Secrets of history 2024, October

The First Geisha Were Men - Alternative View

The First Geisha Were Men - Alternative View

A charming girl with slanting eyes and a bleached face, pouring tea and engaging a guest with sophisticated conversation. This is the stereotypical image of a geisha in the mind of a European. In general, everything is correct, except for one

Samurai Brothel - Alternative View

Samurai Brothel - Alternative View

Already in the 19th century, military leaders decided to replace the indiscriminate violence, morally corrupting the army, with specially created brothels, where priestesses of love served their warriors. The Kwantung Army of Japan has greatly expanded this practice

Tavolara: The Story Of The Smallest Kingdom - Alternative View

Tavolara: The Story Of The Smallest Kingdom - Alternative View

On the coast of Sardinia, next to the much more picturesque Molaro and Molarotto, lies the small islet of Tavolara. Actually, you can only call it an island with some stretch: Tavolara looks more like a rock that suddenly grew in the middle of the sea

In Japanese Schools, They Found The Likely Remains Of Victims Of Fanatics From Unit 731 - Alternative View

In Japanese Schools, They Found The Likely Remains Of Victims Of Fanatics From Unit 731 - Alternative View

To begin with, a small excursion into history. Detachment 731 is the name of a special unit of the Japanese armed forces, which from 1932 to 1944 was engaged in experiments on living people in the field of biological weapons

How Japan Appropriated The Gold Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

How Japan Appropriated The Gold Of The Russian Empire - Alternative View

The fate of the Southern Kuriles is now in the center of public attention both in Russia and in Japan. Tokyo has never really hidden its territorial claims, and our country, of course, is not going to compromise its territorial integrity

Kamikaze Germany In World War II - Alternative View

Kamikaze Germany In World War II - Alternative View

Surely each of us has heard the Japanese word "kamikaze" in a wide variety of contexts, which has come into wide use after the Second World War. It translates as "Divine wind" (the one that, according to legend, at the end of the XIII century scattered the ships of the Mongols who were approaching Japan)

Kamikaze: Who Were The Japanese Warriors - Alternative View

Kamikaze: Who Were The Japanese Warriors - Alternative View

Twice the Mongol Khan Kublai tried to conquer Japan, and both times his fleets were scattered and destroyed by strong typhoons. It is no wonder that the Japanese themselves saw in this a higher craft and called typhoons kamikaze, "divine wind"

What Shocking Things Did The Samurai Do - Alternative View

What Shocking Things Did The Samurai Do - Alternative View

Japanese samurai have always evoked feelings in Europeans, mixed between fear and admiration. This is understandable: Japan's long-term isolation contributed to the fact that the samurai class was formed on principles incomprehensible to the rest of the world

Samurai Who Made History - Alternative View

Samurai Who Made History - Alternative View

The samurai caste ruled Japan for centuries. Warriors of the upper class, renowned for their ferocity and loyalty to their overlord, they have become an integral part of the history and culture of the entire country. The samurai code is partly observed by the Japanese and now

Rikishi - Japanese Heroes - Alternative View

Rikishi - Japanese Heroes - Alternative View

Sumo wrestlers in Japan are called rikishi. This term consists of two hieroglyphs and is translated as "the strength of a warrior"

A Series Of Unique Retro Photographs Shows The Life Of Japanese Samurai 130 Years Ago - Alternative View

A Series Of Unique Retro Photographs Shows The Life Of Japanese Samurai 130 Years Ago - Alternative View

A stunning series of vintage photographs show the life of Japanese samurai 130 years ago. Among the pictures there are those that depict the hara-kiri ritual, aka seppuku

Attack On Pearl Harbor: Little-Known Facts And Untold Secrets - Alternative View

Attack On Pearl Harbor: Little-Known Facts And Untold Secrets - Alternative View

More than 75 years have passed since the day that marked the entry into World War II for the United States

Onna-bugeisya - Alternative View

Onna-bugeisya - Alternative View

Actually in Japanese there is no such word as samurai woman. Because the definition of “ samurai ” means only a man, no options. The word bushi - also contains the hieroglyph “ man & rdquo

Japanese Story About An Alien With Utsuro-bune - Alternative View

Japanese Story About An Alien With Utsuro-bune - Alternative View

On February 22, 1803, several Japanese fishermen from the Hitachi province discovered a "ship" of a very strange shape drifting near the coast. Out of curiosity, they decided to examine him, dragged him ashore and climbed aboard

Viktor Baranov: Unsurpassed Counterfeiter Of The USSR - Alternative View

Viktor Baranov: Unsurpassed Counterfeiter Of The USSR - Alternative View

Victor Baranov - a unique personality in the history of Soviet crime. He managed, alone and in an artisanal way, to establish the production of counterfeit banknotes, which were extremely difficult to distinguish from real

Hostage-taking In Beirut - Alternative View

Hostage-taking In Beirut - Alternative View

On September 30, 1985, in the Lebanese capital Beirut, Arab militants captured four citizens of the USSR. One of them was killed, three were released a month later

The Truth About The Feat Of Alexander Matrosov - Alternative View

The Truth About The Feat Of Alexander Matrosov - Alternative View

Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich (born February 5, 1924 - death on February 27 (according to another version, February 23) 1943)), Hero of the Soviet Union (June 19, 1943, posthumously). Member of the Komsomol since 1942

