Children About UFOs - Alternative View

Children About UFOs - Alternative View
Children About UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Children About UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Children About UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Video captures flying objects that officials can't explain 2024, July

In the previous article, I only mentioned one of our old wards - the boy Sasha. Remember how, waking up one morning, he went to the glass and began to beat it with his hand, trying to test its strength. " This six-year-old baby, with his childish mind, could not understand himself and explain to his mother how at night he was carried through the glass by some "uncles" up to the ceiling, dressed in silvery spacesuits.

Of course, his name is not really that, but I have the right to call him only by a conventional name. And oh, how many unusual events happened to him in his entire life. Using the example of the most varied oddities that were with this boy, you can compose a real encyclopedia of anomalies. These anomalous incidents were witnessed not only by himself and his closest relatives, but also by strangers. I think that it will be useful for you too to know at least a small part of such events - suddenly your children or grandchildren once told about such incidents …

The kid was a little over three years old, and just before some holiday, the family woke up from his cry. He ran into his parents' bedroom, tried to say something, but nothing came of it. It was evident that, crying, the baby seemed to be trying to chew something. It took him a long time to calm down, and then the boy talked about the reason for his fear.

It turned out that a very tall "uncle" entered his room and took him in his arms (the boy even figuratively compared - they say, "shuffles his head on the ceiling") in a shiny overalls with a "suitcase" behind his back, and went out with Sasha … right through the window pane. Judging by the description, Sasha's curators belonged to the so-called "Nordic type" of aliens. Outwardly, they are identical to you and me, you can only distinguish them due to their higher growth and some very regular facial features.

Sketch of one of the contacts with the "Nordic type" aliens
Sketch of one of the contacts with the "Nordic type" aliens

Sketch of one of the contacts with the "Nordic type" aliens

It was one of the first abductions we know that this child took part in. He told everything he remembered. His speech was childishly naive, he selected comparisons and examples from his at that time still very small life experience. And I will keep some definitions exactly the same as Sasha used.

So, what happened next was this. "Uncle" (he really looked like a man, only he was very tall) brought him to a round "plane" with "windows" on the sides and four headlights below. Inside he was poured with "water" - a liquid that is "not wet, but shiny", and put on a chair, which, "as you sit on it - a chair, and as you get up - a ball." The kid looked out the "window" and saw how the city forest, on the edge of which the aircraft was standing, was decreasing in size. Then a blue "ball" appeared outside the window, and "my uncle said it was Earth."

Sasha was put on the table under the headlights, like in a hospital (in the operating room). "Uncle" stuffed sticky cotton wool into his mouth, so that he could neither cry nor speak (it turns out that the boy was trying to get rid of its remains when he returned home). A "helmet with wires" was put on his head, and there was also a screen with "jumping lights" in sight. Sasha looked at this screen, and almost immediately fell into oblivion. Having come to his senses, the child discovered that there was another table nearby, on which lay another - unfamiliar to him - boy. "Uncle" said with satisfaction: "Everything is fine, we are still flying with you." Apparently, during these procedures, the boy's health was assessed.

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Compare how similarly a three-year-old child describes the scenario of a classic rotational abduction - abduction, but at the same time the child had nowhere to take a sample for his story - he did not know how to read at that moment in time, and then all these supernatural attributes were absolutely indifferent to the parents and therefore did not even familiar.

The child did not describe or remember the process of returning home.

Sasha saw the Earth like this during one of the abductions
Sasha saw the Earth like this during one of the abductions

Sasha saw the Earth like this during one of the abductions

Examining her son in the morning, the mother found changes - a growth appeared on his ear bone, as it were, a fairly hard formation about the size of a pea. This formation was firmly attached to the bone, and the skin moved freely along it. Maybe a tumor? But a day ago there was no bump in this place. This education existed unchanged exactly until the moment (more precisely, that night) when the parents appeared for a consultation with us, and together with them we decided that it would be necessary to check this place on a thermal imager for possible attachment of an implant (such cases have already happened repeatedly in ufological practice, and I talked about some situations in the article "CHIP is a delicate matter").

