Secrets of history 2024, October

Where Do Ordinary People Get Their Abilities - Alternative View

Where Do Ordinary People Get Their Abilities - Alternative View

History keeps many secrets, which so far, even despite the current level of development of modern technologies, cannot be solved

Frostbitten Myth. Did The Weather Interfere With Hitler And Napoleon? - Alternative View

Frostbitten Myth. Did The Weather Interfere With Hitler And Napoleon? - Alternative View

In foreign historical literature, almost an axiom is the assertion that the most important reason for the failure of large military campaigns against Russia was the so-called "General Frost"

History Of The Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Causes, Course, Consequences - Alternative View

History Of The Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Causes, Course, Consequences - Alternative View

The Thirty Years' War in Germany, which began in Bohemia and lasted a whole generation in Europe, had one specific feature compared to other wars

Unknown Details Of Himmler's Struggle With Hitler Have Been Revealed - Alternative View

Unknown Details Of Himmler's Struggle With Hitler Have Been Revealed - Alternative View

Canadian journalist and historian Max Wallace found evidence that Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfuehrer SS and organizer of the Holocaust, wanted to stop the genocide of the Jews despite the orders of Adolf Hitler. This is reported by the Daily Mirror

Heinrich Himmler - Sentimental Executioner - Alternative View

Heinrich Himmler - Sentimental Executioner - Alternative View

The Reichsfuehrer SS raised chickens and studied Russian.Perhaps there is no such crime of the Nazi regime, to which the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler would not have had a hand. And if the crimes are striking in their monstrosity, then the personality of the Reichsfuehrer strikes another - with mediocrity

Himmler's Occult And Alchemical Mysteries - Alternative View

Himmler's Occult And Alchemical Mysteries - Alternative View

The incredible events that took place around everything related to Nazism during the Second World War, and today continue to baffle researchers

Himmler's Fourth Reich - Alternative View

Himmler's Fourth Reich - Alternative View

As you know, since mid-1942, behind Hitler's back, Himmler was negotiating with the Allies to conclude a peace treaty. This story is more than confusing, almost all European spies and allied stations from Sweden to France took part in it

Himmler's Secret Projects - Alternative View

Himmler's Secret Projects - Alternative View

Everyone knows that the Nazi bonzes were very actively interested in esotericism, parapsychology and the occult, believing that this would help them in conquering the world. But most of all, this topic was carried away by the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler

Himmler's "Bible" - Alternative View

Himmler's "Bible" - Alternative View

Atlantis - an incubator of the Nazis ?! Atlantis was destroyed because some of its inhabitants mixed with the beast-people and gave birth to "unclean" races. But the "good" Atlanteans became the ancestors of the Germans

Biography Of Henry VII - Alternative View

Biography Of Henry VII - Alternative View

Henry VII (Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond) (born January 28, 1457 - death April 21, 1509) - King of England since 1485, initiated the rule of the Tudor dynasty. Ascended the throne, during the War of the Scarlet and White Roses

Mata Hari From Leningrad - Alternative View

Mata Hari From Leningrad - Alternative View

Captain of the Main Intelligence Directorate Maria Dobrova, aka Glen Morrero Podeschi and Agent Macy, in the days of the Cuban missile crisis, when the world was on the brink of war, warned Moscow about a planned nuclear strike from the United States

Biography Of Henrikh Grigorievich Yagoda - Alternative View

Biography Of Henrikh Grigorievich Yagoda - Alternative View

Berry Heinrich Grigorievich (at birth: Enoch Gershonovich Yehuda) (born on November 7 (19), 1891 - death on March 15, 1938) - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (1934 - 1936

Biography Of Heinrich The Navigator - Alternative View

Biography Of Heinrich The Navigator - Alternative View

Heinrich (Enrique) Navigator (born March 4, 1394 - death November 13, 1460) - - Portuguese prince (Duke of Viseu, ruler of the Algarve, Master of the Order of Christ), son of King João I. Great traveler, explorer, colonizer

What Secrets Did Mikhail Lomonosov Leave To Us - Alternative View

What Secrets Did Mikhail Lomonosov Leave To Us - Alternative View

Mikhail Lomonosov can be called a real Russian self-made genius. Having left his native land with a "fish train", he became a prominent mathematician, chemist, physicist and poet. Like any genius, he left us a lot of mysteries. Was he a Pomor?

