Egg Cosmology - Alternative View

Egg Cosmology - Alternative View
Egg Cosmology - Alternative View

Video: Egg Cosmology - Alternative View

Video: Egg Cosmology - Alternative View
Video: Яйцо - Короткий рассказ 2024, October

- Which came before, the chicken or the egg?

- Before everything was.

(Anecdote of the last years of the existence of the USSR)

In the same cases, when the Russian says: - "Easier than a steamed turnip", the British use their analogue: - "Simple as an egg." Is it just an egg? After all, such a great attention is paid to him literally in all ancient cultures. The worldview and cosmology of the Aryans, Indians and Slavs was based precisely on the legends about the origin of the earth, man and the structure of the world, inextricably linked with the world duck and egg.

Why is a modern man so frivolously writing down the knowledge of ancestors in simple fairy tales? It may be easier to remember what has been known from the ages, and not to spend billions on sending a piece of iron into space, which is not the fact that they really fly.

There are not many left who will deny the fact that we see only what we are shown, or rather a small fraction of what lies right before our eyes. We think, and naively believe that these are our own thoughts. A person is inclined to believe in the existence of electrons, which no one has seen, and does not believe his own eyes, only because someone, having a title and a scientific degree, said that the world is arranged this way and not otherwise.

Well, how do these scientists differ from religious dogmas? I don't see any difference at all. The difference is only external, but it does not matter, because the essence is different. The point is to subordinate the consciousness of the masses to one, profitable idea. And this idea is not at all for a person. It is for those who rule the world, and who knows that they will rule for a long time. Exactly until the moment when the information is kept under lock and key, and is available only to the elite. Even not all top officials of states have access to knowledge about the structure of the world.

It `s naturally. The foreman is always more knowledgeable than the excavator. So, hardly anyone will dispute the accuracy of the statement that everything we know about the structure of the world is not even a half-truth, but most likely a lie? And it does not matter from whose mouth it is, the servants of the Lord, or the servants of the "temple of science."

Promotional video:

And if you look at the world without looking back at the hundreds of nails driven into the brain at school and college. Remember how Sherlock Holmes was surprised to learn that the Earth revolves around the sun, and not vice versa? He said to the shocked Watson: “But my eyes tell me that rather the Sun revolves around the Earth. However, maybe he is right, yours … like him - Copernicus."

And then Conan Doyle put an ingenious phrase into the mouth of a literary character: “Understand: the human brain is an empty attic where you can stuff anything you want. The fool does just that: he drags the necessary and unnecessary there. And finally, the moment comes when the most necessary thing cannot be stuffed there. Or is it hidden so far away that you cannot reach it. I do everything differently. In my attic there are only the tools I need. There are many of them, but they are in perfect order and always at hand. And I don’t need extra rubbish.”

Of course, this is part of the worldview of Arthur Conan Doyle himself, who was associated with the intelligence service of the British crown and with the Freemasons. It can be assumed that he knew what he was talking about.

The evidence that modern science is lying to us at every step is overwhelming. Take, for example, the famous "Star Paradox". Let me remind you of its essence:

In an infinite stationary universe, evenly filled with stars, the night sky should shine dazzlingly, because, in whatever direction we look, our gaze must collide with at least one star. It would seem that if a star is extremely distant, then the intensity of its radiation should be extremely weakened, and we should not see it. But the brightness of the stellar radiation reaching us depends not only on the distance to the star, but also on the solid angle at which we see this star. That is, at a great distance from the star, we should perceive it as bright as close. Since our Sun is one of the most common type of stars in the Universe, then, therefore, our night sky should shine with the brightness of the Sun …

The paradox of the starry sky
The paradox of the starry sky

The paradox of the starry sky.

And how many people would explain to me that everything is as it should be, everything is correct, because … Attention! There is a Big Bang Theory! Fine. Yes? They appeal with a THEORY that has not been proven by anyone. This is our scientific science …

But what about Oort's theory? After all, this is another indirect evidence of the existence of an "eggshell" around the solar system, which is recognized by the majority of "traditional" scientists.

It was noticed that far beyond the orbits of the distant planets of Neptune and Pluto, the solar system is surrounded by a spherical cluster of massive bodies, influencing their own gravitational gravity on the orbits of comets.

