Secrets of history 2024, October

Who Were The Old Russian Magi? - Alternative View

Who Were The Old Russian Magi? - Alternative View

In recent years, the topic of the Magi has been of constant interest among the Russian and other Slavic peoples. Who were these mysterious magicians-sages? What was their role in the life of the ancient Vedic peoples? What unique abilities did they have?

Where Did The Russian Magi Go? - Alternative View

Where Did The Russian Magi Go? - Alternative View

The secret knowledge and skills of the Magi were attractive, but the fear of their mighty power was always stronger. Keep away from me, mind you! - fervently baptized in Russia only at the mention of sorcerers, but in everyday life they still resorted to their services

How Yaroslav The Wise Took Away The Bride From The Norwegian King - Alternative View

How Yaroslav The Wise Took Away The Bride From The Norwegian King - Alternative View

Cheated groomIngigerde, the eldest daughter of the Swedish king Olaf Shötkonung, was not lucky. She was to marry the Norwegian king Olaf the Saint - not out of love, but by the decision of the Thing. So to speak, her father decided to sacrifice her virginity in the name of improving relations between Sweden and Norway

Ancient Secrets Of The Magi - Alternative View

Ancient Secrets Of The Magi - Alternative View

Endowed with a variety of secret knowledge and abilities, the Slavic Magi were "priests of the highest category" who widely and actively influenced both the communal and the state system at a certain historical period of time

Principalities, Into Which Ancient Russia Disintegrated - Alternative View

Principalities, Into Which Ancient Russia Disintegrated - Alternative View

Historians consider the date of the beginning of the collapse of the Old Russian state the year of death of the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, who ruled the Kiev throne from 1016 to 1054

Magi And The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

Magi And The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

Many people know from the Bible that the wise men - these are the sages who came from the east. The Gospel of Matthew says that the Magi followed the Star of Bethlehem to find the Savior and give him gifts of gold, incense and myrrh

Reality And Myth Of The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

Reality And Myth Of The Star Of Bethlehem - Alternative View

Star of Bethlehem - a mysterious celestial phenomenon, which the Magi called the "star", according to the Gospel of Matthew Many people know the story of a sign that announced the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. This happened at the end of the 1st century BC. eh

Ancient Russia And Byzantium. Only Historical Facts - Alternative View

Ancient Russia And Byzantium. Only Historical Facts - Alternative View

Slavs and Byzantium The creation of the Slavic states should be attributed to the first quarter of the 7th century, when one of the first Slavic states was formed in Moravia. The story about him has survived only in Latin sources

Magi - Rulers Of The Pagan World - Alternative View

Magi - Rulers Of The Pagan World - Alternative View

The memory of their deeds was so diligently cleared from the history of Russia that now we know more about the Celtic druids than about their Slavic "colleagues" - the powerful Magi

The Uprising Of Stepan Razin: What They Wrote About Him In The West - Alternative View

The Uprising Of Stepan Razin: What They Wrote About Him In The West - Alternative View

Stepan Razin is perhaps the second Russian person after Ivan the Terrible to whom such close attention was paid in Europe. Like the king, the head of the rioters appeared before the Europeans in a rather frightening form

Cursed Treasures Of Stepan Razin - Alternative View

Cursed Treasures Of Stepan Razin - Alternative View

There is no doubt about the existence of the treasures of this dashing Cossack chieftain. True, all efforts aimed at finding them have not yet brought the expected results

Where To Look For Stepan Razin's Treasure? - Alternative View

Where To Look For Stepan Razin's Treasure? - Alternative View

In August, in the vicinity of the village of Novodevichye in the Shigonsky district, a significant part of which went under water during the construction of the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station, underwater work began to search for the treasure of Stepan Razin

The Uprising Of Stepan Razin. Interesting Biography Facts - Alternative View

The Uprising Of Stepan Razin. Interesting Biography Facts - Alternative View

Razin Stepan Timofeevich, also known as Stenka Razin (about 1630 - 1671). Don ataman. Leader of the Peasant War (Stepan Razin Uprising) 1667 - 1671

