Secrets of history 2024, October

Magnesia Is The First Russian Polar City In Siberia - Alternative View

Magnesia Is The First Russian Polar City In Siberia - Alternative View

In 1601, by order of Tsar Boris Godunov, the city of Mangazeya was founded in the lower reaches of the Taz River, near the Yenisei trails. In the local, Zyryan dialect, the word meant "land near the sea"

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 6 - Alternative View

Idol Of The Communist Pharaoh. Part 6 - Alternative View

Part 1 and 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Epigraph: the five-pointed star as a "terrible secret" of the Judeo-Christian religion, the four main principles of convergence of paganism, Judeo-Christianity and Judeo-communism, Lenin's "icon" as

Treasures Of The Tomb Of Pharaoh Psusennes I - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Tomb Of Pharaoh Psusennes I - Alternative View

Everyone knows about the treasures of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. However, much less fame went to the tomb of Pharaoh Psusennes I, whose riches in value and artistic merit are in no way inferior to the burial of Tutankhamun

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The "golden Suitcase" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of The "golden Suitcase" - Alternative View

In 1926, Semyon Neshev, a peasant from the Crimean village of Marfovka, was mining a building stone not far from Kerch and came across a burial of a Gothic king with gold jewelry dating back to the 3rd-5th centuries

Six Apocalypses - Alternative View

Six Apocalypses - Alternative View

People have heard the insinuating steps of the Apocalypse almost ever since they migrated from the animal state to the human state. But for the time being, all the "alarming symptoms" turned out to be a deception - hearing, vision and other senses

The Truth About The Battle Of Kulikovo, Which You Were Not Told At School - Alternative View

The Truth About The Battle Of Kulikovo, Which You Were Not Told At School - Alternative View

Who, where and how actually fought in the famous battle - modern historians have more questions than answers.The school program read: The Battle of Kulikovo took place in 1380 and marked the beginning of the restoration of united Russia and the overthrow of the yoke of the Golden Horde

They Didn't Talk About It At School: The Truth About The Death Of Pompeii - Alternative View

They Didn't Talk About It At School: The Truth About The Death Of Pompeii - Alternative View

The school of the death of Pompeii has a separate history lesson, so everyone knows about the tragedy of this Roman city. More precisely, the majority is familiar only with well-known facts, dry language set out in state textbooks

Maiden Eagles: Pioneer-heroes Shot By The Fascists, Which We Were Not Told About At School - Alternative View

Maiden Eagles: Pioneer-heroes Shot By The Fascists, Which We Were Not Told About At School - Alternative View

In January 1943, seven boys were shot by the Nazis in the village of Devitsa, Voronezh Region. Kolya, Vanya, Tolya, Mitrosha, Alyosha, and one more Vanya, and one more Alyosha … The guys were killed in front of their fellow villagers and their parents

The Truth About Columbus, Which Is Not Told At School - Alternative View

The Truth About Columbus, Which Is Not Told At School - Alternative View

Christopher Columbus - one of the most mysterious historical figures. Scientists still do not know who he is by origin, where he was born and what his real name was

The Strangest Things In The Layout Of Soviet Apartments - Alternative View

The Strangest Things In The Layout Of Soviet Apartments - Alternative View

Soviet architects in the first decades since the formation of the USSR took a course towards "collectivization" and "communalization" of the population of apartment buildings. Sometimes this optimization took the most bizarre forms

Construction Heritage Of The USSR - 9-storey Buildings. Why Are There Exactly So Many Floors - Alternative View

Construction Heritage Of The USSR - 9-storey Buildings. Why Are There Exactly So Many Floors - Alternative View

From time to time, each person begins to be interested in things that he had never thought about before. For example, one of these is the question of why Soviet high-rise buildings had 9 floors. After all, it would be much more practical to erect 10-storey buildings

Garden City: A Model Of An Earthly Paradise - Alternative View

Garden City: A Model Of An Earthly Paradise - Alternative View

A promising idea In 1898, the Englishman Ebenezer Howard came up with a notoriously utopian idea, which had a great resonance throughout the world. She entered the fund of world culture called "Garden Cities of the Future"

Great Cities Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Great Cities Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Constantinople Among the many cities of medieval Europe, the capital of the Byzantine Empire occupied a special place

Richmond. Spring 1865 Shadows On Stones - Alternative View

Richmond. Spring 1865 Shadows On Stones - Alternative View

The destruction of Richmond during the Civil War in the spring of 1865 happened as if by itself, the main battles were for St. Petersburg, and Richmond suffered along the way, the arsenal exploded and the city burned down! That is, there was no long siege and shelling