Since the Oort cloud does not interfere with the penetration of light from other stars into the interior of the solar system, such as the vast nebulae of the Milky Way, which completely limit the visibility of certain parts of the starry sky, it is safe to say that the Oort cloud is a very thin man-made sarcophagus of elongated stones approximately 200 x 1000 km, densely packed without gaps in a checkerboard in several layers, like a bulletproof vest that protects the solar system from meteorites and asteroids, while not limiting the visibility of the starry sky.

Oort cloud
Oort cloud

Oort cloud.

And this theory also has a number of proofs. One of them is known to almost everyone. This is the "Radioechoic effect", which scientists cannot clearly explain in other ways.

It is not for nothing that the teaching of astronomy was banned all over the world, and astronomical sites are being closed, with whole lists. Well, people are not supposed to know the truth, let them take academicians' word for it, without demanding evidence, understandable and reasonable.

Meanwhile, simple explanations for overlaps, inconsistencies and contradictions in scientific interpretations exist. It's simple. If everything is not as we are told, then in fact, everything is exactly the opposite. Or so. But the fact that the Earth does not revolve around the sun, as we imagine it, I have practically no doubts.

But here you are literally on your fingers. And you don't need any TBV and other thought viruses that most earthlings are infected with. Rational version from Sergey Veretennikov:

Veretennikov managed to make a simple and understandable visualization, but his version does not answer all the questions. Neither does the more plausible version of the sixteenth-century Danish mathematician Tycho Brahe, which is now generally accepted. According to his calculations, the Earth with the Moon revolving around it is located inside the stellar sphere, and a system of the Sun revolves around the Earth, around which all other planets revolve.

Cosmology Tycho Brahe
Cosmology Tycho Brahe

Cosmology Tycho Brahe.

But this theory is not able to eliminate all contradictions. But if everyone around is wrong, and right only partially, then how is it right?

Cosmology of the Slavs Cosmology of the Slavs
Cosmology of the Slavs Cosmology of the Slavs

Cosmology of the Slavs Cosmology of the Slavs.

We will not invent anything. Let's follow the example of the British educational TV channel and open the "Book of Books". Everything is clearly said there, without allegories, metaphors and grotesque. Clearly, scientifically, but with my notes in brackets: -

  1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
  2. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. (Pay attention! God - did not create water!)
  3. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.
  4. And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. (i.e. darkness, this is also not his creation).
  5. And God called light day, and darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.
  6. And God said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it separate water from water. (it seems to be clear, the firmament is land, but no! Read the "instruction" further.)
  7. And God created the firmament, and separated the water that is under the firmament from the water that is above the firmament. And it became so. (water UNDER the firmament and ABOVE the firmament. How is that? The one - that is from the well, and the one - that is from the clouds?)
  8. And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day. (Nothing of the kind! The firmament is the SKY. This means that the sky separated the water from the water, and the birds rushing through the firmament could drink both below and above, above the sky.)
  9. And God said: Let the water that is under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it became so. (And what happened to the water that is above the sky?)
  10. And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of the waters called seas. And God saw that it was good.
  11. And God said: Let the earth bring forth greenery, herb that sows seed, a fruitful tree, bearing fruit after its kind, in which is its seed on the earth. And it became so.
  12. And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and a tree yielding fruit, in which is its seed after its kind. And God saw that it was good.
  13. And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
  14. And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to separate day from night, and for signs and seasons and days and years;
  15. And let them be lights in the firmament of heaven to shine on the earth. And it became so. (Lamps and distant suns, in my opinion, are not the same)
  16. And God created two great luminaries: a greater luminary to govern the day, and a lesser one to govern the night, and the stars;
  17. And God set them in the firmament of heaven to shine on the earth,
  18. and rule day and night, and separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. (it is obvious that the Sun, like the Moon, are just lamps, and are fixed in the sky, together with the stars. They do not fly and do not rotate anywhere. The Earth rotates so that night turns into day and summer turns to summer.)
  19. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.
  20. And God said: Let the water bring forth reptiles, the living soul; and let the birds fly over the earth, in the firmament of heaven. (Well … the solid is just the sky!)

