Secrets of history 2024, October

When Did The Lithuanian Language - Alternative View

When Did The Lithuanian Language - Alternative View

Part 1For a long time, the Lithuanian language was considered not prestigious enough for written use. There was no single language. Language differences were significant between regions. There were Aushtaite and Samite dialects (or separate languages) and their numerous dialects

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Solution - In The Last Photo - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group: The Solution - In The Last Photo - Alternative View

The prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region is going to put an end to the investigation of the tragedy of the Dyatlov pass. In September, the relatives of the victims contacted the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, it was decided to resume the investigation

What Language Did Adam And Eve Speak? - Alternative View

What Language Did Adam And Eve Speak? - Alternative View

Whether we recognize Darwinism and evolution or not, scientists continue to search for Adam and Eve. Of course, not those who were expelled from the earthly paradise, but the real first men and women on our planet

The Miracle Of The Appearance Of The Tresolne Regiment At The Kulikovo Field. 1380 - Alternative View

The Miracle Of The Appearance Of The Tresolne Regiment At The Kulikovo Field. 1380 - Alternative View

This miracle is described in the chronicle tale of the Battle of Kulikovo

Fanny Kaplan: Blind Shot - Alternative View

Fanny Kaplan: Blind Shot - Alternative View

On August 30, 1918, an attempt was made on the life of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, whom, according to the official version, the Socialist Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan tried to shoot

Are Solar Weapons Effective? - Alternative View

Are Solar Weapons Effective? - Alternative View

The idea of using the energy of the Sun as a weapon first came to man's mind, perhaps back in the Stone Age, but for the first time it was embodied by none other than the famous Archimedes

Pelasgi - The Mysterious People Who Gave Civilization To The Ancient Greeks - Alternative View

Pelasgi - The Mysterious People Who Gave Civilization To The Ancient Greeks - Alternative View

Many ancient authors mention the Pelasgian people, who inhabited different regions of ancient Greece before the arrival of the Greeks themselves. It is still unknown what kind of people it was

Reasons For The Death Of The "Titanic": Reassessment After A Century - Alternative View

Reasons For The Death Of The "Titanic": Reassessment After A Century - Alternative View

Only 30 seconds separated the largest passenger liner Titanic and fifteen hundred passengers from rescue in April 1912. This is the conclusion reached by American researchers of the causes of the tragedy, led by Samuel Halpern

Ticket To The Moon. The Path Of Lies And Betrayal - Alternative View

Ticket To The Moon. The Path Of Lies And Betrayal - Alternative View

Investigator: "Doctor, who shaved you on a desert island all these days after the plane crash?" - ("Silence of Dr. Evens." Soviet film

How Kings Go Crazy: Charles VI - Alternative View

How Kings Go Crazy: Charles VI - Alternative View

At twelve he became King of France, and at twenty-four he showed clear signs of insanity. His reign led the country to a double crisis

Why Did The Americans Bombard Antarctica With Torpedoes? - Alternative View

Why Did The Americans Bombard Antarctica With Torpedoes? - Alternative View

In the book by Sergei Kovalev "Mysteries of the Sixth Continent" you can find extremely interesting details of the expedition of Richard Byrd in 1946-1947. According to this researcher (chapter "What Stopped Admiral Bird"?

10 Talented Madmen Who Gave The World Great Ideas - Alternative View

10 Talented Madmen Who Gave The World Great Ideas - Alternative View

The life of a gifted writer is associated with great risk for the most vulnerable in a person - his consciousness. And the rise to fame, no matter how smooth it seems, is almost always accompanied by dangerous flirting with the unknown, forbidden or insane

Who Was The First Russian Tsar Actually - Alternative View

Who Was The First Russian Tsar Actually - Alternative View

Most readers will answer this question: "Ivan IV the Terrible" and will be right in their own way. Because the coronation of the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan IV, after whom he began to be called the "Tsar of all Russia", took place on January 16, 1547

Who Built Babylon - Alternative View

Who Built Babylon - Alternative View

The legend of the Tower of Babel, which people could not raise to heaven (God punished the daring builders, mixing their languages so that they would no longer understand each other) is widely known. For a long time, official science treated it as one of the myths