Where Did This Expression "blue Blood" Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did This Expression "blue Blood" Come From? - Alternative View

I often heard this expression before. Now such comparisons and analogies are giving way to more fashionable and modern ones. But if you do not know how the description of an important, respectable, "aristocratic" person with the words "blue blood" arose, I will now explain to you

The Whole Truth About Sparta And The Spartans - Alternative View

The Whole Truth About Sparta And The Spartans - Alternative View

The history of ancient Greece is simply permeated through and through with various legends, myths, invincible heroes, epic battles and vile betrayals. And it attracts and will attract many people like a magnet. Many would like to see with their own eyes Hercules, Achilles, or watch the feat that immortalized Tsar Leonidas and his 300 Spartans

Found "Elixir Of Youth"? - Alternative View

Found "Elixir Of Youth"? - Alternative View

The British newspaper The Daily Mail reported about an amazing experiment. The result was called a sensation. But looked like pure fantasy

In Search Of The Elixir Of Immortality - Alternative View

In Search Of The Elixir Of Immortality - Alternative View

The human body is 70 percent water. It is not for nothing that one well-known biologist figuratively called living things "animate water". Obviously, for the health and longevity of a person, it is not indifferent what kind of water nourishes the tissues of his body

Finding The Elixir Of Life: What Alchemists And Chinese Emperors Wanted To Find - Alternative View

Finding The Elixir Of Life: What Alchemists And Chinese Emperors Wanted To Find - Alternative View

The rulers of the countries had unlimited power and beautiful women, only death did not look at titles and titles, but took the mighty of this world along with ordinary subjects

Immortality Recipes - Alternative View

Immortality Recipes - Alternative View

Since time immemorial, people have been looking for ways to achieve immortality or at least extend their lives. Legends about finding eternal youth have been passed down from generation to generation throughout the history of mankind

The Search For A Universal Panacea - Alternative View

The Search For A Universal Panacea - Alternative View

The desire for enrichment, which underlies the centuries-old search for the Philosopher's Stone, is inherent in human nature, but the fear of death is even deeper in him

As The First Emperor Of China, He Was Looking For The Elixir Of Life - Alternative View

As The First Emperor Of China, He Was Looking For The Elixir Of Life - Alternative View

The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, was literally obsessed with the idea of finding the elixir of life before he died at the age of 49 in 210 BC. This is evidenced by new archaeological finds

Where To Get The Philosopher's Stone? - Alternative View

Where To Get The Philosopher's Stone? - Alternative View

The language of secret symbols has always hidden alchemy from the curiosity of the uninitiated. We still do not understand its true essence: for some it is the making of gold, for others - - finding the elixir of immortality, for the third - human transformation

The Mystery Of The Immortality Of The Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Immortality Of The Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious people of his time was the Count Saint-Germain, or rather the one who was hiding under this name, which went down in history and became synonymous with the words "mystery", "mysticism" and "adventure"

Two Old Skulls In A Package Were Brought Home By A Resident Of Suzun - Alternative View

Two Old Skulls In A Package Were Brought Home By A Resident Of Suzun - Alternative View

Human skulls and bones were brought home by a resident of the Suzunsky district of the Novosibirsk region. A terrible find alarmed law enforcement officers, a commission was created to investigate this unusual case

8 Mysterious Disappearances Of Celebrities That Will Give You Chills - Alternative View

8 Mysterious Disappearances Of Celebrities That Will Give You Chills - Alternative View

According to the results of sad statistics, over 4.5 million people have disappeared in the world over the past 20 years. There are famous people among them, despite the fact that they are in the spotlight. For example, the son of a millionaire disappeared into the jungle of New Guinea, and the first woman pilot in history seemed to disappear into thin air over the Pacific Ocean

Where Did The 10 Tribes Of Israel Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Did The 10 Tribes Of Israel Disappear? - Alternative View

Since the Assyrians in the VIII century BC. expelled ten Jewish tribes from their land, the further fate of these people is unknown. Where did they go? What happened to the exiles afterwards

Asterisks On Aircraft Fuselages During The War. Why Were They Different - Alternative View

Asterisks On Aircraft Fuselages During The War. Why Were They Different - Alternative View

We know quite a lot about the history of the Great Patriotic War. However, there are many small details that do not change our idea, but are very curious.So, during the war, different traditions appear. Everyone is known from photographs, newsreels and films that the fuselages of our aircraft were decorated with stars

