Secrets of history 2024, October

Where To Look For Napoleon's Treasure? - Alternative View

Where To Look For Napoleon's Treasure? - Alternative View

More than two hundred years have passed since the time when Napoleon's army ignominiously fled from Moscow and from Russia. The treasures stolen by Bonaparte did not reach Paris, but settled, as historians believe, somewhere in Belarus or Smolensk region

A Treasure From The Time Of Boris Godunov Was Found In The Moscow Region - Alternative View

A Treasure From The Time Of Boris Godunov Was Found In The Moscow Region - Alternative View

During security excavations in the construction area of the highway, archaeologists found a treasure from the time of Boris Godunov. This treasure, recently discovered in the Moscow region, amazed even experienced specialists

Lost Treasures Await When You Find Them - Alternative View

Lost Treasures Await When You Find Them - Alternative View

Have you ever wanted to become a treasure hunter? After all, there are many lost treasures, hidden treasures and undiscovered caches that no one has yet found. So, you can always hope that the treasures are waiting for you

Ancient Treasures - Alternative View

Ancient Treasures - Alternative View

The gold-bearing cache in the Polish town of Sroda ёнl считаетсяska is considered one of the richest treasures of gold and silver coins, precious stones and valuable historical relics that have been found on earth

The Most Expensive Treasures Of The Urals - Alternative View

The Most Expensive Treasures Of The Urals - Alternative View

Gold jewelry, artifacts of antiquity, awards of the tsarist era and treasures of old coins - all this is quite possible to find on the territory of the Ural region

Treasure Of The African King Lobengula - Alternative View

Treasure Of The African King Lobengula - Alternative View

Black Continent - land of secrets and mysteries. Country of ancient kings and untold riches. The Zulu king Lobengula was fabulously wealthy. Diamonds, ivory, gold. Anything any greedy soul desires

From The History Of Treasures: 23 Doubloons - Alternative View

From The History Of Treasures: 23 Doubloons - Alternative View

On a summer morning in 1947, fisherman William Cottrell was strolling along a deserted beach in the Highlands, near New York. Suddenly a gold coin flashed in the sand. It was a Spanish doubloon minted in 1713

Mysteries Of History: The "Golden Bowl" Of The Vikings - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History: The "Golden Bowl" Of The Vikings - Alternative View

Humanity has always been not indifferent to legends and legends about ancient treasures and "buried treasures". They searched and are looking for them everywhere, including here, in Karelia

Queen Of Sheba And Solomon - Alternative View

Queen Of Sheba And Solomon - Alternative View

To this day, historians argue about where the ancient state of Saba was. Most scientists agree that it is somewhere in the area of modern Yemen. Some believe that Saba also occupied part of the territory of Ethiopia and Eritrea. It was in this area that the legendary Queen of Sheba lived - a woman who was able to compete in wisdom with the Israelite king Solomon.The

King Solomon - Myth Or Reality - Alternative View

King Solomon - Myth Or Reality - Alternative View

Very little is known about the ancient figures of the Jewish people. Basically, this information is taken from religious sources - Jewish Torah or even Christian retelling, the Bible

Places Where, Presumably, Large Treasures Are Hidden - Alternative View

Places Where, Presumably, Large Treasures Are Hidden - Alternative View

Treasures of the Incas In 1532, the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro landed on the coast of modern Peru and began the conquest of the Inca Empire

Treasures In Castles In Slovakia - Alternative View

Treasures In Castles In Slovakia - Alternative View

In the south-west of Slovakia, at the very border with Austria and Hungary, lies the wooded mountain range of the Small Carpathians. Here, on one of the mountain peaks, there are the picturesque ruins of the Ostry Kamen castle

King Solomon's Seal - Alternative View

King Solomon's Seal - Alternative View

Law enforcement officers have been following a group of smugglers for several months, who, in their opinion, are associated with "black archaeologists" from different countries