(Genesis 1: 1-20)


So we arrived. There is, or was there, water above the sky. Okay, even if these are clouds, although there is a version that the water was actually in large quantities over the firmament. It was, but spilled on the ground for forty days, and it was then that Noah saved the gene pool of the inhabitants of the Earthlings on his ark. Is there something incomprehensible? There is. What is above the water above the firmament? It is said - the sky on which the luminaries are fixed. And what kind of sky is it, on which you can fix something, like sticking a pin into a pillow?

Astronauts are silent on this matter like a fish on ice. This is understandable. No one has ever been in outer space. Those we call astronauts are actually stratonauts. They hang out in the upper most rarefied layers of the atmosphere. There can be no talk of space travel here. And what about the "Pioneers", "Voyagers", are they far from the edge of the galaxy?

Infinitely far! Few people know about this, but the truth is that not a single earthly apparatus has left the limits of the solar system yet. The fastest still "slips" around Neptune, and cannot go into deep space. Suggestive, isn't it? It seems to me, gentlemen, that once again they want to offend us, but it is very similar to the fact that the sky, in fact, is a kind of shell, quite real and impenetrable for "cosmic bodies".

We seem to be in a cocoon, more precisely in an egg, on the inner wall of the shell of which LEDs are burning - stars, and all this is fiction, megaparsecs and light years of the way from star to star. They are all side by side, on the same dome. What … Remembered the "Hollow Earth Theory"? And rightly so.

After all, until the twenties of the twentieth century, this theory was considered by science as completely equal, no better and no worse than other theories, so why was it declared a "pseudoscience"? Could someone provide irrefutable evidence? So there are none to this day. On the contrary, more and more facts indicate that this is a very real picture of the world. It at least explains the nature of gravity, in contrast to the Newtonian model. If we are inside a rotating sphere, then it is natural that centrifugal forces act on us in such a way that they press everything on earth to the surface. They press, but we are not attracted like magnets.

The structure of the Earth according to the ideas of the Hellenes
The structure of the Earth according to the ideas of the Hellenes

The structure of the Earth according to the ideas of the Hellenes.

Well done ancient Greeks! They not only preserved the legends about the structure of the world, but even drew a diagram, although they did not bother to leave the translation. But nothing, we are able to fly by "instruments", in complete darkness. If not for these commissions for the "fight against pseudosciences." Well this is necessary, they lived to see the new Inquisition. They decide there, scientifically - not scientifically. Do you know that patent offices still do not accept applications for registration of such inventions as "perpetual motion machine" and "underwater machine"? But this is so! Despite the fact that the underwater machine gun was invented a long time ago in the USSR, and it is in service.

Special underwater assault rifle (APS)
Special underwater assault rifle (APS)

Special underwater assault rifle (APS).

How so? The machine gun is in service, but it cannot be invented, because, according to scientists, this is impossible, along with a perpetual motion machine! And what to do with a magnet, for example? It also contradicts the canonical paradigm, radiates energy, receiving nothing in return, to replenish it, but everyone uses magnets! But in accordance with the logic of academicians, this is impossible, because it contradicts the law of conservation of energy. What, don't you know what it is? Yes, elementary:

Law of energy conservation
Law of energy conservation

Law of energy conservation.

I believe that someone understood. And the majority? This is the essence of "science" - to make the simple complex, accessible only to the priests from the "temple of science". The terminology doesn't even change, you feel? They are priests !!! (greece), close to the Gods, and others for them so …

Well, now, I propose to turn to one more book that claims to be divine wisdom as well as the "book of books" - Mahabharata. It clearly states what our world is like. Sage Parasara confessed, as if by spirit, that the World is an egg, inside the sun and the planet, in the center is the earth, supported by ether.

Egg! Everything is simple and straightforward, as the English say. And what about the Slavs? It turns out the same thing! Do not believe the Vedas and the Veles book, believe the apocrypha "About all creation." If this is falsification, read the fairy tales. The fairy tale is not a lie, everyone admits it. It is very clear, and even with comments. Here is the Russian fairy tale "On the Three Kingdoms". The hero, going in search of three princesses in the underworld, successively ends up in the copper, silver and gold kingdoms. Each princess gives the hero an egg, into which he turns the kingdoms in turn. Having got out into the light, he throws eggs on the ground and unfolds all three kingdoms.

