Secrets of history 2024, October

Scientists Have Recognized The Legend About The Death Of King Eric The Holy - Alternative View

Scientists Have Recognized The Legend About The Death Of King Eric The Holy - Alternative View

The legend about the death of the Swedish king of the XII century Eric the Saint from numerous blows and beheading may turn out to be true, according to Swedish scientists studying his tomb

Was King Arthur MacArthur? - Alternative View

Was King Arthur MacArthur? - Alternative View

So who was King Arthur and where was Camelot? Most people associate it with southwestern England, an area mentioned in the legends of wizards, lords of lakes and knights in shining armor

Archaeologists Have Discovered The Ruins Of The Castle Of King Arthur - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered The Ruins Of The Castle Of King Arthur - Alternative View

According to British scientists, they have discovered the ruins of a castle, the owner of which could well have been the legendary King Arthur many centuries ago. Archaeologists have carried out excavations in the county of Cornwall, located in the south-west of the country

Untitled Legend - Alternative View

Untitled Legend - Alternative View

King Arthur is the ideal of a just ruler, the embodiment of knightly virtues and a noble hero, known far beyond the borders of England

The Sword In Stone Exists To This Day, But Not In England, But In Italy - Alternative View

The Sword In Stone Exists To This Day, But Not In England, But In Italy - Alternative View

The sword of King Arthur is the one that had to be pulled out of the stone - films and books were made about it. These stories were considered fabulous from start to finish. As it turned out, in vain. There are both sword and stone. True, not in England, in Italy

The Legend Of Doctor Faust - Alternative View

The Legend Of Doctor Faust - Alternative View

Doctor Faustus, a warlock and astrologer, lived in the late Middle Ages - this is confirmed by historical documents

Which Countries Financed The Peasant Uprising Of Yemelyan Pugachev - Alternative View

Which Countries Financed The Peasant Uprising Of Yemelyan Pugachev - Alternative View

Soviet historiography interpreted the uprising led by Yemelyan Pugachev as a peasant war and inscribed it in the logic of the class struggle. Then the look at the events became more voluminous and ambiguous, and recently there are those who want to completely explain the uprising by the intrigues of special services unfriendly to Russia

Legendary Treasures Of Emelyan Pugachev - Alternative View

Legendary Treasures Of Emelyan Pugachev - Alternative View

240 years have passed since the Pugachev uprising. The deeds of this adventurer are well known not only to historians, but also to numerous treasure hunters. And all because Emelyan and his associates hid an incredible amount of treasures

The OST Plan Or Did Hitler Want To Destroy The Slavs - Alternative View

The OST Plan Or Did Hitler Want To Destroy The Slavs - Alternative View

The overwhelming majority of our contemporaries are firmly convinced that the plans of "inhuman fascism" included the destruction of millions of Slavs. This belief is so strong that it has in fact become an unquestionable truth. At the same time, there is no full evidence of the existence of such aspirations at the top of the National Socialist state

Emelyan Pugachev: Little-known Facts Of The Most Famous Uprising - Alternative View

Emelyan Pugachev: Little-known Facts Of The Most Famous Uprising - Alternative View

On November 15, 1774 (238 years ago), Emelyan Pugachev was brought to Moscow in an iron cage, whose name is associated with the peasant war in Russia and the last turning point in world history, which consolidated the power of the Romanov dynasty on the vast territory of Russia

Biography Of Emelyan Pugachev - Alternative View

Biography Of Emelyan Pugachev - Alternative View

Pugachev Emelyan Ivanovich (born 1742 - death 10 (21) January 1775) - from the Don Cossacks, the leader of the Peasant War of 1773 - 1775. in Russia. Origin Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev was born in a Cossack village in the Don region

Arkhip Osipov: The First Eternal Soldier Of Russia - Alternative View

Arkhip Osipov: The First Eternal Soldier Of Russia - Alternative View

The Russian army has a unique tradition of - enrollment of a soldier forever in the unit's lists. Such an honorary award is used for those killed in the performance of combat missions

Strange Chimpanzee Oliver Could Be A Hybrid Of A Man And A Monkey - Alternative View

Strange Chimpanzee Oliver Could Be A Hybrid Of A Man And A Monkey - Alternative View

