Operation Six Little Indians - Alternative View

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Operation Six Little Indians - Alternative View
Operation Six Little Indians - Alternative View

Video: Operation Six Little Indians - Alternative View

Video: Operation Six Little Indians - Alternative View
Video: The Messed Up Datas Part 4 || Ft. Tarsier, Bandai, Alike, Thin Man, Shadow Six 2024, October

The death sentence was passed in Nuremberg, which was carried out on October 16, 1946 by the chief executioner of the international military tribunal, US Army Sergeant John Wood. However, not all representatives of the ruling elite of the Third Reich fell into the loop.

The execution lasting 103 minutes was avoided by the eleventh convict, Hermann Goering, who was able to use the ampoule of poison that his wife gave him on one of the dates. And Martin Bormann, who was sentenced to be hanged in absentia, disappeared altogether. And the most important of the criminals - Hitler, according to rumors, committed suicide. However, along with Stalin, Georgy Zhukov also doubted his death.

However, for what reason the examination of the corpses was carried out in a hurry in Berlin, and not more thoroughly in Moscow, having selected experienced pathologists for this? It is also surprising that neo-Nazis did not try to look for the grave of their sinister idol.

There is an opinion that on April 30, 1945, the Nazis were able to successfully carry out an operation to save Hitler, his wife and Bormann. The operation was codenamed "Six Little Indians" and it used the Fuhrer's twins, Bormann and Brown, a couple of twins each, to distract.

Gasoline for a fake couple

The generals of the armies of the countries belonging to the anti-Hitler coalition recalled that Joachim von Ribbentrop was the most worthy of all during the execution of Nazi criminals. He himself put a rope loop with thirteen knots around his neck and exclaimed: "God save Germany!"

And after he noticed that no one was impressed by his appeal, the former Foreign Minister and SS Obergruppenfuehrer asked for a statement. This opportunity was given to him. The man, with his hands covered in blood up to his elbows, said that he did not expect forgiveness from his descendants and called on the East and West to end the enmity, having achieved peace throughout the planet by joint efforts.

Promotional video:

It turns out that one of the most sinister bonzes in the Third Reich at the end of his life realized the gravity of his creation? Soviet historian Valery Milom managed to gain access to some of the partially declassified documents from a special collection of the Library of Congress. Having studied the protocols of interrogations, which were not conducted during the trial, but were informal, he came to the conclusion that Ribbentrop's statement was a conventional sign for the American side. He was promised to save his life in exchange for providing important information. However, the Americans did not keep their word, fearing a negative reaction from the international community.

However, what was Ribbentrop's "information bargaining" with representatives of the American special services? Valery Milyy, now living in Canada, said that while working with unique documents from the archives, he was struck by one of Ribbentrop's statements. It said that hundreds of liters of gasoline were needed not in order to destroy the bodies of Hitler and Eve, but in order to make it impossible to identify the first two of the six doubles who were to go through the sacrificial slaughter. Two doubles who lived in Berlin were killed, and only bones remained from the bodies. Milo did not manage to learn anything about the fate of the other four.

The historian has no doubts that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun managed to avoid the fate of their "accomplices" by passing their days "at the court" of the Bolivian dictator Stroessner. However, he denies the fact that he was disseminating information about the initiative of one of the favorites of the Fuehrer Otto Skorzeny, who organized the escape of Hitler, Brown and Bormann from the bunker, to call Operation Six Little Indians. Why is it so? Quite simply, burnt bodies are always black. Two of the doubles burned out. And the fate of the other four, who were able to survive, brought a fair amount of confusion to the "posthumous" odyssey of the Fuhrer and his passion.

Similarities in soldiers' blankets

According to Otto Skorzeny's plan to provide information that Hitler and his wife committed suicide, the Fuehrer's personal chauffeur, Erich Kempka, was supposed to. That important task did not fail, surrendered and told investigators from the victorious countries that it was he who had been instructed to destroy the remains in the aviation funnel. He also pointed out the place where it happened - an impromptu grave covered with rubbish, located under the windows of his office apartment, in the upper part of the bunker.

The burial was opened, revealing two corpses there - a female and a male. It was possible to establish their identity with Hitler and Brown by dentures, as well as by the remaining traces of old surgical interventions. This is rather unconvincing, however, as the whole thing could easily be faked to mislead the experts.

This “identification” was subjected to derogatory sarcasm from Hitler's personal physician Theodor Morel, who literally pointed out that posthumous embers can tell little about their lifetime originals. However, Erich Kempka insisted that he did burn the Fuhrer and Eve, describing in detail how he poured gasoline on corpses and set them on fire with matches issued by Himmler. However, in his story, he made two mistakes. The first is that he didn't really need matches. He never parted with a lighter made from a silver-plated rifle sleeve, which Hitler personally gave him. He also did not see the faces of those whom he carried to the funnel for burning. Literally, he said the following: “The chief's face was covered with a soldier's blanket up to the bridge of the nose. Eve's face was covered the same way. Martin Bormann - Eve's worst enemy - explainedthat faces should not be revealed, because we must remember the dead alive."

Trolley for the elite

Many years after the war ended, Otto Skorzeny indirectly confirmed the rumors that circulated in Berlin that Hitler and some of his associates were able to avoid trial and execution. For a long time, intelligence agents were looking for him, but they could not find him. He told the American journalist Max Infeld that plastic surgery to remove the scar helped him escape from retaliation. Skorzeny also noted that a similar operation could have been done to the Fuhrer, and his appearance could have been changed so radically that "his own mother would not have recognized him."