King Solomon (Shlomo, Suleiman) - Alternative View

King Solomon (Shlomo, Suleiman) - Alternative View

King Solomon (in Hebrew - Shlomo) - the son of David from Bat Sheva, the third Jewish king. The splendor of his reign was etched in the memory of the people as a time of the highest flowering of Jewish power and influence, after which a period of disintegration into two kingdoms begins

The Airship Of King Solomon - Alternative View

The Airship Of King Solomon - Alternative View

In ancient myths, legends and sacred texts, you can find many stories about various real historical figures, who had at their disposal flying chariots or something like airships

Found The Legendary Seal Of King Solomon - Alternative View

Found The Legendary Seal Of King Solomon - Alternative View

An ancient and incredibly valuable relic was found in the north of Turkey during a raid on smugglers. We are talking about a bronze seal, which, presumably, belonged to King Solomon himself

15 Lost Treasures Still Not Found - Alternative View

15 Lost Treasures Still Not Found - Alternative View

Lost treasures should not be associated only with pirates and fictional stories. In reality, there are also hidden treasures that no one has managed to find

Diamond Way - Alternative View

Diamond Way - Alternative View

Jean-Baptiste Tavernier was fabulously rich

The Epic With The Cursed Treasure Of The Kauenga Pass - Alternative View

The Epic With The Cursed Treasure Of The Kauenga Pass - Alternative View

Cutting in half the eastern part of the Santa Monica Rocky Mountains in the Hollywood Hills and directly opposite the metropolis of Los Angeles, California, is a low mountain pass called the Cahuenga Pass.The locals sometimes call it El Portozuelo (small passage)

Archaeologists Have Found The Treasures Of The Iron Age - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found The Treasures Of The Iron Age - Alternative View

On the Danish island of Hjarno, a large burial of jewels has been discovered, many of which are made of pure gold. In 536 AD, a volcano erupted in El Salvador

Where Are The Treasures Of The Voivode - Alternative View

Where Are The Treasures Of The Voivode - Alternative View

For 360 years, in the small village of Nizkinichi in Volyn, there has been a legend that the governor Adam Kisel hid a pot of priceless treasures within the walls of an ancient monastery. Treasure seekers Those who wanted to find it were at all times, including the Soviet

The French Will Look For Napoleon's Treasure In The Smolensk Region - Alternative View

The French Will Look For Napoleon's Treasure In The Smolensk Region - Alternative View

In the Smolensk region, the French will study Valutina Gora and look for Napoleon's treasure The grand opening of the Russian-French Foundation for Historical Initiatives took place in Moscow

Myths About The Fabulous Wealth Of Siberian Burial Mounds - Alternative View

Myths About The Fabulous Wealth Of Siberian Burial Mounds - Alternative View

There is an opinion that the kurgans in Siberia once abounded in gold and silver things, but fell victim to the hillockers of the 17th-18th centuries. G.F

Treasures Of The Kremlin - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Kremlin - Alternative View

Quite recently, on the site of the Theological Tower of Kitay-Gorod, archaeologists have discovered a secret room - a “rumor”. The special vaulted structure of the walls allowed people in the room to hear everything that the enemy was doing outside it

Treasure Of The Malay Tiger - Alternative View

Treasure Of The Malay Tiger - Alternative View

In every country with a century-old history, in every ancient city there is necessarily a local legend about the greatest treasure, countless treasures buried in the ground "right here somewhere here."

