Secrets of history 2024, October

Astrologer And Mystic John Dee And His Conversations With Angels - Alternative View

Astrologer And Mystic John Dee And His Conversations With Angels - Alternative View

John Dee - one of the most mysterious people of the late Middle Ages

Myths About The Crusades - Alternative View

Myths About The Crusades - Alternative View

The Crusades have become an integral part of the history of the Middle Ages. In the 11th-15th centuries, Europeans undertook a series of military campaigns against Muslims. The main goal was to return to Christians the Holy Land, Jerusalem with the Holy Sepulcher

Unknown Generalissimo - Alternative View

Unknown Generalissimo - Alternative View

What do you know about Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov and can he really be called a great commander? I sat down to write this article after a conversation with one fairly well-informed (by today's standards) young man

The Horrifying Story Of The Execution Of The Romanov Family. To The 100th Anniversary Of The Execution Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

The Horrifying Story Of The Execution Of The Romanov Family. To The 100th Anniversary Of The Execution Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

2018 will mark a hundred years since one of the most painful events for the Russian people of the 20th century, the murder, which to this day resonates with pain in the souls of people

Chinese Medicine: Secrets Of Ancient Recipes - Alternative View

Chinese Medicine: Secrets Of Ancient Recipes - Alternative View

Modern researchers are trying to uncover the secrets of oriental medicine. I hold in my hands a warm, beating heart. It is a shiny grapefruit-sized lump of scarlet, pink and white flesh

How Did The USSR Track US Diplomats Through IBM Typewriters - Alternative View

How Did The USSR Track US Diplomats Through IBM Typewriters - Alternative View

During the Cold War, the intelligence of the USSR closely followed the US diplomats who were on the territory of our country. An indispensable assistant in this surveillance and obtaining important information turned out to be special bugs, which can be considered the first keyloggers

The FBI Quietly Declassified Documents Stating That Hitler Fled To Argentina In 1945. - Alternative View

The FBI Quietly Declassified Documents Stating That Hitler Fled To Argentina In 1945. - Alternative View

On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker. His body was later discovered and identified by Soviet soldiers before being rushed to Russia. Or was it wrong?Recently declassified FBI documents prove that the government knew that Hitler was alive and well, and lived in the Andes long after World War II

His Family Name Was Gosya. Why Did Igor Dyatlov's Mother Blame Herself For His Death? - Alternative View

His Family Name Was Gosya. Why Did Igor Dyatlov's Mother Blame Herself For His Death? - Alternative View

If Igor Dyatlov remained alive, his life and work would be connected with space. This is the opinion of the relatives of the leader of the group of Ural tourists who died in 1959. What was Igor's name in the family, what he was fond of, why mother Klavdia Ivanovna blamed herself for his death until the end of her life, - all this was told by his sister Tatyana Perminova

Riddles Of The Giordano Bruno Process - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Giordano Bruno Process - Alternative View

On February 17, 1600, a fire was made for the "martyr of science" Giordano Bruno in the Piazza di Flowers in Rome. Bruno's story is similar to a famously twisted detective story that mankind has been reading for more than four centuries, but can never get to the end …-

Khrushchev's "military Reform" Is Not Stupidity, But A Deliberate Betrayal - Alternative View

Khrushchev's "military Reform" Is Not Stupidity, But A Deliberate Betrayal - Alternative View

Many of modern historians (especially "God's chosen"), as well as many propagandists from various political directions, are trying to present to us the destructive for the USSR activities of the Trotskyite who came to power after the assassination of I

The Great Adventurer Of The Enlightenment - Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

The Great Adventurer Of The Enlightenment - Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

To the story of a mysterious historical character - Count Saint-Germain, seekers of mysticism and secrets are constantly returning. All his life - it is a continuous whirlpool of supernatural events, incredible secrets and mysteries

White Devils: What Kind Of Red Army Soldiers Did The Germans Call That - Alternative View

White Devils: What Kind Of Red Army Soldiers Did The Germans Call That - Alternative View

Skis have been regularly used in military affairs since the 11th century. They were appreciated in the Red Army during the Winter War with Finland in 1939-1940: then the first battalions and brigades of skiers appeared

Battle Bats: How Unusual Living Creatures Were Used During The War - Alternative View

Battle Bats: How Unusual Living Creatures Were Used During The War - Alternative View