Toddlers Racing. Popular Entertainment In The USA In The 1940s - Alternative View

Toddlers Racing. Popular Entertainment In The USA In The 1940s - Alternative View

This was the kind of entertainment in the United States. I wonder who ever thought of this? I did not find information on this …- Salik.bizBaby or toddler racing was the most popular sport in the United States in the 1940s. The spectators looked at the children with affection and delight. O

This War Turned The World Upside Down. Russia Also Did Not Stand Aside - Alternative View

This War Turned The World Upside Down. Russia Also Did Not Stand Aside - Alternative View

400 years ago, in May 1618, indignant Czechs threw out of the window of the castle tower of Prague Castle two imperial governors and their secretary (they all survived)

10 Historical Misconceptions That Many Take At Face Value - Alternative View

10 Historical Misconceptions That Many Take At Face Value - Alternative View

Almost any information can be found on the Internet today. True, it often happens that the information does not correspond to reality, but many take such "historical delusions" at face value

"Princess Frog" And Mysterious Swamp Temples Of The Slavs - Alternative View

"Princess Frog" And Mysterious Swamp Temples Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The Frog Princess”is one of the most mysterious fairy tales. It is unlikely that we will know all her secrets to the end.The beginning is especially interesting in it.- Salik.bizSince the later versions of the tale are greatly reduced, we will consider an earlier version - it is called "The Tale of the Frog and the Bogatyr" (published in 1787).S

Folk Tradition Or Truth? - Alternative View

Folk Tradition Or Truth? - Alternative View

Part 1: Amazing discoveries regarding the creation of the world, paradise, the flood and the Tower of Babel.Part 2: Truth and Legend about the Patriarchs.- Salik.bizThe legend of Joseph has long enjoyed wide popularity and entered the folklore of those peoples who found food for their imaginations in the Bible

An Ancient Pregnancy Test Surprised Scientists: Everything Is In Science - Alternative View

An Ancient Pregnancy Test Surprised Scientists: Everything Is In Science - Alternative View

Archaeologists were able to decipher the ancient Egyptian text, which contained a description of the test. The method of checking pregnancy turned out to be original. The papyrus with the text was found in the ancient Egyptian city of Tebtunis. His age - about 3500 thousand years

Before The Advent Of Christians, Indians In America Had 5 Sexes! That's What They Were! - Alternative View

Before The Advent Of Christians, Indians In America Had 5 Sexes! That's What They Were! - Alternative View

"Civilization", you say? Only with the arrival of Europeans in North America did the indigenous people learn about traditional gender roles, which assumed some tasks for men and others for women

The Defense Was Held By Two. The Feat Of Soviet Tankers - Alternative View

The Defense Was Held By Two. The Feat Of Soviet Tankers - Alternative View

For two and a half years the Great Patriotic War had been raging. At Stalingrad, the attacks of the Hitlerite armies were choked, the Red Army began to push the enemy westward. But the liberation of the territories occupied by the enemy was given with difficulty

Paying For Heroism: How The Heroic Deeds Were Awarded In The Red Army - Alternative View

Paying For Heroism: How The Heroic Deeds Were Awarded In The Red Army - Alternative View

In fact, it is impossible to win a war without heroic deeds, and every valiant soldier, even nameless, will remain in the history of a great victory. And, of course, the Red Army soldiers fought not for awards, but for their country, relatives and future

Under Nicholas II The Population Of Russia Increased By 50 Million? - Alternative View

Under Nicholas II The Population Of Russia Increased By 50 Million? - Alternative View

You can immediately answer the question. Yes, it grew, judging by the data. But was life good? Some people on the holiday could afford to eat onions so as not to die from scurvy, others lived more satisfying

23 Years At The Behest Of The Waves - Alternative View

23 Years At The Behest Of The Waves - Alternative View

Nothing foreshadowed a disaster: a reliable ship, an experienced captain, a well-trained crew, a lively, proven route for years. And, nevertheless, the ship "Marlboro" was missing. But 23 years later, the ship again showed itself to people. In order to disappear - now, probably forever

Ermak Timofeevich: Who Were The Ancestors Of The Ataman Who Conquered Siberia - Alternative View

Ermak Timofeevich: Who Were The Ancestors Of The Ataman Who Conquered Siberia - Alternative View

Yermak's personality has long been overgrown with legends. Sometimes it is not clear whether this is a historical figure or a mythological one. We do not reliably know where he comes from, who is by origin and why he went to conquer Siberia?