On the morning of June 2, 2012, in a shelter for retired (circus, laboratory, space) monkeys in Texas, one of the oldest chimpanzees in captivity, a male named Oliver, was found dead in his favorite hammock

The Incredible Story Of Diane De Poitiers - Alternative View

The Incredible Story Of Diane De Poitiers - Alternative View

At sixty years old, Diane de Poitiers was surprisingly good-looking and did not look older than a young woman in her thirties

The Incredible Story Of Rudolf Fentz - Alternative View

The Incredible Story Of Rudolf Fentz - Alternative View

Legend has it that in June 1950, a strange man, dressed in 19th century fashion, appeared in downtown Times Square. Eyewitnesses claimed that he looked frightened and shocked. A couple of minutes later he was hit by a car and the man died on the spot

From Bleeding To Drinking Urine: The Harsh And Merciless Medicine Of The Past - Alternative View

From Bleeding To Drinking Urine: The Harsh And Merciless Medicine Of The Past - Alternative View

In the 15th century, a book was created called Fasciculus Medicinae, which at that time served as a universal medical reference book and contained a description of methods for treating a wide variety of ailments

The Bloody Entertainment Of Countess Elizabeth Bathory - Alternative View

The Bloody Entertainment Of Countess Elizabeth Bathory - Alternative View

Not only alchemists who were looking for the elixir of immortality wanted to live forever, but also simple ignorant mortals! All means were good in the pursuit of immortality

Why Elizabeth Bathory Is Called The "bloody" Countess - Alternative View

Why Elizabeth Bathory Is Called The "bloody" Countess - Alternative View

Books and films were made about this woman. She became a symbol of horror and cruelty. But was the "bloody countess" really guilty of the crimes that were attributed to her?

Bloody Entertainments Of Elizabeth Bathory - Alternative View

Bloody Entertainments Of Elizabeth Bathory - Alternative View

Elizabeth (Erzhebet) Bathory was born on August 7, 1560, the day of her death on August 21, 1614, after her marriage to Ferens Nadashdi in 1575 - Countess Nadashdi

The Bloody Story Of The Bathory Witch - Alternative View

The Bloody Story Of The Bathory Witch - Alternative View

The famous "Bloody Lady" Erzhebet Bathory - a person around whom a huge number of rumors and fictions circulated after her death, and today remains one of the most mysterious personalities in history

Legends Of The Russian Templars - Alternative View

Legends Of The Russian Templars - Alternative View

History is often striking in its cruelty and injustice. One of the bloodiest actions of the monarchies and the Inquisition, by right, can be considered the execution of the Knights of the Templar Order

The Journalist Said About The True Reason For The Crash Of The Titanic - Alternative View

The Journalist Said About The True Reason For The Crash Of The Titanic - Alternative View

Journalist Senan Molony (Senan Molony) said the true, in his opinion, the cause of the crash of the transatlantic steamer "Titanic". On Tuesday, January 3, the Independent newspaper reports

The Sinking Of The Titanic Was Predicted 14 Years Before The Crash - Alternative View

The Sinking Of The Titanic Was Predicted 14 Years Before The Crash - Alternative View

The death of the "Titanic", the wedding of Maria Vittoria dal Pozzo, Carl Jung's fish day and other amazing stories, reading which one involuntarily wonders: are accidents mysticism or regularity?

Bloody Countess Bathory - Alternative View

Bloody Countess Bathory - Alternative View

"The power of vampires lies in the fact that no one believes in their existence."

Vampire From Barcelona - Alternative View

Vampire From Barcelona - Alternative View

A vampire from Barcelona, or rather a vampire from Raval (after the name of one of the districts of this city), - such a nickname was given to a woman recognized as the most terrible criminal in the history of Spain. The exact number of her victims is still not known

February 18, 1516 Mary I Tudor Was Born: The Undeserved Nickname "Bloody Mary" And Other Facts - Alternative View

February 18, 1516 Mary I Tudor Was Born: The Undeserved Nickname "Bloody Mary" And Other Facts - Alternative View

Mary I Tudor was the daughter of King Henry VIII and his first wife Catherine of Aragon. England's first queen regent, Mary took the throne after the death of her brother Edward VI in 1553. She married Philip of Spain a year later

