Secrets of history 2024, October

The Jolly Roger Code - Alternative View

The Jolly Roger Code - Alternative View

What appears to us first of all when the word "pirate"?

Cult Symbolism And Its Meaning - Alternative View

Cult Symbolism And Its Meaning - Alternative View

One Russian tourist, having visited Southeast Asia, shared his impressions on social networks. In Bangkok, he saw a man with a large swastika on his T-shirt front and back. Blood rushed to the tourist's head

What Do The Colors On The St. George Ribbon Mean - Alternative View

What Do The Colors On The St. George Ribbon Mean - Alternative View

The St. George ribbon became a symbol of Russian military glory and loyalty to Russia. It is generally accepted that two orange stripes mean a flame, and three black - - smoke. But there are other versions

And No Satanism. Red Star Of The Red Army - Alternative View

And No Satanism. Red Star Of The Red Army - Alternative View

One hundred and one years ago, the main symbol of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army was born - a red star. There are many rumors about her, she is extolled and hated, she is credited with some completely mythical properties, fables are told about her

Black Bart: The Worst Pirate In The Caribbean - Alternative View

Black Bart: The Worst Pirate In The Caribbean - Alternative View

By the beginning of the 18th century, the Golden Age of corsairs was already moving towards sunset. Lucky robbers could still make a small fortune on the seas, but the ships of the British fleet sooner or later found everyone

Curious Facts About The Two-headed Eagle - Alternative View

Curious Facts About The Two-headed Eagle - Alternative View

In ancient times, people depicted many different monsters: dragons, winged bulls and lions, people with the heads of crocodiles and hippos, mermaids with fish tails, etc

Wokou: A History Of Japanese Pirates - Alternative View

Wokou: A History Of Japanese Pirates - Alternative View

Piracy - it is not only boarding sabers, caravels and rum, but also katanas, junks and rice wine

Indian Scholars Claim That The Swastika Is At Least 11 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Indian Scholars Claim That The Swastika Is At Least 11 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

The swastika symbol may have first appeared more than 11 thousand years ago, according to a group of Indian scientists led by professor at the Indian University of Technology Joy Sen

What Does Hitler's Swastika Mean? - Alternative View

What Does Hitler's Swastika Mean? - Alternative View

Swastika - the oldest and most widespread graphic sign in the world. The cross with the ends facing down was used to decorate the facades of houses, coats of arms, weapons, jewelry, money and household items. The first mention of the swastika dates back to the eighth millennium BC

Characters That Have Lost Their Original Meaning - Alternative View

Characters That Have Lost Their Original Meaning - Alternative View

Here is some interesting information for you from the world of symbols. An image that has a certain meaning today did not necessarily have that meaning always

Birds As Sacred Symbols Of Different Countries And Peoples - Alternative View

Birds As Sacred Symbols Of Different Countries And Peoples - Alternative View

Falcon FALCON - He used it in Russian songs and fairy tales with great honor. He was called nothing less than "young - the falcon is clear”, dignifying the handsome men with the same name - good fellows

Zombie Experiment On Prisoners In The USSR: Terrible Truth Or Anti-Soviet Fiction? - Alternative View

Zombie Experiment On Prisoners In The USSR: Terrible Truth Or Anti-Soviet Fiction? - Alternative View

In the late 1940s “ researchers ” from the USSR conducted an inhuman experiment, which in subsequent years became known only through the oral report of an eyewitness, which so far no one has been able to convincingly refute or document

The Most Significant Symbols In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Most Significant Symbols In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Symbols are the most international and timeless language. We see them every day and we know roughly what they mean. However, symbols in the course of their thousand-year history could change their meaning to the opposite

The Americans Secretly Helped To Prove Hitler's Suicide - Alternative View

The Americans Secretly Helped To Prove Hitler's Suicide - Alternative View

Adolf Hitler's suicide was proven in the 2000s using an unknown X-ray. Vasily Khristoforov, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RIA Novosti

Eternal Witnesses - "Roman" Villas - Alternative View

Eternal Witnesses - "Roman" Villas - Alternative View

The ruins of the once beautiful "Roman villas" have been found on all continents and in almost all countries. Many of them still amaze the imagination with their quality and beauty. However, today there is already every reason to assert that these Villas are not Roman, but Russian

