Secrets of history 2024, October

"Wall Newspaper" Of The XII Century Was Found On The Plaster Of The Temple Of The Novgorod Princes - Alternative View

"Wall Newspaper" Of The XII Century Was Found On The Plaster Of The Temple Of The Novgorod Princes - Alternative View

Scientists of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences during excavations in the Church of the Annunciation on the Gorodishche in Novgorod discovered many graffiti inscriptions of the first half of the XII century, including a kind of wall "chronicle" - the longest in Ro

How The Cyrillic Alphabet Was Created - Alternative View

How The Cyrillic Alphabet Was Created - Alternative View

In 2018, 1155 years of the Slavic alphabet will be celebrated, which gave impetus to the development of culture and literature in the Slavic lands, the development and flourishing of the Russian language. This national holiday has been celebrated in Bulgaria for many decades

Birch Bark Letters: Letters Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Birch Bark Letters: Letters Of The Middle Ages - Alternative View

Messages scratched on birch bark hundreds of years ago are today a unique source of information about the language, life and culture of ancient Russia. The first Novgorod letter was found on July 26, 1951

Glozel's Archaeological Mystery: Neolithic Writings - Alternative View

Glozel's Archaeological Mystery: Neolithic Writings - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious and controversial archaeological finds of the twentieth century was made by accident

The Voynich Manuscript: A Secret Message To Humanity - Alternative View

The Voynich Manuscript: A Secret Message To Humanity - Alternative View

One of the Spanish publishers received the exclusive rights to print almost nine hundred exact copies of a manuscript widely known in narrow circles called the Voynich manuscript, over the solution of which they have been racking their brains for many years

Revealed Sensational Research Data On The Shroud Of Turin - Alternative View

Revealed Sensational Research Data On The Shroud Of Turin - Alternative View

A team of researchers from France and Italy found evidence that the analysis of the famous Turin Shroud, carried out in 1988, was not carried out in full, and therefore the conclusions based on it are erroneous.The sensational data comes from a study published in the scientific journal Archaeometry, briefly described by Phys

They Again Started Talking About The Forgery Of The Turin Shroud - Alternative View

They Again Started Talking About The Forgery Of The Turin Shroud - Alternative View

In order not to injure the feelings of believers, we will immediately make a reservation that we will only talk about a scientific version, but the truth, as the ancient sages said, always lies between opposing views

Ancient Eastern Laws Of Hammurabi - Alternative View

Ancient Eastern Laws Of Hammurabi - Alternative View

The Babylonian king Hammurabi was in power for 43 years. During his entire reign, he showed himself to be a strong politician who strengthened the power of Babylon and strengthened the state system by adopting high-quality but tough legislation

The Mysterious Shroud Of Turin - Alternative View

The Mysterious Shroud Of Turin - Alternative View

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth on which the outlines of the human body are clearly visible. Its dimensions are 1 by 4 meters

Another Secret Of The Turin Shroud - Alternative View

Another Secret Of The Turin Shroud - Alternative View

Italian scientists have revealed another secret of the Turin Shroud. They found out that the person wrapped in it was tortured and suffered before death. Scientists around the world have been trying for decades to unravel the mystery of the Shroud of Turin

Mysteries Of The Turin Shroud: Scientists Are Preparing A Sensation - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Turin Shroud: Scientists Are Preparing A Sensation - Alternative View

Shroud of Turin - one of the main mysteries of mankind. What is it: the very canvas in which the body of Christ was wrapped at burial, or a medieval mystification - that's the main intrigue

The Most Convincing Evidence Of The Authenticity Of The Shroud Of Turin Has Been Obtained - Alternative View

The Most Convincing Evidence Of The Authenticity Of The Shroud Of Turin Has Been Obtained - Alternative View

Having examined the burial cloth of Jesus Christ in an electron microscope, scientists assure that the blood of a person who was cruelly tortured was preserved on the fibers of the tissue

7 Missing Relics Of Russia - Alternative View

7 Missing Relics Of Russia - Alternative View

The disappearances of Russia's great relics are shrouded in mystery. Sometimes it seems that something supernatural is intentionally confusing traces leading to a solution …- Salik.bizLibrary of Ivan the TerribleIt is believed that the library of Ivan the Terrible was brought to Russia by Sofia Paleologue. V

