Secrets of history 2024, October

Scientists Have Found The Phoenicians. - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found The Phoenicians. - Alternative View

Phoenicians - mystery of the ancient world. They gave us the alphabet, built bridges between East and West, but later their civilization seemed to dissolve

Why Was That River Called Currant? - Alternative View

Why Was That River Called Currant? - Alternative View

In many Russian folk tales and epics, a certain river Smorodina is mentioned, the bank of which is covered with human bones. Heroes come here to protect their native land from the attack of monsters.There is a generally accepted opinion, expressed by the authoritative researcher of fairy tales V

Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of Robinson Crusoe. - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered Traces Of Robinson Crusoe. - Alternative View

Archaeologists discovered on an island in the Pacific Ocean traces of the prototype of Robinson Crusoe - the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, after a quarrel with the captain landed on an uninhabited island and lived there alone for 4 years

Rich Tombs Of The Pre-Columbian Moche Culture Have Been Found In Peru - Alternative View

Rich Tombs Of The Pre-Columbian Moche Culture Have Been Found In Peru - Alternative View

Archaeologists from the Tumbas Reales de Sipan Museum during excavations in northern Peru have discovered three richly decorated graves of representatives of the nobility of the ancient Moche culture

Who Was Jesus Christ Really? - Alternative View

Who Was Jesus Christ Really? - Alternative View

According to the traditional Christian doctrine, Jesus Christ was a God-man who, in his hypostasis, contained all the fullness of the divine and human nature

Church Hoaxes, Or When Was Jesus Christ Really Born? - Alternative View

Church Hoaxes, Or When Was Jesus Christ Really Born? - Alternative View

Any reasonable person understands that many church "truths" are actually, at best, sewn with white thread, and sometimes look like children's fairy tales or primitive anecdotes

In What Year Was Jesus Christ Actually Born - Alternative View

In What Year Was Jesus Christ Actually Born - Alternative View

Probably there is no person who is not familiar with the chronology "from the Nativity of Christ", which is the starting point of our (new) era. But is it really known in what year Christ was born and was this year the first?

What Did Jesus Christ Really Look Like? - Alternative View

What Did Jesus Christ Really Look Like? - Alternative View

Everyone knows what Jesus Christ looked like. This is the most popular image in Western art, usually depicted with a beard and long hair, long white clothes with long sleeves and a blue cape

Is The Extraterrestrial Origin Of Jesus Confirmed By Ancient Frescoes - Alternative View

Is The Extraterrestrial Origin Of Jesus Confirmed By Ancient Frescoes - Alternative View

Atheists have always believed that God does not exist and are constantly engaged in heated discussions with believers. Researchers present their own version of the extraterrestrial origin of Jesus, this is confirmed by ancient frescoes and icons

The Unknown Life Of Christ - Alternative View

The Unknown Life Of Christ - Alternative View

Since it became unsafe to travel and rest in the resorts of North Africa and the Middle East, the inhabitants of our country turned their eyes to India, which for centuries has been friendly to Russia. This country has wonderful resorts, and miracles are found literally at every step

How Much Did Judas Receive For The Betrayal Of Christ With Modern Money? Alternative View

How Much Did Judas Receive For The Betrayal Of Christ With Modern Money? Alternative View

In all ages, there were researchers who were curious, but how much did Judas Iscariot actually gain for his betrayal? Is 30 pieces of silver a lot or a little? How tempting is the amount to make a man betray his friend and send him to certain death?

5 Most Ancient Images Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

5 Most Ancient Images Of Jesus Christ - Alternative View

The iconography of Christ is well known: the non-handmade Savior, Pantokrator, Christ in the arms of Mary … Non-canonical images are taboo by the church. Please paint Christ, but it will not be religious, but secular painting. And these secular images are sometimes more interesting than the canonical ones precisely because they present us with different versions of the image of the Savior.B

Doomed By Christ: Three Cities Perished Because Of The Ancient Curse - Alternative View

Doomed By Christ: Three Cities Perished Because Of The Ancient Curse - Alternative View

The people call the story of the ancient curse of Jesus Christ "the secret of the three cities." We are talking about Corazim, Capernaum and Bethsaida. At one time, the listed settlements played an important role, and no one thought that they would be wiped off the face of the earth

