Secrets of history 2024, October

Ouroboros - An Ancient Symbol Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Ouroboros - An Ancient Symbol Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Ouroboros: Ancient Symbol of Eternity which was used by various ancient civilizations.Today modern physicists are trying to solve the mystery of time. Was there a beginning of time and will there be an end time? The mystery of time also fascinated our ancestors

Maps Of Ancient Sea Kings - Alternative View

Maps Of Ancient Sea Kings - Alternative View

The existence of these unusual cards has been known for a long time. Since Antarctica was not officially discovered by the British until 1819, earlier maps of its coastline simply could not exist 8

Scientists Have Discovered The Secret Of "teriak" - An Ancient Antidote To Any Poison - Alternative View

Scientists Have Discovered The Secret Of "teriak" - An Ancient Antidote To Any Poison - Alternative View

Humanity has always sought to find an effective cure for various ailments. The fear of poisoning became a topical issue in Antiquity. Thus, in ancient times, the miraculous medicine teriak was created

In Search Of The Mythical Unicorn - Alternative View

In Search Of The Mythical Unicorn - Alternative View

We know from the Bible that God, being angry with people for their inappropriate behavior, caused the Flood. Only the righteous Noah escaped, having managed to build a large ship. He took on the voyage not only his family, but also "a pair of each creature"

Features Of National Medicine - Alternative View

Features Of National Medicine - Alternative View

At least once in his life, every person had to resort to the help of doctors. And honestly, doctors do not always prescribe correct treatment for their patients, and therefore unflattering statements about people in white coats can be heard quite often

Connoisseur Of Poisons - Alternative View

Connoisseur Of Poisons - Alternative View

It was a pity to let the experienced scribe and herbalist go, but - order. The abbot pointed a finger upward pointedly. The demand for handwritten books was slowly decreasing … The monk asked for a supply of five types of colored ink

Medieval Russia: Poisons As A Means Of Settling Scores - Alternative View

Medieval Russia: Poisons As A Means Of Settling Scores - Alternative View

You will hardly surprise anyone with stories about poisons, this reliable weapon in the hands of a villain or an insidious adversary

Golden Horses Of Batu Khan - Alternative View

Golden Horses Of Batu Khan - Alternative View

GOLDEN HORSE KHANA DAD - legendary treasures, the exact location of which is still unknown

What Happened To The Treasures Of Khan Batu - Alternative View

What Happened To The Treasures Of Khan Batu - Alternative View

Legends say that the Tatar-Mongol Khan Batu, during the invasion of Russia, captured many treasures that are hidden somewhere in the territory of our country. But so far no one has managed to get to them

Found The Treasures Of The Mysteriously Disappeared Viking King - Alternative View

Found The Treasures Of The Mysteriously Disappeared Viking King - Alternative View

Amateur archaeologists have discovered Viking treasures on the island of Rügen (Germany) in the Baltic Sea, which belonged to King Harald I Bluetooth. Reported by Science Alert

Professor Of Poisonous Sciences - Alternative View

Professor Of Poisonous Sciences - Alternative View

Poison has been used as an instrument of politics since ancient times. The great poisonings, like the great poisoners, have redrawn political history more than once. How many rulers who are believed to have died a natural death were actually poisoned?

Khan Batu's Campaign To Russia - Alternative View

Khan Batu's Campaign To Russia - Alternative View

The topic of the Tatar-Mongol yoke still causes a lot of controversy, reasoning and versions. Was it or was not, in principle, what role did the Russian princes play in it, who attacked Europe and why, how did it end?

