Secrets of history 2024, October

Great Combinator - Alternative View

Great Combinator - Alternative View

The cult novels by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov "Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf" are always and well-deserved

The Man Who Sold The Eiffel Tower - Alternative View

The Man Who Sold The Eiffel Tower - Alternative View

Romanian box Do you know what a “Romanian box” is? This is a typewriter that does not print money, but only deftly imitates this process until the bills pre-tucked into it run out. The name of the unit was given by the nationality of its author

One Of The Major Scams Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

One Of The Major Scams Of The 20th Century - Alternative View

In 1971 all over the world, including the USSR, sensational articles were published in the magazine "Around the World"

Daring Scam: How The General Sold The Lands Of A Non-existent Country - Alternative View

Daring Scam: How The General Sold The Lands Of A Non-existent Country - Alternative View

At the beginning of the 19th century, new states appeared and disappeared in South America due to insurrectionary wars. It was this confusion that General Gregor McGregor took advantage of

The Mystery Of The Amber Room: Russia's Lost Wealth - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Amber Room: Russia's Lost Wealth - Alternative View

The Amber Room is one of the most famous sights of St. Petersburg. The luxurious hall in the Great Catherine Palace, decorated from floor to ceiling with amber, gold and precious stones, attracts tourists from all over the world

What Is The Secret Of The Success Of The Soviet Sportloto? - Alternative View

What Is The Secret Of The Success Of The Soviet Sportloto? - Alternative View

During the Soviet era, gambling was not welcomed, but this does not mean that they did not exist at all

American Invaders. 100 Years Ago, US Troops Landed In Vladivostok - Alternative View

American Invaders. 100 Years Ago, US Troops Landed In Vladivostok - Alternative View

In world wars, Russia did not fight against the United States, never a Russian soldier entered American soil

Do Secret Nazi Bases Still Exist Today? - Alternative View

Do Secret Nazi Bases Still Exist Today? - Alternative View

In 1985, a Canadian newspaper reported the adventures of a certain Annie Streep, a housewife. Anne disappeared for two weeks, and relatives asked the police to start searching for her

The Bases Of The Third Reich At The Mouth Of The Lena River - Alternative View

The Bases Of The Third Reich At The Mouth Of The Lena River - Alternative View

We consider the secret German base at the mouth of the Lena River to be the most remote of all bases known to us, created by the Nazis in the Soviet sector of the Arctic

Secret Arctic Bases Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Secret Arctic Bases Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

In 1931, the cooperation of the USSR with Germany was no longer as wide as it was two or three years ago, but it was still very active in many areas of science, technology and industrial production. The countries also cooperated in the military field

Suleiman I The Magnificent. "Shining Age" Of The Brilliant Ruler - Alternative View

Suleiman I The Magnificent. "Shining Age" Of The Brilliant Ruler - Alternative View

Suleiman I - the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire - endowed his state with unprecedented power

False Facts From The History Of America, Which Many Believe To Be True - Alternative View

False Facts From The History Of America, Which Many Believe To Be True - Alternative View

Over time, history begins to take on a life of its own, which leads to the formation in the public mind of widespread misconceptions about important people and events. This also applies to the history of the United States

Dungeon Secrets - Alternative View

Dungeon Secrets - Alternative View

Yuri Suprunenko, a researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and one of the authors of the Underworld encyclopedia, talks about his extraordinary encounters and adventures. Underground you can see everything

About The Salt Riot - Alternative View

About The Salt Riot - Alternative View

370 years ago, on June 11, 1648, the Salt Riot began in Moscow. The spontaneous uprising was caused by the people's dissatisfaction with the activities of the head of the government Boris Morozov and his henchmen.- Salik.bizBackground. Deterioration of the situation of the peopleThe turmoil caused by a sharp increase in social injustice, the disintegration of the boyars (elite) and the intervention of external forces interested in the weakening and death of Russia, did not

US Nuclear Weapons Turned Out To Be Useless - Alternative View

US Nuclear Weapons Turned Out To Be Useless - Alternative View

Scientists at Michigan Technological University have found that the use of US nuclear weapons will lead to the deaths of tens of millions of Americans even if the enemy does not respond to the attack

The Biological Weapon Of The USSR: The Island Where Death Itself Lived - Alternative View

The Biological Weapon Of The USSR: The Island Where Death Itself Lived - Alternative View

Work on the creation of biological weapons was carried out in the USSR practically from the first days of the founding of the state. The Red Army command was looking for a safe place to develop viruses, even Baikal was considered

How Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev Showed "Kuzkin's Mother" - Alternative View

How Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev Showed "Kuzkin's Mother" - Alternative View

On October 12, 1960, the head of the Soviet state Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, speaking from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly with an angry speech, threatened the imperialists, and in particular the United States, "to show Kuzka's mother." And showed

Lost Nuclear Weapons: Time Bomb 300 - Alternative View

Lost Nuclear Weapons: Time Bomb 300 - Alternative View

Action movies like to portray vicious criminals who are ready to do anything to steal nuclear weapons. In reality, it would be much easier for such guys to find him: you just won't believe how many nuclear weapons have been lost in history

The History Of The Construction Of The Panama Canal - Alternative View

The History Of The Construction Of The Panama Canal - Alternative View

The Panama Canal is called the eighth wonder of the world for a reason. This masterpiece of engineering is one of the world's most intense, longest and most challenging artificial waterways. And hardly any other engineering structure on Earth has such a rich and dramatic history

Questions To Which There Are No Answers - Alternative View

Questions To Which There Are No Answers - Alternative View

The traditional chronological canvas permeates all spheres of today's life, primarily culture and the humanitarian field of knowledge. However, in many directions, researchers have already approached the line that can be crossed only by changing the paradigm