Treasures Of Sunken Galleons - Alternative View

Treasures Of Sunken Galleons - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 16th century, unprecedented wealth poured from America to Europe. The treasures of the Aztecs and Incas that filled the holds of the Spanish galleons in just one century increased the gold and silver reserves of European countries fivefold

Battle For Treasure "Fleur De La Maar" - Alternative View

Battle For Treasure "Fleur De La Maar" - Alternative View

In 1521 the main ship of the Fleur de la Maar maritime association departed from the Islamic state of Malacca

Treasures Of The Yusupovs - Alternative View

Treasures Of The Yusupovs - Alternative View

Pearls are considered the most mysterious stone in the whole world. He has incredibly mesmerizing and romantic qualities. There are a large number of legends and myths in the world that confirm its divine origin

The Treasures Of The Nibelungen Were Found In Germany - Alternative View

The Treasures Of The Nibelungen Were Found In Germany - Alternative View

Amazing find made by German amateur treasure hunter, whose name is not reported

Why Is So Little Known About The Richest Treasury Of The Egyptian Pharaoh - Alternative View

Why Is So Little Known About The Richest Treasury Of The Egyptian Pharaoh - Alternative View

The burial vault, lavishly filled with treasures, was discovered almost by accident in 1939 by the French archaeologist Pierre Monte in northern Egypt

Reich Gold - Alternative View

Reich Gold - Alternative View

Lake Toplitz is called the "Black Pearl" of the Austrian Duchy of Styria. It is located 60 km southeast of Salzburg, in the Dead Mountains, in the place of ancient salt mines. The length of Lake Toplitz is about 2 km, width is no more than 400 m

Incredibly Huge Treasures, Which Were Found Quite By Accident - Alternative View

Incredibly Huge Treasures, Which Were Found Quite By Accident - Alternative View

In their hearts, everyone dreams of discovering a treasure and never working again. Strange, but miracles do happen: out of the blue, lucky people find such treasures that they have to be taken out literally in bags

Where Can There Be Pirate Treasures? - Alternative View

Where Can There Be Pirate Treasures? - Alternative View

Probably, everyone who read "Treasure Island" in childhood dreamed of going on a schooner to unknown lands and finding a chest of gold. Pirate treasures, buried somewhere deep in the ground, excite the imaginations of many children and adolescents

The Story Of Carlos Jackal - International Terrorist - Alternative View

The Story Of Carlos Jackal - International Terrorist - Alternative View

The well-known "revolutionary terrorist" who took place in 1970 - 1980s dozens of significant terrorist military operations against Arab citizens of Israel, Western Europe and America in the interests of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Pa

The Island Of Secrets And Mysteries - Alternative View

The Island Of Secrets And Mysteries - Alternative View

Off the coast of North Africa lies Crete, a Greek island washed by the warm seas of the Mediterranean

The List Of Not Found Treasures Of Crimea - Alternative View

The List Of Not Found Treasures Of Crimea - Alternative View

Top 10 little-known treasures of the peninsula waiting in the wings It is always interesting to read about sensational archaeological finds in Crimea, because every such news means that treasures on the peninsula are becoming less and less, and therefore - and chances n

The Truth About Penalties: Facts And Fiction - Alternative View

The Truth About Penalties: Facts And Fiction - Alternative View

In the summer of 1942, the advancing Wehrmacht troops broke through the defensive lines of the Red Army, which, given the huge losses and lack of resources, led to an extremely threatening situation at the front

The Last Ataman Of The Trans-Danube Cossacks - Alternative View

The Last Ataman Of The Trans-Danube Cossacks - Alternative View

In the summer of 1775, at the behest of Empress Catherine II, the Zaporozhye Sich was abolished. Soon after that, more than five thousand Zaporozhye Cossacks left for the territory of the Ottoman Empire

Did Kievan Rus Really Exist? - Alternative View

Did Kievan Rus Really Exist? - Alternative View

When we say "Kievan Rus", we imagine a centralized state with the capital in Kiev, but to this day historians cannot say unequivocally whether Kievan Rus can be considered a state

Seven Famous Historical Characters: Did They Really Exist? - Alternative View

Seven Famous Historical Characters: Did They Really Exist? - Alternative View

Do not believe everything you hear when it comes to the history of events a thousand years ago. Scientists still argue about many historical figures, giving arguments, both in favor of their real existence and against