The motif of the egg also sounds in the tales about the chicken Ryaba, Koschey the Immortal and the Snake - Gorynych. (Lonely matryoshka).


The basis of the life and death of Koshchei the Immortal is a needle in an egg in a duck, and a duck in a hare, a hare in a chest, a chest in a tree. The most real description of the development of the world. The unity of the two parallels is clearly visible here, in the development of the human structure.

Egg (container for ripening). This is a "fiery" environment for the improvement of consciousness, one of the five eastern elements of earthly existence and development:

- duck (water, that is, prenatal stage);

- hare (earth, that is, earthly life);

- chest with chains (metal, that is, life experience, knowledge);

- the tree on which the chest hangs (Tree of Life, that is, the Law of the Development and Immortality of the World).


One of the old legends says: “In the beginning, when there was nothing in the world except the boundless sea, a duck, flying over it, dropped an egg into the depths of water. The egg cracked, and from its lower part came Mother - cheese earth, and from the upper rose a high vault of heaven.

Another legend connects the appearance of the world with the duel of the hero with the serpent, who guarded the golden egg. The hero killed the serpent, cracked the egg - three kingdoms emerged from it: heavenly, earthly and underground.

Here you need to focus on the duck - the world duck. It is found in the cosmogony of different countries and peoples.

Continuing the "egg theme" I cannot but share the discovery of a previously unknown version of the tale:

  1. Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,
  2. They had a poached chicken.
  3. The chicken took the testicle:
  4. Motley, astonishing, bone, tricky, -
  5. I planted a testicle in an aspen tree
  6. In the kut under the bench.
  7. The mouse ran, returned with its tail,
  8. The testicle broke.
  9. The grandfather began to cry about this testicle,
  10. Grandma to cry, faith to laugh,
  11. Chickens fly, gates creak,
  12. Rubbish under the doorstep curled up,
  13. The doors got loose, the tyn crumbled,
  14. The top of the hut staggered …
  15. And the ryaba chicken says to them:
  16. - Grandfather don't cry, grandma don't cry,
  17. Do not fly chickens
  18. Do not creak the gate, rubbish under the threshold
  19. Don't smoke
  20. Do not crumble
  21. Do not stagger the top of the hut -
  22. I'll take you another testicle:
  23. Motley, astonishing, bone, intricate,
  24. The testicle is not simple - golden.

Note: Kut is a corner in a hut, a counter, a chest in which chickens were kept in winter.

Verei - pillars on which the gates were hung.

They got bogged down - bulged, arched, uncuffed.

Tyn - solid wooden fence, palisade.

Quite another matter! Here you have both cosmogony and development against the background of an unprecedented cataclysm, a topic for a dissertation!


Doesn't it look like anything?


And why suddenly “seven in the shops”, “FAMILY”, “seven seas”, “seventh heaven”? And traditionally there were seven nesting dolls? So it … Look with your own eyes, it's chewed and put in your mouth!

The planets of the solar system
The planets of the solar system

The planets of the solar system.

Don't just look at the fact that there are eight planets. There were nine and ten of them at different times. Either they will be “demoted” into “planetoids”, like Pluto, or they will find a new “X” or “Nibiru”. By the way, here is Pluto with a highly elongated orbit:

Field marks originated in the UK
Field marks originated in the UK

Field marks originated in the UK.

Please note: Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter are depicted on the grass as balls, and Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury are hollow spheres!

I would venture to conclude that in all the clues, the two most important points are the number seven, and the egg. Seven notes, seven chakras of a person:


Chakras of the Earth:


Keys to the Earth Chakra Map

The chakras of the vital centers of the Earth correspond not only to certain places on the planet, but also to the signs of the zodiac. You can see the correspondence table below.

Aries - Haleakala Crater, Hawaii, Pacific Ocean - Planetary Wheel of Fire (Thrower)

Taurus - Mount Shasta, California, North America - Planetary Foundation Chakra.

