area 51, he first felt uneasy about what he was doing. He began to question the federal government's actions. Employees of this base were engaged in the study of alien technologies that they received from aliens in exchange for the ability to abduct people and conduct experiments on them.

One day, a friend of his who worked for the Gunderson company (casting and processing steel), agitated and agitated, literally burst into his house. When he calmed down a bit, Phil learned that his comrade was also working on a secret project to develop the most advanced trains for prisoners. This was not the main thing in his story - it was horrifying that the government ordered 107,200 such cars, in each of them, according to the project, it was planned to place 143 prisoners.


A simple miscalculation then showed Schneider that these cars would be enough to transport 15 million prisoners at a time. The seats in these cars were probably intended for those citizens who would not agree with the actions of the federal government. 11 subcontractors were involved in the production of these cars, and only one company of his friend received more than $ 2 billion in profit for fulfilling the order.

US black budgets for UFO and alien cooperation programs

During the speeches, Schneider described in detail the cooperation schemes of contractors who carried out work on cooperation programs with aliens. As an example, he cited work on Stealth fighters, of which there are already more than 30 prototypes, and their development in 5 years cost taxpayers $ 245.6 million. He argued that the technologies used in the design of Stealth were copied from alien aircraft and were obtained through exchanges between our civilizations. The total size of the shadow budget, which was intended to finance work on the study of alien technology, according to Phil was $ 1.3 trillion. These costs have never been shown to the general public and have not been reflected in any official report.

Among the permanent contractors of the federal government in the framework of the program for interaction with alien civilizations, Schneider named the following companies:

• EG & G

• Westinghouse

• McDonnell Douglas

• Morrison - Knudson

• Wackenhut security systems

• Boeing Aerospace

• Lorimar

• Mitsibishi Industries

• Rider

• Bechtel

• I. GГ. Farben

In total, about 100 large companies were involved in the work.

Star Wars, the Evidence of the Alien Threat and the Cover-up of the Truth

Humanity has always been kept in the dark about what was happening. For example, Schneider said that the true purpose of the Space Shuttle flights is to obtain the necessary components to build new types of aircraft. In fact, the shuttles carried out "shuttle" missions - once in orbit, the mission staff had to process large ingots of specially prepared metals in a special way in order to obtain new material that was impossible to obtain in the earth's atmosphere. For its synthesis, conditions close to vacuum are required.

Phil was convinced that the entire Star Wars program was acting as a buffer to prevent an alien attack. He argued that the program had nothing to do with the Cold War, which was a kind of toy in the hands of the authorities, which served as a convenient reason for explaining such colossal costs.

During his time for the government, Schneider has participated in 13 of the largest projects for the construction of deep underground bases throughout America. She has also worked on sites in Malta, West Germany and Italy.