Secrets of history 2024, October

The Unsolved Riddle Of The Large Kolyvan Vase - Alternative View

The Unsolved Riddle Of The Large Kolyvan Vase - Alternative View

In 1819, a large cliff of green-wavy jasper was found at the Revnevskaya quarry of the Altai mountain district. They managed to separate a monolith 8.5 meters long from the 11-meter block, but due to a crack it had to be divided into two parts

Why The History Of Russia Before Baptism Was A Headache For Soviet Historians - Alternative View

Why The History Of Russia Before Baptism Was A Headache For Soviet Historians - Alternative View

The pre-baptismal period of the history of Russia was a big headache for Soviet historians and ideologists, it was easier to forget about it and not mention it

Old Believers Of All Russia - Alternative View

Old Believers Of All Russia - Alternative View

In the middle of the 17th century, during the reign of Alexei Tishaishiy, the Russian Church underwent a schism - the efforts of Patriarch Nikon, who sought to "match" the domestic liturgical rite to the Greek, taken as a model, caused fierce resistance

Ivan IV The Terrible: The First Tsar Of All Russia - Alternative View

Ivan IV The Terrible: The First Tsar Of All Russia - Alternative View

On January 25, 1547, Ivan the Terrible for the first time in Russian history was crowned the state throne, replacing the usual grand-ducal title of the tsar

Adolf Eichmann - Holocaust Architect - Alternative View

Adolf Eichmann - Holocaust Architect - Alternative View

Adolf Eichmann dropped out of school at the age of fifteen, never finishing it. In search of the meaning of life, he joined the nascent Nazi party and in it found his goal - extermination of millions of Jews in death camps in war-torn Europe

Why Did Churchill Travel In A Special Capsule? - Alternative View

Why Did Churchill Travel In A Special Capsule? - Alternative View

Wow, I have not heard about this before. And this turns out to be a special capsule of Winston Churchill, in which he traveled on an airplane during the war. For this reason … The position of prime minister required Churchill to travel frequently by plane

Where Do Ancient Egyptian Artifacts Come From In Voronezh? - Alternative View

Where Do Ancient Egyptian Artifacts Come From In Voronezh? - Alternative View

And most importantly, why are they here and not in Moscow or St. Petersburg? Regional museums always surprise with something, but an Egyptian collection of this level is to be expected in the museum. I.N. Kramskoy was difficult. As it turned out, not only the oldest, but also the most impressive regional collection of Egyptian antiquities in Russia is kept here

Mysteries Of The Kulikov Field - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Kulikov Field - Alternative View

Surely to most readers, the title of this article may seem paradoxical. What mysteries can there be in the Battle of Kulikovo? After all, for a long time everything has been clearly and clearly described in school and university textbooks, in solid monographs on the history of military art, where even maps of the battle are given

Who Lowered The "iron Curtain" - Alternative View

Who Lowered The "iron Curtain" - Alternative View

One can treat the foreign policy of the USSR in different ways; some certainly remember the "iron curtain" and the Prague spring, others are proud of the imperial tread and the tarpaulin boots of our soldiers washed in all oceans without exception

Bad Old England: The Vices Of The British Empire - Alternative View

Bad Old England: The Vices Of The British Empire - Alternative View

What could be more charming good old England, its neo-Gothic architecture, rigor of etiquette, sea majesty and internal vicissitudes of passions that Shakespeare described to us? But what do we know about the true way of life of the British?

The Statements Of The Russian Admiral Confused The Finnish Public At The Historic Seminar - Alternative View

The Statements Of The Russian Admiral Confused The Finnish Public At The Historic Seminar - Alternative View

Russian admiral's statements confuse Finnish audiences at 75th anniversary of the defense of the Hanko Peninsula Embarrassment, shock and unease

15 Truly Scary Historical Facts That Will Not Be Written About In Textbooks - Alternative View

15 Truly Scary Historical Facts That Will Not Be Written About In Textbooks - Alternative View

The fact that life in the ancient world was not sugar at all is perhaps known to everyone and does not need much explanation. However, here are some shocking facts that will show how cruel our ancestors were. 1