Why Is Saudi Arabia Called That? - Alternative View

Why Is Saudi Arabia Called That? - Alternative View

Do you know why Saudi Arabia is called that? There shouldn't be big questions with the second part of the country's name

In The Footsteps Of The Lost Expedition - Alternative View

In The Footsteps Of The Lost Expedition - Alternative View

By coincidence of the most incredible circumstances, fame came to this man only decades after the events that changed his fate

During The Reconstruction Of The Oil Pipeline, They Found An Ancient Settlement About Three Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

During The Reconstruction Of The Oil Pipeline, They Found An Ancient Settlement About Three Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

While designing a new oil pipeline, the specialists of the Transneft-Siberia Company came across an ancient settlement. Archaeologists are working there now. Pieces of pottery are scattered all over the shore

The Curse Of The Dead City - Alternative View

The Curse Of The Dead City - Alternative View

As the Mongolian legend says, in those days, when the waters of the warm sea were still splashing on the site of the rocky Gobi desert, on its picturesque shore the first descendants of the gods built a beautiful and rich city, in which wise men and merchants lived, brave

Genghis Khan's Grandson Is Buried In Russia - Alternative View

Genghis Khan's Grandson Is Buried In Russia - Alternative View

The grave of Kublai Khan may be located in the Partisan region, and it is possible that four golden horses are buried in it, which the grandson of Genghis Khan carried with him everywhere Historical information Kublai (1216-1294), the grandson of Genghis Khan, became the fifth and last

Who Are The Mongols? - Alternative View

Who Are The Mongols? - Alternative View

The reader has obviously noticed that I avoid using the term "Mongol" in relation to the people led by Chinggis Khan at the beginning of the 13th century. In my opinion, it is more correct to use the ethnonym "Mogul"

Description Of The Race Of People-dogs From The History Of The Mongols - Alternative View

Description Of The Race Of People-dogs From The History Of The Mongols - Alternative View

The Franciscan monk Giovanni Carpini, who arrived at the camp of Khan Batu in 1246, whom he calls "emperor" in his descriptions, recorded interesting stories of the Mongols about the war of Batu's troops with the race of dog-men, in which women had a human

The Deceased Fleet Of Kublai Khan - Alternative View

The Deceased Fleet Of Kublai Khan - Alternative View

For a long time, the Mongols were a shepherd people, poor, barely known and living nearby tribes. It consisted of only 30 - 40 families and paid tribute to China

Mongolia Helped The Soviet Union More Than The US - Alternative View

Mongolia Helped The Soviet Union More Than The US - Alternative View

Few people know that Mongolia became the first country to officially declare support for the Soviet Union after the start of the Great Patriotic War

A Treasure Of Ancient Asian Gold Was Found In Germany - Alternative View

A Treasure Of Ancient Asian Gold Was Found In Germany - Alternative View

In Lower Saxony, a treasure of 3,300 years old was discovered. Chemical analysis showed that the gold comes from mines in Central Asia. Did the ancient trading networks cover such a large space?

Vylchetrinsky Treasure - Gold Of Thrace - Alternative View

Vylchetrinsky Treasure - Gold Of Thrace - Alternative View

To the famous hoard of gold items from Vylchetrin, the definition of "best-best" can be applied many times, because it is - the oldest Thracian gold found in Bulgaria. This is the largest gold treasure in Thrace

The Secret Treasure Of The Ataman "Tumbleweed" - Alternative View

The Secret Treasure Of The Ataman "Tumbleweed" - Alternative View

Not far from the village of Bor Belkovo near the ford across the Vruda River in February 2012, the searchers made preliminary calculations to find traces of the golden cache of the prominent figure of the Civil War, Ataman Bulak-Balakhovich

Kralevo Gold Treasure - Pride Of Targovishte - Alternative View

Kralevo Gold Treasure - Pride Of Targovishte - Alternative View

The Thracians believed that real life begins after death. Therefore, they strove to properly conduct their loved ones on their last journey - surrounded them with abundance and luxury, so that they would not need anything in the next world.40 years ago, on a hot summer evening, while exploring one of the Thracian graves in the village of Kraljevo, archaeologist Georgi Ginev discovered a stone coffin

Where Did Napoleon's Treasure Disappear? - Alternative View

Where Did Napoleon's Treasure Disappear? - Alternative View

The Patriotic War of 1812 was accompanied, and could not be otherwise, with the massive plunder of Russian property in the territories occupied by Napoleon's troops

The Pugachev Uprising - Alternative View

The Pugachev Uprising - Alternative View

The uprising of Pugachev (peasant war) 1773 - 1775 under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev - the uprising of the Yaik Cossacks, which grew into a full-scale war

