Secrets of history 2024, October

Where Did Rurik Actually Come From - Alternative View

Where Did Rurik Actually Come From - Alternative View

Who was Rurik? Having answered this question, we will also answer the question “where did the Russian land come from”. Historians have been breaking spears over this issue for centuries, giving various arguments in favor of one or another theory

Poor Rurik - Alternative View

Poor Rurik - Alternative View

There are legends and traditions in every area where people live

Land Of Prince Rurikovich - Alternative View

Land Of Prince Rurikovich - Alternative View

And this surname once thundered all over the world, since it belonged to Prince Rurikovich Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin, the recognized leader and theorist of anarchism in Western Europe (where, after a fantastic insolence escape from the Peter and Paul

Knight Of The Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Knight Of The Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

The troubles of the early 17th century became a serious test for Russia. Kings and impostors on the throne changed, the country was torn apart by gangs of marauders and invading armies

The First Slavic Prince Samo - Alternative View

The First Slavic Prince Samo - Alternative View

The location of the Vogastisburg fortress still raises big questions. It is believed that it was located near the modern Czech town of Domažlice. The famous archaeologist August Sedlacek published an article in 1882 in which he placed Vogastisburg in the immediate vicinity of the city of Kadan

Who Was Prince Rurik - The Founder Of Russia? - Alternative View

Who Was Prince Rurik - The Founder Of Russia? - Alternative View

Science, despite the high level of development, to this day cannot answer the question of who Prince Rurik really was - the Varangian who ruled the lands where the Finno-Ugric and Slavic tribes lived

What Ancestors Did Rurik Have? - Alternative View

What Ancestors Did Rurik Have? - Alternative View

The name of Gostomysl, either the prince, or the elders of the Ilmenian Slovenes, the father of Umila, the legendary mother of the legendary Rurik, sounds, as it seems to modern consciousness, from the very depths of the initial times of ancient Russian history

Rurik - Tangled History - Alternative View

Rurik - Tangled History - Alternative View

Recently, the efforts of the Normanists to prove the Scandinavian origin of the chronicle Rurik are aimed at identifying him with the so-called Rorik of Jutland / Friesland

“The Fake Story Of The“Swede”Rurik. Who Was He Really? " - Alternative View

“The Fake Story Of The“Swede”Rurik. Who Was He Really? " - Alternative View

The name Rurik is not Scandinavian, as proven by the historian Lydia Groth. Per Anders Johansen, a Norwegian journalist and correspondent for the newspaper Aftenposten in Moscow, published an article in which he named Prince Vladimir Waldemar

The Main Secrets Of The Rurik Family - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of The Rurik Family - Alternative View

For more than seven centuries, the Rurik dynasty ruled in Russia. Under her, the Russian state was formed, fragmentation was overcome, the first monarchs ascended the throne. The ancient Varangian family has sunk into oblivion, leaving historians with many unsolvable mysteries

Donald Trump - Descendant Of Rurik Varyazhsky - Alternative View

Donald Trump - Descendant Of Rurik Varyazhsky - Alternative View

The newly elected 45th President of the United States - Donald John Trump (born 06/14/1946) - is a descendant of the founder of Russian statehood - Rurik Varyazhsky (d. 879) on several female lines at once

In Search Of Rurik's Golden Coffin: A Unique Temple Is Being Explored Near Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

In Search Of Rurik's Golden Coffin: A Unique Temple Is Being Explored Near Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Why archaeologists are conducting excavations at the Rurik settlement, near the Church of the Annunciation of the XII century - the second oldest stone church in Russia "All Novgorodians know that Rurik is buried here in a golden coffin, but we have not even found a corner from him yet

Where Did Rurik Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did Rurik Come From? - Alternative View

Perhaps this is the most mysterious person in the history of Ancient Russia. Nobody knows where he came from, how he lived and where he died

Noise Mountain - Rurik's Grave? - Alternative View

Noise Mountain - Rurik's Grave? - Alternative View

It often seems to us that unique finds and amazing discoveries are being made somewhere far away, in exotic countries

