Secrets of history 2024, October

Magical Processes. How They Hunted Witches In Ukraine - Alternative View

Magical Processes. How They Hunted Witches In Ukraine - Alternative View

Even 300 years ago, trials for accusations of witchcraft were commonplace. In July 1716, in Kamenets-Podolsk, near the house of the voit (mayor), they caught a beggar Marina, who was pouring some kind of powder on the threshold

The Mystery Of Making Miniature Altars - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Making Miniature Altars - Alternative View

These miniature carved altars were made from boxwood in the 16th century. In total, at the moment, there are 135 such carved altars in the world and each of them baffles scientists with one question - how they were made

What Do The Russian Chronicles Hide? - Alternative View

What Do The Russian Chronicles Hide? - Alternative View

I sincerely believe that everything that we know about what was two hundred, and even more so three hundred years ago - everything is very rough. And what happened 500 years ago was probably not at all the way we represent it according to historical documents

The Father Of Terrorism - Alternative View

The Father Of Terrorism - Alternative View

In the 19th century, the image of a revolutionary was romantically embellished. These modern storytellers tended to be demonically beautiful, mysterious, and incredibly charming. Italian patriot Giuseppe Mazzini fit this image in all respects

The Titanic Was Sunk By Torpedoes? - Alternative View

The Titanic Was Sunk By Torpedoes? - Alternative View

According to the British engineer - designer of ships and vessels - Donald Willman - it was not a fatal collision with an iceberg that led to the sinking of the Titanic

Unknown Crimean Khanate - Alternative View

Unknown Crimean Khanate - Alternative View

How did it happen that a tiny Tatar horde invaded Crimea in the 13th century, and then kept half of Eastern Europe at bay for 500 years, engaging in only racketeering and the slave trade?

"The Tatars Sent Slavic Slaves To Galleys." Why Crimea Has Become The Worst Enemy Of Russia - Alternative View

"The Tatars Sent Slavic Slaves To Galleys." Why Crimea Has Become The Worst Enemy Of Russia - Alternative View

Why did the Crimean Khanate help Moscow to free itself from the Horde yoke, and then from the main ally turned into the worst enemy of our country? What was the price for Russia to be adjacent to it?

Eerie Things And Mysterious Discoveries That Were Found In The Ice - Alternative View

Eerie Things And Mysterious Discoveries That Were Found In The Ice - Alternative View

The ice of our planet contains many secrets that we still have to unravel. What was found boggles the imagination, and only spurs interest for further searches

Mysteries Of History. Etruscans - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Etruscans - Alternative View

Etruscans belong to the Proto-Slavs. More than 2 thousand years ago, they owned a significant part of the Apennine Peninsula. "Capitoline wolf", the symbol of the city of Rome, - the creation of an unnamed Etruscan (the Romans invented the babies Romulus and Remus)

Mysterious Epidemic: What Happened In Sverdlovsk In 1979 - Alternative View

Mysterious Epidemic: What Happened In Sverdlovsk In 1979 - Alternative View

April 1979 was marked for the residents of Sverdlovsk by the mass deaths of people who became victims of anthrax. The epidemic lasted for about two and a half months. It is still not clear what caused

The Story Of A Skeleton From A German Castle - Alternative View

The Story Of A Skeleton From A German Castle - Alternative View

During the renovation, human remains were found in the German castle of Lane. Historians believe that they belong to Count Königsmark - the mysteriously disappeared lover of the Princess of Alden

The Ancient Civilization Of The Great Russians - Alternative View

The Ancient Civilization Of The Great Russians - Alternative View

According to a number of researchers, the history of the civilization of the Great Russians is about 140 thousand years old, which in turn surpasses all that ever existed ideas about the ancient peoples inhabiting the Earth

Secrets Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Secrets of the Third Reich. After Stalingrad, few of the highest Nazi bosses and leaders of the Wehrmacht believed in the final victory

The Traditions Of Treatment Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

The Traditions Of Treatment Among The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Ancient Russia had a developed healing tradition, which was based on conspiracies and herbal medicine. At the present time, ancient healers, healers and herbalists have survived, containing knowledge of the pagan period of Russian history

