Secrets of history 2024, October

Robin Hood, Knights And Indians: 10 "school" Misconceptions About Combat Bows - Alternative View

Robin Hood, Knights And Indians: 10 "school" Misconceptions About Combat Bows - Alternative View

Onions - the oldest superweapon that has given rise to many myths. When did he actually appear, what was the power and how they could stop the knight - in our material. People have long taken the fashion to kill people

The Legendary Aviator Amelia Earhart Was Eaten By Giant Carnivorous Crabs - Alternative View

The Legendary Aviator Amelia Earhart Was Eaten By Giant Carnivorous Crabs - Alternative View

Amelia Earhart was a famous American aviator and writer. This aviation pioneer became the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean on her own

10 Myths About The Middle Ages That Everyone Takes For The Truth - Alternative View

10 Myths About The Middle Ages That Everyone Takes For The Truth - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, people did not live well, and this is a fact. There are enough stories telling about the level of medicine of that time and all sorts of terrible things that happened long before you and I were born

The Real Story Of The Flying Dutchman - Alternative View

The Real Story Of The Flying Dutchman - Alternative View

In fact, the Flying Dutchman was a Dane - a ship called Copenhagen, which disappeared from radar in 1928 somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean. Already 90 years have passed, but the ship has not been declared dead

5 Myths About The Ancient Olympic Games - Alternative View

5 Myths About The Ancient Olympic Games - Alternative View

Many critics condemn the modern Olympic Games, calling them too corrupt and commercial, and accuse the organizers of the fact that there are many professional athletes

Dissolved In Foam - Alternative View

Dissolved In Foam - Alternative View

Legends and reports of ghost ships have been circulating around the world since time immemorial. Most of these rumors are associated with some kind of shipwreck

The Flying Dutchman: Is The Mystery Of The Legendary Ship Really Solved - Alternative View

The Flying Dutchman: Is The Mystery Of The Legendary Ship Really Solved - Alternative View

For centuries, sailors have passed from mouth to mouth the story of a huge black ship that moved at an uncanny speed, despite the torn sails

The Legend Of Lady Godiva Of Coventry - Alternative View

The Legend Of Lady Godiva Of Coventry - Alternative View

The date of appearance of Coventry, probably, can be considered as the 7th century - the time when an Anglo-Saxon monastery was founded on this land

Naked Horsewoman - Alternative View

Naked Horsewoman - Alternative View

Songs, books, paintings and even films have been written about the beautiful lady Godiva. But at the same time, it is not so easy for everyone to understand what actually happened in the English city of Coventry in the distant 11th century

Ten Facts About One Of Our Victory, Which Is Almost Unknown - - Alternative View

Ten Facts About One Of Our Victory, Which Is Almost Unknown - - Alternative View

Nikolai Starikov, a writer, public figure, expert of the Federal News Agency, talks about little-known pages of Russian military history.80 years ago, our army won a Victory, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. If not for this victory, the history of our country, and the whole world, could have gone differently

Gypsies: People Who Came Out Of Nowhere - Alternative View

Gypsies: People Who Came Out Of Nowhere - Alternative View

Gypsies have been known in Europe since the 15th century. But where the Sinti and Roma came from and why they speak such an unusual language, few people know.- Salik.bizWhere did the gypsies come from?Where exactly the Gypsies or, as they are called today, Roma originated, scientists still argue

Nude Horsewoman - Lady Godiva - Alternative View

Nude Horsewoman - Lady Godiva - Alternative View

The English legend about a beautiful lady who overcame her bashfulness for the welfare of ordinary townspeople is known all over the world

Dracula's Castle (Vlad Tepes) - Abode Of The Legendary Vampire - Alternative View

Dracula's Castle (Vlad Tepes) - Abode Of The Legendary Vampire - Alternative View

Why else should the most famous vampire in the world live, no matter how in a gloomy old castle, hidden from prying eyes by the impenetrable forests of Transylvania? Dracula's castle is described in most detail in the famous novel by Bram Stoker

Where Are We Slavs From? - Alternative View

Where Are We Slavs From? - Alternative View

Who are we? Where from? Where did our ancestors come from? These are far from idle questions and are of interest to everyone who is interested in history. The chronicler Nestor in his narration names not only the names of Slavic tribes, but also indicates their location