About The Bright Image Of Russia - Alternative View

About The Bright Image Of Russia - Alternative View

We have heard enough of pseudo-historical Russophobic myths of falsifiers of the history of “wild barbarians” allegedly “having neither writing nor statehood” before the arrival of “civilizers-enlighteners” to Russia, to whom we supposedly owe everything, and therefore must be loyal servants of the parasitic West with its predatory - the consumerist ideology of non-humans-degradants and secret satanic rituals, the origins of which can be found in the official religions of the "

Treasured Color Of Treasure Hunters - Alternative View

Treasured Color Of Treasure Hunters - Alternative View

On the witch's night on Ivan Kupala, when bonfires were lit in the forest glades, boys and girls danced in round dances, and mermaids and other evil spirits gained unprecedented strength, a mysterious fern flower bloomed in the dense forest

The Cursed Treasure Of Oak Island - Alternative View

The Cursed Treasure Of Oak Island - Alternative View

All stories about ancient treasures, as a rule, end in a rather monotonous way: they are either found or not. But this is not the case with this story, which recently turned 210 years old

The Story Of The Life And Death Of False Dmitry 2 - Alternative View

The Story Of The Life And Death Of False Dmitry 2 - Alternative View

False Dmitry 2 - (when unknown was born - death on December 11 (21), 1610) impostor of unknown origin. He was called the Kaluga or Tushinsky thief. From 1607

They Found A Lot Of Inconsistencies In The "Hitler's Treasure Map" - Mdash; Alternative View

They Found A Lot Of Inconsistencies In The "Hitler's Treasure Map" - Mdash; Alternative View

Historian Konstantin Zalessky, in a conversation with Zvezda, doubted the reliability of the information from the diary of SS officer Egon Ollenhauer about the places with the treasures hidden by the Nazis

Money In The Ground: Why Did The Russians Buried Wealth At Home - Alternative View

Money In The Ground: Why Did The Russians Buried Wealth At Home - Alternative View

How do you prefer to keep your money? Probably, like the majority, in a bank, or, at worst, at home, in a store. But our distant ancestors believed the best place to preserve their savings … land

Treasures Of The Island Of Monte Cristo - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Island Of Monte Cristo - Alternative View

Many literary characters have prototypes. The same is true for some geographic locations. For example, the island on which the events of the book by Alexandre Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo" took place exists in reality

The Ruler Of Bukhara "hid" His Treasure In The Kremlin? - Alternative View

The Ruler Of Bukhara "hid" His Treasure In The Kremlin? - Alternative View

The Emir of Bukhara Said Alim Khan was extremely ambitious. He gained confidence in the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, at his own expense he built a ship and a mosque on the Petrograd side of St. Petersburg. Why did you kill people, Said?

Lost Treasures - Alternative View

Lost Treasures - Alternative View

There are many lost treasures, hidden treasures and undiscovered caches that have not yet been found. So, you can always hope that the treasures are waiting for you

Golden Island - Alternative View

Golden Island - Alternative View

The island was discovered in 1526 by Juan Cabeazas, a navigator from Portugal. There it was possible to replenish water and food supplies. The island got on the nautical charts. In the 17th century, it was chosen by pirates

Schliemann's Gold. The Millionaire Archaeologist Has Found 129 Treasures! - Alternative View

Schliemann's Gold. The Millionaire Archaeologist Has Found 129 Treasures! - Alternative View

Heinrich Schliemann was born in 1822 in Germany to a poor Protestant pastor. At the age of eight, his father gave him a "World History for Children" with pictures, among which was the image of Troy enveloped in flames

Treasures Of Hard Times Of Coups - Alternative View

Treasures Of Hard Times Of Coups - Alternative View

The revolutionary upheavals of 1917 left a myriad of hidden treasures throughout the country that can tell of the ruin of noble nests and the collapse of commercial enterprises

Khan Kuchum's Treasure - Alternative View

Khan Kuchum's Treasure - Alternative View

In the second half of the 16th century, Khan Kuchum ruled Western Siberia with an iron hand. He overthrew the power of the union of local princes, who desired to enter the Moscow state. Ivan the Terrible needed to win back "his" Siberia