Secrets of history 2024, October

The Blacksmith Of Language And Faith - Alternative View

The Blacksmith Of Language And Faith - Alternative View

"Made to last!" - the best commendation a creation of human hands can receive, whether it be a building, furniture, weapon, or armor. What is much more difficult to preserve for centuries is the language - infinitely changeable and adaptable

"White Spots" In History: Riddles Of Disappearing Personalities - Alternative View

"White Spots" In History: Riddles Of Disappearing Personalities - Alternative View

Missing - this is a special category of people who inevitably give hope to those who are waiting for them

The X-Files: How And For Whom The Tomb Of Alexander Nevsky Is Restored - Alternative View

The X-Files: How And For Whom The Tomb Of Alexander Nevsky Is Restored - Alternative View

In 2021, the 800th anniversary of the birth of the holy blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, whom the historian Sergei Soloviev called "the most prominent historical person in ancient history from Monomakh to the Donskoy", will be celebrated. The celebrations will take place in many cities of Russia: in Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Moscow

These Facts Will Change Your Understanding Of Time - Alternative View

These Facts Will Change Your Understanding Of Time - Alternative View

The Pyramid of Cheops was built in 2560 BC. Cleopatra lived from 69 to 30 years. BC. The moon landing took place in 1969. This means that Cleopatra was closer to the lunar landing than to the construction of the pyramids. Speaking of pyramids

The Lead Mask Case: The X-Files Brazilian - Alternative View

The Lead Mask Case: The X-Files Brazilian - Alternative View

Once in Brazil August 1966 in Brazil was pretty nasty. Because of the cyclone, it rained for three weeks, almost without stopping

Marco Polo's Journey To China And &Ldquo; Book Of Wonders Of The World &Rdquo; - Alternative View

Marco Polo's Journey To China And &Ldquo; Book Of Wonders Of The World &Rdquo; - Alternative View

If Marco Polo's travels did not create a permanent connection with the Far East, they were crowned with success of a different kind: the result was the most amazing travel book ever written, which forever retained its value

Sarcophagus Of Yaroslav The Wise: House Without An Owner - Alternative View

Sarcophagus Of Yaroslav The Wise: House Without An Owner - Alternative View

Sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise in St. Sophia Cathedral - one of the most significant and revered relics of Kievan Rus

Where Did The Remains Of Yaroslav The Wise Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Did The Remains Of Yaroslav The Wise Disappear? - Alternative View

The son of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, Yaroslav Vladimirovich reigned for over 40 years (in Rostov, Novgorod and Kiev). He owns the creation of the "Russian Truth", the foundation of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and many other merits, for which the prince received the name "Great"

Shemyakin's Turmoil: When There Was The First Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

Shemyakin's Turmoil: When There Was The First Civil War In Russia - Alternative View

In the middle of the 15th century, the beginning unification of the Russian lands around Moscow was complicated by a difficult turmoil that lasted for almost three decades. Enmity between uncle and nephew Grand Duke Vasily I of Moscow died in 1425

How Moscow "majors" Created The Organization "Fourth Reich" During The War - Alternative View

How Moscow "majors" Created The Organization "Fourth Reich" During The War - Alternative View

This venture was not a carefully planned conspiracy of the "golden youth" against Stalin - the organization created by the son of the USSR People's Commissar of Aviation Vladimir Shakhurin was more like a silly game of children of high-ranking parents

The Secret Is Sealed With Seven Seals. What Horrors Were Hidden In The USSR - Alternative View

The Secret Is Sealed With Seven Seals. What Horrors Were Hidden In The USSR - Alternative View

The Iron Curtain on the external borders and tough censorship inside the country allowed the Soviet leadership to keep global catastrophes, great tragedies, and even the existence of entire cities secret for decades.- Salik.bizKyshtym tragedyA real nuclear disaster occurred in 1957 at the Mayak chemical plant near Kyshtym, a small town in the Chelyabinsk region

About The Mysterious Castle Of Montfort And The Difficult Road - Alternative View

About The Mysterious Castle Of Montfort And The Difficult Road - Alternative View

Long ago, the crusaders scattered a handful of castles and fortresses across the Holy Land. Some of them, in varying degrees of preservation, exist to this day, while others have practically disappeared from stone to stone. Montfort Castle belongs to the first

