Defragmentation Of Consciousness - Alternative View

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Defragmentation Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Defragmentation Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Defragmentation Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Defragmentation Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality | Anil Seth 2024, October

All your illnesses, accidents that happen to you, your poor health, your anger and discontent with life are the result of information poisons and pollutants that have entered your head. Do you feel sick. Why? Because the day before, someone blamed you. You slipped and got yourself a bump. Why? Because an hour before, someone criticized you. You feel extremely tired and unwilling to live because one of your family members constantly offends you. You are scared and afraid to take on the simplest thing, because someone said that you are not capable of anything. You are weak. You have been conquered. Your soul is under occupation.

All of the above events are the result of the action of psychological poisons. Poisons undermine your immunity and other defenses. Unfortunately, you cannot stop people from criticizing you, but you can refuse to listen to criticism. It is at the level of thoughts. This does not mean that the first time you try to criticize your actions, you have to shout: “Shut up! I don't want to know anything! - and then walk all day and mentally swear: “Here is a bastard, he dared to criticize me! He said I was a coward. Well, I'll prove it to him …”That would mean that you accepted the criticism anyway.

But we must not accept it, that is, not think it over. The same goes for any other pollutant. As soon as they begin to implant him in your head, you must slam the "door" in front of his very nose. To do this, you just need to have two skills: the first is to recognize the contaminant, the second is to prevent it from entering your head. Even if resentment or fear does not leave you in any way, sometimes it is enough to know that this is a poison in your head and you yourself are responsible for finding it there, and not someone else.

Blocking polluters is a much more difficult skill than recognizing them. To do this, in your head must be installed - the main block: "I DO NOT PLEASE, MEANS, I DO NOT NEED IT!" and two additional locks: "FALSE!" and "NOT INTERESTING!" At least one of the blockages should arise as a conditioned reflex to the corresponding messages from others. Remember that these are brain blockages, not words that you need to say out loud. You can answer what etiquette requires, but your soul must remain clean due to the slamming "doors" in time:



You are criticized - I DO NOT PLEASE, MEANS I DO NOT NEED IT!


Promotional video:

They scare you - LIE! (NOT INTERESTED!)

Negative prediction is FALSE!

Your self-esteem is lowered - I DO NOT PLEASE, IT MEANS I DO NOT NEED IT!

They are offended at you - I DO NOT PLEASE, IT MEANS I DO NOT NEED IT!


The news on TV makes you alarmed - NOT INTERESTING!

Run this program in your brain, let it work, let it reject poisonous information! In addition, always evaluate people not according to the criterion: "Did he want to hurt me?" - but according to the criterion: "Is it bad for me from his words and actions?"

To even more reliably protect yourself from garbage entering your head, it is advisable to build your life according to the MIRROR PRINCIPLE. This will create a double barrier to the entry of poisons into your head. Realization of only one thing: "I myself never do this to people!" - gives the full right to refuse such "services" around. Of course, this should be said in extremely rare cases, but nevertheless sometimes it is worth saying: "I never criticize anyone, and I should not be criticized!"

You can teach a person, but only in appropriate situations and only by building a positive program for him. You should always teach a person without introducing poisons into his head!

Rules to follow to mirror all pollutants intending to enter your soul:

Don't criticize - don't listen to criticism.

Don't even mentally blame - don't feel guilty.

Do not offend - do not be offended.

Give others (and yourself) only positive predictions, and if you need to warn you, then do it by reporting only specific facts, without emotion. For example, say, “Thirteen crimes have been committed in this area in the last week,” instead of “Don't go there! They will probably kill you there!"

Don't be afraid - don't be afraid.

Don't lower others' self-esteem - don't listen to those who try to lower your self-esteem.

Don't point out to others their flaws - don't mind if they point you to yours.

Don't build destructive programs for others - don't let yourself build them.

Considering that the “not” particle is not perceived by the subconscious, other formulations of the MIRROR RULES for dealing with people look like this:


Understand other people's motives for doing bad things!

Take care of someone else's psyche!

Give only positive predictions or say: "You will be fine!"

Calm down!

Boost self-esteem for others!

Point out their merits to others!

If you can, lay positive programs on the subconscious of others, while observing two conditions:

a) programs should be positive from their point of view, not from yours;

b) programs should not contain evil in relation to someone else.

If you want to point out to someone his wrong behavior and make him behave differently (as you like), then do not forget that the same thought can always be expressed as a negative statement or a positive one. Express it positively.

To wean from something means to teach something the opposite.

To stop doing something means to start doing something else.

You can lead a different lifestyle. You can be beaten and beat others, believing that it is impossible otherwise. But in this case, there is always a risk of serious injury. You can treat others and yourself with respect, take care of yourself and others, realizing that every person is a PERSONALITY WITH DIGNITY. This applies not only to the physical, but also to the psychological side of life, psychological even more. In our century, we are cultured enough not to beat each other physically, but psychologically it happens everywhere, it is less noticeable, but no less painful. Unfortunately, our medieval thirst for executions has not gone anywhere, it is simply not accepted now to demonstrate this, nowadays it is fashionable to look kind. In addition, it is much easier to drive a person to suicide by psychological beating than by physical beating - there is a lot of evidence of this!

The same is the case with injuries. A kick in the stomach is easier to heal than a stomach ulcer caused by mental trauma, because in the second case it is more difficult to identify and remove the main destructive agent that can act in a person's head for a long time and build a destructive program there. And this program simply cannot be cured with medicines.

Do not hit others and put a protective shell on your soul against the blows of others! Let them beat off their fists, but nothing will disturb your blissful existence!