Grigory Rasputin Was At The Court Of Nicholas II An Agent Of Influence Of The Russian Sorcerer Clans - Alternative View

Grigory Rasputin Was At The Court Of Nicholas II An Agent Of Influence Of The Russian Sorcerer Clans - Alternative View

In all publications about Rasputin, one topic is kept silent, namely: Much says that Rasputin - not a lone psychic who accidentally came to court, but a representative of the healers clans of Russia, who since ancient times have tried to exert their influence

Treasures Of The Old House - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Old House - Alternative View

It is not for nothing that Moscow is called the city of treasures. After all, wealthy people lived here at all times, who, in case of danger, preferred to entrust their goods to the most reliable bank - mother earth

Secrets Of St. Bartholomew's Night In France - Alternative View

Secrets Of St. Bartholomew's Night In France - Alternative View

On the night of August 24, 1572, that is, on the eve of St. Bartholomew's Day, according to various estimates, from 2,000 to 4,000 Protestants were massacred in the French capital, who arrived in Paris for the wedding of King Henry of Bourbon of Navarre

Incredible Mystical Secrets Kept By Ancient Statues - Alternative View

Incredible Mystical Secrets Kept By Ancient Statues - Alternative View

This is not to say that people know absolutely everything about real masterpieces of art, especially when it comes to ordinary people, and not art critics. There is far more than one secret hidden in the architectural creations of the geniuses of their time

Facts About Timur Tamerlane - Alternative View

Facts About Timur Tamerlane - Alternative View

On April 8, 1336, one of the greatest conquerors in world history was born in the village of Khoja-Ilgar, now known as the Uzbek city of Shakhrisabz. 1

In Egypt, A Necropolis Of The Hellenistic Period Was Discovered With Dozens Of Mummies - Alternative View

In Egypt, A Necropolis Of The Hellenistic Period Was Discovered With Dozens Of Mummies - Alternative View

A necropolis of the Hellenistic period with 40 mummies was discovered in the central part of Egypt. The Minister of Antiquities of Egypt Khaled al-Anani told reporters on Saturday, noting that this is the first archaeological discovery this year

Secret Expedition Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View

Secret Expedition Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View

With the beginning of the era of the great geographical discoveries, Spain and Portugal rushed to saw the world, establishing their power in the overseas territories. Later they were joined by England, France and Holland

Mysteries Of The Third Reich: Dungeons, Gold, Secret Bases - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Third Reich: Dungeons, Gold, Secret Bases - Alternative View

There are many unsolved mysteries in the history of Nazi Germany

Why Queen Tamara Kicked Out Her Russian Husband - Alternative View

Why Queen Tamara Kicked Out Her Russian Husband - Alternative View

Queen Tamara, whom Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself sang, was called an angel and a demon in one guise even during her lifetime. In many ways, these statements were due to the tough but fair rule of Tamara

About The Population Of Ancient Russia And Some Household Things - Alternative View

About The Population Of Ancient Russia And Some Household Things - Alternative View

Over the years of searching for lost villages, I often encountered scarcity of finds in the villages of the 10-16th centuries. Why are there practically no items? Maybe these are not villages at all, but what sheds were there? The question interested me, and I studied it in detail

Flying Saucers And Gold: What Poles Are Looking For In Nazi Bunkers - Alternative View

Flying Saucers And Gold: What Poles Are Looking For In Nazi Bunkers - Alternative View

In 1945, after the defeat of Germany in World War II, part of its territory passed to Poland, including Lower Silesia

A Paralyzed Old Man Who Disappeared From His Own Chair - Alternative View

A Paralyzed Old Man Who Disappeared From His Own Chair - Alternative View

The mystery of the disappearance of old Owen Parfitt still remains one of the most intriguing historical mysteries in the southwest of England.Parfitt lived a fun and eventful and adventurous life, according to which more than one volume of memoirs could be written

Mysterious Nazi Submarines - Alternative View

Mysterious Nazi Submarines - Alternative View

Almost 70 years have passed since the Second World War died down, but even today we do not know everything about some episodes of its final stage

What Did Richard Chancellor Discover? Journey Of The British To Muscovy - Alternative View