For Which Lomonosov Was Sentenced To Death - Alternative View

For Which Lomonosov Was Sentenced To Death - Alternative View

M.V. Lomonosov fell into disgrace because of his disagreements with German scientists, who formed the backbone of the Academy of Sciences in the 18th century. Under Empress Anna Ioannovna, a stream of foreigners poured into Russia

Mikhailo Lomonosov - Illegitimate Son Of Peter I? - Alternative View

Mikhailo Lomonosov - Illegitimate Son Of Peter I? - Alternative View

This is how Moscow researcher Alexander Portnov puts the question

Where Did The Manuscripts On The History Of MV Lomonosov Disappear - Alternative View

Where Did The Manuscripts On The History Of MV Lomonosov Disappear - Alternative View

“You should know the history of the fatherland. Only knowing about the origins, you can comprehend the meaning of real deeds and direct a clear look into the future ", - MV Lomonosov.The first search in the history of Russia with confiscation of property took place in the house of M.V

Lomonosov Died For Us To Live. "The Secret Scrolls Of Lomonosov" - Alternative View

Lomonosov Died For Us To Live. "The Secret Scrolls Of Lomonosov" - Alternative View

Immediately after the death of M.V. Lomonosov, the most thorough search was carried out in his laboratory with indecent haste. Count Grigory Orlov himself, Catherine's favorite, did not disdain to take a personal part in it

Lomonosov And The Fight Against Forgery In Russian History - Alternative View

Lomonosov And The Fight Against Forgery In Russian History - Alternative View

The writing of the well-known version of Russian history has passed a difficult and not straight path. And this winding road for the birth and understanding of the history of the emergence of the Russian state raises great doubts about the truth of this story

My Fuhrer, I Am On Fire: How The Nazis Launched A Man Into Space - Alternative View

My Fuhrer, I Am On Fire: How The Nazis Launched A Man Into Space - Alternative View

Scientists who worked in the Third Reich are credited with inventing the most amazing things, including flying discs capable of ascending into space

What Happened To The Descendants Of Dostoevsky - Alternative View

What Happened To The Descendants Of Dostoevsky - Alternative View

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky left behind not only a great literary heritage, but also posterity. In a marriage with his first wife Maria Dmitrievna, the writer had no children, but his second wife Anna Grigorievna gave birth to four

Is Joseph Stalin An Alien From The Future? - Alternative View

Is Joseph Stalin An Alien From The Future? - Alternative View

Joseph Stalin in the history of our state - one of the brightest and most mysterious personalities, comparable only to the personality of Peter the Great or Ivan the Terrible

Joseph Stalin - Biography Or Hagiography? - Alternative View

Joseph Stalin - Biography Or Hagiography? - Alternative View

Any research is possible under conditions when the researcher has a map and a compass.A map is information about what has already been done by other researchers, what can be used in addition to what has already been used previously. For the historian, for example, this is evidence obtained from documents found in the archives

Amazing Knowledge Of The Officers Of The Tsarist Army - Alternative View

Amazing Knowledge Of The Officers Of The Tsarist Army - Alternative View

"The horse boils under the rider, the saber whistles, the enemy falls … The battle ceased, and in the evening the ladle again moves."Our fictional-historical books and films about the life of people of the times of tsarist Russia, to a greater extent, draw magnificent balls with handsome officers in hussar uniforms, desperate grunts on the battlefields. T

Closed City Chelyabinsk-70 - Alternative View

Closed City Chelyabinsk-70 - Alternative View

Chelyabinsk-70 is a strange city. It constantly changes its location: yesterday it was located between Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk, today - between Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg, where it will be tomorrow - nobody knows. No ordinary person has ever set foot there

Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part Two - Alternative View

Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part Two - Alternative View

Part One - One evening in 1924, his acquaintances from the OGPU came to Barchenko's apartment in Petrograd: Konstantin Konstantinovich Vladimirov (aka Simkha-Yankel Blumkin), Fedor Karlovich Leismer-Schwartz, Alexander Yuryevich Riks and Edward Mori

Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part One - Alternative View

Yakov Blumkin In Search Of A "mystical International". Part One - Alternative View

Part Two - In the second half of the 20s, the position of occultists and mystics in the Land of the Soviets still seemed quite prosperous

Dostoevsky As A Victim Of The Breakdown Of The Parisitist Landlord System - Alternative View

Dostoevsky As A Victim Of The Breakdown Of The Parisitist Landlord System - Alternative View