Portrait On A Sapphire Ring: Incredible Technology Two Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Portrait On A Sapphire Ring: Incredible Technology Two Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Crafted from a solid sapphire, this sky blue ring is shrouded in mystery. It is believed that it belonged to the famous Roman tyrant emperor Caligula, and it was with this wording that the jewel was put up for sale in London for huge sums of money

Scientists Have Made A New Analysis Of The Turin Shroud. The Result Surprised Everyone! - Alternative View

Scientists Have Made A New Analysis Of The Turin Shroud. The Result Surprised Everyone! - Alternative View

Disputes about the Shroud of Turin have not subsided for centuries. For many believers, this canvas has become an indisputable proof of the existence of Jesus Christ, as well as the miracle of his resurrection

Prehistoric Artifacts. (Part 1) - Alternative View

Prehistoric Artifacts. (Part 1) - Alternative View

Carnation (Looks Like Railway) Oopart (Out Of Place ARTifact) - English term for dozens of prehistoric objects discovered in various parts of the globe

Prehistoric Artifacts. (Part 2) - Alternative View

Prehistoric Artifacts. (Part 2) - Alternative View

Fossil hammer: A metal hammer encased in a stone block from the Cretaceous period, Emma Khan, a resident of London, Texas, USA, with her family found while traveling in 1934 in Texas

Dorothy Go's Story. How Did The Daughter Of A London Tailor Become Pharaoh's Mistress? - Alternative View

Dorothy Go's Story. How Did The Daughter Of A London Tailor Become Pharaoh's Mistress? - Alternative View

The British Isles have always been rich in eccentrics - as, however, and outright crooks. This strange Englishwoman could not be attributed to any of these categories

What Is And Who Is Mercator? - Alternative View

What Is And Who Is Mercator? - Alternative View

We often see "Mercator" or "Mercator" written in the corner of a geographical map, we hear this word when weather forecast is broadcast on NTV and in many other cases

Mystery Of The Mercator Card - Alternative View

Mystery Of The Mercator Card - Alternative View

In scientific circles, the famous map of Gerard Mercator, where he allegedly first showed Hyperborea in the North Pole region, has made and continues to excite the minds of researchers to this day. I would like to dwell on this issue in more detail

Ottoman Empire: From Dawn To Dusk - Alternative View

Ottoman Empire: From Dawn To Dusk - Alternative View

The history of Muslim migrants is repeating itself again, now in Europe In the gurgling cauldron of the Muslim world during the lifetime of one generation, there was literally everything that could happen in the thousand-year history of some calmer region

Archaeologists Have Found In England Traces Of The Mythical "Great Army" Of The Vikings - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found In England Traces Of The Mythical "Great Army" Of The Vikings - Alternative View

The giant mass grave, uncovered in the north of England four decades ago, is the last refuge of the legendary "Great Pagan Army" that plundered the Celtic kingdoms of Britain in the middle of the Middle Ages, archaeologists say in

The Story Of The Red Star - Alternative View

The Story Of The Red Star - Alternative View

An interesting, but little-covered topic is the symbolism of the five-pointed star. This simple symbol - one of the oldest, they began to use it several thousand years before our era

Archaeologists Of The Hermitage Have Found The Throne Room Of The Disappeared Palace Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

Archaeologists Of The Hermitage Have Found The Throne Room Of The Disappeared Palace Of Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

This season, excavations in Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda have presented many interesting finds, including a gilded ladle in the shape of a unicorn.A palace of "cosmic proportions" is being excavated in the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. Alas, little remains of the original buildings

The Fall, Siege And Capture Of Constantinople And The Byzantine Empire (1453) - Alternative View

The Fall, Siege And Capture Of Constantinople And The Byzantine Empire (1453) - Alternative View

1451 - the winner of Varna, Sultan Murad II, died. The new sultan was 19-year-old Mehmed II. As soon as he came to power, Mehmed vowed that he would conquer Constantinople by all means