What Did Richard Chancellor Discover? Journey Of The British To Muscovy - Alternative View

On May 30 (June 12, new style), 1554, in his Kremlin residence, Tsar John IV Vasilyevich (the Terrible) received the first English merchant in the history of the Moscow state - the envoy of King Edward VI.From the very first days of his reign, the English monarch Edward VI was haunted by the worldwide fame of such legendary Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors as Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama

Detachment 731 - Death Laboratory For The Development Of Bacteriological Weapons - Alternative View

Detachment 731 - Death Laboratory For The Development Of Bacteriological Weapons - Alternative View

Detachment 731 went down in history as a secret laboratory of death, in which the Japanese invented and tested the most sophisticated methods of torturing and killing people, determined the thresholds of endurance of the human body, the boundaries between life and death

The Lost Letter Of Galileo Galilei Was Accidentally Found In London - Alternative View

The Lost Letter Of Galileo Galilei Was Accidentally Found In London - Alternative View

Galileo's letter, in which he first spoke out in support of the Copernican model, was found in the catalog of the London library

Avian Genocide In Chinese. Why Did The Chinese Destroy Sparrows? - Alternative View

Avian Genocide In Chinese. Why Did The Chinese Destroy Sparrows? - Alternative View

More than half a century has passed since the infamous story of the destruction of sparrows in China. This campaign was included in textbooks on ecology in many countries around the world, clearly showing the fallacy of simplistic and scientifically unfounded approaches

USSR, China And Japan Before World War - Alternative View

USSR, China And Japan Before World War - Alternative View

One of the most dangerous neighbors of the Soviet Union was the Empire of Japan. However, this state was decidedly dangerous for all its neighbors

The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group, As A Manifestation Of An Epidemic Of A Dangerous Infection - Alternative View

The Death Of Igor Dyatlov's Group, As A Manifestation Of An Epidemic Of A Dangerous Infection - Alternative View

The story was told to me by an emergency doctor. He was, in his words, a participant in the autopsy of Igor Dyatlov's group in 1959.- Salik.biznThis story is not even a version. This is a narration of the story of a person who (possibly) was directly related to the autopsy of the bodies of the Dyatlovites in Sverdlovsk

The Path Of The Head Of The Holy Baptist - Alternative View

The Path Of The Head Of The Holy Baptist - Alternative View

Today one of the most revered Christian shrines in the world - particles of the truncated head of St. John the Baptist, kept in both Catholic and Orthodox monasteries and churches

Researchers Have Studied The Blood On The Turin Shroud And Stated That Most Likely It Is A Fake - Alternative View

Researchers Have Studied The Blood On The Turin Shroud And Stated That Most Likely It Is A Fake - Alternative View

Two researchers assure that the blood on the Turin shroud could not leave the lying body wrapped in it (Jesus Christ)

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Mansi Belt And Sacred Cave - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Mansi Belt And Sacred Cave - Alternative View

With this publication, I decided to end the consideration of the involvement of the Mansi in the death of the Dyatlov group. For those who first came to my channel, I advise you to read the articles “The death of the Dyatlov group. A few more thoughts on the interrogation of Mansi "and" The death of the Dyatlov group

How Women Lived In Eastern Harems - Alternative View

How Women Lived In Eastern Harems - Alternative View

When the word "harem" is used, most people think of colorful pictures - an abundance of seductive, half-dressed women, bubbling fountains, sweet wine and constant bliss. In general, heavenly pleasure

The Soviet Internet Could Have Replaced Stalin - Alternative View

The Soviet Internet Could Have Replaced Stalin - Alternative View

During the technical race after World War II, both the Soviet Union and the United States understood the advantages that a wide information network would give

Nazis In Antarctica - Alternative View

Nazis In Antarctica - Alternative View

In 1950, Captain S. Moreno, commander of a ship of the Argentine naval forces, wrote the following report: “At 1610 hours on 24 March this year

Pavel Tretyakov And Other Richest People In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Pavel Tretyakov And Other Richest People In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Wealth and lust for money have never been in the first place in Russian culture, but super-rich people were at the same time. We remember the most-most. 1