In the modern world, there is no more aggressive creature than man. Everything that comes his way, he tries to use for military purposes

How The Swastika Was Used In The USSR Before The War - Alternative View

How The Swastika Was Used In The USSR Before The War - Alternative View

Swastika - Indian and Tibetan symbol of fertility, protection and well-being, related to the celestial cult. This sign is found in excavations of the Paleolithic era up to 25 thousand years ago, it was distributed throughout the world, including the islands of Oceania

During The Cold War, The Americans Used Psychic Spies - Alternative View

During The Cold War, The Americans Used Psychic Spies - Alternative View

The American government has used people with psychic abilities for at least several decades. Stargate Project is the code name for a CIA-funded program

The Image Of Jesus Christ, Made During His Lifetime, Turned Out To Be Genuine - Alternative View

The Image Of Jesus Christ, Made During His Lifetime, Turned Out To Be Genuine - Alternative View

Scientists have carried out an examination of the mysterious lead books found in one of the caves in Jordan. The imperishable library It seems that humanity received written evidence of the reality of Jesus Christ, which appeared during his lifetime

February 14, 1943 - The Day Of The Liberation Of Rostov-on-Don From The Nazi Invaders - Alternative View

February 14, 1943 - The Day Of The Liberation Of Rostov-on-Don From The Nazi Invaders - Alternative View

Rostov-on-Don. Large city in the South of Russia. Unfortunately, few people remember that this land is abundantly watered with the blood of our soldiers, and that many feats have been accomplished on these streets.Autumn 1941. During the Donbass-Rostov operation, German troops of Army Group South under the command of Field Marshal Rundstedt inflicted a crushing defeat on the troops of the Southern Front and occupied most of the Donbass

The Four Most Successful Secret Operations Of The USSR General Staff - Alternative View

The Four Most Successful Secret Operations Of The USSR General Staff - Alternative View

The General Staff of the Soviet Union was the main military organ of the country. For this reason, many of the operations carried out under his command were kept secret. Only years later did the public learn about them

The Devices That Killed Their Creators - Alternative View

The Devices That Killed Their Creators - Alternative View

We have long been accustomed to the convenience and comfort of modern vehicles - and few people think that the hard work of thought of many inventors lies behind the creation of aircraft, ships or cars

Fake Ukrainian States During The Civil War. Part 1 - Alternative View

Fake Ukrainian States During The Civil War. Part 1 - Alternative View

Ukrainian People's Republic The emergence of fake Ukrainian "states" and "Soviet republics" after the February Revolution in Russia and during the Civil War raises many questions

Russian Turban: When And How Did Russians Put A Turban On Their Heads - Alternative View

Russian Turban: When And How Did Russians Put A Turban On Their Heads - Alternative View

A headdress like a turban is associated with eastern countries. However, in Russia it was also worn. Therefore, we can safely say that the turban is also one of the traditional headdresses of the Russian people. Turban - what is it?

An Unusual Device Of The 18th Century - Alternative View

An Unusual Device Of The 18th Century - Alternative View

What do you think this strange device is, why did it gain popularity in the 18th century, and for what purposes was it generally used? At the beginning of the 18th century, fresh graves regularly became the subject of loot for plunderers

Titanic. Report From The Other World - Alternative View

Titanic. Report From The Other World - Alternative View

In the new documentary "Titanic. Report from the Other World", they talked about some of the unexplained phenomena that surrounded the Titanic before and after the tragedy

In The Moscow Region, At The Construction Site Of The Highway, A 400-year-old Treasure Was Found - Alternative View

In The Moscow Region, At The Construction Site Of The Highway, A 400-year-old Treasure Was Found - Alternative View

During archaeological excavations in the Pavlovo-Posad district of the Moscow region, carried out before the start of the construction of the highway, a treasure of the early 17th century was found

7 Thousand Years Ago, Cannibals Lived In Europe. - Alternative View

7 Thousand Years Ago, Cannibals Lived In Europe. - Alternative View

Photo from the excavation site. At the site of an ancient German settlement, which is 7 thousand years old, archaeologists have discovered the remains of almost 500 human bodies that have become victims of cannibals. Among them were children and even embryos

Mysteries Of The Cow Island In Samara - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Cow Island In Samara - Alternative View

This island has an utterly prosaic name - Cow. It is located in the western part of modern Samara, where the dark waters of the river of the same name merge with the Volga

How Would Russia Have Changed If In 988 Prince Vladimir Chose Islam - Alternative View

How Would Russia Have Changed If In 988 Prince Vladimir Chose Islam - Alternative View

Modern Russia - a country with a thousand-year Christian history. However, in those ancient times, the choice of the Greek faith was not so obvious, and our country could go, for example, along the path of Islamization. How would this affect European history?

