Secrets of history 2024, October

Attempts To Create A "super-soldier" In The USSR - Alternative View

Attempts To Create A "super-soldier" In The USSR - Alternative View

In the minds of most people living in the post-Soviet space, the war crimes of Nazi Germany are associated with inhuman experiments on people. There is no doubt that the Nazi regime conducted similar experiments on prisoners

What KGB Titles Did Priests Wear In The USSR - Alternative View

What KGB Titles Did Priests Wear In The USSR - Alternative View

In Soviet times, an obstacle to churching for many people was the widespread belief in society that the ministers of the church - almost without exception KGB agents

The Terrible Truth About The New Year - Alternative View

The Terrible Truth About The New Year - Alternative View

From year to year, without once thinking about the origins of traditions, all honest people celebrate the New Year

What Happened To The People Who Survived The Titanic - Alternative View

What Happened To The People Who Survived The Titanic - Alternative View

It is difficult to find a person who would not know the sad story of the sunken "Titanic". Over a hundred years since its collapse, many myths and theories have emerged as to why this happened

History Of Russian Tyumen - Alternative View

History Of Russian Tyumen - Alternative View

Chronicle of a stingy (we give the text according to the Esipov Chronicle): `` In the summer of 7093, voivode Vasily Sukin and Ivan Myasnoy came from Russia, with them many Russian people

The Kensington Mystery - Alternative View

The Kensington Mystery - Alternative View

The laurels of America's discoverer belong to Columbus. However, they tried to take away the palm from him more than once. In particular, the Scandinavians have claimed it more than once. How many copies were broken when the Vinland map was discovered

Woman Gladiator Gerardesca Manutius - Alternative View

Woman Gladiator Gerardesca Manutius - Alternative View

The gladiatorial battles in ancient Rome were terrifying and at the same time exciting action. Until now, with a shudder, we think about the warriors who entered the arena of the Colosseum and fought, overcoming pain, to the delight of the crowd

"The First Lady Of The Master's Heart" - Alternative View

"The First Lady Of The Master's Heart" - Alternative View

The beauties of the Sultans Mahidevran and Ayse, their stories are similar in many ways, however, and differ. How did their fates develop?In order to understand which of the sultans suffered the most with the arrival of a rival, it is necessary to turn to their personalities

What Killed The Great Aviator Amelia Earhart? - Alternative View

What Killed The Great Aviator Amelia Earhart? - Alternative View

Not everyone knows about Amelia Earhart, unlike the United States and Western Europe, where she has remained one of the most popular historical figures for several decades. If we draw analogies, then it may well be called "Chkalov in a skirt

The Art Of Poisoning - Alternative View

The Art Of Poisoning - Alternative View

The poisoning of Lieutenant Colonel of the Soviet and Russian State Security Alexander Litvinenko with polonium, the Skripals case with the notorious "newcomer" or lethal injections for criminals sentenced to death in some US states are signs of our days

Ancient Women Found In A Russian Cave Were Close Relatives Of Today's Population - Alternative View

Ancient Women Found In A Russian Cave Were Close Relatives Of Today's Population - Alternative View

Ancient DNA samples taken from the remains of two women found in a mountain cave in the Russian Far East suggest that they have close family ties with people living today in this remote and cold corner of Asia

In The Footsteps Of Ermak: Scientists Have Confirmed The Lightning Speed Of The Development Of Siberia - Alternative View

In The Footsteps Of Ermak: Scientists Have Confirmed The Lightning Speed Of The Development Of Siberia - Alternative View

Following in the footsteps of the Siberian pioneers, archaeologists of Tyumen State University investigated their site on Karachinsky Island (Lower Tobolye) and confirmed the high speed of the campaign

Biography Of General Denikin - Alternative View

Biography Of General Denikin - Alternative View

Anton Ivanovich Denikin (born December 4 (16), 1872 - death August 7, 1947) Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia during the Civil War. Russian Lieutenant General. Political and public figure, writer

Who In The USSR Earned The Most - Alternative View

Who In The USSR Earned The Most - Alternative View

The economy in the USSR was planned, money was distributed differently than today. A worker at a factory could receive more than a superior engineer or even a director. Diplomats, military and astronauts made good money

Age Of The Universe, Earth And Humanity - Alternative View

Age Of The Universe, Earth And Humanity - Alternative View

Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Melvin Cook researched natural sources of helium in the earth's atmosphere

How A Monkey Was Crossed With A Man - Alternative View

How A Monkey Was Crossed With A Man - Alternative View

90 years ago, a Soviet biologist went to Africa to breed a monkey with a man In February 1926, 90 years ago, a Soviet biologist Ilya Ivanov was sent to Africa - - in order for him to artificially fertilize female chimpanzee seeds

Forbidden Romance - Alternative View

Forbidden Romance - Alternative View

Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi. Their uneasy romance lasted 12 years. All this time they fought: with the distance between the two countries, the Soviet authorities and bans on traveling abroad, alcohol and a serious illness

Adamites: How The Nudist Sect Appeared In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Adamites: How The Nudist Sect Appeared In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

In our time, you will hardly surprise anyone with a naked body

Nazi Germany - Gate To The World Of Evil - Alternative View

Nazi Germany - Gate To The World Of Evil - Alternative View

Nazism or Knights of the Black Order, 1942, winter - for the first time, numb in the trenches of the Russian steppes, the best soldiers of the Wehrmacht stopped advancing, while the stubborn British and Americans learned to drive tanks

Rosa Luxemburg: An Eagle Flying High - Alternative View

Rosa Luxemburg: An Eagle Flying High - Alternative View

Rosa Luxemburg's disagreements with Lenin are well known

What Archival Documents From The Times Of The USSR Will Never Be Removed From Secrecy - Alternative View

