UFO: Waiting For An Impulse - Alternative View

UFO: Waiting For An Impulse - Alternative View
UFO: Waiting For An Impulse - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Waiting For An Impulse - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Waiting For An Impulse - Alternative View
Video: The Pentagon UFO report explained 2024, July

Our world is too inert. Until the thunder breaks out, no one will think to move and take any measures. Even the most obvious threats to all of humanity are not able to force people to act together.

At any moment an asteroid can collapse on Earth and put an end to our civilization - it would seem that what could be worse? Astronomers have repeatedly admitted that they track the trajectories of less than one percent of cosmic boulders, now and then flying at a dangerously close distance from the Earth. Geologists and paleontologists know very well that the development of life on Earth was ragged and broken: more than once life was erased almost completely.

The animals and plants that took the place of the old "masters of the Earth" were not at all like them. So dinosaurs and giant horsetails were erased from the face of the Earth, and mammals and angiosperms took their place.

The cause of the extinctions, one might say, was on the surface: the monstrous craters hundreds of kilometers in diameter did not blot out even in millions of years. Each such blow not only killed everything for thousands of kilometers around with a red-hot shock wave. Millions of tons of ash and dust flew high into the air, blocking the sun. The "shock night" was coming - for years, decades. Without sunlight, plants died out, plankton died in the ocean. Following the plants, the surviving animals perished, and many kilometers of glaciers crawled onto the devastated land …

In the last 250 million years alone, there have been nine mass extinctions of living organisms on Earth. Scientists believe that the tenth may happen at any moment, but this still does not bother anyone. No one is going to invest in the study of dangerous celestial bodies - comets and asteroids approaching the Earth, build a zone of "space guard" satellites to track previously unnoticed space boulders, create devices in order to deflect an asteroid or comet from the Earth in the event of an imminent threat, or blow up this body, turning it into a harmless swarm of small debris. Everyone thinks that there will be enough luck for their age, and there at least the grass will not grow. Literally.

In the same way, people relate to UFOs, reassuring themselves that so far there has been no invasion or open contact. (Asteroids have not yet fallen either … but, according to the theory of probability, they cannot but fall …)

A very powerful impetus is needed for the current ufology to turn for the better. I'm not talking about the open interference of enlonauts in earthly affairs: then ufology will not be needed at all. Such an impetus could be something so unambiguous that further conversations on the topic "is or not" would be superfluous, something like a battering ram breaking through the ice of the "rejection effect".

For example, revealing the truth about Roswell.

Promotional video:

And now we can only hope and wait for this push. Because one person is not capable of too much. Mayakovsky wrote that "the voice of a unit is thinner than a squeak"; she will be heard "unless the wife, and even then not in the market, but close." Even if you constantly flicker on the air and on the pages of newspapers, the voice of one person will be lost. Gone are the days when the printed word was a great power. Against the backdrop of hyped sensations and screaming headlines, when no one believes anyone, everything will drown in a web of indifference. Moreover, they are accustomed to sensational materials about "plates" and are indifferent to them.

The UFO group can do more. But not by much.

Moreover, this form of research organization has outlived its usefulness. As soon as the group gets on its feet, the struggle for leadership immediately begins, for control over money, even if these amounts are negligible, for who will have an archive with eyewitness reports. In any group, a struggle of ideas and opinions is inevitable with throwing the vanquished overboard, suppressing dissent. The composition of such a group cannot consist of only professionals, people who have completely devoted themselves to the study of "plates".

It will inevitably be dominated by those who devote their free time to ufologists - so to speak, as a hobby - and the dominance of amateurs will sooner or later affect the quality of her work.

Even if we assume that we have an ideal group (of course, this is the same abstraction as an ideal gas in physics), another question remains. No one, even the best organized group, can completely "block" the sky over the area in which it operates, in such a way as to intercept and sift all information about UFOs and objects that may be mistaken for "saucers".

Even a state organization, whose employees are admitted to all military secrets and do not lack funds, cannot do this. Statistics show: on average, 1-10% of the total number of UFO sightings reaches ufologists. In other words, one case in a hundred becomes known, at best one in ten!

Why? The majority of people have no motive to report UFOs. They are afraid, do not want even the most minimal anxiety, do not want to become victims of ridicule, or simply do not consider it necessary to move - they say, it cannot be that only I saw, I suppose they already told who needs it! In addition, some of the messages are inevitably lost, coming to the wrong address - in the editorial offices of newspapers or organizations that have nothing to do with UFO studies and are not interested in establishing the truth.

