Secrets of history 2024, October

Lenin's Wonderful Link - Alternative View

Lenin's Wonderful Link - Alternative View

Be forcibly locked - the thing is generally unpleasant, but Lenin's stay in prison was furnished with such comfort that to a great extent it lost its painful sides

The Nazi Superweapon That Could Change History - Alternative View

The Nazi Superweapon That Could Change History - Alternative View

After the end of World War II, when many secret laboratories and test sites of the Third Reich were discovered, the world was shocked by the fact in which directions were not conducted the development of deadly weapons in Nazi Germany

These Discoveries Have Raised More Questions Than Answers In The Scientific World - Alternative View

These Discoveries Have Raised More Questions Than Answers In The Scientific World - Alternative View

Sometimes it seems that in our world there are no secrets left, and we will no longer be able to learn anything new about our own history

Was Lenin A Mushroom? - Alternative View

Was Lenin A Mushroom? - Alternative View

In January 1991, our country, which was then still called the USSR, was excited by the incredible news

Imperial Prisoners: Prison And Execution, Overtaking Princes And Princesses Before Any Revolutions - Alternative View

Imperial Prisoners: Prison And Execution, Overtaking Princes And Princesses Before Any Revolutions - Alternative View

It seems that the prisoner - the most powerless creature on earth, and members of the royal and royal families - on the contrary, and there is nothing in common between these two worlds

Optical Fun Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

Optical Fun Of The 19th Century - Alternative View

In the 1820-1830s, the so-called optical boom swept Europe. The idea arose that optical instruments - from lorgnets to telescopes - should become part of everyday life. It was then that the concept of "armed eye" appeared

The First Flight To The Moon: How The Russian Americans Overtook - Alternative View

The First Flight To The Moon: How The Russian Americans Overtook - Alternative View

It was the Russians who were the first to fly around the moon with a crew on board. This happened almost three months earlier than the American Apollo 8 took off. But why doesn't the world recognize the Soviet primacy? We figured out the situation

The Secret Of Tsarevich Alexei Is Finally Revealed! - Alternative View

The Secret Of Tsarevich Alexei Is Finally Revealed! - Alternative View

At all times in Russia there were enough people who illegally claimed the royal throne. As a rule, the news of the death of the crowned heads was followed by rumors of their miraculous salvation

An Unusual Fossil Casts Doubt On Scientists' Understanding Of Evolution - Alternative View

An Unusual Fossil Casts Doubt On Scientists' Understanding Of Evolution - Alternative View

About 250 million years ago, life on Earth experienced serious trials - climatic changes, volcanic eruptions and rising sea levels have contributed to the mass extinction of living things

Before Their Death, The Tourists From The Dyatlov Group Behaved Like Drunken - Alternative View

Before Their Death, The Tourists From The Dyatlov Group Behaved Like Drunken - Alternative View

This is the conclusion reached by forensic expert Yuri Morozov, and this tragic story has been written about in the press more than once. A group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov died inexplicably in February 1959 in the mountains of the Northern Urals

Search A Woman. Igor Dyatlov's Group Was Ruined By A Conflict Over Sex - Alternative View

Search A Woman. Igor Dyatlov's Group Was Ruined By A Conflict Over Sex - Alternative View

A resident of Krasnoufimsk put forward an original version of the death of Ural tourists in the vicinity of Mount Kholatchakhl.More than 60 years have passed since the death of Igor Dyatlov's group in the north of the Urals. But the tragedy took place under such mysterious circumstances that not one of the dozens of hypotheses that have appeared during this time, nor the latest conclusions of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, suit people

Forbidden Mummies - Alternative View

Forbidden Mummies - Alternative View

China has always been a country isolated from the outside world. From time immemorial, the rulers of the Celestial Empire believed that the creation of a highly developed Chinese civilization - the merit exclusively of the Chinese themselves

Extracts From The Materials Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Extracts From The Materials Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group. Facts And Evidence - Alternative View

Collected only the most important materials. Everything else is unnecessary addition. All these balls, comets and other nonsense, have no value for the investigation

New Documents From The Hidden Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

New Documents From The Hidden Part Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group - Alternative View