Gemini - El Tule tree and complex in Palenque, Mexico - Planetary Center of Androgyny and Harmony

Cancer - Lake Titicaca in South America, Bolivia - Peru - Planetary Sexual Chakra.

Leo - Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England - Planetary Heart Chakra (also movable eyebrow chakra).

Virgo - Table Mountain, South Africa, Cape Town - Earth's Planetary Wheel.

Libra - Great Pyramid, Mount Sinai, Mount of Olives in the Middle East - Planetary Throat Chakra and Planetary Wheel of Air.

Scorpio - Mount Kailash, Tibet, China - Planetary Crown Chakra.

Sagittarius - Bali, Indonesia - Planetary Cleansing Center.

Capricorn - Uluru and Kata Tjuta in Australia - Planetary Solar Plexus Chakra.

Aquarius - Mount Fuji in Japan - Planetary Center of Beauty and Eternity.

Fish - Lake Rotopounamu, North Island, New Zealand - Planetary Wheel of Water.

Sergiev Posad, Zagorsk District, Moscow Region, Russia - the 13th center responsible for world energy synthesis.

Seven nesting dolls, is this not enough to recognize the pattern? More than enough! Seven levels, seven shells, the highest is the seventh heaven. The lowest (Mercurian) is probably HELL for all matryoshkas of the highest level, from Venus to Neptune. For the Mercurians, the transition to any of the steps is good, and for the Neptunians, it is a real horror to descend even to the level of Uranus. We Earthlings have plenty to choose from. Killed someone, or raped - welcome to Venus! Breathe there for three hundred years with ammonia. He coped with the task at his level - forward to Mars! There is existence in a subtle body, neither frost nor a discharged atmosphere is terrible.

And the biggest reward will be for those who do get to the seventh heaven. But, there are not many of them, alas.

But the "artists" suggest that the number seven is very important to us. Aliens? No, what are you. The earth itself communicates with us in this way. More precisely, he is trying to talk to us. But will cockroaches understand that we are talking to them? Hardly. And there are no cockroaches left, as I noticed. They left for another planet, where they eat not E-240, but not real food.

The mark appeared on the field in the UK
The mark appeared on the field in the UK

The mark appeared on the field in the UK.

This is how the septenary system is interpreted in one of the "messages from there", sent to me by a friend:

  1. Retrospace is the original basic space, from which the matter of all other spaces is formed. This is about the primary space in which there is no matter. Retro is the foundation of all spaces in the Universe.
  2. The space of Dead matter, there is no life in it, low energy of matter, which is represented by 73 elements of the Periodic Table, and 31 elements (from hydrogen to gallium) are transitional.
  3. Your space is given to a person for life, you know in real sensations and observations of material objects visually and with the help of instrumentation. The energy levels of space and the material world are determined by the energy of the electron and the speed of propagation of electromagnetic fields, equal to one speed of light - the third space in terms of energy. Matter is represented by 159 elements of the Periodic Table, and 31 elements (from hydrogen to gallium) are transitional into the space of Dead Matter, and 18 elements: 17 theroids are transitional into the space of the Yellow Spectrum. Phosphorus is a conditionally transitional (conductor) for the energy of two spaces at the same time - "phosphorus bridge". There are 84 civilizations in this space, including the terrestrial Civilization. Space is called the Space of the Heretics.
  4. The space of the Yellow Spectrum is the material space of the Universe, invisible to you visually and by existing devices. The energy levels of space and its material world are determined by the viton energy and the speed of propagation of viton fields equal to 4 speeds of light. Space is compressed 5 times - the fourth space of the Universe, the energy level is 6 times higher relative to your space. Matter is represented by 151 elements of the Periodic Table, with 18 elements being transitional spaces of the Heretics, and 16 - spaces of Darkness. There are 28 civilizations in the space of the Yellow Spectrum.
  5. The Space of Darkness is the material space of the Universe, which has 137 elements of the periodic system, with 16 elements being transitional to neighboring spaces. Since the energy here is lower than the compression levels, space is characterized by a complete absence of radiation fields, for which it got its name. As a place of life for civilizations it is not suitable, but it is used for living subjects of the mind as a place of confinement as a punishment, therefore the second name of space is Hell.
  6. The space of the Gray spectrum is the material space of the Universe, the richest in its elemental base - 180 elements of the Periodic Table, with 16 elements transitional to the lower space and only 3 elements to the upper one. This space has high levels of energy and compression, the speed of wave fields is 6 speeds of light. In the space of the Gray spectrum, there is only one Supreme Civilization of God - this is the space of Eternal life.
  7. The space of the Blue spectrum is the material space of the Universe, which is invisible to you visually and by existing devices. The energy levels of space and its material world are determined by the energy of the microviton (sapion) and the speed of propagation of microviton fields equal to 8 speeds of light. Matter is represented by 18 elements, with 3 transitional from the Gray space. Space is compressed 9 times, i.e. the linear function is equal to 9, - the highest space in terms of energy. There is no life in the space of the Blue Spectrum, but the matter of this space is used to create the intellect of the Higher Civilization. It is also referred to as the space of God."