Ayny - Mysterious People - Alternative View

Ayny - Mysterious People - Alternative View

When in the 17th century Russian travelers reached the "farthest east", where, as it seemed to them, the mainland ends, a strange picture appeared to their eyes

Mysterious Stone Benben - Alternative View

Mysterious Stone Benben - Alternative View

Benben played a huge role in the religious outlook of the ancient Egyptians. It is a conical stone that is believed to be of extraterrestrial origin. The Benben Stone was discovered in the Temple of the Phoenix

Vlad Tepes - Legend On Blood - Alternative View

Vlad Tepes - Legend On Blood - Alternative View

Count Dracula - fiction and truth Vampires are pretty real, at least in folklore beliefs, but how about Count Dracula himself

The World In The Mind Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

The World In The Mind Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Not so long ago, scientists discovered an ancient Slavic legend, which spoke of the creation of the world. Having translated it into modern language, historians realized that they were on the verge of a real sensation

The Legend Of The Curse Of Tamerlagen - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Curse Of Tamerlagen - Alternative View

On March 21, 1941, a letter from the Commissariat for Culture was put on Stalin's table with a request to allow excavations in the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand, where, according to historians, the remains of the great military leader of antiquity were buried

Order Of The Golden Fleece - Alternative View

Order Of The Golden Fleece - Alternative View

The myth of the golden fleece stolen by the Argonauts was well known in the Middle Ages

Legends Of The Breton Forest - Alternative View

Legends Of The Breton Forest - Alternative View

This place in France is celebrated by many poets and writers. Today we will tell you about the Broceliande forest, an ingenious invention, the prototype of which was the largest forest in Brittany, the Pempon forest

Tales Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

Tales Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

They say that a long time ago, in those days when our Yarilo-Sun was younger, and the stars were just a stone's throw away, under the blessed northern skies lay the earth, the name of which few people now remember

Legends Of The Black Sea, The Mystery Of The Name - Alternative View

Legends Of The Black Sea, The Mystery Of The Name - Alternative View

Where did the name Black Sea come from? Was it always called that? There are many legends about this sea and its names. Legend of Ancient Greece The Black Sea was not always called the Black Sea, it had several names

Criminal Investigators Of The TFR Have Revealed The Secret Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

Criminal Investigators Of The TFR Have Revealed The Secret Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Alternative View

We have at our disposal the results of the investigation. The 60th anniversary of the death of the Dyatlov group caused a new powerful surge of public interest in the topic. New versions appear almost every day

Moscow Production Of Napoleon - Alternative View

Moscow Production Of Napoleon - Alternative View

The invasion of Napoleon's troops into Russia was caused by the aggravation of Russian-French political and economic contradictions. The next day after the council in Fili, namely September 2, 1812, the Russian army left Moscow

The True Story: The Revelations Of Sophia Wisdom - Alternative View

The True Story: The Revelations Of Sophia Wisdom - Alternative View

When Western "Christianity" was imposed on our ancestors, they were forced to accept it, but in the form of their own religion - "Orthodoxy". The word "Orthodoxy" is formed from two words "Rule" and "Slavie"

What We Didn't Know About The Cold War - Alternative View

What We Didn't Know About The Cold War - Alternative View

Most of our readers know what the Cold War is: when it began, what were its causes and consequences, and also which countries were involved in it

500 Russians Against 40,000 Persians: This Is Not Sparta, This Is Russia! - Alternative View

500 Russians Against 40,000 Persians: This Is Not Sparta, This Is Russia! - Alternative View

Colonel Karyagin's campaign against the Persians in 1805 does not resemble real military history. It looks like the prequel to "300 Spartans" (40,000 Persians, 500 Russians, gorges, bayonet attacks, "This is crazy! - No, this is the 17th Jaeger Regiment!")

Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov. The Reign Of The King - Alternative View

Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov. The Reign Of The King - Alternative View

Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov (Quietest) (born March 17 (27), 1629 - death January 29 (February 8) 1676) Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Prince of All Russia 1645 - mdash; 1676 biennium

Scientists Have Named The Exact Reason For The Death Of The "ice Man" Ötzi - Alternative View

Scientists Have Named The Exact Reason For The Death Of The "ice Man" Ötzi - Alternative View

Swiss anthropologists decided that hypothermia was the real reason for the death of Ötzi, whose mummy had lain in the Alps for almost 5.5 thousand years. The mummified body of a man found by tourists in the Swiss Alps in 1991

The Origin Of The Iceman's Ax Came As A Complete Surprise To Scientists - Alternative View

The Origin Of The Iceman's Ax Came As A Complete Surprise To Scientists - Alternative View

The man who died in the Ötztal Alps 5300 years ago continues to tell scientists incredible details about the life of Europeans in the copper age

The Mystery Of The "twins": The British Writer Found "evidence" Of The Substitution Of The "Titanic" Before Sailing - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The "twins": The British Writer Found "evidence" Of The Substitution Of The "Titanic" Before Sailing - Alternative View

The author of the book "Titanic: The Ship That Never Sinked" Robin Gardiner believes that in fact the sunken ship is not the Titanic, but the Olympic

The Secret Of Stradivari - Alternative View

The Secret Of Stradivari - Alternative View

Antonio Stradivari is considered the world's greatest creator of stringed musical instruments. His violins and violas do not lose their clarity over the years, they are played by the most famous performers

Russian Troops On The Allied Fronts - Alternative View

Russian Troops On The Allied Fronts - Alternative View

In 1916 - 1918. soldiers and officers of the Russian Army, who are part of the Expeditionary Corps (1st - 4th Special Infantry Brigades), took a direct part in hostilities on the Western (French) and Balkan (Thessaloniki) fronts.The 1st Special Infantry Brigade, after being transferred to France, arming and adapting to the realities of the new theater of operations, was ready to act at position 12 07

The History Of Science: The Disgrace Of The Whole Universe - Alternative View

The History Of Science: The Disgrace Of The Whole Universe - Alternative View

447 years ago the first geographic atlas was published. About the world's first atlas of a modern type, about the idea of continental drift and about the disgrace that was spoken about in Russia at the end of the 16th century, today's release of the "History of Science" column tells

Grigory Potemkin Russia Owes The Annexation Of The Crimea And The Creation Of The Black Sea Fleet - Alternative View

Grigory Potemkin Russia Owes The Annexation Of The Crimea And The Creation Of The Black Sea Fleet - Alternative View

The all-powerful favorite and talented statesman Grigory Potemkin was contradictory in everything: arrogant and courteous, generous and stingy

People Who Could Become Gods - Alternative View

People Who Could Become Gods - Alternative View

In the modern interpretation, the gods have no transitory status, only absolute. This is true for almost all major religions. However, even relatively recently, even ordinary people could receive divine status

Long Before Peter I, Russia Had Its Own Powerful Fleet - Alternative View

Long Before Peter I, Russia Had Its Own Powerful Fleet - Alternative View

Perceiving various distorted "historical facts" like those that the Russian fleet created by Peter I, it would be nice to recall the French proverb sometimes: "When arguing about the obvious, remember that your uncle may be younger than your nephew."

About Archaeological Finds That Confirm The Reality Of The Events Described In The Bible - Alternative View

About Archaeological Finds That Confirm The Reality Of The Events Described In The Bible - Alternative View

Which book is causing the most scientific controversy? Most likely it is the Bible. Some researchers believe that the Bible is completely a collection of myths, another part claims that a decent part of the information in the Bible is true.Which one is right?

The Last Revolution: Countercultural Chronicles Of The Decline Of Europe - Alternative View

The Last Revolution: Countercultural Chronicles Of The Decline Of Europe - Alternative View

Author's expert report by Vladimir Mozhegov.nGodfathers from the Fed. DebutIn 1913, on the eve of the First World War, the Fed's banking structure emerged, with the help of which the warring parties were financed. The Fed and the banks associated with it in the aggregate constituted the main hub of world financial capital (not only American, but also German Warburgs, Coons and Lebs participated in its construction, Morgan, one of the leading flagships of the FRS, was a Roth