What Names In Russia Were Called Only Commoners - Alternative View

What Names In Russia Were Called Only Commoners - Alternative View

For many centuries, commoners and people of the noble class differed in manners, costume, and their needs. Another sure way to emphasize a special status is the appropriate name, indicating an aristocratic origin. Until the 20th century, the names were divided into peasant, bourgeois (merchant), princely (noble)

The Fierce Sorcerer Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The Fierce Sorcerer Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

The history of medicine has known not only bright and progressive, but also dark, painful times. Not all Aesculapians left a clean mark on it, guided by the principle "do no harm"

Mordovian Zhanna D &Rsquo; Ark, Nun Alena Arzamasskaya: Comrade-in-arms Of Stepan Razin, Who Treated With Penicillin - Alternative View

Mordovian Zhanna D &Rsquo; Ark, Nun Alena Arzamasskaya: Comrade-in-arms Of Stepan Razin, Who Treated With Penicillin - Alternative View

This woman combined things that were incomparable for the 17th century - she was a nun, a rebel and a sorceress. She shot from a bow, treated people with mold and had incredible authority among ordinary people. Like many other extraordinary personalities who came out of the people, Alena Arzamasskaya ended her life tragically, but even her death was special and edifying

The Uprising Led By Stepan Razin - Alternative View

The Uprising Led By Stepan Razin - Alternative View

The uprising of Stepan Razin or the Peasant War (1667 - 1669. 1st stage of the uprising "Hike for the Zipuns", 1670 - 1671. 2nd stage of the uprising) - the largest popular uprising of the second half of the 17th century

Battle Bears Of Russia - Alternative View

Battle Bears Of Russia - Alternative View

A bear with an ax is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Yaroslavl

Primordial Russia - Lost History, Or A Few Steps In Search Of Truth - Alternative View

Primordial Russia - Lost History, Or A Few Steps In Search Of Truth - Alternative View

History of Russia - this is not an unplowed virgin land overgrown with weeds and grasses, but rather a dense, impenetrable, fabulous forest

The Eternal Varangian Question Of The Formation Of Russia - Alternative View

The Eternal Varangian Question Of The Formation Of Russia - Alternative View

The dispute between Normanists and Anti-Normanists has been going on for more than two hundred years, constantly going beyond the framework of a purely scientific discussion. The very thought of that is intolerable to many. that the Scandinavians played a role in the formation of the Russian statehood

How Was Christmas And New Year Celebrated In Antiquity? The Strangest Traditions - Alternative View

How Was Christmas And New Year Celebrated In Antiquity? The Strangest Traditions - Alternative View

Many New Year and Christmas traditions have their roots in the past. Some survived to our era, others have disappeared altogether or changed their meaning. What was the winter holiday like a few centuries ago? 8 curious traditions

Why Is Nikola The Pleasant In Russia More Than A Saint - Alternative View

Why Is Nikola The Pleasant In Russia More Than A Saint - Alternative View

Have you seen at least one temple in which the icon of St. Nicholas would not be in the place of honor? And you won't see

Strange Traditions Of Bygone Times - Alternative View

Strange Traditions Of Bygone Times - Alternative View

Since the first humans appeared on Earth, their generations have changed countless times. States and peoples arose and disappeared, and with them various customs came and went

Great Event: Why Bunin Was Delighted With The Attack On The USSR - Alternative View

Great Event: Why Bunin Was Delighted With The Attack On The USSR - Alternative View

"Go to the German troops": what the Russian emigrants said on June 22, 1941.On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The attack by Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union stirred up the large Russian emigration throughout Europe. Some welcomed the decision of Adolf Hitler, hoping to return to their homeland after the overthrow of the Bolshevik regime, while others, despite their rejection of communism, opposed aggression

In Search Of The Aryans. Fossil Wheat Grains Helped To Learn About The Civilization Of Ancient Turkestan - Alternative View

In Search Of The Aryans. Fossil Wheat Grains Helped To Learn About The Civilization Of Ancient Turkestan - Alternative View

It just so happened that the honor of the discovery of an unknown Central Asian civilization belongs not to Russian scientists who studied this recently conquered region, but to the American Raphael Pumpelli

Russian Marriage Traditions. How To Marry A King? - Alternative View

Russian Marriage Traditions. How To Marry A King? - Alternative View

It was a difficult time. I had to look through a bunch of girls and choose the most desirable one. It is now possible to conduct various auditions and shows. And earlier, everything depended on the sovereign, because if he was out of sorts, then they sent something almost wrong to Siberia

The Ban On Morganatic Marriages: How Russian Blood Disappeared From The Emperors Of Russia - Alternative View

The Ban On Morganatic Marriages: How Russian Blood Disappeared From The Emperors Of Russia - Alternative View

An interesting fact from history: Peter I had 100 percent Russian roots, while the last emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, was less than 1 percent Russian. Why did this metamorphosis take place, and what events preceded it?