The Italian neo-Marxist Guido Carpi tried to investigate the connection between the economic collapse of the noble system in Russia and the work of Dostoevsky. In many ways, the writer's neurotic literature was the fruit of his forced independence of existence

Biography Of Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay - Alternative View

Biography Of Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay - Alternative View

Miklouho-Maclay Nikolai Nikolaevich (born 5 (17) July 1846 - death 2 (14) April 1888) - Russian ethnographer, anthropologist and traveler, an outstanding scientist who studied the indigenous population of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania

Mao Zedong - Biography And Years Of Reign - Alternative View

Mao Zedong - Biography And Years Of Reign - Alternative View

One of the most controversial and mysterious personalities of the 20th century is considered to be the founder of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong, a talented politician and cruel ruler of a huge country, who managed to raise its people from their knees in order to then plunge them into the abyss of bloody repression

Who Was Jalal Ad-din Muhammad Rumi In Real Life - Alternative View

Who Was Jalal Ad-din Muhammad Rumi In Real Life - Alternative View

The founder of the Maulawiyya order - dancing dervishes - and the greatest Muslim poet Jalal ad-din Muhammad Rumi went down in history as a "teacher of awakening". The Persian mystic received from his adherents the honorary conversion of Mawlana, which means "Our Teacher"

Hermann Hesse: Biography Mystic - Alternative View

Hermann Hesse: Biography Mystic - Alternative View

Hermann Hesse is a distinguished writer and Nobel Prize laureate in literature. His missionary father was a Baltic German, and Hesse himself was a citizen of the Russian Empire. Those who have read his works will not argue with the assertion that Hesse is a mystic, looking at his biography, one can better understand the European mystics of previous eras

Count Saint-Germain. Adventurer, Mage, Ascended Master. The Life Story Of An Immortal - Alternative View

Count Saint-Germain. Adventurer, Mage, Ascended Master. The Life Story Of An Immortal - Alternative View

He suddenly appeared in France in the 18th century, conquered the high society and Louis XV himself. He was known as a prophet and alchemist. The owner of the elixir of immortality. Freemason. They knew him by the name of Saint-Germain.Who was Saint-Germain really?

Alternative Joseph Stalin - Alternative View

Alternative Joseph Stalin - Alternative View

On memorable dates associated with Joseph Stalin, controversy flares up again and again between adherents and opponents of one of the two most famous (along with Vladimir Lenin) and, perhaps, the most controversial in the assessments of people living in Russia today

What Confused The Biographers In The Diary Of John Of Kronstadt - Alternative View

What Confused The Biographers In The Diary Of John Of Kronstadt - Alternative View

On January 2, 1909, turmoil reigned in Kronstadt: all train tickets there from St. Petersburg were sold out, wagons and sleighs were dismantled in Oranienbaum. The reason for the pandemonium was sad - Father John of Kronstadt died, one of the most "closed" and mysterious saints in the relatively recent history of Russia

Great Mystics In Reality: Novalis - Alternative View

Great Mystics In Reality: Novalis - Alternative View

The German poet and mystic Novalis did not live to see his 29th birthday in just over a month. He possessed the broadest erudition in all fields of knowledge of the 18th century. Some connoisseurs of creativity even saw Novalis as the predecessor of Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein

The Most Famous Assassination Attempt On Hitler - Alternative View

The Most Famous Assassination Attempt On Hitler - Alternative View

In July 1944, senior German officers attempted to assassinate Hitler in the Wolf's Lair and bring the end of World War II closer. This was not the first attempt to assassinate Hitler, but it became quite sensational - as a result, the Fuhrer was wounded, but still survived

The Founders Of The Teachings In Reality: The Riddle Of Lao Tzu - Alternative View

The Founders Of The Teachings In Reality: The Riddle Of Lao Tzu - Alternative View

The figure of Lao Tzu is perhaps the most obscure of all religious figures. It is interesting that almost nothing is known about this man, whose book ranks fifth in the world in terms of the number of sales, in honor of whom temples are still erected, considering the founder of Taoism

Mystics In Reality: Guido Von List - Alternative View

Mystics In Reality: Guido Von List - Alternative View

The Austrian writer and esotericist Guido von List was the founder of the occult teachings of Ariosophy. European nationalists and racists considered him their mystical guru. Thanks to the insight of this patriarch, his followers believed that the glorious Aryan and German past was spared the influence of foreign cultures and Christianity