Consequently, the deployment of a broad educational program for the entire population is required. So that people know how to observe, what to record and where to report, they had the necessary minimum of knowledge in order to weed out obvious OLOs themselves (Venus, meteorological balloons, launches …) and not overload the researchers in vain.

However, researchers should be represented by only one organization. No competitors. It is unacceptable that a stream of messages split into dozens of streams and fall into different hands. Moreover, one should not be allowed to receive messages about "plates" where they are simply thrown into the trash can or used for personal gain.

Such an organization cannot perform well its tasks within the framework of one state: firstly, any state also has selfish goals, and secondly, it cannot do without international cooperation. UFOs do not recognize borders.

We already know that the military wanted to use knowledge about UFOs to improve the latest weapons, and scouts analyzed reports of "saucers" in other countries in order to sift them through a filter and reveal the enemy's secret aircraft engineering. The phenomenon was used with might and main in psychological warfare, and even now we are not immune from new military psychological actions. In addition, any UFO program within one country inevitably has its own secrets.

There can be only one conclusion from this: an organization for the study of UFOs and the alien presence on Earth, in order to successfully operate and benefit all of humanity, must be international. A planetary one, stepping over national boundaries, rising high above religious and racial prejudices.

Such an organization and its branches in all countries should be trusted by ordinary citizens, who will know that their messages will benefit all of humanity, and the military, who should be sure that their secrets will remain secrets and will not be disclosed to a "potential enemy" in another country … Such a program cannot be deployed without a strong initial impulse that will break down the barrier of "rejection effect" around the world.

Actions to create an organization of this magnitude are only possible within the framework of the United Nations …

Until now, all attempts to organize the study of the UFO problem through the UN - at the international level - have ended in failure. It is possible to search for the objective and subjective reasons for what happened for a very long time, but if all countries realized the importance of the problem, no pressure from the United States would prevent the organization of an international study of UFOs 35 years ago.

The first to the UN Secretary General with a proposal to create a “Center for Space Security and Communication with Extraterrestrial Civilizations” was Coleman von Kevitsky, an employee of the UN Public Relations Division. In 1952, he was shaken by the "big wave" - the incredible UFO raid that shook all of America. “It alarmed my mind, me as a military man,” Coleman said many years later. He began to cut out articles about UFOs from newspapers and gradually got involved in the strange world of UFO science …

On February 1, 1966, he proposed to the UN Secretary General U Thant to organize a working group at the UN secretariat to coordinate international research on the problem. Kevitsky argued that "… the UFO phenomenon is a potentially dangerous situation that includes the problem of general security," and the UN is, logically, the only organization that should deal with such a problem.

“At that time, I did not envision a military solution to the problem, but rather a political one,” said the retired major in an interview. - I said that the states of the globe should establish an international administrative body to establish contact and communication with these extraterrestrial forces. And what body can better handle this than the already existing United Nations Organization? I backed up my arguments with documents showing that these spacecraft are of galactic origin, and that this is confirmed by military forces and organizations for the study of outer space, especially in the USA and the USSR."

The request was presented in the form of a memorandum "UNSCO Project (Unidentified Forces and Flying Space Objects)". It said that UFOs are an objective reality, "… which creates a problem of international security and the solution of which can only be entrusted to the UN" and that they are "… built and used by the vastly superior earthly space science and technology … all this gives reason to believe that UFOs are spaceships (koskors) of galactic origin.

The ships are equipped with various types of ultra-sophisticated attack and defense weapons, the effectiveness of which on living and non-living targets has been partially analyzed by bio- and medical organizations.

They are piloted by humanoid beings that surpass us in intelligence, clothed in physical bodies (homo cosmicus), who wear bulletproof protective clothing when landing on the ground and have weapons for self-defense.

The result of the computer analysis showed that the objects of their greatest interest are large energy sources, industrial complexes, lines and communication systems, that their attention is especially concentrated on military enterprises, strategic operations, theaters of war and space exploration. This suggests that the purpose of centrally planned and directed space forces is strategic reconnaissance (research), logically aimed at a possible landing at an unknown time, in an unknown place, for unknown reasons and for unknown purposes …"

Kevitsky, as a military man, this result could not but alarm. Mentioning "… the inevitable dangers caused by erroneous scientific interpretation … based on some hypothetical" parallel spaces "and" otherworldly reality ", as well as the fact that these scientists are diligently leading the public in the wrong direction," he proposed to Secretary General U Thant and the Chairman Commission on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Dr. Kurt Waldheim, to organize international observation of "the activities of the space forces" and to find any possible ways of communication with these "… beings conducting galactic reconnaissance, and through their leadership, establishing contacts with the Galactic Powers."