This time I came across a very curious request from Moscow. Sent it on May 15, 1959. Let me remind you that the bodies have already been found. The latter were discovered on May 4, 1959. There is an entry in the criminal case: May 4, 1959

Dyatlov Pass. Death Followed Them On The Trail. New Facts - Alternative View

Dyatlov Pass. Death Followed Them On The Trail. New Facts - Alternative View

Read the beginning here. He continued his research on the topic of the old tragedy in the Northern Urals. On the night of February 2, 1959, on the slope of the then unnamed pass, a group of 9 tourists tragically died

The Origin Of The Terms Aryans And Germans - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Terms Aryans And Germans - Alternative View

The European racial type was developed in the process of mixing and moving along the land of the ancient tribes. The skulls found in Scythian burials (i.e

The Number Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group In 1959 - Alternative View

The Number Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group In 1959 - Alternative View

For a dozen years already, the so-called. patented "woodpeckers" are trying to find out the number of the criminal case on the death of the Dyatlov group. As luck would have it, in 1959 they forgot to write it on covers and documents. But, as the saying goes, God does not give a horn to the "butcher cow"

The Search For Hyperborea: The German Trace - Alternative View

The Search For Hyperborea: The German Trace - Alternative View

In 1997-2002, several expeditions to Yamal and the Kola Peninsula took place under the auspices of the Science and Religion magazine. They were supervised by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V.N.Demin. The researchers followed in the footsteps of the famous expedition of Professor A

Igor Dyatlov's Group May Have Died Due To The Accident Of The Interplanetary Station Luna-1C - Alternative View

Igor Dyatlov's Group May Have Died Due To The Accident Of The Interplanetary Station Luna-1C - Alternative View

The launch of the Luna-1S interplanetary station on December 4, 1958 ended in an accident at the 245th second of the flight due to a defect in the second stage hydrogen peroxide pump multiplier. The station fell into the taiga

An Unusual Necropolis Was Found In Yamal - - Alternative View

An Unusual Necropolis Was Found In Yamal - - Alternative View

Experts from the Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic discovered amazing burials in Yamal: the dead were laid in unusual positions and burnt

The Secret Number Of The Criminal Case Of The Dyatlov Group Was Found. We Analyze Archival Materials - Alternative View

The Secret Number Of The Criminal Case Of The Dyatlov Group Was Found. We Analyze Archival Materials - Alternative View

Quite often, among the researchers of the secret of the Dyatlov group, there are disputes that the criminal case presented to the public is a fake

Closed Secrets Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Investigation - Alternative View

Closed Secrets Of The Criminal Case On The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Investigation - Alternative View

Very important! Faced an incomprehensible phenomenon. As soon as I began to publish materials previously unfamiliar to me, which have not appeared in the public domain for a good ten years. Immediately, anonymous people began to threaten me, since my VK page is widely known

Photos From Semyon Zolotarev's Camera Have Been Restored! Something Interesting! - Alternative View

Photos From Semyon Zolotarev's Camera Have Been Restored! Something Interesting! - Alternative View

I will say that I have not seen these photos before. I first found them on the net just a couple of months ago. Semyon Zolotarev managed to take a couple of pictures with his camera. Unfortunately, all the pictures were recognized as marriage and have never been studied

Third Reich In Space - Nazi Astronauts - Alternative View

Third Reich In Space - Nazi Astronauts - Alternative View

Cosmonauts of the Third Reich - 47-year-old flight Nazi astronauts. Conversations on this topic occasionally break out not only among people whose activities are quite far from the affairs of space, but also among researchers and scientists

The Tibetan Medicine Of The Badmaev Brothers Cured Thousands Of Hopelessly Sick People In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

The Tibetan Medicine Of The Badmaev Brothers Cured Thousands Of Hopelessly Sick People In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

"I care about those unfortunate sufferers who, thanks only to Tibetan medicine, receive and should receive in the future the beauty of life - health. I personally - the representative of this science - do not need anything

Persecution Of Dissidents In Russia - Alternative View

Persecution Of Dissidents In Russia - Alternative View

Much has been written and said about the methods of ideological struggle in our country in Stalin's times. It has long been no secret that in those years one could go to places not so distant not only for an anecdote about the "leader of all peoples", but also simply for careless words about the Communist Party and the Soviet government