Why Did Stalin Defeat Corruption Without Fighting It? - Alternative View

Why Did Stalin Defeat Corruption Without Fighting It? - Alternative View

There are many people who believe that Russia has an impressive example of defeating corruption, an example that can be copied. This is the USSR of the Stalin period. Fans of this period explain Stalin's really impressive successes in defeating corruption by the fact that allegedly the methods of combating this phenomenon were extremely tough, they were shot "for three ears of corn

10 Powerful Stories About The Market For Relics And Shrines - Alternative View

10 Powerful Stories About The Market For Relics And Shrines - Alternative View

As monks, thieves and even emperors and kings, not to mention ordinary medieval people, they acquired, traded, stole, distributed, gnawed, replaced, took away holy relics and relics.- Salik.bizIn the VIII century, a new very profitable business arose in the world - the sale of relics

Archaeologists Have Discovered A Grave That Told About The Horrors Of Medicine In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered A Grave That Told About The Horrors Of Medicine In The Middle Ages - Alternative View

The tomb discovered by archaeologists, dating back to early medieval Italy, is a sad testament to the horrors of medicine in the Dark Ages. The work was carried out by scientists from the University of Ferrara and the University of Bologna, Science Alert reports

The Builders Of The Terracotta Army Of China Were Called The Ancient Greeks - Alternative View

The Builders Of The Terracotta Army Of China Were Called The Ancient Greeks - Alternative View

Chinese scientists believe that the first Europeans entered the country 1.5 thousand years earlier than Marco Polo and may have taken part in the construction of the Terracotta Army. Reported by the British edition of The Independent

Separatism In The USA - Alternative View

Separatism In The USA - Alternative View

Since the summer of 2012, analysts have been increasingly talking about the possibility of a second round of the global financial and economic crisis, which will start again in the United States. It is in this country that he will hit the hardest of all

What Secrets Are Kept In The Vatican Library? - Alternative View

What Secrets Are Kept In The Vatican Library? - Alternative View

Throughout its history, mankind has accumulated knowledge in the form of inscriptions on stones, scrolls, later books and manuscripts. Entire libraries built

What Kind Of Women Were Considered Witches In Russia? - Alternative View

What Kind Of Women Were Considered Witches In Russia? - Alternative View

By what criteria in Russia was a witch in front of them or an ordinary woman determined? Over the years and in different parts of Russia, absolutely different women were considered witches

In North America, They Found The Skeleton Of A 13,000-year-old Man - Alternative View

In North America, They Found The Skeleton Of A 13,000-year-old Man - Alternative View

The find turned out to be one of the oldest skeletons found in America. The problem of the initial settlement of America has been the focus of attention of archaeologists and anthropologists for decades. There are two main versions

15 Mysterious Celebrity Deaths - Alternative View

15 Mysterious Celebrity Deaths - Alternative View

Many famous people have died under strange circumstances

The Secret Of The Aryans - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Aryans - Alternative View

In the winter of 1878, very ancient gold and silver coins with inscriptions began to appear in the antique markets of India, which indicated that some of them were made in Ancient Greece, others - - in Iran, the third - in Bactria (present

Who Are The Aryans In Terms Of DNA Genealogy? - Alternative View

Who Are The Aryans In Terms Of DNA Genealogy? - Alternative View

We look at the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and read: "The only justified and accepted in science now is the use of the term" Aryans "only in relation to tribes and peoples who spoke Indo-Iranian languages." It must be the same - so dashing and directive to disown their ancestors

Genghis Khan Is A Descendant Of The Aryans - Alternative View

Genghis Khan Is A Descendant Of The Aryans - Alternative View

Races Whether we like it or not, there are very different people living in the world. They differ in height, fullness, color of hair, eyes and skin, type of character and many other small differences

The Ancient Way Of The Aryans - Alternative View

The Ancient Way Of The Aryans - Alternative View

Today our ancestral national culture is in undeserved oblivion. Only a few living Russians know that we are - Russian-Slavs are the heirs of the richest knowledge and centuries-old culture of our ancestors

Chzhurcheni Or Scytho-Aryans? - Alternative View

Chzhurcheni Or Scytho-Aryans? - Alternative View

We know almost nothing about the fact that in the Far East in the 50s of the twentieth century. the Golden Empire of the Jurchens that existed in the Middle Ages was discovered - a huge state with a population of 50 million, possessing the highest technologies at that time