Exploration conducted by unknown beings from space …

For what purpose?

Specialists on the problem of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) have repeatedly asked the question: what can happen if "they" turn out to be "bad guys". The philosopher Yuri Shkolenko in 1982 suggested that another mind "… with a greater degree of probability will not want us to be honored for intelligent beings. The consequences of such a situation are not difficult to predict: contact in this case will be similar to the" contact "of a person with a predator …".

Under pressure from the Americans, the question of the working group was dropped. Kevitsky had to leave the UN. In 1966, he organized his own world organization with a big name, but, alas, more than modest capabilities - "Intercontinental Network of Research of Galactic UFO Ships". Of course, it was better than nothing at all.

It is not hard to understand why the Americans chose to derail the question of UFO research at the UN. First, the United States was the farthest advanced in the study of "plates" and intended to get ahead of other countries, skimming the cream in the form of new technologies. Secondly, in the highest spheres of the United States and the NATO bloc they knew very well that Kevitsky was right, but for some reason they did not want others to know about it.

Why? We can only guess …

Retired Colonel Robert Dean, who served with NATO's High Command in Europe, recently admitted that he was on duty with a top-secret 1961-1964 UFO report. a group of military specialists at the direction of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces of NATO in Europe. Military analysts concluded that "the planet Earth and humanity as a whole have always been subjected to intensive and massive exploration by a number of extraterrestrial civilizations" and that "everything indicates that if they have hostile intentions, there is nothing with which we could defend."

Meanwhile, events at the UN continued to develop.

On June 18, 1966, U Thant talked for an hour with two ufologists - US Air Force consultant Allen Hyneck and renowned journalist John Fuller. The conversation was about UFOs and about interstellar flights. When asked by U Thant about the possibility of aliens visiting Earth, Hynek expressed doubts, motivating his position with the distances and the time necessary to overcome them. U Thant replied that he was a Buddhist, and Buddhists believe in the existence of life everywhere, as for time, what is taken by some for a year may seem to others one or two days. U Thant also said that many members of the delegations of countries represented at the United Nations expressed concern to him in connection with the sighting of unidentified flying objects.

On June 5, 1967, Dr. James McDonald of the University of Arizona presented UN Secretary General U Thant with a plan for a global study of the problem. His letter stated that “the hypothesis that the mentioned unusual objects are some form of external exploration of the Earth should be subjected to very serious consideration … This is perhaps the only acceptable hypothesis now, given the truly surprising number of credible reports of near observations, on a small the height of machine-like objects, which are now registered all over the world … The question of UFOs is a truly international scientific problem. The UN has, I am sure, both the ability and the duty to accelerate serious scientific research on the UFO problem around the world."

On June 27, 1967, the New York Post quotes U Thant in a momentous statement: "I believe that, since the Vietnam War, the most serious problem facing the UN is the UFO problem."

On November 8, 1971, during the 26th session of the UN General Assembly, the representative of Uganda, G. S. Ibingira, stated, in particular, the following:

“I know that the problem of the existence or absence of other space travelers has been controversial for many years. And the official position of all States involved in the exploration of outer space looks as if there is no intelligent life comparable to ours in the Universe, and therefore there is no chance of meeting earthly space explorers with cosmonauts of other worlds.

These governments have consistently discredited and ridiculed the idea that unidentified flying objects, constantly observed at different times in different countries, could be interplanetary spaceships. They stated that all sightings of alleged UFOs, or "flying saucers", were actually balloons, comets, planets, etc.

But there is enough evidence to raise educated guesses that some of the observed objects may have been spaceships. In the USA, USSR, Great Britain, as well as in other countries, there are serious scientists who believe that these unidentified flying objects are interplanetary or intergalactic spaceships ….

“I propose that our Committee consider the possibility of including a paragraph in the preamble to the draft convention, requiring nations involved in the exploration of Space to steer their spaceships or objects in such a way that, in the event of encountering any other objects that exhibit intelligence, in their behavior, did not oppose them and did not provoke them …"

“I would like to end my remarks with the words of Professor Obert: 'Science must consider everything as possible until the impossibility is proved by facts based on observation.' In any case, in the opinion of my delegation and in my personal opinion, we must free ourselves from the way of thinking of our ancestors who insisted that the Earth is flat, that man can never fly, that no one can reach the moon or go to the stars."