About Education, Nobility And Upbringing In Society And The Army Of Imperial Russia - Alternative View

About Education, Nobility And Upbringing In Society And The Army Of Imperial Russia - Alternative View

This was in 1913. An eleven-year-old girl, a boarder of the Moscow Rzhev gymnasium, pestered her uncle with a request to show what was written on the medallion that he always carried on his chest. Uncle took off the medallion and handed it to the girl

9 Famous Phrases That Are Taken Out Of Context And Actually Mean Something Completely Different - Alternative View

9 Famous Phrases That Are Taken Out Of Context And Actually Mean Something Completely Different - Alternative View

We all know these phrases well and constantly use them in everyday speech. But did our favorite quotes always mean the same as now?

The Name Of The Richest Man In The History Of The Earth Has Been Named - Alternative View

The Name Of The Richest Man In The History Of The Earth Has Been Named - Alternative View

Scientists have presented to the public the medieval manuscript "Catalan Atlas", which depicts the richest man in history in the center of the world

Nikolai Pavlenko: The Story Of The Construction Magnate Of The Stalin Era - Alternative View

Nikolai Pavlenko: The Story Of The Construction Magnate Of The Stalin Era - Alternative View

As the hero of the novel by Ilf and Petrov, The Golden Calf, Ostap Bender said, “if banknotes are circulating in the country, then there must be people who have a lot of them”. History confirms the words of the "great combinator"

Musa: Why Is He Considered The Richest Man In History - Alternative View

Musa: Why Is He Considered The Richest Man In History - Alternative View

Many believe that the history of any civilized Africa before the arrival of Europeans is limited to ancient Egypt and the Islamic Maghreb. But this is not the case. There were also highly developed, civilized states to the south of the Sahara

The First Oil Oligarchs - Alternative View

The First Oil Oligarchs - Alternative View

Emmanuel Nobel - the elder came to Russia, fleeing from creditors. His grandson - Emmanuel Nobel - junior - left Russia, fleeing the revolution. Dynamite Prize Emmanuel Nobel was in St. Petersburg not because of a good life

Mansa Musa: How The Richest Man In History Lived - Alternative View

Mansa Musa: How The Richest Man In History Lived - Alternative View

The medieval king Mansa Musa I of the Keita dynasty is considered the richest man in history, "richer than you can describe", - summarizes the Times

Trafficking In Children In The Russian Empire - Alternative View

Trafficking In Children In The Russian Empire - Alternative View

In the Russian and Karelian volosts at the end of the 19th century. the game "Kitty, kitty, sell the child" was popular. It was not just a child's play: at the end of the XIX - early XX century. children were actually bought and sold. Even in the second half of the 20th century

How The Richest Man In History Lived - Alternative View

How The Richest Man In History Lived - Alternative View

The medieval king Mansa Musa I of the Keita dynasty is considered the richest man in history, "richer than you can describe", - summarizes the Times

Noble Families Who Changed The Fate Of Russia - Alternative View

Noble Families Who Changed The Fate Of Russia - Alternative View

In the history of Russia there were many families who glorified their surname and influenced the fate of the country for several centuries. 1

Animals Obey Them - Alternative View

Animals Obey Them - Alternative View

This story took place in German Silesia in 1924. Its main characters were rabbits, which bred in huge numbers on the lands of Count Kaiserling, which were located in the Koberwitz region

The Myth Of The Reformer. How Pyotr Stolypin Failed The Agrarian Reform - Alternative View

The Myth Of The Reformer. How Pyotr Stolypin Failed The Agrarian Reform - Alternative View

In November 1906, the famous agrarian reform of Pyotr Stolypin began, which ended in failure

Biography Of Stolypin Petr Arkadevich - Alternative View

Biography Of Stolypin Petr Arkadevich - Alternative View

Stolypin Petr Arkadyevich (born April 14, 1862 - death September 18, 1911) - Russian statesman. 1903-1906 - was the governor of Grodno and Saratov provinces

Who Killed Stolypin? The Story Of Impossibility - Alternative View

Who Killed Stolypin? The Story Of Impossibility - Alternative View

On the first (fourteenth in a new style) September 1911, at the Kiev city opera house, a certain Dmitry B approached the then Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin, who was watching the play "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" together with Nikolai II