Secrets of history 2024, October

An Unusual Viking Burial Has Been Discovered In Karelia - Alternative View

An Unusual Viking Burial Has Been Discovered In Karelia - Alternative View

The unique find was made during archaeological excavations in the Lakhdenpohskiy region of Karelia. Ladoga archaeological expedition of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after

The Mystery Of The Petroglyphs Of Zalavruga - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Petroglyphs Of Zalavruga - Alternative View

For the first time petroglyphs in Karelia were discovered in the 20-30s of the XX century. In Karelia, not far from Belomorsk, on the banks of a dry channel of the Vyg River, there is a unique place that annually attracts scientists not only from Russia, but also from abroad

The Largest Collection Of Petroglyphs In Siberia - Alternative View

The Largest Collection Of Petroglyphs In Siberia - Alternative View

There is a unique place in Altai Bom Kalbak-Tash. It is translated from Altai as “flat stone”. And this place is unique in that it has a collection of about 3000 rock paintings.- Salik.bizThe rock carvings show the entire life of ancient people, from mythology to pressing everyday problems

The Secret Sign Of The Last Empress Of Russia - Alternative View

The Secret Sign Of The Last Empress Of Russia - Alternative View

On July 25, 1918, the troops of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, liberated the unofficial capital of the Urals, the city of Yekaterinburg, from the Reds

Why Did Stalin Return Shoulder Straps To The Army, And Why It Happened Precisely In 1943 - Alternative View

Why Did Stalin Return Shoulder Straps To The Army, And Why It Happened Precisely In 1943 - Alternative View

In the winter of 1943, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ordered the return of shoulder straps to the Red Army, which were abolished in the troops after the revolution. Why did the leader of the peoples make such a decision and was it really done to raise the morale, as many people write today?

KGB, CIA Or UFO: Who Is To Blame For The Death Of The "Dyatlov Group"? - Alternative View

KGB, CIA Or UFO: Who Is To Blame For The Death Of The "Dyatlov Group"? - Alternative View

“Dead men at the Dyatlov pass. One of the last secrets of the Cold War ", - this is the name of the book in German, which should be published by btb verlag

Beauty Is A Terrible Force: Strange Cosmetic Procedures That Were Popular In The 30-40s - Alternative View

Beauty Is A Terrible Force: Strange Cosmetic Procedures That Were Popular In The 30-40s - Alternative View

On the Internet, you can find mysterious black and white photographs. To a modern person, they may seem creepy. The pictures show cosmetic procedures that were popular in the 30s and 40s. They look pretty weird these days. After all, since then, cosmetology has stepped far forward

Who Was Behind The Split In Russia? - Alternative View

Who Was Behind The Split In Russia? - Alternative View

Behind the split in Russia there are forces whose task was to replace the original Vedic teaching of Christ with the Jewish Christianity created by the Jewish priests on his behalf, which in its essence is a "branch" of Judaism, its version for the goyim-slaves

5 Scary Cases Of Witches Being Burned In History - Alternative View

5 Scary Cases Of Witches Being Burned In History - Alternative View

"Witch hunt" is now just a common term associated with bandits or criminals that are no longer to be found these days. This is all about false accusations and exaggeration

Cruel Guardians Of Truth - Alternative View

Cruel Guardians Of Truth - Alternative View

The very word "inquisition" has long been synonymous with the brutal persecution of dissent

The Seizure Of Power By Elizaveta Petrovna: What Was It - Alternative View

The Seizure Of Power By Elizaveta Petrovna: What Was It - Alternative View

On December 6, 1741, as a result of a bloodless palace coup, the daughter of Peter I, Elizaveta Petrovna, ended up on the throne of the Russian Empire. Bloodless coups are a unique phenomenon for our history. Let's reveal the secret of how it happened

Tell Me, What Was That? .. - Alternative View

Tell Me, What Was That? .. - Alternative View

Over the past century, many hypotheses have been put forward for the phenomenon of the Tunguska meteorite The past XX century has left us two major unsolved mysteries

Oprichnina Of Ivan IV: What Was It - Alternative View

Oprichnina Of Ivan IV: What Was It - Alternative View

Oprichnina in modern society is perceived as an extremely negative phenomenon - the result of the insanity of the king, who saw treason and conspiracy everywhere. Nevertheless, many Russian historians saw progressive tendencies in the oprichnina

The Tomb Of Pharaoh Tutankhamun Is Again Being Studied In Search Of The Burial Place Of Nefertiti - Alternative View