On October 7, 1977, the Prime Minister of Grenada declared at a meeting of the UN General Assembly: "I myself saw an unidentified flying object and was amazed at what I saw." The head of government suggested that the Assembly form a small ad hoc committee to study this problem.

Finally, Grenada submitted to the Ad Hoc Political Committee a draft resolution “to establish an agency or department of the United Nations to coordinate and disseminate research findings on unidentified flying objects and related phenomena”. On November 27, 1978, this issue was considered at the 35th and 36th meetings of the UN Special Political Committee.

The 35th meeting was opened by the Prime Minister of Grenada, Eric Geiry. The fact that he is leading his country's delegation to discuss the issue of unidentified flying objects “is a testament to his deep personal conviction that this issue is of global importance and requires serious consideration by the Ad Hoc Political Committee,” he said. The recent report of the hijacking of the Cessna plane in Australia appears to be a compelling reason for the United Nations to take responsibility and to take the UFO phenomenon seriously. The world-famous case in Australia is just one of tens of thousands of similar cases reported by individuals in almost every corner of the globe …

It is extremely important to consider that the phenomenon under consideration is ubiquitous on Earth and causes serious concern not only among national governments and scientists, but also among the public, especially among young people and educated people, who would like to receive a reasonable explanation of the phenomenon from those who can provide such an answer."

It is not hard to understand why the Americans chose to derail the question of UFO research at the UN. First, the United States was the farthest advanced in the study of "plates" and intended to get ahead of other countries, skimming the cream in the form of new technologies. Secondly, in the highest spheres of the United States and the NATO bloc they knew very well that Kevitsky was right, but for some reason they did not want others to know about it.

Why? We can only guess …

Retired Colonel Robert Dean, who served with NATO's High Command in Europe, recently admitted that he was on duty with a top-secret 1961-1964 UFO report. a group of military specialists at the direction of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces of NATO in Europe. Military analysts concluded that "the planet Earth and humanity as a whole have always been subjected to intensive and massive exploration by a number of extraterrestrial civilizations" and that "everything indicates that if they have hostile intentions, there is nothing with which we could defend."

Meanwhile, events at the UN continued to develop.

On June 18, 1966, U Thant talked for an hour with two ufologists - US Air Force consultant Allen Hyneck and renowned journalist John Fuller. The conversation was about UFOs and about interstellar flights. When asked by U Thant about the possibility of aliens visiting Earth, Hynek expressed doubts, motivating his position with the distances and the time necessary to overcome them. U Thant replied that he was a Buddhist, and Buddhists believe in the existence of life everywhere, as for time, what is taken by some for a year may seem to others one or two days. U Thant also said that many members of the delegations of countries represented at the United Nations expressed concern to him in connection with the sighting of unidentified flying objects.

On June 5, 1967, Dr. James McDonald of the University of Arizona presented UN Secretary General U Thant with a plan for a global study of the problem. His letter stated that “the hypothesis that the mentioned unusual objects are some form of external exploration of the Earth should be subjected to very serious consideration … This is perhaps the only acceptable hypothesis now, given the truly surprising number of credible reports of near observations, on a small the height of machine-like objects, which are now registered all over the world … The question of UFOs is a truly international scientific problem. The UN has, I am sure, both the ability and the duty to accelerate serious scientific research on the UFO problem around the world."

On June 27, 1967, the New York Post quotes U Thant in a momentous statement: "I believe that, since the Vietnam War, the most serious problem facing the UN is the UFO problem."

On November 8, 1971, during the 26th session of the UN General Assembly, the representative of Uganda, G. S. Ibingira, stated, in particular, the following:

“I know that the problem of the existence or absence of other space travelers has been controversial for many years. And the official position of all States involved in the exploration of outer space looks as if there is no intelligent life comparable to ours in the Universe, and therefore there is no chance of meeting earthly space explorers with cosmonauts of other worlds.

These governments have consistently discredited and ridiculed the idea that unidentified flying objects, constantly observed at different times in different countries, could be interplanetary spaceships. They stated that all sightings of alleged UFOs, or "flying saucers", were actually balloons, comets, planets, etc.

But there is enough evidence to raise educated guesses that some of the observed objects may have been spaceships. In the USA, USSR, Great Britain, as well as in other countries, there are serious scientists who believe that these unidentified flying objects are interplanetary or intergalactic spaceships ….