Surprises Of The Sixth Continent - Alternative View

Surprises Of The Sixth Continent - Alternative View

It would seem that in the 21st century there are no more white spots left on the Earth, every inch of its surface, even the most distant corners, has been captured from space satellites and thoroughly studied

People Buried Alive - Alternative View

People Buried Alive - Alternative View

Real life is sometimes worse than fiction. And some horrific stories of premature burials are even more chilling than those of Edgar Allan Poe.10

Catalan Atlas - Alternative View

Catalan Atlas - Alternative View

The Catalan Atlas is the pinnacle of the Catalan school of medieval cartography. Prepared in Palma de Mallorca around 1375 by the Jew Abraham Cresquez with his son Yehuda (who later worked under the patronage of Henry the Navigator) commissioned by King Juan I of Aragon

Sannikov Land: Ghost Or Reality? - Alternative View

Sannikov Land: Ghost Or Reality? - Alternative View

The history of the search for Sannikov's Land resembles a chase after a mirage. But not in a sandy, but in an icy desert. “Go for it, midshipman

The Most Powerful Armies Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

The Most Powerful Armies Of The Ancient World - Alternative View

Great empires of the distant past knew only one way of development. All disagreements were resolved very simply: who is stronger is right

Old Russian System Of Measures - Alternative View

Old Russian System Of Measures - Alternative View

Let's say a pood is more or less familiar to you (although they no longer use it), and even more so. These measures came to us a long time ago. As for the field, the initial meaning of this concept is - length measures - permanently lost

The Gold Digger Found A Cave With An Artificial Tunnel And Went Missing. - Alternative View

The Gold Digger Found A Cave With An Artificial Tunnel And Went Missing. - Alternative View

In 1904, American gold digger J.S.Brown discovered an artificial tunnel in the mountains of California. The passage was long enough to lead Brown into an underground cave whose walls were lined with copper sheets

The Maltese Inquisition And Apostate Christians - Alternative View

The Maltese Inquisition And Apostate Christians - Alternative View

Europeans fell into the hands of fat until the end of the 19th century. Some of them were assimilated, others were sold in the slave markets. At the same time, everyone was forced to change their faith and accept Islam

Why Have People Walked Through Labyrinths Since Ancient Times, And What Benefits They Can Bring You - Alternative View

Why Have People Walked Through Labyrinths Since Ancient Times, And What Benefits They Can Bring You - Alternative View

Some people associate the word "maze" with Daedalus the Minotaur or with the movie in which David Bowie played the goblin king. But a real maze is not like that at all. It has only one route, and there are no wrong turns

The Most Mysterious Plane Crashes In History - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Plane Crashes In History - Alternative View

Perhaps the most mysterious incident in aviation history happened with American writer and aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart

An Ancient Burial Place - Alternative View

An Ancient Burial Place - Alternative View

There were 716 tablets and they resembled gramophone discs with a diameter of about 30 centimeters and a thickness of 8 millimeters (a hole in the center and a double spiral groove with small hieroglyphs going to the outer edge), carved from hard granite

The Curse Of The Island Of Lokrum - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Island Of Lokrum - Alternative View

There are many mysterious stories about the curses that haunted those subjected to them over many years and even decades. One of them is associated with the curse of the island of Lokrum and the Mexican emperor Maximilian of Habsburg

Empire Of Harun Ar-Rashid - Alternative View

Empire Of Harun Ar-Rashid - Alternative View

In the Arabian tales "One Thousand and One Nights" the ruler of Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid, is described as a wise and just ruler, patron of the arts

In Brazil, Found Ancient Burials With Mutilated Remains Of People - Alternative View

In Brazil, Found Ancient Burials With Mutilated Remains Of People - Alternative View

Archaeologists have unearthed horrific evidence of ancient funeral rituals that took place in one region of Brazil. Apparently, during such rituals, the corpses were severely injured, their muscles were cut out and their teeth were knocked out

Siberian Riddles - Alternative View

Siberian Riddles - Alternative View

Vast Siberia stretches across the vastness of Russia. With its majestic, vast nature, it conquered all travelers and scientists who have ever visited its endless latitudes