Why Is Jesus Not The Christ? - Alternative View

Why Is Jesus Not The Christ? - Alternative View

Had we found ourselves in ancient Nazareth, and shouted in our voice "Jesus Christooooos!", At best we would have been greeted with incomprehensible glances. And the son of Mary himself, twisted his finger at his temple. (In Holland, this gesture is a praise for an intelligent person, but we will not feed ourselves with vain illusions

3 Competitors Of Jesus Christ. Each Of Them Could Become A Savior! - Alternative View

3 Competitors Of Jesus Christ. Each Of Them Could Become A Savior! - Alternative View

2,000 years ago in the kingdom of Judah, besides Jesus, there were several popular leaders who claimed to be the Savior. The fact is that at the beginning of the era, the Israeli land was under the yoke of the Roman Empire. Outsiders appointed kings, collected taxes, dictated laws, and executed those who disliked the regime

"Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross And Was Married To Mary." Forbidden Gospel - Alternative View

"Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross And Was Married To Mary." Forbidden Gospel - Alternative View

How is history rewritten?I was always amazed at the ability of people to rewrite history to suit their interests. Thus, European children no longer doubt that the Victory over Nazi Germany is entirely the merit of the United States, England and France

Judas Is The Brother Of Christ. How Many Children Did Mary Have With Joseph? - Alternative View

Judas Is The Brother Of Christ. How Many Children Did Mary Have With Joseph? - Alternative View

Increasingly, I notice that many Orthodox Christians are as far from knowing the real history of Christ as hippos are from ballet. Not everyone knows, for example, that Jesus was circumcised and prayed in synagogues, that in the Qur'an the savior is known as the prophet Isa, who was a faithful servant of Allah, and one of the disciples went to the cross instead

Khazars: What Did The DNA Analysis Of The Remains Show? - Alternative View

Khazars: What Did The DNA Analysis Of The Remains Show? - Alternative View

For the first time, DNA analysis of the Khazar remains was carried out. Khazars invariably attract increased attention of both people of science and the general public

What Did The Ideologists Of The Third Reich Write About The Khazars - Alternative View

What Did The Ideologists Of The Third Reich Write About The Khazars - Alternative View

Paradoxically, at the very beginning of the war, German ideologists were more than skeptical of the Turks, considering them more racially inferior, even in comparison with the Slavic population

5 Curious Facts About The Khazar Kaganate - Alternative View

5 Curious Facts About The Khazar Kaganate - Alternative View

The idea of the Khazars is often limited to the image of another enemy of the Old Russian state. But the history of a three-hundred-year-old civilization, which was located on the border with the legendary tribes of Gog and Magog, was much more interesting

What Was Called "Khazaria" In The Late Middle Ages And Early Modern Times - Alternative View

What Was Called "Khazaria" In The Late Middle Ages And Early Modern Times - Alternative View

The Khazar presence in the Crimea practically disappears by the end of the 9th century AD; about a century later, at the end of the 10th century, the Khazar Empire itself collapsed

The Sanctions Of The Khazars Against Russia And The Bloody Campaign Of Revenge Of The Troops Of The Rus - Alternative View

The Sanctions Of The Khazars Against Russia And The Bloody Campaign Of Revenge Of The Troops Of The Rus - Alternative View

Previous part: "The Christian community of Kiev, the strange behavior of Sveneld, and the death of Prince Svyatoslav"

Two Dangerous Enemies For Byzantium - Bulgaria And Russia. Why Did Svyatoslav Decide To Strike? - Alternative View

Two Dangerous Enemies For Byzantium - Bulgaria And Russia. Why Did Svyatoslav Decide To Strike? - Alternative View

Previous part: "Fortress Sarkel and the army of the Khazar king Joseph against the princely squad of Svyatoslav". The success of Svyatoslav's Khazar campaign made a huge impression on Constantinople

The Sarkel Fortress And The Army Of The Khazar King Joseph Against The Princely Squad Of Svyatoslav - Alternative View

The Sarkel Fortress And The Army Of The Khazar King Joseph Against The Princely Squad Of Svyatoslav - Alternative View

Read the first part here: "Svyatoslav - the prince" fed from the sword. Beginning. " The Khazar Kaganate in the 10th century was a fairly strong state that influenced world politics

Captain Nemo's Prototype - Alternative View

Captain Nemo's Prototype - Alternative View

Jules Verne's novels "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "The Mysterious Island" are well-known and readable books. One of the main characters of these works is the mysterious Captain Nemo, engineer, inventor, ocean scientist, creator of the fantastic submarine ship "Nautilus"

