Where Did The Third Reich Get Alien Technology? - Alternative View

Where Did The Third Reich Get Alien Technology? - Alternative View
Where Did The Third Reich Get Alien Technology? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Third Reich Get Alien Technology? - Alternative View

Video: Where Did The Third Reich Get Alien Technology? - Alternative View
Video: This flying saucer was a secret weapon during the Cold War 2024, July

The question of the attitude of the Third Reich and, in particular, Adolf Hitler himself to aliens, was practically not raised. A number of Western researchers believe that this problem was simply carefully hushed up for a number of purely military reasons: too much of the mysterious military-technological legacy of the Hitlerite Reich went to the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.

At the end of the war, the allies did not feel any confidence in each other and were afraid of the spread of communism throughout Europe, so they hid what they had managed to capture in Germany, like booty, in super-secret military laboratories and secret scientific institutions of the special services. The United States still needed Soviet assistance in the Far Eastern theater of operations in the fight against Japan. This is the only reason why they defiantly did not break off allied relations, but had already created an atomic bomb.

Many things that historians and researchers in the West say and write about may seem too fantastic or even absurd, too unconventional and therefore unacceptable for us, brought up on certain standards of history, literature and ideology. Nevertheless, there are many facts worth pondering.

It is known that the Nazis conducted persistent and rather successful work in the field of creating a nuclear bomb and other advanced types of weapons, and also reached amazing technological heights. A number of Western researchers believe that the Germans succeeded thanks to contacts with aliens. Moreover, these contacts were by no means isolated and episodic.


The assertions that the higher mind is necessarily distinguished by high humanity are based only on the rather infantile desire of a person for this to be so. In reality, if contact ever occurs, people may encounter representatives of aliens who are absolutely indifferent to our fate or with an aggressive, misanthropic space race.

Even before Hitler came to power, the National Socialists were actively developing a number of areas related to the search for the origins of the Aryans and the legendary Shambhala to obtain secret superknowledge that could help them conquer world domination. Secret expeditions were sent to Tibet and the Himalayas, which included scientists and SS personnel responsible for ensuring security. At first, these expeditions were rare and few in number, but when the National Socialists took power, it became possible to equip the expeditions with the most advanced equipment for that time, significantly expand their composition and increase the number of search parties.


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This secret work was especially fruitful from 1935 until the beginning of the Second World War. Separate expeditions were sent after the outbreak of hostilities in Europe, but all documentation on these issues was destroyed before the surrender of Germany or is in various hiding places arranged by the SD that have not yet been discovered.

There is speculation that one of the Nazi expeditions may have found the crashed "flying saucer" and made contact with its crew. Most likely, this happened in the Himalayas, in remote mountainous areas. Other scenarios are also possible, in which the Germans captured the crew of the crashed "saucer" or accidentally discovered an alien base that did not expect aggressive, cruel and cunning guests. As a result, contact was made.

Most researchers consider the version of the accident and contact on "mutually beneficial terms" as the most probable version - the aliens received from the Germans the materials they needed to repair the interstellar ship and continue the flight, and the National Socialists in return acquired new knowledge and technologies previously inaccessible to earthlings. Many of Germany's scientific achievements in the military-technical sphere, allegedly, were in fact the results of the use of information received by the Nazis from an extraterrestrial civilization. A number of serious researchers and independent experts quite reasonably believe that in conditions when many eminent scientists with a worldwide reputation left Germany and scientific schools that had existed for many years ceased to function, the country simply could not develop scientific and technical innovations that Germany had at its disposal.

The fact that the Nazis overtook by many years in the development of the latest technologies and types of weapons their main opponents in the war - the richest USA and the USSR, which had a huge scientific potential - is indisputable. As well as the fact that many of these new products in the post-war period were not rediscovered, but simply stolen by the allies from the Germans, and then from each other: after the war, American, British and Soviet intelligence, especially scientific and technical, worked with unprecedented tension.

Answer unequivocally: did Hitler have contacts with aliens? - it is simply impossible. This remained a secret of the Third Reich, which can only be discovered by the aliens themselves or the documents discovered in secret hiding places of the SD. Until neither one nor the other happened, one has to rely on indirect facts.

Having at the end of the thirties, fifty-seven submarines, in four years of war Germany managed to build one thousand one hundred and fifty-three super-modern submarines at its shipyards and put them into operation. That is, they took part in the hostilities. And this with a shortage of many strategically important materials, and in the past two years, under the allied bombing raids on the face of the earth!


The Soviet, British and American commanders experienced a fair amount of surprise and even a certain shock when they got the opportunity to get acquainted with the intact German submarines captured together with the crews, without any damage. How did they strike the imagination of the sailors of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition?