Where To Look For Stalin's Occult Archives? - Alternative View

Where To Look For Stalin's Occult Archives? - Alternative View

Recently, interest in the occult secrets of the special services has increased in Russia. Indeed, according to numerous sources, in the 20-30s, entire departments were created under the state security services, engaged in the search for traces of extraterrestrial civilizations and ancient cultures

The Secret Object "Aralsk-7" - Alternative View

The Secret Object "Aralsk-7" - Alternative View

There is such an interesting story. It is not entirely clear that this is reality or from "conspiracy theory"? Who knows what additionally about this? Here's what you can find on the net for more details

An Arrow From The Past - Alternative View

An Arrow From The Past - Alternative View

A mystical incident helped to find the site of a major medieval battle in Mordovia. This story seems to be real mysticism, but it happened in reality

When The Earth Rotated Faster - Alternative View

When The Earth Rotated Faster - Alternative View

According to sociologists, New Year's celebrations are the most beloved holidays in Russia. It is a pity that they have to wait for 365, or even 366 days. But there was a time when the New Year came more often

Surenzh - The Great Secret Of The Slavic World - Alternative View

Surenzh - The Great Secret Of The Slavic World - Alternative View

Over the past thousand years, the Slavic peoples have lost the main positions of extremely ancient spiritual knowledge, which were the ideological basis of the process of Slav formation in the territory of Central-Eastern Europe in I - IX centuries AD

How Many Warriors Did The Tatar-Mongols Have During The Campaign Against Russia - Alternative View

How Many Warriors Did The Tatar-Mongols Have During The Campaign Against Russia - Alternative View

According to the official point of view, it took the Mongols six years to conquer Russia, another twenty years to bring its population into tributary dependence

Could Genghis Khan Be A European - Alternative View

Could Genghis Khan Be A European - Alternative View

The term "Mongol-Tatars" entered scientific use not earlier than the 19th century

The Invasion Of Batu In Russia: Shocking Facts - Alternative View

The Invasion Of Batu In Russia: Shocking Facts - Alternative View

Mongol-Tatar invasion - one of the most tragic events in Russian history. Destroyed and plundered cities, thousands of dead - all this might not have happened if the Russian princes united in the face of a common threat

Misconceptions About The Mongol-Tatars, Which You Believed To Be True - Alternative View

Misconceptions About The Mongol-Tatars, Which You Believed To Be True - Alternative View

The origin of the Tatar-Mongols, their invasion of Russia and the further fate - one of the most mythologized and speculative historical topics

Lapland - Land Of Witches - Alternative View

Lapland - Land Of Witches - Alternative View

From ancient times to the present day, there is a belief that Lapland - it is the land of all-powerful sorcerers. In the darkness of the endless polar night, with the enchanting light of the polar lights, since ancient times, local sorceresses have done amazing things for everyone

Why The USSR Recovered So Quickly After The War: No Miracles, Except For Stalin - Alternative View

Why The USSR Recovered So Quickly After The War: No Miracles, Except For Stalin - Alternative View

As a result of the War, 30% of the national wealth was lost in the USSR. 27 million human lives. Bourgeois experts in the official forecast came to the conclusion that the economy of the USSR will be able to reach the pre-war level only by 1965, and only if a foreign loan is taken out

Marshall Plan: To Save Europe And Defeat Communism - Alternative View

Marshall Plan: To Save Europe And Defeat Communism - Alternative View

The Marshall Plan was designed to help and rebuild the economies of Western Europe affected by World War II. Who benefited from the program?After World War II, much of Europe was destroyed. The constant bombardment practically destroyed most of the industrial enterprises

The Enochian Magic Of Astrologer John Dee - Alternative View

The Enochian Magic Of Astrologer John Dee - Alternative View

This man invented the most famous artificial language and was considered a first-class medium. He made mind-boggling predictions and … was a British intelligence secret agent

A Brief History Of Magic And Witchcraft - Alternative View

A Brief History Of Magic And Witchcraft - Alternative View

The mention of magic dates back about 20-25 thousand years ago. Then it was believed that people were one with nature. While the earth was the most sacred to man, it was considered a deity, the mother of everything and everyone

The Mystery Of The Assumption Of The Virgin Mary - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Assumption Of The Virgin Mary - Alternative View

The Bible tells of many miracles. And the most wonderful thing is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospels say that he ascended with his body, and the proof of this is the shroud - the witness of the miracle

The Mystery Of The Shakhty Mines - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Shakhty Mines - Alternative View

After the famous uprising of the Pueblo Indians in 1680, which spread throughout New Mexico, many ancient mines fell into the realm of legend

Mold Organisms Repeated The Work Of The Engineers Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Mold Organisms Repeated The Work Of The Engineers Of Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Many of the famous roads of ancient Rome, which once covered all of Europe, have survived and are even used to this day

Let's Expose! Galileo Was Burned For The Phrase "But It Still Turns!"? - Alternative View

Let's Expose! Galileo Was Burned For The Phrase "But It Still Turns!"? - Alternative View

Everyone is probably already aware of this delusion, but still, let's go in order. The first person to make a significant contribution to the school textbook of astronomy was Nicolaus Copernicus

Let's Expose! Dr. James Rogers, Sentenced To Death For The Massachusetts Experiment? - Alternative View

Let's Expose! Dr. James Rogers, Sentenced To Death For The Massachusetts Experiment? - Alternative View

The next wave of circulation of this story on the Internet began. It can be found both in LiveJournal and outside it. This is how the story itself sounds. Quote: The photo shows Dr. James Rogers