Secrets of history 2024, October

Catherine De Medici - "witch On The Throne" - Alternative View

Catherine De Medici - "witch On The Throne" - Alternative View

The life of Catherine de Medici - the "black queen", as her contemporaries called her, was filled with mysticism, witchcraft and terrible prophecies. For almost 30 years she ruled France - the most powerful country in Europe in the 16th century

Louis XIV (sun King). Biography. Personal Life - Alternative View

Louis XIV (sun King). Biography. Personal Life - Alternative View

Louis XIV de Bourbon, also known as the "sun king", also Louis the Great, (born September 5, 1638, death September 1, 1715) - King of France and Navarre from 14 May 1643

Louis XIV And His Meals: The Incredible Gluttony Of The Sun King - Alternative View

Louis XIV And His Meals: The Incredible Gluttony Of The Sun King - Alternative View

The name of the French monarch Louis XIV is associated with the "golden age" of monarchical power in the country. Under the Sun King, balls and festivities were held on a truly royal scale

Joan Of Arc Was Not Burned? - Alternative View

Joan Of Arc Was Not Burned? - Alternative View

A lot of scientific research has been written about her, and despite this - or perhaps precisely because of this, the disputes around her fate not only do not subside, but, on the contrary, flare up with increasing force.The official life story of the Virgin of Orleans has existed since the time of the French Revolution and is detailed in school textbooks

Was There A Parisian Clock Glitch? - Alternative View

Was There A Parisian Clock Glitch? - Alternative View

I do not know if there is any more weighty confirmation of this, but the entire Internet is replete with approximately the same information, without references to serious sources. In general, you will have to figure out the reliability of certain events yourself

In France, There Lived A Son Of Hitler, Who Had Descendants Of - Alternative View

In France, There Lived A Son Of Hitler, Who Had Descendants Of - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler had an illegitimate son in France. French journalists found out that a young French woman who became pregnant with him during the First World War could give birth to a child to the future Fuhrer

Where To Find The Library Of Yaroslav The Wise? - Alternative View

Where To Find The Library Of Yaroslav The Wise? - Alternative View

The fate of the library of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise is one of the most mysterious mysteries of Ukrainian history

Who Stole The Remains Of Yaroslav The Wise In Soviet Times - Alternative View

Who Stole The Remains Of Yaroslav The Wise In Soviet Times - Alternative View

Kievan Rus owed its greatness to Yaroslav the Wise. This outstanding prince ruled the state for almost 40 years and made Russia one of the most powerful and influential countries in Europe

Chernobyl Disaster: What Does The Exclusion Zone Look Like Today? - Alternative View

Chernobyl Disaster: What Does The Exclusion Zone Look Like Today? - Alternative View

On April 26, 1986, an explosion occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which went down in history as one of the worst disasters of its kind

Rothschilds - Alternative View

Rothschilds - Alternative View


The Mysterious Sibiu Manuscript Is Still Worrying Scientists - Alternative View

The Mysterious Sibiu Manuscript Is Still Worrying Scientists - Alternative View

And although the manuscript of "Sibiu" was found in the distant already 1961, the mysterious tome still haunts various researchers, from historians to ufologists

Tmutarakan Principality In The XI Century - Alternative View

Tmutarakan Principality In The XI Century - Alternative View

If we talk about the history of the Tmutarakan principality in the XI century, one should start with the following. In historical science at different times there have been many disputes on various issues. Starting with the existence of the legendary Atlantis, and ending with the Varangian question

Petroglyphs On The Kola Peninsula Are Older Than The Cheops Pyramid - Alternative View

Petroglyphs On The Kola Peninsula Are Older Than The Cheops Pyramid - Alternative View

During the last Kola expedition organized by the Institute for the History of Material Culture, St. Petersburg archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts next to the famous rock paintings of this peninsula

How Did The Decembrists Do Business In Siberia - Alternative View

How Did The Decembrists Do Business In Siberia - Alternative View

Most of the exiled Decembrists showed remarkable entrepreneurial fervor. For example, in the Siberian exile N

A Bronze Statuette Of Osiris Was Found In The Cache Of The Djoser Pyramid Near Cairo - Alternative View

