Secrets of history 2024, October

The Lost American Atomic Bombs Where Else Will They "float"? - Alternative View

The Lost American Atomic Bombs Where Else Will They "float"? - Alternative View

Recently, the media reported that a Canadian diver found a Mark IV atomic bomb, lost by the US Air Force over the Pacific Ocean 66 years ago, at a depth near the Haida Guai archipelago

The Scientist Explained Why Hitler Was Unable To Create An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

The Scientist Explained Why Hitler Was Unable To Create An Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

Hitlerite Germany was unable to create its own nuclear weapons, because its leadership did not consider this a priority, said Andrei Gagarinsky, advisor to the director of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center and the historian of the national atomic project

Was Jesus Really? - Alternative View

Was Jesus Really? - Alternative View

Jesus Christ is one of the most mysterious and mysterious figures in world history. Despite the abundance of historical reports, books and scientific research, the life of the messiah is still largely unexplored. Is Jesus a historical person, or is he the fruit of a collective image?

How The USA Planned To Destroy The USSR With Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

How The USA Planned To Destroy The USSR With Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

It is said that when US President Harry Truman was informed about the successful test of the first atomic bomb on July 16, 1945, he exclaimed: “Finally, I have a club against these Russian guys

The German Historian Said That He Found A Warehouse Of Atomic Bombs Of The Third Reich In Thuringia - Alternative View

The German Historian Said That He Found A Warehouse Of Atomic Bombs Of The Third Reich In Thuringia - Alternative View

Peter Lohr claims that the terrible weapon can explode at any moment and make the second Chernobyl out of the eastern regions of Germany

Ancient Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

Ancient Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

Seven years after the nuclear test in Alamogordo, New Mexico, when Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, was lecturing in college, a student asked if there had been American atomic tests before, before Alamogordo

Instructive Folk Tales - Alternative View

Instructive Folk Tales - Alternative View

Part 1: Amazing discoveries regarding the creation of the world, paradise, the flood and the Tower of Babel.Part 2: Truth and Legend about the Patriarchs.- Salik.bizPart 3: Folk tradition or truth?Part 4: Moses in a halo of mythsnPart 5: The Age of Struggle and HeroismPart 6: Truth and Legend about the Creators of the Kingdom of IsraelPart 7: "Am I my brother's keeper?

The Manhattan Project. How Humanity Created The Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

The Manhattan Project. How Humanity Created The Atomic Bomb - Alternative View

On July 16, 1945, the world's first atomic bomb was detonated at the Alamogordo test site in the US state of New Mexico

How America Became A Nuclear Power - Alternative View

How America Became A Nuclear Power - Alternative View

On July 16, 1945, the United States conducted the first ever nuclear weapons test, thus gaining priority in the possession of an atomic bomb

Why Did The USSR Want To Detonate An Atomic Bomb On The Moon - Alternative View

Why Did The USSR Want To Detonate An Atomic Bomb On The Moon - Alternative View

When the Cold War began, one of the markers of leadership in it could be considered the ability to detonate a powerful nuclear charge on the Moon, which all people would immediately see from Earth. Work of this kind was carried out simultaneously in the USA and in the USSR

Strange Stories From The Past - Alternative View

Strange Stories From The Past - Alternative View

When it comes to strange, at first glance inexplicable, things, ghostly anomalies that do not have a scientific or other common explanation, we attribute mysterious and even magical qualities to these things

Archaeological Mysteries Of Abakan - Alternative View

Archaeological Mysteries Of Abakan - Alternative View

Abakan - a young city, built, as we used to think, mainly in the Soviet years

Operation "Snowball": Totsk Military Exercises With Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

Operation "Snowball": Totsk Military Exercises With Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

What happened on September 14, 1954 in the Orenburg Region was surrounded by a dense veil of secrecy for many years. It was one of the stages of human testing of atomic weapons, which took place at that time in several countries of the world

The Battle Fleet Of Medieval China - Alternative View

The Battle Fleet Of Medieval China - Alternative View

When they talk about the greatness of Ancient China, there are usually those who snort, “knowing” that the wall was not built by the Chinese to protect the powerful Xiongnu cavalry from horse raids in the 3rd century. BC, and the Russians to protect against the wild Chinese

The Riddle Of The Genetic Disk - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Genetic Disk - Alternative View

This is one of the most mysterious artifacts in the world. The diameter of a stone circle found in Colombia and called the genetic disk is 27 centimeters, weight is about two kilograms