Infield played on the pride of the fascist terrorist number 1, feigned bewilderment and asked directly, does this mention of the operation mean that Hitler managed to escape from the bunker? Skorzeny showed with all his appearance that no matter how incredible such a hypothesis may seem, it should not be written off. He also noted that the bunker for the leadership of the Reich could not only protect from bombs and land mines. Its main feature was the ability to quickly evacuate using a pipe system. The pipes, according to Skorzeny, are multi-level tunnels that could be navigated by small railcars for two or three people each.

And when asked why the authorities of modern Berlin do not know anything about the auxiliary bunker, Skorzeny said that the heirs were good at keeping secrets, and even now the bunker is fully consistent with its purpose. Infeld, leaving the apartment of the ex-leader of Hitler's commandos, thought about whether Skorzeny had misled him, passing off as truth what he himself wants to believe. However, when he met with another of the participants in Operation Six Little Indians, he realized that Skorzeny was speaking sincerely.

Flight after crash

And to believe that Skorzeny was telling the truth was helped by former pilot Hans Abert, who served as a courier under the Fuehrer and performed dangerous and delicate missions. And the last service he rendered to his boss was transportation for VIPs directly from the banks of the Havel River. About where he transported passengers by seaplane, Abert did not speak, but advised him to contact the pilot Kurt Bart, who willingly communicates with journalists and historians.

And when asked whether the date and time of the flight to the "deep waters" was true and that he helped save Hitler after the collapse of Nazi Germany, he replied that it was necessary to look for the American journalist Michael Robertson, who had already talked with the Fuhrer more than once "at the court of Stroessner" … But it was impossible to do this, since Robertson, a former CIA agent, got into a mysterious car accident, burning alive together with the emigrant from Russia Alberto Pirnik.

According to Infeld, after meeting with Bart, it seemed to him that the former Nazis were forcing him to play a game of their own invented with their rules. This assumption was reinforced by a meeting with the Soviet veteran Viktor Abramov, who admitted that on May 10, 1945, he had a glimpse of a shaven man on Austrian territory, who reminded him of someone. As he later realized, it was Hitler, who was being taken in a chaise, disguised as a patient. Abramov also suggested that the followers of Nazism are trying to involve them in some games, the purpose of which is to try to prove that fascism and its Fuhrer continue to live.

World of symmetry

Even in ancient times, philosophers noted that the world is ideally symmetrical. He also said that every person in the world must have a double. And from the point of view of history, this phenomenon is not at all harmless. This is primarily due to the fact that even experienced photo collating experts often cannot identify whether a person has a real personality or is posing as someone else.

A similar thing happened with Eva Braun, whose "symmetrical copies" were willingly given interviews to journalists in Argentina, Brazil, and the USA. Often interviews contained such intriguing facts that agents from the Israeli intelligence service, which is looking for war criminals, could not give an unambiguous answer to the question "Is it Eve or not."

According to the Israeli historian Yehudi Blank, if it can be proved that Eva Braun is actually alive, then it will be possible to find out what happened to Hitler or his remains. He noted that he himself almost once almost believed the stories of the "next" wife of the Fuhrer, who suddenly appeared in the suburbs of Los Angeles. The lady was fluent in German, she was twice tested on a lie detector. Eventually, Paul Drake, a reporter for the news weekly, reported the sensational conclusion to his readers. In it, he admitted that she could deceive the sensors of the device and many psychologists, but her appearance is 100% Eva Braun and only her.

However, Yehudi Blank did not agree with these conclusions, mainly due to the fact that he had already seen many doubles not only of Hitler himself, but also of Goebbels, Bormann, Mussolini. In turn, Drake has no doubt that he was deliberately taken to the Fuehrer's widow by young Germans from Germany. He was convinced that he was right in August 1973, when he discovered that Mrs. Anderson (aka Brown) had left her mansion. It was never possible to find her. And a "strange" note appeared in the reporter's mailbox, in which he was advised not to delve into a dangerous past.

Jaw out of the box

The results of a genetic examination carried out last year, which were carried out in parallel and independently by scientists from Italy, Great Britain and the USA, remained unclaimed by historians. Analyzes were carried out on tiny sections of Hitler's bone tissue, which were provided from the special security of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The results showed that the tissues were female and did not resemble the Fuehrer's genetics.

Why were such strange results obtained? After all, these were fragments of jaws and teeth that had been lying in a cardboard box for years, taken from the last secret burial in Magdeburg, which is confirmed by the report of the head of the secretariat at SMERSH, Captain Ivan Tereshchenko, which was immediately delivered to Stalin.

However, after reading the document, he wrote: “Doubtful. Arrange inaccessibility! . After that, the burial was filled with a thick layer of concrete and asphalted. For a long time Western journalists tried to get information from Tereshchenko about the location of the grave, but he did not say anything superfluous.

So, it can be considered proven that in the courtyard next to the bunker, the driver Erich Kemka did not burn the bodies of Hitler and Brown at all, but some strangers. But where, then, to look for traces of Hitler? Most likely in Paraguay, whose German settlements have recently aroused increased interest among the intelligence services of Israel and other countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. It is not so important that the bloody executioners will not live very long. It is important that crimes without a statute of limitations are accompanied by punishments without them.