Guardians Of The North - Alternative View

Guardians Of The North - Alternative View

The Chukchi turned out to be the most difficult enemy for the Russian Cossacks! The conquest of Siberia went on very briskly for a long time. Local peoples agreed to pay the tsar's governors the same yasak as the previous invaders (Tatars)

Chukchi - Warriors Of The North - Alternative View

Chukchi - Warriors Of The North - Alternative View

In ancient times, the Chukchi had a cruel custom

10 Points From The Bible That Cause A Lot Of Controversy - Alternative View

10 Points From The Bible That Cause A Lot Of Controversy - Alternative View

Perhaps there is no other such book in the world in which they find so many contradictions as in the Bible

Archaeologists On Taman Have Discovered An Ancient Greek Altar Of A Unique Design - Alternative View

Archaeologists On Taman Have Discovered An Ancient Greek Altar Of A Unique Design - Alternative View

Scientists during excavations of the ancient city of Phanagoria on the Taman Peninsula discovered an altar unique for the ancient Greek colonies of the Black Sea region, the head of the Phanagoria archaeological expedition Vladimir Kuz told TASS on Thursday

How Incestuous Marriages Led To The Degeneration Of The Habsburgs - Alternative View

How Incestuous Marriages Led To The Degeneration Of The Habsburgs - Alternative View

The degeneration of the Habsburg dynasty, which was the most powerful family in the world, is one of the most famous incidents of the effects of closely related marriages among royalty in history.Many of the historical figures that we still remember, such as Marie Antoinette or Archduke Franz Ferdinand, came from the Habsburgs

The Case Of Fake Gold Coins - Financial Intervention In The USSR - Alternative View

The Case Of Fake Gold Coins - Financial Intervention In The USSR - Alternative View

By 1922, the Civil War died down, the White Army and the troops of the interventionists left Soviet Russia. The young republic was beginning to rise from the post-war devastation. It was necessary to urgently restore the economy and put in order the finances, stabilize the destroyed currency system

Gang "Tyap-blooper" - Alternative View

Gang "Tyap-blooper" - Alternative View

There was a lot of things in the USSR: sex, drugs, gambling and, of course, organized crime were completely absent. And then suddenly, in the 1970s, youth gangs began to appear in Kazan, assembled along a territorial basis

Laughing Woman - Alternative View

Laughing Woman - Alternative View

Criminologist Cesare Lombroso once remarked: “The favorite weapon for murder among men is - dagger, women - poison"

Iron Mask Of The Siberian Prison - Alternative View

Iron Mask Of The Siberian Prison - Alternative View

It still remains a mystery who was hiding behind the famous iron mask

Hunting For The "Black Cat" - Alternative View

Hunting For The "Black Cat" - Alternative View

The Soviet people learned about the Black Cat gang in 1975, after the release of the Weiner brothers' novel "The Era of Mercy"

Countess Bathory - A Serial Killer Of The Middle Ages? - Alternative View

Countess Bathory - A Serial Killer Of The Middle Ages? - Alternative View

Erzhebet Bathory - Countess of Hungarian blood, famous as a serial killer in the 17th century

Thomas Jeffries - Serial Killer And Cannibal Of The Early 19th Century From Tasmania - Alternative View

Thomas Jeffries - Serial Killer And Cannibal Of The Early 19th Century From Tasmania - Alternative View

Thomas Jeffries or (in other sources) Mark Jeffries became famous as the most famous serial killer from Tasmania. Moreover, he "worked" not in modern times, but in the early 19th century.- Salik.bizJeffreys was born in Scotland and was sent to Tasmania in 1824 as a prisoner after being assaulted with death threats against a constable