Ten Myths About Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Ten Myths About Ancient Russia - Alternative View

Contemporary Western mass culture traditionally feeds the public with myths about Russia. Here are bears, and eternal winter, and Lenin, the KGB, AK-47 and vodka, which have become an integral part of the image

The Prosperous Peasantry (Kulaks) In The Second Half Of The XIX - Early XX Centuries - Alternative View

The Prosperous Peasantry (Kulaks) In The Second Half Of The XIX - Early XX Centuries - Alternative View

Initially, the term “kulak” had an exclusively negative connotation, representing an assessment of a dishonest person, which was then reflected in the elements of Soviet agitation. The word "kulak" appeared in the pre-reform Russian village. A p

German Fuhrer And "king Of The Jews" - Alternative View

German Fuhrer And "king Of The Jews" - Alternative View

Prominent Zionist activist Golda Meir (in 1969-1974 - Prime Minister of Israel) wrote in her memoirs "My Life" about Hanma Weizman: "For the Jews of the whole world it was the" King of the Jews "… he was a living embodiment of Zionism … and influence it was huge”[1].Weizm

Truth And Fiction About The Death Match - Alternative View

Truth And Fiction About The Death Match - Alternative View

Death Match (Kiev, 1942) - a football match organized by the German fascist invaders in Kiev on August 9, 1942 in order to prove the sports superiority of the "Aryans"

Sports In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

Sports In Azerbaijan - Alternative View

From ancient times to the present day In the process of evolution, ancient man inevitably developed. And his physical strength, speed, reaction and, of course, health were of great importance

Secret Societies Of The 3rd Reich. Thule. Ahnenerbe - Alternative View

Secret Societies Of The 3rd Reich. Thule. Ahnenerbe - Alternative View

It is now generally accepted that the foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state, but this worldview became an active force after the defeat of Germany in World War I

Why Was It Impossible To Live In The Ozarichi Death Camp For More Than A Week - Alternative View

Why Was It Impossible To Live In The Ozarichi Death Camp For More Than A Week - Alternative View

In 1944, about 13 thousand people died in the Ozarichi concentration camp for several weeks. Yanina Portalimova from Belarus shared her memories of this time.In the summer of 1943, the Germans were already losing ground. On the right bank of the Dnieper, they then built a fortified line of defense

1st Soldier Who Raised Arms Against The King! Who Is This Hero? - Alternative View

1st Soldier Who Raised Arms Against The King! Who Is This Hero? - Alternative View

After the February Revolution, the Provisional Government honored Kirpichnikov as “the first soldier …who raised arms against the tsarist system. " He was promoted to the rank of ensign by the Provisional Government, and from the Volyn regiment was elected to the Petrograd Soviet.- S

Earthworm Camp - Alternative View

Earthworm Camp - Alternative View

The German command was very fond of giving their secret objects intricate and somewhat romantic names. Suffice it to recall the names of the Fuhrer's headquarters - "Wolf's Lair", "Eagle's Nest", "Bear's Den" … So they called the fortification on the border of Poland at that time "Earthworm Camp" …There are many legends about the top-secret "Camp of the earthworm" (in German, Regenwurmlager).- S

Killing Sun: Mirror Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Killing Sun: Mirror Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Among the many truly unique technologies created by German scientists during the Second World War, there are many incidents

The Russian Expedition Discovered In The North The Place Of A Secret German Base During The Second World War - Alternative View

The Russian Expedition Discovered In The North The Place Of A Secret German Base During The Second World War - Alternative View

An expedition from the Russian Arctic National Park found a secret Nazi base called the Schatzgraber.The team found just over 500 items of historical value.- Salik.bizIt is believed that this Nazi building was created to search for ancient artifacts in the Arctic

What Was The "gypsy Middle Class" Like, How Did Hitler Destroy It And Why Was It Forgotten - Alternative View

What Was The "gypsy Middle Class" Like, How Did Hitler Destroy It And Why Was It Forgotten - Alternative View

Between 1936 and 1945, the Nazis killed over 50% of European Roma. Whether they were strangled to death in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau, “destroyed by overwork” climbing the “ladder of death” at Mauthausen, or shot and buried in mass graves dug by their own hands in Romania - the extermination of Roma in Europe was carried out with a murderous efficiency.- Sali

The Nazis Were Hunting For A Unique Statue Of Buddha - Alternative View

The Nazis Were Hunting For A Unique Statue Of Buddha - Alternative View

A statue of a Buddhist deity called "Iron Man" has caused a stir among art experts

