US Intelligence Agencies Warn Of War In Space - Alternative View

US Intelligence Agencies Warn Of War In Space - Alternative View
US Intelligence Agencies Warn Of War In Space - Alternative View

Video: US Intelligence Agencies Warn Of War In Space - Alternative View

Video: US Intelligence Agencies Warn Of War In Space - Alternative View
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Outer space is beginning to become more accessible to humanity. Naturally, the military wants to move military operations into space. However, if you think about the timing of the development of cars, airplanes and atomic bombs in relation to their use in war, it is surprising that there has not been a war yet.

I think the sheer cost of any space technology is still holding back the superpowers from CRASH BANG BOOM with all their shiny new space toys - for now, at least. Thanks to James Bond, the villainous in Elon Musk's designs, and the Chinese rocket scientists who no doubt copy his technology (yes, they do), these price tags are sure to come down in the near future. What does this mean for us? Get ready for a war in space, people. It will be scary and deadly.


At the moment, most of the space weapons fall under long-term agreements banning the development and use of them in space. Satellites are what give the modern military the edge in war, providing GPS and communications networks, surveillance capabilities, and maybe even some serious crazy space-based firepower that we don't even know existed. These satellites help military forces during conflicts, making them prime targets for adversaries. Russia and China are only a few years away from having operational anti-satellite technology to reduce the advantage of the US military, according to a new report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The report also states that “the risk of interstate conflict, including among the great powers, is higher,than at any time since the end of the Cold War. “Space wars, so we came to them.


The world's superpowers have been testing anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons for decades, but are only now approaching readiness for battle.

This new report was published by the intelligence community and submitted to the Congressional intelligence and military committees. According to intelligence analysts, the United States' closest rivals in global hegemony are working fast, preparing for near space to be the decisive battleground in the next global conflict:

If a future conflict is to involve Russia or China, any country would justify attacks on American and allied satellites if necessary to offset any perceived US military advantage gained from military, civil or commercial space systems. Military reforms in both countries in recent years indicate an increased emphasis on the creation of operational forces aimed at integrating attacks on space systems and services with military operations in other areas.

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Both countries are already training their soldiers on how to launch and use anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons, and are launching what the report describes as "experimental satellites" intended for use in war, despite the Chinese and Russian governments publicly declaring that space should be peaceful. Lately, the Russians have been launching covert satellites from remote launch stations, while their famous "killer satellites" have begun to wake up recently, raising concerns among some defense analysts about a possible satellite war. In the meantime, China has been testing ASAT weapons since 2007, and the United States has, of course, been tackling some shadow aerospace materials and secret in-orbit testing recently too.


Naturally, the war will move into space. Maybe this has already happened? If there were shooting in space, would we know? I am assuming that astronomers or anyone with a telescope sees this action, right? Although more and more strange things have been falling from the sky and mysterious booms lately, who knows what is really going on there in the sky?