German submarines, unlike the Allied boats, had an almost silent underwater course, which made it difficult to detect them using hydroacoustics. The fuel they carried on board allowed them to operate without refueling at a distance of eight and a half thousand miles from the base, which at that time was considered almost incredible. The German submarines differed from the Allied boats by their low silhouette in the sea, excellent maneuverability, an improved rudder system, had two periscopes, and were armed with an 88-mm cannon in the bow and a 20-mm anti-aircraft gun in the wheelhouse superstructure.

The submarines carried on board ultra-modern for that period "homing electric torpedoes" - they did not leave a characteristic trail of air bubbles on the surface of the water, which made it extremely difficult to detect them during a torpedo attack. The German boats were so well developed technologically that some of them, belonging to the Series VII, were commissioned by the Soviet Navy and were in service until the late 1950s, and one boat was in service until the early 1970s.

The difference between the German submarines was that they had a snorkel - special devices that supplied air to the diesel engines of the boat when it was submerged. Conventional boats, when diving, turned off diesel engines and switched to electric motors. The German boats were equipped with hydraulic control systems for mechanisms, a hydrodynamic log and many other technological innovations.

If the Nazis had contact with aliens, they could well give them the opportunity to create more advanced weapons - such as nuclear submarine cruisers. But you need to be realistic and take into account that the Germans received and used with considerable success those technologies that could be introduced in the shortest possible time during the war during the development of modern industry and science.

The Nazis managed to create a jet fighter that developed a speed of up to thousands of kilometers per hour and was significantly superior in speed and armament to any aircraft of all countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. It remains a mystery how in 1945, under the continuous bombing of the allies, the Nazis managed to release two thousand new combat vehicles in a matter of months and managed to use them in battles ?! Germany developed a fundamentally new type of engine, and many historians are sure that if the Nazis had manufactured the Messerschmitt Me-163 jet fighter in the second half of 1944, the course of the war could have changed dramatically.


In the American military archives and the archives of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain there are many reports of pilots who reported that during flights over Germany they encountered strange aircraft, similar to British soldiers' helmets - in the form of a "saucer". It is characteristic that they never spoke or wrote whether our aces saw such devices.

The Czech and German media in the early 90s of the XX century reported that the testimony of nineteen soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht, who during the Second World War were on duty in Czechoslovakia, at one of the secret training grounds where new weapons were created and tested …

According to the testimony of witnesses, in the fall of 1943, they observed the tests of an unusual aircraft, which was a silvery disc with a diameter of about six meters with a truncated cone in the center and a teardrop-shaped cockpit. Some noted that the device was armed with a tank-type cannon. At the bottom of the structure, made entirely of silver metal, were four pairs of small chassis. Nothing is known about the further fate of this apparatus.


Quite naturally, the question arises: weren't these devices seen by American and British pilots? Perhaps our bombers and fighters also saw them, but gave SMERSH a "nondisclosure" signature?

The rocketry of the Third Reich also leads to serious thought. And in the United States, information leaked to the press that in the early 90s of the XX century, a detachment of three Nazi cosmonauts returned to Earth after 47 years of absence! They allegedly splashed down on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. The date was even called April 2. Three young pilots were selected for this expedition on the personal instructions of the Fuhrer.

According to unnamed NASA experts, a three-stage rocket made in Nazi Germany, launched into space from the Peenemünde test site in 1943, could be used for both scientific and military purposes. Surprisingly, the dates of tests of an unknown aircraft made of silvery metal in the shape of a "saucer" and the launch of a rocket with three astronauts coincide - were they not sent to "visit" the aliens? According to some reports, for forty-seven years of absence, they did not age at all and did not even suspect that a lot of time had passed here.


Everything connected with this incredible, fantasy-like story immediately turned out to be strictly classified. Numerous journalists who tried to get confirmation or denial of this fact, NASA responded with a denial of any information. It has neither been confirmed nor denied. If this message is true, then the Nazi astronauts who returned to earth have unique information, in the disclosure of which the United States is not interested.

This is not a complete list of indirect facts that testify in favor of the fact that the Third Reich really had certain contacts with aliens who ended up on our planet voluntarily or due to some unfavorable circumstances for them.

One can only guess about the duration of these contacts and the methods of their implementation, since everything remained in deep secrecy. For several years Hitler stubbornly repeated about the miracle weapon of retaliation: what exactly he had in mind remained unclear. Perhaps he hoped for the promised return of astronauts with new data, or the arrival of another intergalactic expedition, ready to provide military assistance to the Nazis? There are more than enough mysteries and ambiguities here.

The mystery of the contacts of the Third Reich with aliens remains unsolved, although many facts and, most importantly, scientific and technical projects of the Nazis that were not completed to the end make you shudder and horrified.

V. V. Vedeneev