Trypillian Culture - Vedic Empire VI-III Millennium BC - Alternative View

Trypillian Culture - Vedic Empire VI-III Millennium BC - Alternative View

From a scientific point of view, Tripoli - it is an Eneolithic archaeological culture, widespread in the VI-III millennium BC. e. in the Danube-Dnieper interfluve (Moldova and Right-Bank Ukraine)

Legendary Antique Libraries - Alternative View

Legendary Antique Libraries - Alternative View

The first libraries appeared much earlier than the books themselves. All over the world, these temples of buildings served not only, and not so much as depositories of clay tablets, papyri and parchments, but also as real centers of cultural education

Ridiculous Myths Of Ancient Worlds - Alternative View

Ridiculous Myths Of Ancient Worlds - Alternative View

Our knowledge of the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece is usually limited to a half-forgotten school curriculum or popular TV shows

The Mysterious Fate Of The Sansi Diamond - Alternative View

The Mysterious Fate Of The Sansi Diamond - Alternative View

Undoubtedly, the bowels of the Earth contain countless treasures. People have learned to mine, process precious stones, turning them into jewelry of amazing beauty. Of particular interest are diamonds, which are valued for their unusual brilliance of edges, play of color

"Sansi" - The Stone Of Kings - Alternative View

"Sansi" - The Stone Of Kings - Alternative View

Among the world's famous gemstones, the Sarsi diamond occupies one of the most prominent places. His story is a series of dizzying adventures and adventures, each of which deserves a multivolume novel

The History Of The Diamond Scam Of 1872 - Alternative View

The History Of The Diamond Scam Of 1872 - Alternative View

"If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is." On a late February evening in 1871, two men knocked on the door of the office of George Roberts, a famous businessman from San Francisco

Heinrich Müller: The Head Of The Gestapo Was A Soviet Spy - Alternative View

Heinrich Müller: The Head Of The Gestapo Was A Soviet Spy - Alternative View

"Stirlitz, and I'll ask you to stay!" Who does not know the catch phrase from the legendary TV movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring"! Or another remark from the same tape: “In our time, you cannot trust anyone, not even yourself. I can". These words were uttered by none other than the chief of the Gestapo, Gruppenführer Müller, performed by the charming Leonid Bronevoy. But

Numbered Radios: Ghosts Behind The PTT - Alternative View

Numbered Radios: Ghosts Behind The PTT - Alternative View

If you tune an amateur radio station to short wavelengths, you can stumble upon very strange programs almost anywhere in the world. On the air they say numbers, without interruption, one by one

SMERSH - Secrets Of Military Counterintelligence - Alternative View

SMERSH - Secrets Of Military Counterintelligence - Alternative View

This special service - the military counterintelligence SMERSH ("Death to Spies"), which has terrified the enemies of the USSR since its inception in 1943, is still being spoken about. Only after almost 70 years was the “Top Secret” stamp removed from dozens of successful operations carried out by counterintelligence officers

10 Biggest Spy Scandals Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

10 Biggest Spy Scandals Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

They did not have special access to military secrets and, in fact, became victims of spy mania. During the Cold War, the hunt for KGB, CIA and MI6 agents did not stop for a moment, although it was conducted with varying success

Failed Mission - Alternative View

Failed Mission - Alternative View

The history of Soviet intelligence has preserved the names of women who, at the call of their hearts, became fighters of the "invisible front" and who were protected by fate. The fate of the heroine of our story turned out to be completely different. In 1920, the Nuorteva family returned to Russia from abroad

Tsarist Intelligence - Alternative View

Tsarist Intelligence - Alternative View

Today, the history of tsarist Russia is of great interest. A lot of interesting and useful things can be learned from the experience of professionals in pre-revolutionary Russia. It's about Russian intelligence

Ian Fleming - A Cheerful Scout - Alternative View

Ian Fleming - A Cheerful Scout - Alternative View

2008 marked the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the famous writer Ian Fleming, the creator of the legendary 007 agent James Bond. Fleming's own personality is as unique as his superman hero

English Scout Daniel Defoe And The Pillar Of Shame - Alternative View

English Scout Daniel Defoe And The Pillar Of Shame - Alternative View

In general, the plot with "Robinsonade" is my favorite in book plots and feature films. Ever since the first book I read about this "Robinson Crusoe" I loved to follow with interest how a person will survive alone (or in a small group)