A Bronze Statuette Of Osiris Was Found In The Cache Of The Djoser Pyramid Near Cairo - Alternative View

The figurine was hidden between two blocks at the base of the pyramid. A group of Egyptian specialists conducting restoration work on the step pyramid of Djoser discovered a unique bronze statuette of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris

Fears Of Westphalia - Alternative View

Fears Of Westphalia - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 19th century, German newspapers were full of headlines: "Westphalia is seized with horror", "The Mystery of the Cemetery", "The Mysterious Deaths of Babies."Lively journalists vied with each other to write about such horrors in the small town of Taylfingen that ordinary inhabitants had their blood cold in their veins

Chichen Itza. Spanish Conquest - Alternative View

Chichen Itza. Spanish Conquest - Alternative View

The originality of its development stems from a whole range of new features in urban planning, architecture, fine arts, Mexican in origin

The Main Myths About Nicholas II - Alternative View

The Main Myths About Nicholas II - Alternative View

Although a lot has been written about Nicholas II, much of what has been written refers to "folk fiction", delusions. The king was modest in dress. Unpretentious Nicholas II was remembered by the many surviving photographic materials as an unpretentious person

Additional Documents On The Kennedy Assassination Declassified - Alternative View

Additional Documents On The Kennedy Assassination Declassified - Alternative View

The US National Archives has released 10,744 more FBI documents in the November 1963 assassination of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, WBay reported on Friday, November 17. The content of the documents is not specified

Legends About Demidov's Millions - Alternative View

Legends About Demidov's Millions - Alternative View

2016 marks the 360th anniversary of the birth of the most famous Russian gunsmith and entrepreneur Nikita Demidov

The Most Unusual And Exotic Troops Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

The Most Unusual And Exotic Troops Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Throughout the centuries-old history of the Russian state, not only representatives of the Russian people were involved in military service, but also people of other nationalities inhabiting the vast expanses of our country

Crystal Fountain For The World Exhibition - Alternative View

Crystal Fountain For The World Exhibition - Alternative View

A fountain is depicted on the modern coat of arms of Konstantinovka. This is puzzling and surprising. Why a fountain? These events took place in the distant 30s.By the decree of the US Congress dated June 15, 1936, 64 states were invited to take part in the World Exhibition in New York "Building the World of Tomorrow"

Treasures And Ghost Tormentors: What Can You Learn From The Ants Of The Pniew Castle - Alternative View

Treasures And Ghost Tormentors: What Can You Learn From The Ants Of The Pniew Castle - Alternative View

Many amazing stories are told about the Pniew castle-fortification. Each "worthy" castle should have its own legends and ghosts

Sea Devils In The Flesh: The Rise And Fall Of The Irish Pirates - Alternative View

Sea Devils In The Flesh: The Rise And Fall Of The Irish Pirates - Alternative View

The most formidable, daring and absolutely reckless pirates did not live in England, as we used to think. They lived in Ireland and their formidable "Yo-ho-ho!" made the whole admiralty tremble, the Privy Council and personally the English king

The Catastrophe Of An Unnamed Comet - Alternative View

The Catastrophe Of An Unnamed Comet - Alternative View

In the early morning of June 30, 1908, a huge aerolite flew into the Earth's atmosphere over the headwaters of the Yenisei in the direction from west to east, and after 30 to 40 minutes the inhabitants of Eastern Siberia felt a shaking of the soil

Oleg The Prophet Or Just Oleg? - Alternative View

Oleg The Prophet Or Just Oleg? - Alternative View

Oleg "Prophetic", what kind of personality in history? According to legend, Oleg died of a snakebite in 912, and this campaign of the Rus took place in 913. A large army of the Rus, by agreement with the Khazars, was allowed to pass down the Volga to the Caspian

Anty And Penkovskaya Culture - Alternative View

Anty And Penkovskaya Culture - Alternative View

Among the European tribes that actively influenced the course of historical events of the "era of the great migration of peoples", one of the leading places belongs to the Antsky union, which is repeatedly mentioned in their writings by early medieval authors

The Strange Disappearance Of Passengers In The Mercury Compartment - Alternative View

The Strange Disappearance Of Passengers In The Mercury Compartment - Alternative View