The Tomb Of Pharaoh Tutankhamun Is Again Being Studied In Search Of The Burial Place Of Nefertiti - Alternative View

Italian scientists are conducting the third study of the tomb of the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun in the vicinity of Luxor in Egypt in search of the burial place of Queen Nefertiti, according to a statement from the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities

The Fate Of The Assyrian Civilization - Alternative View

The Fate Of The Assyrian Civilization - Alternative View

Assyria - the most ancient and almost the most powerful state of antiquity - existed as far back as 1500-2000 years BC, completing its history only at the end of the 7th century AD

The Path To Terrorism By Sophia Perovskaya - Alternative View

The Path To Terrorism By Sophia Perovskaya - Alternative View

Perovskaya Sofia Lvovna (born September 1 (13), 1853 - see April 3 (15), 1881), one of the leaders of Narodnaya Volya, directly supervised the assassination of Alexander II. A revolutionary populist, an active member of the "Narodnaya Volya" organization

In France, Archaeologists Have Discovered Muslim Burials Of The VIII Century - Alternative View

In France, Archaeologists Have Discovered Muslim Burials Of The VIII Century - Alternative View

Three medieval graves discovered during excavations in the city of Nîmes in the south of France can serve as proof that Muslims lived in this area already in the 8th century

Adventurer Jeanne De Lamotte - Prototype Milady - Alternative View

Adventurer Jeanne De Lamotte - Prototype Milady - Alternative View

The life story of the famous adventurer Jeanne de LaMotte, the prototype of Milady from Dumas's Three Musketeers, is so rich in incredible events that it seems fictional

When In Russia It Was Forbidden To Have A Haircut - Alternative View

When In Russia It Was Forbidden To Have A Haircut - Alternative View

In Russia, it has long been believed that it is possible to get a haircut only on certain days. Some periods, according to our ancestors, were not suitable for a haircut. Why?- Salik.bizEvening time of dayMany of us, due to lack of time, make an appointment with the hairdresser in the evening hours

Whom Did George The Victorious Kill? - Alternative View

Whom Did George The Victorious Kill? - Alternative View

Scientists prove dragons existed.Researchers at the International Union of Cryptozoologists, which brought together 800 scientists from 20 countries, came to the conclusion that the coat of arms of Moscow depicts a real, not a mythical monster

How Did The Children's Writer Arkady Gaidar Die - Alternative View

How Did The Children's Writer Arkady Gaidar Die - Alternative View

Every student studied the biography of Arkady Gaidar in the Soviet Union in general terms. It is in general. They knew that he commanded a regiment in the Civil War at a very early age, wrote children's books after the war, and then died heroically at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War

The Records Of A Buddhist Monk - Alternative View

The Records Of A Buddhist Monk - Alternative View

A chronicle called Liang si gong ji ("Notes of the four rulers of the Liang dynasty) told that in 499 a mendicant Buddhist monk named Huishan returned to China from a long voyage and began to talk about a certain distant country under

Smolensk Battle Briefly - Alternative View

Smolensk Battle Briefly - Alternative View

The Battle of Smolensk in 1941 lasted 2 months (from July 10 to September 10) and was a great achievement in the fight against the Nazi occupation. The complex of operations for the offensive and defense of four fronts made it possible to destroy plans and take time from the army of the German fascist invaders

Secrets Of The Dead Mountain - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Dead Mountain - Alternative View

For almost 60 years that have passed since the death of the Dyatlov tourist group, historians have put forward 64 versions of this tragedy. Huge factual material was recorded in the volumes of the criminal case, voiced by those who participated in the search

The Work Of V.I. Dahl As A Reproach To The Tsarist And Soviet Linguistic Academics - Alternative View

The Work Of V.I. Dahl As A Reproach To The Tsarist And Soviet Linguistic Academics - Alternative View

A little more than two hundred years ago, the first Russian explanatory dictionary was published. Before V.I. Dahl had six more years left.Lexicography was in a deplorable state. I must say that in Russia there never existed either the tradition of collecting and writing down words, or, in general, any interest in one's language

Heroes Of Chernobyl - Alternative View

Heroes Of Chernobyl - Alternative View

33 years have passed since the terrible disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plantToday marks 33 years since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The consequences of the largest man-made disaster in the history of the peaceful atom are still being eliminated by experts from all over the world