Despite the fact that this “revelation” is sinning with a naive attempt at claiming some “true doctrine,” I decided to quote it in full, because not everything in it is so naive. In order for the picture to be more accurate, even such "details" must be taken into account.

I look at all this and catch myself thinking that even today we receive tips, almost every day! Especially, for the unreasonable, they repeat and repeat endlessly: - “Open your eyes, guys, look around, finally. Fairy tales are not enough for you? Well, here's a crop circle! What else is needed ?

The mark appeared on the field in the UK
The mark appeared on the field in the UK

The mark appeared on the field in the UK.

Do you think this is a jellyfish? I also thought so at first. Then I realized that this was a cosmogonic scheme. A kind of comic strip telling about the emergence of life. An umbrella is not an umbrella at all, but the sun. It gives birth to other planets. Mercury, apparently, is a newborn, when the Earth moves to the level at which Mars is now, the parasites (you and I) will have to move to Venus, which is now being prepared to accept new inhabitants, and a new baby will appear instead of Mercury.

This is how the life cycle takes place within one egg - the solar system. Some, advanced ones, can travel between the heavens, we see this from the left traces in the form of UFOs and other absurdities beyond comprehension. Nothing, getting to the next level, we'll figure it out. Not all of us, of course. I admit that I am forced to start, if not at the lowest level, then probably again on this planet, where, in principle, I am already fed up. I want something new.

But our ancestors knew something about eggs that we do not know.

Faberge Easter egg
Faberge Easter egg

Faberge Easter egg.

The Romanov Tsars, for example, knew! It was not for nothing that they had such a love for eggs. And, judging by this, they knew about the existence of the Earth's energy grid.

Our distant ancestors also understood what it was about. Do not think that the egg is an attribute of Christian Easter. Eggs were painted long before the advent of Christianity.

Ancestors attached great importance to the form. They even sewed their hats in the shape of an egg
Ancestors attached great importance to the form. They even sewed their hats in the shape of an egg

Ancestors attached great importance to the form. They even sewed their hats in the shape of an egg.

Athena was a Goddess, not some fashionista. So there was a practical sense in the shape of the headdress?
Athena was a Goddess, not some fashionista. So there was a practical sense in the shape of the headdress?

Athena was a Goddess, not some fashionista. So there was a practical sense in the shape of the headdress?

And Pericles' head, they say, was strictly in the shape of a helmet. That's why they called him Egghead
And Pericles' head, they say, was strictly in the shape of a helmet. That's why they called him Egghead

And Pericles' head, they say, was strictly in the shape of a helmet. That's why they called him Egghead.


They say the Nephilim had such heads, and they were very capable of various sciences. Either from nature, or the boards were tied to the heads, although no one explains where so much additional bone mass came from, if the whole thing is in a bandage, to give the head a special shape. And still wondering, where are the reports on the excavation of the whole egghead cemetery near Irkutsk? They found it, and rumors leaked out, but so far, not a single photo, not a single article by a participant or eyewitness to the discovery of the "Siberian Nephilim" has appeared in the public domain.

Is there something to hide? So there is. And the shape of the egg, which is the most perfect in terms of the physical properties of the strength of the structure, is clearly not accidental. It means a lot, but the meaning of this phenomenon has yet to be unraveled. So far, there are only versions …

Author: kadykchanskiy