What Written Sources Mention The Slavic Gods? - Alternative View

What Written Sources Mention The Slavic Gods? - Alternative View

Before answering this really important question, it is necessary to indicate that the Native Orthodox Faith is a living custom of the indigenous people of Eurasia - the Slavs, which covers not only written sources, but also folk art, expressed by carols

The Slavs' Views On The Yarila-Sun Solar System - Alternative View

The Slavs' Views On The Yarila-Sun Solar System - Alternative View

The Slavs had their own ideas about the solar system, which they call the Yarila-Sun system. In their opinion, it originally included 27 planets and large asteroids, called the Earths

Old Russian And Slavic Mythology - Alternative View

Old Russian And Slavic Mythology - Alternative View

Unlike ancient mythology, well known from fiction and works of art, as well as the mythologies of the countries of the East, the texts of the Slavs' myths have not reached our time, since at that distant time when myths were created, they were not yet

Closed City Arzamas-16 - Alternative View

Closed City Arzamas-16 - Alternative View

With all the variety of laudatory and unflattering opinions about the Soviet regime, one cannot but be amazed at its original genius. Purely pragmatic solutions, imbued with the deepest symbolism, are the fad of the builders of communism. The philosophical message of some projects pulls with such an abundance of meanings that just one glance into this bottomless immensity begins to dizzy

What You Need To Know About Ancient Rome - Alternative View

What You Need To Know About Ancient Rome - Alternative View

Roman state - it is not only a great empire, Caesar and proud legions. The way of life and traditions of the ancient Romans may seem wild to modern man. Don't believe me? Read and see for yourself. 1

Country Of The Magi - Alternative View

Country Of The Magi - Alternative View

In Slovensk (the future Veliky Novgorod), even before the birth of Christ, on the site of the present St. Sophia Cathedral there was a majestic wooden temple of Triglav (Svarog, Perun, Svetovid). Nearby was the residence of the Supreme Magus of All Russia

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Mystery Of The Mountain Of The Dead - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Mystery Of The Mountain Of The Dead - Alternative View

The Dyatlov pass is located in the Ivdel district of the Sverdlovsk region, in the Northern Urals. The vicinity of the pass is the northern region of the Sverdlovsk region, which borders on the Perm Territory, the Komi Republic and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

In Egypt, Found 3000-year-old Remains Of A Respected Priestess - Alternative View

In Egypt, Found 3000-year-old Remains Of A Respected Priestess - Alternative View

In Egypt, found 3000-year-old remains of a woman who in ancient times could have been an influential priestess - her tattoos indicate this. This was announced by the head of the Council for Antiquities, Mustafa al-Waziri, according to International News

In Peru, They Recreated The Image Of A Powerful Priestess - Alternative View

In Peru, They Recreated The Image Of A Powerful Priestess - Alternative View

The mummy of Lady Cao, found in 2006, has changed the views of historians about the culture and life of the Mochica people, who once inhabited Peru. Thanks to modern technology, researchers have managed to recreate the face of an ancient priestess

Greece - From Ancient Times To Modern Times - Alternative View

Greece - From Ancient Times To Modern Times - Alternative View

Greece - a country with an unusually entertaining history. It is not in vain that it is called the country of philosophy, the cradle of the greatest civilizations, the homeland of gods of different ranks. In the process of world history of Ancient Greece, a very important role is assigned

Some Historical Data About Ancient Greece - Alternative View

Some Historical Data About Ancient Greece - Alternative View

The history of Ancient Greece can be studied for a long time, as it has a lot of interesting things. The facts in the sources are fascinating, amazing and very inspiring

10 Historical Facts About The Ancient Greeks That Will Make You Blush - Alternative View

10 Historical Facts About The Ancient Greeks That Will Make You Blush - Alternative View

Philosophy, ancient buildings and mythology - this is what first comes to mind when someone mentions Ancient Greece. But not all residents of the country were engaged only in abstract issues