Hellfire Club (Hellfire Club) - Alternative View

Hellfire Club (Hellfire Club) - Alternative View

Under the picturesque West Wycombe hill, near the small town of Buckinghamshire, about 50 kilometers from London, there is an extensive underground labyrinth called the Hellfire Caves, or simply the Hellfire Caves

Where Does The Territory Of Russia End? - Alternative View

Where Does The Territory Of Russia End? - Alternative View

During the awarding of the laureates of the Russian Geographical Society Prize (November 24, 2016), an episode took place that touched the world media sphere. Livened up, rustled. And only the President of the Russian Federation asked the winner a question: where does the border of Russia end?

Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio - Alternative View

Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio - Alternative View

Let's wash our hands with Caesar's blood Up to the elbows and splashing swords with it, Let's all go immediately to the forum And, shaking the red weapon, Let's all exclaim: "Peace, liberty and freedom!" - W. Shakespeare Mark Junius Brutus - was born in 85 BC. - date of death 42 BC eh

"Sphere Betsev" - A Detail Of The Secret Space Weapons Of The USSR? - Alternative View

"Sphere Betsev" - A Detail Of The Secret Space Weapons Of The USSR? - Alternative View

Any mysterious object falling from the sky always makes a lot of noise. Even more excitement is caused by various kinds of finds, which, according to ufologists, are products of extraterrestrial technologies

Empires Forgotten By The World - Alternative View

Empires Forgotten By The World - Alternative View

Over the centuries, this city was ruled by a huge number of monarchs. But what has happened since then and why it turned into a spooky and abandoned ghost town

The House In Nazareth Where Jesus Lived - Alternative View

The House In Nazareth Where Jesus Lived - Alternative View

Archaeological finds help historians correct the mistakes made by their predecessors and reveal the secrets of antiquity. Excavations are carried out around the world

When The Holy Grail Appears Again To The World - Alternative View

When The Holy Grail Appears Again To The World - Alternative View

A gift from above is not always a gift from fate. Sometimes it turns into fate, a curse. And yet, those who happened to be the keepers of the gift were not afraid to give their lives for it

70 Metal Plates Contain The Earliest Account Of Jesus - Alternative View

70 Metal Plates Contain The Earliest Account Of Jesus - Alternative View

Found in 2008 in Jordan, 70 metal plates contain the earliest account of Jesus. They are now officially considered authentic … In 2008, the authenticity of 70 metal plates was questioned

Heirs Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

Heirs Of The Golden Horde - Alternative View

In terms of the vastness of the territory, the Golden Horde was the largest state formation of the Middle Ages. The state of the descendants of Jochi included the entire Great Steppe from the Danube - in the west to the Irtysh - in the east; the whole state (Ulug Ulus, i.e

Ancient Mirrors Are Kept In The Museum Of Altai State University - Alternative View

Ancient Mirrors Are Kept In The Museum Of Altai State University - Alternative View

The most ancient exhibits of Scythian times presented here There is a hypothesis that mirrors have a memory

Star Of Bethlehem - What Was It Really? - Alternative View

Star Of Bethlehem - What Was It Really? - Alternative View

The past is full of legends and the present is full of explanations. At least it tries to be so. We love to explore real-life natural phenomena that can explain seemingly supernatural events described in myths and religious texts

The Ancient City Of Nineveh, The Capital Of Assyria - Alternative View

The Ancient City Of Nineveh, The Capital Of Assyria - Alternative View

Nineveh - the capital of Assyria in the VIII - VII centuries BC e. - was located on the territory of modern Iraq, on the left bank of the Tigris River

Kolchak's Treasure. Kazakh Version - Alternative View

Kolchak's Treasure. Kazakh Version - Alternative View

In the 43rd issue of the newspaper "Secrets of the XX century" for October 2009 was published an article by Valery Erofeev "Gold of Kolchak". Letters have been sent to the editorial office, in which our readers offer their versions - where to look for the admiral's treasure

The Life Story Of The Marquise De Pompadour - Alternative View

The Life Story Of The Marquise De Pompadour - Alternative View

Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson (born December 29, 1721 - death April 15, 1764), who went down in history as the Marquise de Pompadour - official favorite of King Louis XV of France