How Russians Fought With Americans - Alternative View

How Russians Fought With Americans - Alternative View

Traditionally, it is believed that the United States and Russia have never fought each other. However, there was an episode in our history when Americans invaded Russian soil with weapons in their hands

American Flag On Russian Troika - Alternative View

American Flag On Russian Troika - Alternative View

Recently you and I discussed the controversial topic of the Famine in Tsarist Russia. Some say that there was no hunger, some argue that there was, but not that and not for such a long time. There is a dispute about its causes and consequences

Versions: Varyag Rurik Or Slav Rereg - Sokol - Alternative View

Versions: Varyag Rurik Or Slav Rereg - Sokol - Alternative View

Rurik is one of the most mysterious figures in ancient Russian history. For a long time, he was, as it were, a symbol of Normanism, which denies the organizational abilities of the Slavs

How Russians Fought German Orders - Alternative View

How Russians Fought German Orders - Alternative View

If you do not take into account the XX century, in which two world wars fit in, then there were few military clashes between Russia and Germany. Victory was always on our side

Whom Did The Russians Fight Most Often? - Alternative View

Whom Did The Russians Fight Most Often? - Alternative View

Relations between Russia and Turkey are going through hard times today. They weren't easy before. In 241 years Russia fought 12 wars with the Ottoman Empire. On average, 19 years separated one Russo-Turkish war from another

Did Khrushchev Have The Right To Transfer Crimea To Ukraine - Alternative View

Did Khrushchev Have The Right To Transfer Crimea To Ukraine - Alternative View

On February 19, 1954, a decree was adopted on the transfer of the Crimean region to the Ukrainian SSR. Nikita Khrushchev handed Crimea over to Ukraine with a broad gesture.-"Credit history"One of the versions of the transfer of Crimea is a "credit history" linking the RSFSR and the American Jewish organization "Joint"

From Rurik To Nicholas II: Little-Known Facts About The Monarchs Of The Romanov Dynasty, Revealing Them - Alternative View

From Rurik To Nicholas II: Little-Known Facts About The Monarchs Of The Romanov Dynasty, Revealing Them - Alternative View

Throughout the history of the Russian State, more than a dozen rulers have changed on the throne, and each of them had their own character traits, their own secrets, and legends were made about each of them

Why Did Sevastopol Fall? - Alternative View

Why Did Sevastopol Fall? - Alternative View

Invisible cityIn the summer of 1942, the fate of the entire southern front of the USSR was being decided near Sevastopol. The battle unfolded around Sevastopol, a key port on the Black Sea. The attack on the city was led by one of the most talented and cruel German generals - Manstein

In The Center Of Sevastopol, About 8 Thousand Artifacts From The Crimean War Were Discovered - Alternative View

In The Center Of Sevastopol, About 8 Thousand Artifacts From The Crimean War Were Discovered - Alternative View

Excavations have been going on since the end of October. Large-scale archaeological excavations are underway right in the center of Sevastopol since the end of October

Save A Drowning Man And Pay For It With Your Head - Alternative View

Save A Drowning Man And Pay For It With Your Head - Alternative View

At the end of the nineteenth century, the Thai king Rama V Sunandh Kumariratan lost his nineteen-year-old beautiful wife along with his little daughter, who were crossing the river in a boat, and she turned over in the middle - just in the rushing stream of water

Astronomers Have Set The Date When The Sun Stopped By Joshua - Alternative View

Astronomers Have Set The Date When The Sun Stopped By Joshua - Alternative View

New work indicates unusually good accuracy of the Old Testament in describing events during the Trojan War

A Fragment Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

A Fragment Of Ancient Russia - Alternative View

It is generally accepted that the Russians left Crimea with the fall of the Tmutarakan principality at the beginning of the 12th century. In fact, the Orthodox principality of Theodoro existed on the peninsula for another three and a half centuries

The Domination Of The Golden Horde In The Crimea - Alternative View

The Domination Of The Golden Horde In The Crimea - Alternative View

The entire Tauride Peninsula, which since the establishment of the Golden Horde here received the name of the Crimean Peninsula, was under the rule of the Mongols.However, its territory was quite clearly subdivided into steppe regions inhabited by nomads, and a mountainous part with a southern coast, where exclusively sedentary population lived in cities and villages

