Secrets of history 2024, October

Who Did The Bastille Interfere With? - Alternative View

Who Did The Bastille Interfere With? - Alternative View

Let's start with the question: why did the people destroy the prison for the aristocrats and why did this event cause violent rejoicing among the so-called common people? Indeed, the Bastille has long existed as a privileged prison for 42 people

Echoes Of A Terrible Riddle: Human Bones Were Found In The Vatican Embassy - Alternative View

Echoes Of A Terrible Riddle: Human Bones Were Found In The Vatican Embassy - Alternative View

During renovations, fragments of human bones were found at the Vatican embassy (nunciature). Officers of the gendarmerie arrived at the scene, who then notified the representatives of the Holy See and the authorities of Italy about the find

The Teenage Vampire Slayer Clan Case - Alternative View

The Teenage Vampire Slayer Clan Case - Alternative View

This sinister saga began in the 1990s in Eustis, Florida, where troubled teenager Rod Ferrell lived

Came From Twilight - Alternative View

Came From Twilight - Alternative View

The killers appeared at any time, in any country, regardless of its condition and well-being. The post-war USSR was no exception. A maniac appeared here, deftly adjusting to the harsh reality

Mysterious Woman From The Isdalen Valley - Alternative View

Mysterious Woman From The Isdalen Valley - Alternative View

This is a mystery that has haunted Norway for almost 50 years. In November 1970, a partially burned corpse of a woman was discovered in a remote corner of the Norwegian Isdalen Valley

Mystical Coincidences In Murders 157 Years Apart - Alternative View

Mystical Coincidences In Murders 157 Years Apart - Alternative View

There is a certain mysterious force that creates events that are strangely synchronized with other events, completely with the first, at first glance, unrelated.One such example is a series of two murders, which are separated by almost two centuries, and are nevertheless somehow mystically connected with each other

A Boy In A Box: Inside An Eerie Unsolved Mystery - Alternative View

A Boy In A Box: Inside An Eerie Unsolved Mystery - Alternative View

Ivy Hill Cemetery in Cedarbrook, Philadelphia has a large tract of land that is almost entirely covered in stuffed animals donated by local families and casual visitors

Who Killed Lermontov? - Alternative View

Who Killed Lermontov? - Alternative View

We all know from childhood that the poet Lermontov was killed in a duel by Martynov. It's actually not that simple. The circumstances of the duel raise big questions. Bad joke So let's figure it out

The American Confessed To The Murder Of Bob Marley On The Instructions Of The CIA - Alternative View

The American Confessed To The Murder Of Bob Marley On The Instructions Of The CIA - Alternative View

An elderly American, Bill Oxley, told on his deathbed that he worked as a CIA agent and was involved in the death of the famous reggae artist Bob Marley. This was reported by the portal The Daily Star

Scary Story At The Hinterkaifeck Farm - Alternative View

Scary Story At The Hinterkaifeck Farm - Alternative View

Although more than 100 suspects were questioned, back in 1986, the official criminal who killed the entire Gruber family, including the maid, was never named.About a week before March 31, 1922, farmer Andreas Gruber noticed some oddities on his farm, known as the Hinterkaifeck

The Scary Crimes Of 11-Year-Old Murderer Mary Bell - Alternative View

The Scary Crimes Of 11-Year-Old Murderer Mary Bell - Alternative View

Mary Bell killed two little boys in 1968. When she was released from prison after serving a 12-year sentence, she was only 23 years old

In Altai, They Found Fragments Of A Chinese Product, Which Is 2.5 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

In Altai, They Found Fragments Of A Chinese Product, Which Is 2.5 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

In the summer of 2018, archaeologists found in the Krasnoshchekovsky district of the Altai Territory fragments of a wooden lacquer product made in Ancient China 2.5 thousand years ago. Excavations were carried out on the left bank of the river. Inya near the village. Chineta

Emperor Nero - Madman On The Throne? - Alternative View

Emperor Nero - Madman On The Throne? - Alternative View

Nero (37 - 68) - Roman emperor (since 54), from the Julian Dynasty - Klavdiev. By repressions and confiscations, he turned different strata of society against himself. Fearing uprisings, fled Rome and committed suicide

Templar Occultists, Mystics And Financiers - Alternative View

Templar Occultists, Mystics And Financiers - Alternative View

Occult circles and secret societies are formed on the principles of equality of all those who have passed the initiation

