Disappeared Lemuria - Alternative View

Disappeared Lemuria - Alternative View
Disappeared Lemuria - Alternative View

Video: Disappeared Lemuria - Alternative View

Video: Disappeared Lemuria - Alternative View
Video: Unbelievably Bizarre Disappearance Near Mt. Shasta (Incredible Story) 2024, October

Many of us have heard about the disappeared Atlantis, but legends speak of an even more ancient country of Lemuria. What kind of country is this? Unfortunately, very little is known about her in our time, which gave rise to the most fantastic hypotheses and conjectures. Basically, the source of information about Lemuria is the works of esotericists, which, however, refer to the ancient legends of India, Indochina, Fr. Sri Lanka and the islands of the Polynesian peoples.

In 1891, after a series of travels, the esoteric writer Helena Blavatsky published the book "The Secret Doctrine", in which she argued that in ancient times there was a giant continent Lemuria. According to Blavatsky's calculations, parts of Lemuria sank in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans about 12,000 years ago. This continent included Siberia and Kamchatka, stretching from Norway to Easter Island. According to the Rosicrucians, the inhabitants of Lemuria were called Lemurians. Indian legends speak of them as a race of giants, the first of which reached 18 meters in height. Later Lemurians had a more "modest" height - up to 6 meters. The inhabitants of Lemuria possessed superhuman abilities and could use the energy of the Subtle World, penetrating into it, and receiving knowledge from there. This gave them the opportunity to build structures incomprehensible by modern concepts. At the same time, the British occultist writer James Churchward, as well as Helena Blavatsky, argued that Lemuria was ruled by a short priestly race of "naascals". Despite its power, Lemuria died in a terrible disaster, hiding in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and only small parts of the great continent survived. As to what exactly killed Lemuria, there are two views: earthquakes and volcanic fire, or the flood itself. Be that as it may, but Lemuria was under water, according to legend, being punished by God for extreme arrogance, abuse of power and drowning in sins. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of one and the other civilization is equally tragic.that Lemuria was ruled by a stunted priestly race of the Naascals. Despite its power, Lemuria died in a terrible disaster, hiding in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and only small parts of the great continent survived. As to what exactly killed Lemuria, there are two views: earthquakes and volcanic fire, or the flood itself. Be that as it may, but Lemuria was under water, according to legend, being punished by God for extreme arrogance, abuse of power and drowning in sins. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of one and the other civilization is equally tragic.that Lemuria was ruled by a stunted priestly race of the Naascals. Despite its power, Lemuria died in a terrible disaster, hiding in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and only small parts of the great continent survived. As to what exactly killed Lemuria, there are two views: earthquakes and volcanic fire, or the flood itself. Be that as it may, but Lemuria was under water, according to legend, being punished by God for extreme arrogance, abuse of power and drowning in sins. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of one and the other civilization is equally tragic.and only small sections of the great continent survived. As to what exactly killed Lemuria, there are two views: earthquakes and volcanic fire, or the flood itself. Be that as it may, but Lemuria was under water, according to legend, being punished by God for extreme arrogance, abuse of power and drowning in sins. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of one and the other civilization is equally tragic.and only small sections of the great continent survived. As to what exactly killed Lemuria, there are two views: earthquakes and volcanic fire, or the flood itself. Be that as it may, but Lemuria was under water, according to legend, being punished by God for extreme arrogance, abuse of power and drowning in sins. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of one and the other civilization is equally tragic. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of one and the other civilization is equally tragic. There is an assumption that the legendary Atlantis received its knowledge from the Lemurians. However, the ending of one and the other civilization is equally tragic.

Is there any evidence of the existence of Lemuria today? Indeed, although no direct evidence has been found, many indirect signs give reason for speculation. For example, 23 megalithic temples have been discovered in Malta. Scientists have not yet been able to give an answer what civilization they were built and where their builders disappeared. Radiocarbon analysis showed that the buildings of stone blocks were erected around 3600 BC. e. Based on the similarity of the buildings of Malta, Easter Island and the city of Cuzco in Peru, a number of scientists have come to an unequivocal conclusion: the Earth could have been ruled by one civilization that disappeared after the ice age.

Peter Longbau, a historian from the United States, stated the following: “It has long been suggested that the islands of Malta and Gozo are the remnants of a once large continent. build dozens of huge temples on their own."

Another mystery is the giant statues of Easter Island, the remnant of the supposed mainland of Lemuria. How these statues were moved remains a complete mystery. How did they move tens of kilometers, weighing hundreds of tons? Locals claim that in ancient times they moved on their own … Here one should remember the ancient British legends about giants capable of moving huge masses through the air, and about the giant stone mirrors of Tibet, built by the Sons of the Gods with the help of the "energy of the Spirit." Scientists are gradually coming to the conclusion about the interconnectedness of amazing megalithic structures around the world. They are large-scale, mysterious. What role did Lemuria play in a lost world? Who were the giants of incredible height? Interestingly, the Apocryphal Book of Enoch, as well as the Book of Jubilees, speak of guardians (special angels),sent to the aid of the first people to transfer the necessary knowledge (the Indian tradition speaks about the same allegorically). However, the guards, seeing the beauty of earthly women, neglected their high mission and the glory of Heaven. They taught people forbidden knowledge and entered into forbidden alliances with women, taking them as their wives. The result of such supernatural marriages was the born evil giants, which ultimately became the cause of the Flood:ultimately and caused the Flood:ultimately and caused the Flood:

“And it happened when the sons of the children of men began to multiply on the surface of the whole earth and daughters were born to them, the angels of the Lord saw in one year of this jubilee that they were beautiful in appearance. And they took them for their wives, choosing them from all; and they bore them sons, who became giants. And untruth became stronger on earth, and all flesh perverted its path, from people to cattle … Everyone perverted their path and their order and began to devour each other … "[Book. Anniversaries: 5]

Thus, Lemuria could really exist, and it was inhabited by the very first giants mentioned in the Bible and many popular legends. The skeletons of giant people, heavily hidden from the public, also confirm the truth of the stories about Lemuria. It should be noted that in the days before the Flood, all living things had a gigantic size according to modern concepts, and the usual height of a person could reach 2.5 - 3 m. Therefore, a giant for that time (5 - 10 m) looks from a modern point of view in general fantasy … However, such skeletons or their fragments have been found.

Of course, one can argue a lot about Lemuria, because time has reliably hidden many evidence of its existence, but one thing is clear - it was part of the antediluvian world, and died, like Atlantis as a result of a global cataclysm. Like modern mankind, they strove to master power and knowledge, but they were able to direct them only to their own destruction.

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