There Are No Analogues In The Northern Black Sea Region: Crimean Archaeologists Have Found A Settlement Of The Bosporus Kingdom - Alternative View

There Are No Analogues In The Northern Black Sea Region: Crimean Archaeologists Have Found A Settlement Of The Bosporus Kingdom - Alternative View

The area of "Manitra" is about 5 thousand square meters. In Crimea, archaeologists have found the settlement "Manitra", which belongs to the heyday of the Bosporus Kingdom IV - III centuries BC

In Crimea, They Are Looking For Traces Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

In Crimea, They Are Looking For Traces Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

In the pictures: Bor-Kaya in the summer. Isn't this cave the Golden Cradle? Photo by the author. Members of the Crimean club of travelers "Akinak" were carried away by the search for the legendary "Golden Cradle"

Khazar Kaganate And Byzantium In Crimea - Alternative View

Khazar Kaganate And Byzantium In Crimea - Alternative View

The Khazar tribes were not nomads. From ancient times they lived on the territory of modern Dagestan, on the Terek and Sulak, and from the 3rd century they spread along the entire coastline of the Caspian Sea and in the lower reaches of the Volga

How Crimea Was Annexed To Russia - Alternative View

How Crimea Was Annexed To Russia - Alternative View

In September 1764, the Polish Diet elected the Russian candidate Stanislav Poniatowski as king. On March 31, 1765, a military alliance was concluded between Russia and Poland

Count Orlov: How The Main Favorite In Russian History Ended His Days - Alternative View

Count Orlov: How The Main Favorite In Russian History Ended His Days - Alternative View

His life was swift, noticeable, courageous and often outraged the whole world. From under the chopping block in the noblemen Count Orlov's grandfather, according to one version, was the archer Ivan Eagle

Who Destroyed The USSR? Part Two - Alternative View

Who Destroyed The USSR? Part Two - Alternative View

In the previous part of the article, we examined the two most serious objective reasons for the collapse of the USSR. But besides objective reality, there are always people who can change it if they wish

The Most Secret Prisons - Alternative View

The Most Secret Prisons - Alternative View

Prison - it is a specialized institution in which the function of punishing criminals is realized. Every person who broke the law - must be punished and put in jail, and the innocent must not go to it

How The United States Almost Blew Itself Up Five Times - Alternative View

How The United States Almost Blew Itself Up Five Times - Alternative View

During the Cold War, the whole world watched with bated breath the confrontation between the USSR and the United States, fearing that one or the other side might start a nuclear war. However, no one even thought about the risk of the death of the country from their own weapons

Facts About Adolf Hitler That You Probably Did Not Know - Alternative View

Facts About Adolf Hitler That You Probably Did Not Know - Alternative View

Almost everyone knows who Adolf Hitler is. But there are 14 facts about the main villain of the 20th century that you probably did not know

Unknown Civil War. The Reds Fought Not With The Whites, But With The Cossacks - Alternative View

Unknown Civil War. The Reds Fought Not With The Whites, But With The Cossacks - Alternative View

White movement is a beautiful myth. Brilliant Russian officers, Lieutenant Golitsyn, cornet Obolensky and all that … In fact, for a huge country of 150 million, which until recently had an army of 12 million, white heroes turned out to be negligible. T

Boris Godunov: The Main Loser Of Russian History - Alternative View

Boris Godunov: The Main Loser Of Russian History - Alternative View

Boris Godunov can be attributed to the main losers of Russian history. Becoming the first chosen king, he, paradoxically, became, moreover, the most unloved monarch among his people

Baptism Of Russia. Was Vladimir There? - Alternative View

Baptism Of Russia. Was Vladimir There? - Alternative View

One of the main historical figures of the Slavic world is Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Baptism Of Rus (Judaeization). How It Was. (Unofficial Point Of View) - Alternative View

Baptism Of Rus (Judaeization). How It Was. (Unofficial Point Of View) - Alternative View

Christianization - This was the first info war won by parasites in Russia. Baptism was carried out in Moscow Russia very cruelly, in several stages and caused the death of several million Russian people. Those