What Archival Documents From The Times Of The USSR Will Never Be Removed From Secrecy - Alternative View

Until now, many archival documents remain classified. Their publicity is believed to be detrimental to the state interests of the Russian Federation - the legal successor of the USSR

Speech By The Decembrists - Alternative View

Speech By The Decembrists - Alternative View

December 14, 1825 was remembered by Russian society as the day of the first open confrontation of a group of armed Decembrists against the Tsar's autocracy and became a symbol of freedom and the development of revolutionary thought in Russia

General Ermolov: Born To Command Armies - Alternative View

General Ermolov: Born To Command Armies - Alternative View

Alexey Petrovich Ermolov was born on May 24 (June 4), 1777 in Moscow in a noble family. His father, a former artilleryman, was brought up in the spirit of respect for the Motherland, Russian traditions and Russian history. According to the customs of that time, he was assigned to military service in early childhood, at the age of nine he was enlisted as a non-commissioned officer in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, at the age of 15 he received the rank of captain, at th

So Who Really Were The Heroes Peresvet And Oslyabya ?! - Alternative View

So Who Really Were The Heroes Peresvet And Oslyabya ?! - Alternative View

Let's figure it out in more detail with the descriptions of the Kulikovo battleIn the descriptions of the Kulikovo battle, warriors of the princely and boyar, that is, the highest military status, are mentioned. But there are important exceptions

Legends About The Samoyeds In The 15th Century - Alternative View

Legends About The Samoyeds In The 15th Century - Alternative View

This article was compiled, in all likelihood, at the end of the 15th century and is the earliest Russian description of some areas of western Siberia and the peoples inhabiting it. The nature of the news reported in it seems, at first impression, somewhat fabulous, but the research done by Professor Dm

Memorable Dates Of The Russian Ruble - Alternative View

Memorable Dates Of The Russian Ruble - Alternative View

1134 - The first mention of one of the variants of the word ruble - “ruble hryvnia”. The surviving primary source confirming this anniversary does not exist today. However, there are references to this date contained in later historical documents. So

The First Drone Was Created In 350 BC - Alternative View

The First Drone Was Created In 350 BC - Alternative View

In 350 BC. mathematician and founder of mechanics Archytas Tarentsky invented the wooden mechanical pigeon

Automotive Nostradamus - Alternative View

Automotive Nostradamus - Alternative View

In 1902, the book "The Automobile, Its Economic and Strategic Significance for Russia" was published in St. Petersburg. The book was signed to print on January 16, 1901

History Of The Order Of Malta (Hospitallers) - Alternative View

History Of The Order Of Malta (Hospitallers) - Alternative View

Hospitallers - members of the Catholic knightly monastic order, which was founded (c. 1099 - our time) in Palestine during the Crusades. Name - from the hospital st

The 20 Greatest Butterfly Effect Moments In History - Alternative View

The 20 Greatest Butterfly Effect Moments In History - Alternative View

It turns out that the "butterfly effect" exists not only in the bizarre movie starring Ashton Kutcher and in the TV series Boy Meets the World. We really face it in real life! And this is much more than a metaphor for insects and bad weather

The Black Side Of English Progress - Alternative View

The Black Side Of English Progress - Alternative View

Greenwich Dry Dock is home to the last witness of the great tea races: the Cutty Sark clipper, built in Dumbarton, Scotland by Scott & Linton

Holy Sepulcher In Jerusalem - Alternative View

Holy Sepulcher In Jerusalem - Alternative View

Undoubtedly, the most important shrine of the Christian world is the Holy Sepulcher. The place where the Son of God rested before the resurrection attracts thousands of pilgrims. Many have fought for the right to possess it. Some doubt its truth

Archaeologists Have Learned The Name Of The Unknown Governor Of Judea - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Learned The Name Of The Unknown Governor Of Judea - Alternative View

What do we know about the procurators of Judea? One thing, for obvious reasons, was heard by everyone - about the fifth, Pontius Pilate

The Potion Prepared According To The Ancient Recipe Turned Out To Be More Effective Than Modern Antibiotics - Alternative View

The Potion Prepared According To The Ancient Recipe Turned Out To Be More Effective Than Modern Antibiotics - Alternative View

From the point of view of modern medicine, many of the methods of ancient healers seem to be ineffective and ridiculous

Which People Are The Most Ancient Living Today - Alternative View

Which People Are The Most Ancient Living Today - Alternative View

Which of the living peoples is the most ancient? Some peoples have really retained their name for quite a long time, and apparently live in the same places as their ancestors, that is, they are autochthonous

Scientists Have Found Confirmation That People Appeared In Siberia 800 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found Confirmation That People Appeared In Siberia 800 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

New finds and research by archaeologists of the most ancient layer of the Paleolithic site of Karama in Altai confirmed the hypothesis that primitive man first appeared in the center of Eurasia in modern Siberia about 800 thousand years ago, the magazine said

Ku Klux Klan. A Story Written In Blood - Alternative View

Ku Klux Klan. A Story Written In Blood - Alternative View

The beginning of the path 1865, December 24 - on Christmas Eve, six young people gathered in the small town of Pjulaski in the South of America, in the state of Tennessee, and for their entertainment they organized a secret society, something like a club

Interesting Facts About The Biography Of Fernand Magellan - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About The Biography Of Fernand Magellan - Alternative View

Fernand Magellan (Fernand di Magalhães) - (born 20 November 1480 - death 27 April 1521

What Were The Gladiators Really Like - Alternative View

What Were The Gladiators Really Like - Alternative View

Our idea of gladiators is shaped by Hollywood films, which are characterized by a large proportion of cinematic fantasy. It's time to dispel the misconceptions that were born from watching historical films