Why Did The Red Army Take The Reichstag And Other Little-known Facts About The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Why Did The Red Army Take The Reichstag And Other Little-known Facts About The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Many books and articles have been written about the history of the Great Patriotic War, films have been shot - both fictional and documentary. It would seem that there should be no white spots in it

What Psychic Methods Of War Were Used By The Red Army In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

What Psychic Methods Of War Were Used By The Red Army In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Many methods of psychological influence on the enemy in the Great Patriotic War were used by both belligerents. However, the Red Army sometimes used such methods of intimidation of the enemy that the Nazis could not even think of

Galileo's Middle Finger - Alternative View

Galileo's Middle Finger - Alternative View

The museums of the world can boast of a variety of exhibits dedicated to the life or work of certain prominent people, telling about their achievements. And in the Museum of the History of Science (Florence) exhibited middle finger of Galileo Galilei

Disputes About Who Prince Vladimir Was Have Been Going On Since Ancient Times - Alternative View

Disputes About Who Prince Vladimir Was Have Been Going On Since Ancient Times - Alternative View

Disputes about who Prince Vladimir was have been going on since ancient times. Historical sources telling about his accomplishments are fragmentary and often contradict each other

Three Heroes - Real Historical Figures - Alternative View

Three Heroes - Real Historical Figures - Alternative View

Who among us has not heard of the most glorious epic heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Which of the boys did not dream of being like them

The Last Rurikovich - Alternative View

The Last Rurikovich - Alternative View

In March 1584, after a serious illness, one of the most ruthless rulers of the Russian state, Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, died. Ironically, his heir turned out to be the complete opposite of a tyrant father

The Death Of The French Frigate "Medusa" - Alternative View

The Death Of The French Frigate "Medusa" - Alternative View

Dark clouds hung over the ocean. Heavy, huge waves rise to the sky, threatening to flood the raft and the unfortunate people huddled on it. The wind tears the sail with force, tilting the mast, held by thick ropes

Unknown Pages Of The Life Of The Prophet Elijah - Alternative View

Unknown Pages Of The Life Of The Prophet Elijah - Alternative View

Elijah (real name Eliyahu Ghanavi) lived and prophesied in Israel around 850 BC. during the reign of King Ahab. He is believed to be one of the greatest prophets in all of Israel's history

"The Most Precious Hero Bova The Prince" - Alternative View

"The Most Precious Hero Bova The Prince" - Alternative View

Bova Korolevich, aka - Bova Gvidonovich, aka - Bueve, aka - Bovo from Anton (Buovo d ' Antona). Today this name (s) is unlikely to say anything even to fans of Russian folklore

Ivan The Terrible: Myths About The Cruelty Of The Russian Tsar - Alternative View

Ivan The Terrible: Myths About The Cruelty Of The Russian Tsar - Alternative View

Russian Tsar Ivan IV is known all over the world as Ivan the Terrible. There are dire rumors about his endless cruelty. However, in fact, if you compare him with other monarchs of that era, it turns out that he was one of the most merciful of them

Seven Shocking Facts About The Crusades - Alternative View

Seven Shocking Facts About The Crusades - Alternative View

Probably everyone has heard and read about the Crusades. For most people, this concept is associated with romance, albeit somewhat brutal, with Richard the Lionheart and Pushkin's poem about the "poor knight"

Truth And Myths About Serfdom - Alternative View

Truth And Myths About Serfdom - Alternative View

The history of the Russian autocracy is inextricably linked with serfdom. It is customary to think that the peasants worked from morning until night, and the landlords did nothing but mock the unfortunate

Dane, Slav Or Vainakh: Who Really Was Rurik - Alternative View

Dane, Slav Or Vainakh: Who Really Was Rurik - Alternative View

Who was Rurik? Having answered this question, we will also answer the question “where did the Russian land come from”. Historians have been breaking spears over this issue for centuries, giving various arguments in favor of one or another theory