Russian Ruble: Why Did Peter The First Publicly Burn 5 Million - Alternative View

Russian Ruble: Why Did Peter The First Publicly Burn 5 Million - Alternative View

In recent days, the Russian currency rate has started to slide down again. We will not plunge into the jungle of macroeconomics and find out which sectors of the economy and economic entities benefit from a weak ruble and who do not. And should I buy dollars now

Gagarin's Last Flight - Alternative View

Gagarin's Last Flight - Alternative View

In the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow there is an urn with the ashes of Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the USSR, the first person in the world to fly into space

UFOs, Star Wars And Reagan - Alternative View

UFOs, Star Wars And Reagan - Alternative View

The very hot topic "UFOs and power" has never been the main one for UFOlogy. And in vain, because, for example, the label "the corrupt girl of imperialism" pasted by the Soviet state on cybernetics in its time is still haunted in our country

As In Russia The Time Was Counted, We Deal With The Clock Of Pre-Petrine Times - Alternative View

As In Russia The Time Was Counted, We Deal With The Clock Of Pre-Petrine Times - Alternative View

We are all accustomed to the fact that there are 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in one hour. And, it would seem, it has always been so, but if we return to pre-Petrine times, we will see that then the time was counted in a completely different way, but this is how I will tell you in this article

Why Did Alexander Nevsky Make An Alliance With The Horde - Alternative View

Why Did Alexander Nevsky Make An Alliance With The Horde - Alternative View

There is a version that the Tatar-Mongol yoke did not exist at all. They say there is no historical evidence for this. The history of Alexander Nevsky is also very controversial. Many perceive him as a winner in the Livonian massacre and that's all

55 Globes Of The 15th -19th Centuries Digitized In 3D - Alternative View

55 Globes Of The 15th -19th Centuries Digitized In 3D - Alternative View

The French National Electronic Library pleases us as usual. They digitized and made publicly available 55 old globes (globes of the earth and globes of the starry sky)

The Mystery Of Gagarin's Death - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Gagarin's Death - Alternative View

On March 9, 2018, the first Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin would have turned 84. Meanwhile, he died at 34, seven years after his fateful flight

10 Real Shocking Stories About Nero, Even More Terrible Than The Fictions About Him - Alternative View

10 Real Shocking Stories About Nero, Even More Terrible Than The Fictions About Him - Alternative View

The name of the ancient Roman emperor Nero has survived to this day and has become a symbol of fear, horror and lawlessness

The Death Of Gagarin: What Questions Remained - Alternative View

The Death Of Gagarin: What Questions Remained - Alternative View

When Yuri Gagarin died, mourning was declared in the country. The first mourning is not for the head of state, but for the person who opened the way for humanity to space. It is still unclear why the experienced pilot and cosmonaut died on a training flight

Captured By The "gray Hole" - Alternative View

Captured By The "gray Hole" - Alternative View

In the history of world aeronautics, a special place is occupied by aviation accidents, the causes of which have never been finally clarified

How Did Gagarin And Seregin Die? - Alternative View

How Did Gagarin And Seregin Die? - Alternative View

That gray, dank morning in the cloudy sky over the small provincial town of Kirzhach, an airplane with a first-class crew of two Heroes of the Soviet Union was falling

Gagarin Kidnapped By Aliens? - Alternative View

Gagarin Kidnapped By Aliens? - Alternative View

On March 27, 1968, the world was shocked by the news of the death of the first cosmonaut on Earth, Yu. A. Gagarin. The fighter on which he, along with V.S

10 Little-known Stories Of The Space Chase Between The USSR And The USA - Alternative View

10 Little-known Stories Of The Space Chase Between The USSR And The USA - Alternative View

The Cold War sowed not only fear in people's hearts, but also hope for a better future

Where In The USSR Appeared The First Secret City - Alternative View

Where In The USSR Appeared The First Secret City - Alternative View

There were such cities in the USSR that no one knew about and whose residents, in conversations with "strangers", were forced to indicate their fictitious place of residence. The emergence of the first Soviet closed cities was associated with the development of the latest types of weapons

What Prevented The Soviet Cosmonauts From Visiting The Moon Before The Americans - Alternative View

What Prevented The Soviet Cosmonauts From Visiting The Moon Before The Americans - Alternative View