Who Is Guy Fawkes Or The History Of The Gunpowder Plot - Alternative View

Who Is Guy Fawkes Or The History Of The Gunpowder Plot - Alternative View

In England, it is customary to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night from 4 to 5 November. As soon as dusk deepens, processions begin in large cities. Parade participants carry a scarecrow depicting Guy Fawkes, and then burn it in the main square. All this ends with fireworks

The Emperor In The Camps Of Stalin - Alternative View

The Emperor In The Camps Of Stalin - Alternative View

How the last ruler of the Qing dynasty lived in Soviet captivity and tried to become a communistIn August 1945, Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing dynasty that ruled China for three centuries, was captured by the Soviet army. Later, he will become one of the main witnesses at the Tokyo trial against Japanese criminals, ask Stalin to become a communist and will in every possible way demonstrate loyalty to the Soviet regime, realizing that his life depends on it

Version: Where Did The "Velesov Book" Come From? - Alternative View

Version: Where Did The "Velesov Book" Come From? - Alternative View

For the second century, researchers have been trying to unravel the mystery of the "Veles Book", which tells about the rituals of ancient Slavic pagan magic. Meanwhile, professional historians consider this work to be nothing more than a fake

What Did They Do With Drunks In Russia - Alternative View

What Did They Do With Drunks In Russia - Alternative View

The general drunkenness of Russians is a myth. However, a certain percentage of people who abuse intoxicated drinks have always existed in Russia. And exactly how the Russians behaved with drunkards confirms that drunkenness was a shame

Velesov Book: Genius Fake Or Genuine Antiquity? - Alternative View

Velesov Book: Genius Fake Or Genuine Antiquity? - Alternative View

The origin of this manuscript is shrouded in mystery. "Veles's book" (aka "Vlesov's book" or "Veles's book") is one of the most controversial historical documents in the world

What Happened To The Richest Businessmen Of Tsarist Russia After The Revolution - Alternative View

What Happened To The Richest Businessmen Of Tsarist Russia After The Revolution - Alternative View

In June 1918, according to a decree of the new Bolshevik government, all large-scale industry in Russia was recognized as "the property of the people." And what happened to its former owners, private owners, those who for years and generations created this production?

When Was The First Beer Brewed? - Alternative View

When Was The First Beer Brewed? - Alternative View

For beer, the main thing is purity. For almost 500 years, throughout the German-speaking area, beer has been brewed in accordance with the German Beer Purity Order

Front-line 100 Grams - Alternative View

Front-line 100 Grams - Alternative View

Many people know about the front (they are the People's Commissars, or Voroshilov's) 100 grams. The daily vodka ration received by the soldiers of the Red Army became a symbol of Victory along with the T-34 tank or the Katyusha rocket launcher

The Ancient Workers Received The Calculation With Beer - Alternative View

The Ancient Workers Received The Calculation With Beer - Alternative View

Researchers from Stanford University in California (USA) have found new evidence of beer wages in Mesopotamia. Scientists' words are confirmed by an ancient artifact found in the city of Uruk and dated 3300 BC

The Truth About Drinking Alcohol Before A Battle, During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The Truth About Drinking Alcohol Before A Battle, During The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

This is the story my grandfather used to tell me. His father, and my great-grandfather Yatsenko Prokopiy Vasilyevich, on the left in the photo, from 1939 to 1946 went through three wars. Before the battle, ALCOHOL was brought into the troops, allegedly for "bravery

A Strange Bronze Artifact Found In The Swamp - Alternative View

A Strange Bronze Artifact Found In The Swamp - Alternative View

The strange artifact was found in 1847 in a swamp in the village of Balcocre, south of Skane in Sweden. The object suggests some form of ritual use in Bronze Age religion.A local teacher sent the find on a steamer to the Stockholm Museum of National Antiquities

Was Count Dracula A Vampire? - Alternative View

Was Count Dracula A Vampire? - Alternative View

A man died. We put it in the grave - And with him the good that he managed to do. And we only remember what was bad about him

Mystery Of Maximilian Bauer: Did Hitler Die In 1938 - Alternative View

Mystery Of Maximilian Bauer: Did Hitler Die In 1938 - Alternative View

On the eve of World War II, unusual news spread around the world: the book "The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler" was published in the United States, the author of which claimed that the German Fuhrer had allegedly died in 1938

Hitler Escaped In A Submarine? - Alternative View

Hitler Escaped In A Submarine? - Alternative View

The author of The Last Secret of the Reich, Leon Arbatsky, doubts that Hitler committed suicide in April 1945.- Leon Abramovich, you have chosen a significant subtitle for the book - "The Case of the Disappearance of Hitler." It turns out that we are not talking about the death of the Fuhrer … Is there really any reason to assert this?