What Was The Name Of The Son Of Zeus - Alternative View

What Was The Name Of The Son Of Zeus - Alternative View

Zeus the Thunderer, the favorite of Olympus, according to myths, loved many goddesses and mortal women. Dozens of children were born from them. We know the name of the son of Zeus and Semele - Dionysus. In the list of others, many are named after Hercules

Sannikov Land. The History Of The Discovery - Alternative View

Sannikov Land. The History Of The Discovery - Alternative View

For the first time, the famous scientist V.A. Obruchev back in 1926.Since then, no more reliable data about this mysterious northern territory, scientists do not have

Around The World Odyssey? - Alternative View

Around The World Odyssey? - Alternative View

Where did Odysseus and his companions travel for ten years? Their wanderings, described by Homer, became the subject of serious historical and geographical research

Sisyphus. The Myth About The Most Cunning Greek - Alternative View

Sisyphus. The Myth About The Most Cunning Greek - Alternative View

In Greek history and mythology, there was never a shortage of flamboyant personalities. Moreover, the people's memory did not idealize them at all. The stories about Greek heroes are not at all like the fairy tales of other peoples

How Many Indigenous People Remained In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

How Many Indigenous People Remained In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

The population of St. Petersburg today is more than 5 million. And how many of them can call themselves native Petersburgers? Where did the Petersburgers come from?

Secret Technologies From The Second World War Were Found In The American Barn - Alternative View

Secret Technologies From The Second World War Were Found In The American Barn - Alternative View

Norden M bombsights were found in two time capsules found in an American barn. This technology was actively used in World War II and the Vietnam War, but it was classified for many years

About Lukomorye - Alternative View

About Lukomorye - Alternative View

"Lukomorye has a green oak …" - these lines are familiar to everyone from childhood. This "Lukomorye" is perceived as some distant fairyland. But is it really a fictional place? Let's try to figure it out, based on the maps and legends of the peoples of the world.I

10 Famous Pirates In History - Alternative View

10 Famous Pirates In History - Alternative View

From childhood, our imagination is excited by stories about pirates plowing the ocean and exciting ships, about chests full of treasures, about distant islands where elusive robbers hide

In Egypt, They Found A Ritual Boat Of The God Osiris And Sunken Ships Of The Roman Period - Alternative View

In Egypt, They Found A Ritual Boat Of The God Osiris And Sunken Ships Of The Roman Period - Alternative View

General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt Dr.Mustafa Waziri on November 21 spoke about the discovery of four sunken ships

Exhumation Of Tamerlane: What Surprises Awaited Soviet Archaeologists - Alternative View

Exhumation Of Tamerlane: What Surprises Awaited Soviet Archaeologists - Alternative View

Archaeological excavations carried out by a group of Soviet scientists in the mausoleum of the legendary conqueror Tamerlane on the eve of the Great Patriotic War raised many questions and a variety of opinions. But even if we discard the mystical legends, the exhumation of the remains of the great commander in itself presented many surprises to scientists

Why Did Soviet Tank Crews Paint White Stripes On The Towers - Alternative View

Why Did Soviet Tank Crews Paint White Stripes On The Towers - Alternative View

In a number of photographs from the Second World War, you can see that some T-34 tanks (and not only) have some kind of mysterious white stripes along the entire tower. It is noteworthy that such stripes are not found on all cars. It is quite obvious that they carry some kind of meaning

So It Was Only Stalin Who Deported The Peoples, Right? And The Europeans Keep Quiet About Their Deportations! - Alternative View

So It Was Only Stalin Who Deported The Peoples, Right? And The Europeans Keep Quiet About Their Deportations! - Alternative View

Is European deportation not considered a crime? So, it was only the great and terrible Stalin who deported the peoples? Yeah. right now … about their vile deportations, the Europeans scooped up water in their mouths and stuck their tongue in the ass

Special Technologies Of Torture. Secrets Of Execution From Vlad Tepes - Alternative View

Special Technologies Of Torture. Secrets Of Execution From Vlad Tepes - Alternative View

Humanity has known at all times that the most ominous torture is the one that prolongs suffering for the longest possible time. Impaling was invented before our era. But one person managed to bring this type of execution to perfection