At the very end of 1968, Soviet scientists were going to carry out the world's first manned flyby of the Moon aboard the Zond-7 spacecraft. As part of the "moon race" it was important to get ahead of the Americans

Unnatural Selection - Alternative View

Unnatural Selection - Alternative View

Man sounds proudly. But, you must admit, he often looks unimportant: he does not shine with intelligence and talent, he is ill, smokes, drinks, steals and generally constantly sins. Human nature is imperfect, alas; how can we improve it? Of course with eugenics

Where Did The Third Reich Get Alien Technology? - Alternative View

Where Did The Third Reich Get Alien Technology? - Alternative View

The question of the attitude of the Third Reich and, in particular, Adolf Hitler himself to aliens, was practically not raised

7 Lost Technologies Of Humanity - Alternative View

7 Lost Technologies Of Humanity - Alternative View

Man has always tried to make his life easier by creating new technologies. Many of them have sunk into oblivion, since they did not find use for themselves, some disappeared along with the last bearers of production secrets

The Lost Method Of Turning People Into Stone - Alternative View

The Lost Method Of Turning People Into Stone - Alternative View

Professor Girolamo Segato of Florence, Italy, invented the process of mineralizing human remains, but paranoia and fear of persecution by ignorant contemporaries destroyed his research, leaving only a small number of dark relics in the

Third Reich: The Secret Weapon Of The SS - Alternative View

Third Reich: The Secret Weapon Of The SS - Alternative View

Today no one disputes the fact that many talented engineers and scientists worked in the Ahnenerbe Research Institute, as well as in other secret laboratories in Germany

Aramaic Brotherhood - Alternative View

Aramaic Brotherhood - Alternative View

While fighting on Syrian soil, Russia protects the spirit of the ancestors. When Russia supported Syria, many noticed the obvious: the similarity in the names of the two countries, as if speaking about a certain kinship of our peoples

Russians Don't Give Up - Where Did The Expression Come From? - Alternative View

Russians Don't Give Up - Where Did The Expression Come From? - Alternative View

It is difficult to calculate how many global wars our country has participated in in its history. Moreover, in most cases, Russian troops ended the hostilities in the capitals of the aggressors. At the same time, when asked why Russia won victory in most wars, one can often hear the famous phrase "Russians do not surrender

When Did The Dutch Language - Alternative View

When Did The Dutch Language - Alternative View

Linguistic diversity reigned in the medieval Netherlands. In every city, and even village, they spoke their own language. Dialects can be divided into five large groups: Flemish, Braband, Dutch, Limbur and Lower Saxon.Attempts to standardize the language were made in the 16th century in Brabant

When The English Language Was Created. Part 2 (Samuel Johnson's Dictionary) - Alternative View

When The English Language Was Created. Part 2 (Samuel Johnson's Dictionary) - Alternative View

The first part is here.The creation of the English language as a whole was completed with the publication of Samuel Johnson's Dictionary on April 15, 1755. It was not the first English dictionary, and not even the first ten in a row. That would not be the most voluminous dictionary

When The Bashkir Language Was Created - Alternative View

When The Bashkir Language Was Created - Alternative View

"Brief Literary Encyclopedia" - the most complete encyclopedic publication on fiction of the peoples of the world, literary criticism and literary criticism in Russian, published from 1962 to 1978, answers this question unequivocally:“Despite the fact that the old literary language in its norms was far from the folk language of language, it existed until the end of the 19th century. O

When Did The Hungarian Language - Alternative View

When Did The Hungarian Language - Alternative View

At the end of the 18th century, the Hungarian intelligentsia suddenly awakened. She was awakened by Georg Bessenyei (Bessenyei György). In 1765, he ended up at the court of Empress Maria Theresa as part of a newly created detachment of Hungarian bodyguards

When The Italian Language Was Created - Alternative View

When The Italian Language Was Created - Alternative View

The fathers of the Italian language are Dante Aligrieri, Francesco Petrarca and Giovanni Boccaccio. These 14th-century thinkers and poets wrote some of their works in the spoken language of contemporary Florence.In general, there was no such Italy in the Middle Ages

The Civilizations Of Africa That Were Destroyed By The European Colonialists - Alternative View

The Civilizations Of Africa That Were Destroyed By The European Colonialists - Alternative View

There is a misconception that before the arrival of European colonists in Africa, there were only savages in loincloths who had neither civilization nor states