The Slavs, The Descendants Of The Aryans Who Survived The Flood - Alternative View

The Slavs, The Descendants Of The Aryans Who Survived The Flood - Alternative View

The Flood destroyed almost all life on Earth, but there were people who survived. They went high into the mountains and were able to wait out the apocalypse there. These were the ancestors of the Slavs - Arias. In legends they were often called "White Gods of the North"

The Da Vinci Code: A Theory Based On Error. Who Has Dan Brown Forgotten - Alternative View

The Da Vinci Code: A Theory Based On Error. Who Has Dan Brown Forgotten - Alternative View

Dan Brown's bestseller and film of the same name have been read and watched by millions of people. The theory expressed by the writer has found legions of supporters and as many opponents. However, for some reason no one paid attention to the obvious fact that destroys all the logical constructions of the author

Why Did Samurai Do Hara-kiri? - Alternative View

Why Did Samurai Do Hara-kiri? - Alternative View

Harakiri, or, as the Japanese themselves say, seppuku, - this is a method of ritual suicide, adopted among the samurai class in the Middle Ages and practiced until the 20th century

Scientists Have Studied The National Characteristics Of The Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Scientists Have Studied The National Characteristics Of The Witch Hunt - Alternative View

Knowing how the mechanism of combating "evil spirits" works will help to understand the nature of bullying in social networks and the success of populist politicians. Last executed in Europe for witchcraft in 1811

The House Of Romanov Considers The Legendary Version That Alexander I Became The Elder Fyodor - Alternative View

The House Of Romanov Considers The Legendary Version That Alexander I Became The Elder Fyodor - Alternative View

The Russian imperial house still adheres to the official point of view on the death of Emperor Alexander I and does not believe in the version of "the elder of Tomsk Fyodor Kuzmich," said the director of the Chancellery of the House of Romanov Alexander in an interview with RIA Novosti

History Of Geographical Discoveries Of Henry Hudson - Alternative View

History Of Geographical Discoveries Of Henry Hudson - Alternative View

We went down the narrow aisle. The current was indeed from the north, and the depth off the coast is 30 m

The History Of The Discovery Of America - Alternative View

The History Of The Discovery Of America - Alternative View

When and who discovered America? The issue remains controversial to this day. Because, first, it is necessary to decide: what is considered the discovery of America? The first proven European visit to the New World?

What Has Russia Lost By Selling The Richest Alaska - Alternative View

What Has Russia Lost By Selling The Richest Alaska - Alternative View

As you know, Russian sailors discovered Alaska. The peninsula belonged to the Russian Empire until 1867, when it was sold to the Americans. The main reason for the sale was the lack of real development of Alaska and its absolute insecurity

And What Kind Of Russia Did We Lose In 1917? - Alternative View

And What Kind Of Russia Did We Lose In 1917? - Alternative View

As many people like to say now, “Russia we have lost”, meaning the Russian Empire. To listen to them is almost like heaven on earth, which was destroyed by the "evil Bolsheviks." Have mercy, gentlemen, the empire was destroyed by the liberals, with their February revolution. So

Robbers And Tutu's Tomb - Alternative View

Robbers And Tutu's Tomb - Alternative View

In the archaeological site of Al-Dayabat (Sohag province), a magnificently painted tomb of the nobleman Tutu and his wife, who was the temple singer of the god Ming, was discovered.They found the tomb by accident: the police arrested a gang that was conducting illegal excavations in the necropolis; during interrogation, the gang members revealed the location of the tomb

The Territories That Russia Has Lost - Alternative View

The Territories That Russia Has Lost - Alternative View

Apart from the disintegration of the Russian Empire and the collapse of the USSR, the most famous (and largest) territorial loss of Russia is Alaska. But our country also lost other territories. These losses are rarely remembered today

Altai Princess And Her Secret - Alternative View

Altai Princess And Her Secret - Alternative View

In 1993, a group of archaeologists went to excavations in Gorny Altai. Scientists were interested in this place, since they believed that it was these lands that were the seat of an ancient civilization