“I propose that our Committee consider the possibility of including a paragraph in the preamble to the draft convention, requiring nations involved in the exploration of Space to steer their spaceships or objects in such a way that, in the event of encountering any other objects that exhibit intelligence, in their behavior, did not oppose them and did not provoke them …"

Gary has invited leading scientists who have studied UFOs to speak before the Special Political Committee.

Allen Hynek said that “it is widely believed that the UFO phenomenon is related to the concept of extraterrestrial intelligence, which in some circumstances may be true … Only in the United States of America, the Gallup census showed that 57 percent of the United States population believed in the existence of UFOs… UFOs have been reported from 133 different countries, and a significant number of them have been made by such responsible persons as astronauts, radar experts, pilots, government officials and scientists. Tens of thousands of UFO reports have been recorded …"

Astronomer Jacques Vallee stated: although “there is still no evidence to date that the UFO phenomenon consists in the arrival of aliens from space,” UFOs have material aspects that “… can and should be investigated using existing scientific equipment. There is no shortage of physical data …"

Lt. Col. Larry Coyne described how the UFO affected the helicopter he was flying. When the object directed a green beam at them, an unknown force began to lift the machine up, although the control handle was pushed to the “Descent” position! The compass was rotating. not wanting to show direction. Everything returned to normal when the UFO, shining with red lights, began to fly away.

Grenada's Minister of Education, Mr. Friday, read out a letter from astronaut Gordon Cooper. It said, in particular:

“I believe that alien ships and their teams come to our planet from other planets, which are technically more advanced than we are here on Earth … In 1951, I had the opportunity for two days to observe their flights that they made on vehicles of different sizes in battle formation, mainly from east to west over Europe … If the UN agrees to develop this project and take it under its auspices, then it would attract many highly qualified specialists to it …"

Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman stressed that over twenty years of studying the UFO phenomenon, he "… came to believe that there is compelling evidence that our planet is visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial aircraft. The total body of evidence includes facts such as eyewitness testimony - conscious and even-tempered faces, cases where traces left by UFOs affected the environment and were visible for a long time after their departure, tracking by radar, photographs and abductions of people by extraterrestrial beings and their return to Earth, although nothing is known about cases when terrestrial inhabitants were not returned … UFOs are devices that behave in a way that no machine made on Earth can behave …"

However, the decision of the 33rd session of the UN General Assembly on "item No. 126" was more than modest. At the 87th plenary meeting, the General Assembly decided to ask (!) “Interested Member States to take appropriate measures to coordinate at national levels scientific research and observations concerning extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary General of observations, research and evaluation of this activity”.

Coleman von Kevitsky was supposed to speak before the Special Political Committee, but he was "wiped out" at the very last moment. Allen Hyneck and Jacques Vallee said they would refuse to take part in such a respectable event if the obstinate major was given the floor.

“Obviously, Gary believed that their scientific status and, in particular, the favorable coverage of Heinek's activities in the press would far exceed my relevance in convincing the UN members. I was “kicked out the door,” said Kevitsky. “Once again, my carefully planned strategy to gain recognition for the entire UFO problem has come to naught.

I drummed into Giry that the "psychological" ideas expressed by Hynek and Vallee would not have the desired effect at the UN. In order to get any action from such an organization, it is necessary to prove that the safety of the planet is under threat. The UN Charter provides that issues related to global security are of paramount importance and appropriate action should be taken on them. I was already convinced of this, and such a strategy could be the only one with which we could hope for a breakthrough. The UN was not impressed by the “other dimensions” or “ghosts” that Hynek and Valle talked about!

But Gary, who was very religious and was like a mystic himself, was deeply impressed by their parapsychological ideas. As soon as he began to put these ideas into practice, he was discredited at the UN, as I predicted. As a result, all his actions did not lead to the desired results …”.

Since then, no country has been able to again raise the question of starting an international UFO study under the auspices of the UN …

“I would like to end my remarks with the words of Professor Obert: 'Science must consider everything as possible until the impossibility is proved by facts based on observation.' In any case, in the opinion of my delegation and in my personal opinion, we must free ourselves from the way of thinking of our ancestors who insisted that the Earth is flat, that man can never fly, that no one can reach the moon or go to the stars."

On October 7, 1977, the Prime Minister of Grenada declared at a meeting of the UN General Assembly: "I myself saw an unidentified flying object and was amazed at what I saw." The head of government suggested that the Assembly form a small ad hoc committee to study this problem.

Finally, Grenada submitted to the Ad Hoc Political Committee a draft resolution “to establish an agency or department of the United Nations to coordinate and disseminate research findings on unidentified flying objects and related phenomena”. On November 27, 1978, this issue was considered at the 35th and 36th meetings of the UN Special Political Committee.