Secrets Of Divination Of The Delphic Oracle - Alternative View

Secrets Of Divination Of The Delphic Oracle - Alternative View

At the temple of Apollo located in Delphi, there was one of the most famous soothsayers, called the Delphic Oracle.The myths of ancient Greece claim that the temple was founded by Apollo himself to commemorate his victory over the terrible serpent Python

Delphic Oracle - Alternative View

Delphic Oracle - Alternative View

One should not think that it was only in modern times that behind-the-scenes forces appeared, external to the governments of any states, and influencing world politics.- Salik.bizPythiasThe oracle in Delphi, in the Greek region of Phocis, at the foot of Mount Parnassus, has been revered since ancient times

The Main Secrets Of The History Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of The History Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The Slavs are the largest ethnic community in Europe, but what do we really know about them? From whom did they originate, where was their homeland, and where did the self-name Slavs come from? We'll figure out

An Amateur Archaeologist Found The Amber Room? - Alternative View

An Amateur Archaeologist Found The Amber Room? - Alternative View

The ten-year efforts of the German treasure hunter were crowned with success: he managed to find two tons of precious metals, presumably from the Amber Room

The Most Important Secrets Of The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

The Most Important Secrets Of The History Of The USSR - Alternative View

The 70-year period of the existence of the Soviet Union left us a legacy of many controversial events. History has shed light on some of them, but some are still highly controversial. How did the name of the USSR appear?

Lost Vikings. - Alternative View

Lost Vikings. - Alternative View

In 983, the brave Viking Erik the Red discovered new uninhabited lands west of Iceland. Cleverly calling them Greenland, that is, "Green Land", he persuaded a group of compatriots to leave with him

What Do The Names Of Money Mean - Alternative View

What Do The Names Of Money Mean - Alternative View

Every day, taking out bills from their wallet and paying them for certain goods, few people think about why the ruble is called the ruble and the dollar is called the dollar. This overview presents the origin of the names of the most famous currencies

Found An Ancient Frogodile With Teeth In Unusual Places. - Alternative View

Found An Ancient Frogodile With Teeth In Unusual Places. - Alternative View

The teeth of representatives of the animal world have a variety of shapes and sizes. And in the ancient crocodile-like creature from Antarctica, they were also located in a non-standard place: all over the palate

Robots In Ancient Times - Alternative View

Robots In Ancient Times - Alternative View

Unfortunately, the people of the XXI century do not have exact knowledge about the events separated from us by tens, hundreds, and even more so thousands of years. After this time, almost all of them turn into legends, fairy tales, myths, or just anecdotes

The Cosmit Legacy Or Memories Of The Future - Alternative View

The Cosmit Legacy Or Memories Of The Future - Alternative View

In the sensational film "Memories of the Future" at the time, there are curious shots filmed on one of the Polynesian islands. During the war, the Americans set up their air transshipment base there for bombing Japan

100 Years Of The Tunguska Meteorite: Riddles That No One Can Guess. Part 2 - Alternative View

100 Years Of The Tunguska Meteorite: Riddles That No One Can Guess. Part 2 - Alternative View

Until now, scientists do not understand what kind of strange explosion happened on June 30, 1908 in the Siberian taiga near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River

People Who Took With Them To The Grave The Greatest Secrets Of History - Alternative View

People Who Took With Them To The Grave The Greatest Secrets Of History - Alternative View

Each person has their own secrets and secrets. However, some people have secret knowledge that can affect the fate of all mankind! It is about such people that this article is told

Will Sannikov Land Be Found? - Alternative View

Will Sannikov Land Be Found? - Alternative View

Due to global warming in the Arctic Ocean, geographical discoveries are possible. From mid-August to mid-September, the Russian polar expedition "Arctic-2008"

What Is The Meaning Of The Two-headed Eagle? - Alternative View

What Is The Meaning Of The Two-headed Eagle? - Alternative View

Double-headed eagle - one of the oldest and most widespread symbols of power. It is not less than five thousand years old, and it appears simultaneously with the first states on earth. This symbol has received many interpretations, but what meaning was given to it initially?

Unexpected Finds Of Archaeologists In Ancient Tombs - Alternative View

Unexpected Finds Of Archaeologists In Ancient Tombs - Alternative View

"Potion of Eternal Life"Potion of immortality - this is exactly the find that Chinese archaeologists discovered in March 2019. Scientists have examined the tomb of a fairly wealthy man who lived about 2,200 years ago. Among other finds, archaeologists found an unusual metal jug that was filled with a strange liquid