On the night of February 24, 1978, a group of five youths who were part of a mentally handicapped program attended a basketball game at California State University's college in Chico. They were Jack Madruga (30), William Sterling (29), Ted Weicher (32), Gary Mathias (25), and Jack Hewitt (24), all from the Marysville area of California. A g

Tale Of The Mongol-Tatar Invasion - Alternative View

Tale Of The Mongol-Tatar Invasion - Alternative View

In the middle of the XIII century, the Russian land was invaded by the Mongols. Terrible hordes of steppe nomads, united by Temuchin - Genghis Khan, moved from East to West. For three years, from 1237 to 1240, the Russian people waged a courageous struggle against innumerable enemy forces

The Miracles Of Staunchness And Heroism Of The Troops Of Svyatoslav And The Forced Peace With Byzantium - Alternative View

The Miracles Of Staunchness And Heroism Of The Troops Of Svyatoslav And The Forced Peace With Byzantium - Alternative View

Beginning: "The first stage of the war between Svyatoslav and the Byzantine Empire". The second war with Byzantium The first stage of the war with the Byzantine Empire ended in victory for Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich

Adolf Hitler And Henry Ford - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler And Henry Ford - Alternative View

In 1931, American journalist Annette Anton of Detroit News interviewed the new leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler. Above the working table of the main Nazi, the correspondent noticed a portrait of the main American car dealer Henry Ford

More Expensive Than Gold - Alternative View

More Expensive Than Gold - Alternative View

This silver is now considered less valuable than gold, but in ancient times everything was different. Native silver is rare, and its extraction from ores becomes possible only at a certain technical level of development of society

Is It Possible? - Alternative View

Is It Possible? - Alternative View

In general, I have an opinion that more than half of the historical moments, and even more so of some historical subtleties, were invented or at least transmitted through the channels of the "broken phone" during which everything was so transformed that it already has little in common with reality

Epidemic Of Pharmacy Drug Addiction In The USA: History And Modernity - Alternative View

Epidemic Of Pharmacy Drug Addiction In The USA: History And Modernity - Alternative View

On September 1, 2011, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Center of Disease Control and Prevention) officially announced that an epidemic of drug addiction was raging in the country. Before considering what is happening now, a little history

Who And Why Immured Thousands Of Teeth Into The Wall Of The House - - Alternative View

Who And Why Immured Thousands Of Teeth Into The Wall Of The House - - Alternative View

Last week, workers in Valdosta, Georgia, America, were struck to the core when hundreds of human teeth were unexpectedly found in a wall during a renovation of an old commercial building

The Secret Of The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes Trismegistus - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes Trismegistus - Alternative View

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been mysterious books, artifacts and relics, supposedly containing some mystical knowledge or powers

A Soviet Linguist Deciphered The Phaistos Disc In Just One Night - Alternative View

A Soviet Linguist Deciphered The Phaistos Disc In Just One Night - Alternative View

The Phaistos disc is a unique ancient monument of writing, which could not be deciphered for a long time. Cryptography was unraveled by the Russian linguist G.S. Grinevich in 1983. This fact is little known, since it was not made public. When people began to talk about deciphering the document more and more often, Grinevich's version was severely criticized and recognized as unreliable

Did The Cryptanalysts Handle The Most Mysterious Medieval Manuscript? - Alternative View

Did The Cryptanalysts Handle The Most Mysterious Medieval Manuscript? - Alternative View

Two Canadian cryptanalysts may have deciphered a medieval manuscript known as the Voynich Manuscript, which has opposed attempts to understand it for centuries

The Mystery Of The Great Voynich Manuscript Revealed - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Great Voynich Manuscript Revealed - Alternative View

Artificial intelligence has helped scientists at the University of Albertus discover the secret of the famous Voynich manuscript. In particular, researchers are now confident in the language of the document and even know how to translate the first sentence

The Manuscript Is In Angelic! - Alternative View

The Manuscript Is In Angelic! - Alternative View

Russian mathematicians have deciphered the most mysterious document in history - the Voynich manuscript. According to one version, it contains a recipe for the elixir of immortality. The artifact is 500 years old. The manuscript is written in an unknown language, by an unnamed author