Hitler Is Alive - Evidence - Alternative View

Hitler Is Alive - Evidence - Alternative View

In 1980, some Argentine newspapers carried the sensational news that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but remained alive. In 1953, he met with his personal pilot Hans Baur, released from Soviet captivity, and he conveyed to him a message from the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Lavrentiy Beria

The Mystery Of Hitler's Death - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Hitler's Death - Alternative View

People do not want to believe in the death of outstanding peacekeepers because part of their hopes for a better future dies with them

German Gambit! Why Didn't Hitler Drop The Atomic Bomb? - Alternative View

German Gambit! Why Didn't Hitler Drop The Atomic Bomb? - Alternative View

In December 1938, German physicists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann carried out the first artificial fission of the uranium atom nucleus in the world. This event gave rise to Hitler's nuclear program. Dubbed the "Uranium Project" - (German: Uranprojekt Kernwaffenprojekt)

Hitler - "Fighting Hamster" Of The Anglo-Saxons - Alternative View

Hitler - "Fighting Hamster" Of The Anglo-Saxons - Alternative View

This expression never gets old. It was also true in the 30s of the 20th century. And why now no one asks the question - where did the poor, devastated Germany get the money to raise industry, re-equip the army? But everything lies on the surface

The Most Incredible Surgical Procedures In The History Of - Alternative View

The Most Incredible Surgical Procedures In The History Of - Alternative View

These operations boggle the human imagination with their complexity. Newsweek magazine ranks among the greatest surgical miracles in the history of modern medicine. 1. Removing half of the brain

How Americans Dropped Thermonuclear Bombs In Greenland - Alternative View

How Americans Dropped Thermonuclear Bombs In Greenland - Alternative View

A burned-out chair caused one of the largest radiation accidents in the history of the US Air Force! But how - and to what consequences did it lead? We figured it out.President Donald Trump has not gone mad with his offer to buy Greenland from the Danes

Hall's Red Grandmother: How An English Lady Handed Over A Nuclear Bomb To The USSR - Alternative View

Hall's Red Grandmother: How An English Lady Handed Over A Nuclear Bomb To The USSR - Alternative View

She did not receive a dime from the KGB. “I was just in love with Lenin,” she later admitted.Once upon a time there was a grandmother in southeast London - a dandelion of God named Melita Norwood. In her house, bought on credit back in 1937, she grew flowers and baked pies. The

Hitler's Missile Weapons Designers - Alternative View

Hitler's Missile Weapons Designers - Alternative View

Hitler's missile weapons designers are now releasing weapons of mass destruction in the United States

Hitler's Secret Weapon: What It Really Was - Alternative View

Hitler's Secret Weapon: What It Really Was - Alternative View

The Third Reich is credited with creating a number of technologies that are advanced even for our time. Among them - a secret weapon project codenamed Die Glocke - "The Bell". What is known about him?

Hitler And The Death Star: The Secret Weapon Of Nazi Germany - Alternative View

Hitler And The Death Star: The Secret Weapon Of Nazi Germany - Alternative View

Scientists are gradually declassifying the technology that Germany possessed during the Second World War. This time, military experts from the United States revealed Hitler's plan to create the Death Star

Scientists Made Stupid Mistakes: Why Hitler Never Seized Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

Scientists Made Stupid Mistakes: Why Hitler Never Seized Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

In Nazi Germany, the development of nuclear weapons was never as ambitious as in the USA and the USSR

How To Lose A Nuclear Bomb Easily And Repeatedly - Alternative View

How To Lose A Nuclear Bomb Easily And Repeatedly - Alternative View

It remains only to amaze that we have not yet taken off. Here are the most outstanding cases that show how lucky a person is. Bomb attacks The overwhelming number of nuclear emergencies lies on the conscience of the American aviation