The Yemelyan Pugachev Case - Alternative View

The Yemelyan Pugachev Case - Alternative View

Peasant uprising or war?We all know perfectly well the version of the official history about the events of the past years, called the uprising of peasants and Cossacks led by Yemelyan Pugachev. In this article, I invite you to familiarize yourself with another version based on the New Chronology

How A Soviet Sailor Captured 5,000 Japanese Soldiers - Alternative View

How A Soviet Sailor Captured 5,000 Japanese Soldiers - Alternative View

Lieutenant Viktor Leonov was one of many highly qualified Soviet naval officers trained for reconnaissance and sabotage operations. They blew up German warships, captured enemy positions on the shore, captured soldiers and officers, from whom they received valuable information about the movements of the naval forces of Nazi Germany

The Virus Spread By Soviet Troops Around The World - Alternative View

The Virus Spread By Soviet Troops Around The World - Alternative View

An international group of scientists led by Vegard Eldholm of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health found that the cause of the spread of tuberculosis may lie in armed conflicts

12 Survivors On The Titanic, Whose Stories Show The True Scale Of The Tragedy - Alternative View

12 Survivors On The Titanic, Whose Stories Show The True Scale Of The Tragedy - Alternative View

Of the more than 2,000 passengers and crew on board the Titanic, about 1,500 people died in the cold waters of the North Atlantic. Only 700 people were saved. And these are the 12 most notable survivor stories. 1

How The Concubines Were Prepared: The Secrets Of The Sultan's Harem - Alternative View

How The Concubines Were Prepared: The Secrets Of The Sultan's Harem - Alternative View

The series "The Magnificent Century" immersed Russian spectators in oriental fairy tales for several years. Romance and intrigue! Dozens of beautiful women and, most importantly, men

Riddles Of Russian Chronicles - Alternative View

Riddles Of Russian Chronicles - Alternative View

Russian chronicles are a unique historiographic phenomenon, a written source of the early period of our history. Until now, researchers cannot come to a common opinion either about their authorship or about their objectivity

What Can The Leftover Materials On The Kennedy Assassination Conceal - Alternative View

What Can The Leftover Materials On The Kennedy Assassination Conceal - Alternative View

Thousands of previously unknown documents regarding the investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy will be published in the coming days in the United States. It is planned that they will become available to the general public no later than Thursday, October 26 - date set by Congress

And Again About The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

And Again About The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

It is very symbolic that it was in the first days of February that the prosecutor's office announced a new investigation into the death of Dyatlov's group. After all, it is believed that they died, in all likelihood, it was in these numbers of the distant 1959

The Scientific World Has Declassified The Largest Inscription Of The Ancient Etruscans - Alternative View

The Scientific World Has Declassified The Largest Inscription Of The Ancient Etruscans - Alternative View

Representatives of the scientific world were able to read the inscription in the Etruscan language, which the ancient civilization dedicated to the deity of fertility Uni. The manuscript was inscribed on the stone of one of the temples of the Etruscan tribe

Hitler Could Become Not A Fuhrer, But An Artist - Alternative View

Hitler Could Become Not A Fuhrer, But An Artist - Alternative View

The leader of the Third Reich from a young age was fond of painting. But what would have happened if he - a veteran of the German army, in 1919, not at a party meeting, but in an art workshop? And at the same time, take and reveal your gift completely

Assassins: How The "medieval Special Forces" Acted - Alternative View

Assassins: How The "medieval Special Forces" Acted - Alternative View

The influence of the assassins on history is enormous. Great warriors, they were "medieval special forces", perfected the methods of recruitment and intelligence, following their example, the secret orders of Europe were built

What Masonic Lodges Operated In The Soviet Union - Alternative View

What Masonic Lodges Operated In The Soviet Union - Alternative View

It would seem, what does Freemasonry have to do with the Soviet Union, where it was promoted that religion - this is opium for the people, and all kinds of mysticism and occultism were called the word "obscurantism"

"Evil Is Good, Good Is Evil" - Alternative View

"Evil Is Good, Good Is Evil" - Alternative View

The main goal of information and psychological warfare is to break the enemy's ability to resist.Before unleashing hostilities in the information-psychological direction, the enemy studies for a long time what you are weak and where you are strong

The Secret Of HG Wells' Time Machine - Alternative View

The Secret Of HG Wells' Time Machine - Alternative View

Wells was born on September 21, 1866. Then the 38-year-old classic of science fiction Jules Verne (1828-1905), with all the gift of a seer, could not predict the appearance of such a capable competitor