Archaeologists Have Discovered A Medieval Burial In The Historical Center Of Pskov - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered A Medieval Burial In The Historical Center Of Pskov - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered a medieval burial in the historical center of Pskov, the first information about which dates back to the end of the XIV century. Marina Kulakova, director of the archaeological center of the Pskov region, told reporters at a press conference

Who Are The Aryans, What Do They Look Like And Why Did The Germans Try To Make Them Their Ancestors - Alternative View

Who Are The Aryans, What Do They Look Like And Why Did The Germans Try To Make Them Their Ancestors - Alternative View

More precisely: why the Nazis denied the Slavs of Aryan origin."A true Aryan, Nordic character, seasoned" - from childhood we know these stereotypical words from the characteristics of the characters in "Seventeen Moments of Spring" What did these terms mean?

Archaeologists Have Found On The Territory Of Jerusalem An Ancient Burial Of Decapitated Toads - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found On The Territory Of Jerusalem An Ancient Burial Of Decapitated Toads - Alternative View

Probably the most interesting job - this is the work of an archaeologist: they stumble upon the most incredible objects so often that you simply wonder

Ahnenerbe. Expedition To Tibet. - Alternative View

Ahnenerbe. Expedition To Tibet. - Alternative View

In 1938, under the aegis of Ahnenerbe, an expedition headed by E. Scheffer was sent to Tibet. Schaeffer's expedition without any problems, collecting the necessary ethnographic material along the way, reached Lhasa

Tambov Archaeologists Have Unearthed The Burial Site Of An Ancient Warrior - Alternative View

Tambov Archaeologists Have Unearthed The Burial Site Of An Ancient Warrior - Alternative View

Tambov archaeologists have carried out excavations on the territory of the Arzhenka poultry breeding plant in the town of Rasskazovo. Scientists set a goal to test the legend of the ancient warrior

New Evidence Of Fascist Racial Experiments On Children - Alternative View

New Evidence Of Fascist Racial Experiments On Children - Alternative View

The nurses of the Third Reich did the same as their modern counterparts - provided patients with medical care, but there was also a dark side to their work. For example, the activity in the project to create children of the super race

Scientists Have Found In Egypt A Sarcophagus And Mummies Four Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found In Egypt A Sarcophagus And Mummies Four Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Excavations at an ancient cemetery near Cairo have yielded several amazing finds - - Egyptian archaeologists found here an "anthropoid" limestone sarcophagus, two mummies inside it, as well as several statues of deities and gold jewelry

Archeology Is Banned - Alternative View

Archeology Is Banned - Alternative View

According to the evolutionary theory adopted in modern science, homo sapiens appeared in Africa about 100 thousand years ago. However, over the past two centuries, archaeologists have discovered bones and other objects showing that people like us existed on Earth millions of years ago

Egyptian Archaeologists Have Found 20 Sealed Sarcophagi - Alternative View

Egyptian Archaeologists Have Found 20 Sealed Sarcophagi - Alternative View

Not far from the Egyptian city of Luxor, a cache was discovered in which more than 20 sealed sarcophagi were kept. The wooden artifacts were found "as the ancient Egyptians left them" and are perfectly preserved. According to the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, this find is one of the most important discoveries in recent years

Etruscans Are Russians. To The History Of The Proto-Slavs - Alternative View

Etruscans Are Russians. To The History Of The Proto-Slavs - Alternative View

Who and where were the Slavs before they were called that? The archaeological discoveries of the last century on the Apennine Peninsula and the Balkans became revolutionary for the historiography of Europe: they led to the emergence of a new field of historiography - the Etruscologists, affecting not only ancient and early Roman times

In Gaul, A Legionnaire's Flask With A "secret Potion" Was Found - Alternative View

In Gaul, A Legionnaire's Flask With A "secret Potion" Was Found - Alternative View

In France, a mission from the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) in the southeast of the country unearthed a Roman sanctuary that contained various artifacts, including a legionnaire's flask.The opening is reported on the INRAP website

How The Etruscan Civilization Was Discovered - Alternative View

How The Etruscan Civilization Was Discovered - Alternative View

This discovery, like many others, happened by accident. In the spring of 1828, a Tuscan peasant went out to plow the land. During plowing, his bull, pulling the plow, unexpectedly fell into a hole up to its belly. The bull's front legs were broken, and to tears the upset peasant had no choice but to run home for a gun and shoot the unfortunate animal