The Phenomenon Of Self-mummification Of Monks - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of Self-mummification Of Monks - Alternative View

In February of this year, the world press discussed with unprecedented excitement a unique find made in an ancient Buddha statue by a collector from the Netherlands

Haplogroup Of The Russian Soul, Russian People - Alternative View

Haplogroup Of The Russian Soul, Russian People - Alternative View

The scientific data below is a terrible secret. Formally, these data are not classified, since they were obtained by American scientists outside the sphere of defense research, and even published in some places, but the conspiracy of silence organized around them is unprecedented

Pushkin's Main Mistakes In The Duel With Dantes - Alternative View

Pushkin's Main Mistakes In The Duel With Dantes - Alternative View

Historians-Pushkin scholars, examining the details of the duel between Georges Dantes and Alexander Pushkin, find at once several at least strange details that contradict the dueling code and quite possibly led to just such a tragic outcome

Women's Duels Were Cooler Than Men's - Alternative View

Women's Duels Were Cooler Than Men's - Alternative View

Swords ringing or the sound of buckshot - the usual thing in a showdown in duels among the nobles, in which very famous historical figures have succeeded, and poets, and hussars, and musketeers, but they were all men

A Duel For Slaves Of Honor. How Did The Nobles Gain Respect - Alternative View

A Duel For Slaves Of Honor. How Did The Nobles Gain Respect - Alternative View

The design of the nobility as a noble estate went on in Europe, starting from the 15th century. And immediately those who realized themselves noble, carried away by duels, this cross between suicide and murder. Foreign Fashion First, the duelists hid in the woods

What Duels Could Change Russian History - Alternative View

What Duels Could Change Russian History - Alternative View

In the 18th century, the European practice of dueling appeared in Russia. Kings and queens sought to ban it, and religious and educated people considered it barbaric. Nicholas I said: “I hate a duel. This is - barbarism

Lepage Fatal Trunks - Alternative View

Lepage Fatal Trunks - Alternative View

The advent of pistols eliminated the main problem of Auedei on swords - the difference in age and physical fitness of opponents. Any nobleman could hit the target from them with ten steps

Standards Of Female Beauty In Russia And Imperial Russia - Alternative View

Standards Of Female Beauty In Russia And Imperial Russia - Alternative View

We talk about what ideas about female beauty were in our country in different eras, and how they were transformed

For What The Boyars Did Not Like The Mother Of Grozny And For What It Was Worth Respecting - Alternative View

For What The Boyars Did Not Like The Mother Of Grozny And For What It Was Worth Respecting - Alternative View

One of the first rulers of the Moscow state, the mother of the most formidable tsars, Elena Glinskaya managed to stay on the throne quite a bit - and yet she became a legend in Russian history.Little Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich became an orphan at the age of eight

What Is Beauty - From Antiquity To The Present Day - Alternative View

What Is Beauty - From Antiquity To The Present Day - Alternative View

There is no concept in the world more elusive from formulations than beauty. Anyone who wants to designate it with exact canons is doomed to failure, because the images of ideal beauties from different eras sometimes completely contradict each other

Why Do They Throw Mud At Stalin? - Alternative View

Why Do They Throw Mud At Stalin? - Alternative View

I have already talked about the analytical material of the American journalist and publisher Chalz Bausman, which unequivocally proves that behind the Russophobic and anti-Russian hysteria of the West are the Idean banking clans that organize and finance this false information war in the United States and other Western countries

How Soviet Women Made Beauty - Alternative View

How Soviet Women Made Beauty - Alternative View

Soviet "beauty salons", which were generally called simply hairdressing salons, are strongly associated with the rows of dryers, under which Soviet women of fashion leaf through magazines, waiting for the permanent to act on the hair. Another image is a hairdresser in a white coat making a tall babette

Substandard Wives: Different Types Of Concubines - Alternative View

Substandard Wives: Different Types Of Concubines - Alternative View

As you probably know, a concubine is either a slave or a mistress who is in constant material or moral dependence on her lover

Primordial Slavic Women's Day - Alternative View

Primordial Slavic Women's Day - Alternative View

Let's celebrate the "Day" of our beautiful women not when it was founded by the "fiery revolutionaries", but when it was celebrated for thousands of centuries by our ancestors - on the vernal equinox! It will be fine