So, we agreed to go with the child to the doctor in a day. It was not so! The next night went well, and the next night, at the beginning of the fifth morning, his mother woke up somehow abruptly, with a feeling of anxiety (although the illness of his eldest son, Sasha's brother, taught them and her husband to sleep very lightly, this time they seemed to have fallen into sleep) - and immediately to Sasha's bed. It was wooden, old and creaky, with wooden bars on the sides. The son was not in the crib. He always slept from ten in the evening to nine in the morning, almost never waking up and never even getting up to use the toilet. But even if he suddenly began to crawl out of the crib, then from a loud squeak, the mother would definitely wake up.

They began to look for the child, but he was nowhere to be found. Desperate, the father suddenly saw his son in the hallway at the front door on the floor - curled up in a ball, he was fast asleep. For the sake of objectivity, I must say that a few minutes before that the hallway was also examined, but the child was not there. They carried the child to the crib, but it turned out to be useless to wake him up - only for a second opening his eyes that did not understand anything from sleep, he immediately fell asleep again and slept that day until six o'clock in the evening. Mom instinctively felt his head - the bumps behind his ear were gone …

It must be admitted that the intervention of the curators (I have to call them that, because with no degree of certainty it is impossible to assert which race or community they belong to) was aimed at regulating the boy's health. Soon after the onset of behind-the-ear education, Sasha's speech improved, and his hearing recovered from 60% to almost normal.


Curators for many years did not leave Sasha without attention. The child many times shared with his mother the details of the next "travel".

There was a time when he was unlucky literally at every step - he stumbled, ran into corners and, finally, fell hard and received a concussion. I had to arrange bed rest for several days. And one of those nights he was again taken somewhere by the "uncles". They were also tall, but they were dressed, however, in dark, tight, like leotards, overalls. While they were bringing the boy aboard, they grumbled: "You took something to fall!"

Sasha, when the “uncles” came for him, tried to call his mother, but she did not hear - she was watching TV. There was a brother in the room, but he was fast asleep. This time the journey took place as usual, that is, through the doors. The outer door was metal. According to the boy, one of the “uncles” took out an object that looked like a short tube (and you remember that this is an indispensable attribute of many ufological contacts), pointed it at the door lock, it clicked, and the door opened itself. Near the entrance there was … an ordinary car.

The curators, together with Sasha, got into it and drove off somewhere. We then asked the boy, how did they - so big - fit in a simple car? The child's response sounded a light note of condescension towards stupid adults: “They are not like us. They can shrink and fit wherever you want."

The boy, without realizing it, noted an important feature - the structure of the body of the aliens is somehow different, allowing them to transform, change their size. But the same feature was noted by other contactees. And, again, the child had nowhere to know this, respectively, and he could not come up with this feature - he simply conveyed his impressions.

The aliens brought the child by "car" to the "ship" of aluminum color. Its dimensions, of course, a six-year-old kid could not give in meters, but comparison with the surrounding objects showed that the object had quite impressive dimensions: the width of the roadbed, the height of a 3-storey building, the length "like our house", i.e. meters 150-200. This ship had portholes, square entrance hatches opened "like curtains", i.e. moved apart. In the early dusk everything was clearly visible.

Cigar-shaped UFOs have been spotted many times in our area and around the planet, for example, as in this photo taken in Cameroon
Cigar-shaped UFOs have been spotted many times in our area and around the planet, for example, as in this photo taken in Cameroon

Cigar-shaped UFOs have been spotted many times in our area and around the planet, for example, as in this photo taken in Cameroon

Cigar-shaped UFOs have been spotted many times in our area and around the planet, for example, as in this photo taken in Cameroon

It is very interesting that a chain of people ("uncles and aunts"), mostly middle-aged, was drawn to this ship. The kid does not remember the elderly in the queue, but there were children. When asked what kind of people they were, he answered: "How are we," adding that they were somehow sleepy and moved somewhat mechanically. The chain disappeared inside. Nobody came back. (And in one of the issues of "Chronicles …" I have already cited exactly the same testimony from Togliatti Marina, who accidentally confused all the plans of the kidnappers).

Apparently, Sasha's curators did not really like the talkativeness of his mother, who shared the details of her son's stories not only with us, but also with various healers, psychologists, in short, with many. Being at the age of six, he even somehow in his hearts uttered to her, they say, you tell everything, and “uncles” scold me for it! I won't say anything else! But he did not fulfill his threat - all the same then he periodically talked about new anomalous incidents.

And here it should be borne in mind that some psychophysical technologies are sometimes used to hide information, as a result of which false memories are created in the focal person, replacing the true picture of the events taking place with such a person.

Tatiana Makarova