The 35th meeting was opened by the Prime Minister of Grenada, Eric Geiry. The fact that he is leading his country's delegation to discuss the issue of unidentified flying objects “is a testament to his deep personal conviction that this issue is of global importance and requires serious consideration by the Ad Hoc Political Committee,” he said. The recent report of the hijacking of the Cessna plane in Australia appears to be a compelling reason for the United Nations to take responsibility and to take the UFO phenomenon seriously. The world-famous case in Australia is just one of tens of thousands of similar cases reported by individuals in almost every corner of the globe …

It is extremely important to consider that the phenomenon under consideration is ubiquitous on Earth and causes serious concern not only among national governments and scientists, but also among the public, especially among young people and educated people, who would like to receive a reasonable explanation of the phenomenon from those who can provide such an answer."

Gary has invited leading scientists who have studied UFOs to speak before the Special Political Committee.

Allen Hynek said that “it is widely believed that the UFO phenomenon is related to the concept of extraterrestrial intelligence, which in some circumstances may be true … Only in the United States of America, the Gallup census showed that 57 percent of the United States population believed in the existence of UFOs… UFOs have been reported from 133 different countries, and a significant number of them have been made by such responsible persons as astronauts, radar experts, pilots, government officials and scientists. Tens of thousands of UFO reports have been recorded …"

Astronomer Jacques Vallee stated: although “there is still no evidence to date that the UFO phenomenon consists in the arrival of aliens from space,” UFOs have material aspects that “… can and should be investigated using existing scientific equipment. There is no shortage of physical data …"

Lt. Col. Larry Coyne described how the UFO affected the helicopter he was flying. When the object directed a green beam at them, an unknown force began to lift the machine up, although the control handle was pushed to the “Descent” position! The compass was rotating. not wanting to show direction. Everything returned to normal when the UFO, shining with red lights, began to fly away.

Grenada's Minister of Education, Mr. Friday, read out a letter from astronaut Gordon Cooper. It said, in particular:

“I believe that alien ships and their teams come to our planet from other planets, which are technically more advanced than we are here on Earth … In 1951, I had the opportunity for two days to observe their flights that they made on vehicles of different sizes in battle formation, mainly from east to west over Europe … If the UN agrees to develop this project and take it under its auspices, then it would attract many highly qualified specialists to it …"

Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman stressed that over twenty years of studying the UFO phenomenon, he "… came to believe that there is compelling evidence that our planet is visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial aircraft. The total body of evidence includes facts such as eyewitness testimony - conscious and even-tempered faces, cases where traces left by UFOs affected the environment and were visible for a long time after their departure, tracking by radar, photographs and abductions of people by extraterrestrial beings and their return to Earth, although nothing is known about cases when terrestrial inhabitants were not returned … UFOs are devices that behave in a way that no machine made on Earth can behave …"

However, the decision of the 33rd session of the UN General Assembly on "item No. 126" was more than modest. At the 87th plenary meeting, the General Assembly decided to ask (!) “Interested Member States to take appropriate measures to coordinate at national levels scientific research and observations concerning extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary General of observations, research and evaluation of this activity”.

Coleman von Kevitsky was supposed to speak before the Special Political Committee, but he was "wiped out" at the very last moment. Allen Hyneck and Jacques Vallee said they would refuse to take part in such a respectable event if the obstinate major was given the floor.

“Obviously, Gary believed that their scientific status and, in particular, the favorable coverage of Heinek's activities in the press would far exceed my relevance in convincing the UN members. I was “kicked out the door,” said Kevitsky. “Once again, my carefully planned strategy to gain recognition for the entire UFO problem has come to naught.

I drummed into Giry that the "psychological" ideas expressed by Hynek and Vallee would not have the desired effect at the UN. In order to get any action from such an organization, it is necessary to prove that the safety of the planet is under threat. The UN Charter provides that issues related to global security are of paramount importance and appropriate action should be taken on them. I was already convinced of this, and such a strategy could be the only one with which we could hope for a breakthrough. The UN was not impressed by the “other dimensions” or “ghosts” that Hynek and Valle talked about!

But Gary, who was very religious and was like a mystic himself, was deeply impressed by their parapsychological ideas. As soon as he began to put these ideas into practice, he was discredited at the UN, as I predicted. As a result, all his actions did not lead to the desired results …”.

Since then, no country has been able to again raise the question of starting an international UFO study under the auspices of the UN …