The Story Of The Most Insane Terrorist In The Soviet Union - Alternative View

The Story Of The Most Insane Terrorist In The Soviet Union - Alternative View

We did not know a lot of things in the USSR and did not tell everyone. Now these stories surface and are published with all the details

Children-terrorists Led By The Mother-heroine - Alternative View

Children-terrorists Led By The Mother-heroine - Alternative View

Who was behind the tragedy of the Ovechkin family and their innocent victims in the plane hijacked by a jazz band?On March 8, 1988 on board the Tu-154, flying from Irkutsk to Leningrad, a festive mood reigned. But halfway through, everything suddenly changed

Wall Street Attack - Alternative View

Wall Street Attack - Alternative View

On Wednesday, September 16, 1920, a bomb exploded on Wall Street, right in front of JP Morgan's headquarters. The explosion killed 40 people, while neither the perpetrators nor the organizers of the terrorist attack could find

Kingdoms Of Pontic And Bosporus - Alternative View

Kingdoms Of Pontic And Bosporus - Alternative View

In the II century. BC e. a new contender began to be nominated for the role of world leader - Rome. His iron legions marched across North Africa, Macedonia, Greece and part of Asia Minor submitted to him. But not only the Romans wanted to rule over nations

Captured Germans At Construction Sites In The USSR - Alternative View

Captured Germans At Construction Sites In The USSR - Alternative View

Here, and throughout the world, probably, too, the Germans are considered a disciplined, hardworking and extremely talented people. Indeed, even in the most difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, despite all the hatred caused by the actions of the Nazi troops, their discipline and the highest quality of military equipment were still recognized

A Russian Officer Who Disappeared In 1997 Was Found To Have Died 160 Years Ago - Alternative View

A Russian Officer Who Disappeared In 1997 Was Found To Have Died 160 Years Ago - Alternative View

This strange story is over 20 years old. It happened in Russia, on December 8, 1997 in Kamchatka, at the base of the Russian Navy. On that day, a Russian officer, a captain of the third rank, disappeared. He took up another brigade duty. And the next morning the officer did not appear at the appointed time to surrender his post to the newly interceded

At The Exhibition In China, They Showed Ancient Skulls With Traces Of Trepanation - Alternative View

At The Exhibition In China, They Showed Ancient Skulls With Traces Of Trepanation - Alternative View

The Chinese exhibition of ancient remains showcases 68 human skulls with holes of unknown origin, which scientists have called the "third eye." Experts disagree about the causes of such traces

Unlucky Ring From Herculaneum - Alternative View

Unlucky Ring From Herculaneum - Alternative View

Dmitry Venevitinov is a poet who lived a very short life. He was born in 1805 and died in 1827, only 21 years old.- Salik.bizHowever, he managed to go down in history with his poems - and his tragic love. Venevitinov fell in love with Princess Zinaida Volkonskaya, a married woman who was 16 years older than him

In Italy, Found The Remains Of A Witch, Nailed To The Ground - Alternative View

In Italy, Found The Remains Of A Witch, Nailed To The Ground - Alternative View

Seven long nails were found in the mouth of the deceased's skull. She was buried without any coffin or even a shroud. Thirteen more nails were counted around the bones of her skeleton. Apparently, the witch's body was tried to be nailed to the ground so that it would not be resurrected

In Egypt, In The Valley Of The Kings, They Found The Grave Of Tutankhamun's Wife - Alternative View

In Egypt, In The Valley Of The Kings, They Found The Grave Of Tutankhamun's Wife - Alternative View

The authoritative Egyptian archaeologist and former Minister of Antiquities of Egypt Zahi Hawass announced a find in the Valley of the Kings, which is the possible grave of Tutankhamun's wife. This information was confirmed by the current minister Khaled el-Anani

Jerusalem - The Eternal City - Alternative View

Jerusalem - The Eternal City - Alternative View

Panorama of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives - the place of the Ascension of Jesus Christ, the shrines of the Old City, monasteries and churches on the Mount of Olives (overview): Russian Savior-Ascension Monastery. Russian monastery of Mary Magdalene

Three Lives Of Tsar Boris - Alternative View

Three Lives Of Tsar Boris - Alternative View

"Wasteland" - that's what "andurrial" means in translation from the Basque language. Andorra was once a wasteland. A tiny country sandwiched in the eastern Pyrenees between France and Spain

Horns From Gallehus: Mysterious Images - Alternative View

Horns From Gallehus: Mysterious Images - Alternative View

Of all the treasures found in the land of Denmark, the golden horns from Gallehus stand out. They can only be compared with the boiler from Gundestrup. Like him, the horns are covered with images of figures of people and animals and, undoubtedly, belong to the objects of worship

"Suicide Bombers" Against The King - Alternative View

"Suicide Bombers" Against The King - Alternative View

146 years ago, the whole of Russia was shocked by the news of the attempted assassination of Tsar-reformer Alexander II

10 Archaeological Finds That Were Made On The Territory Of Bulgaria And Surprised Scientists - Alternative View

10 Archaeological Finds That Were Made On The Territory Of Bulgaria And Surprised Scientists - Alternative View

The splendor of Bulgarian archeology is often forgotten and only talks about Ancient Egypt and Greece

10 Recent Archaeological Finds That Could Shed Light On Our Past - Alternative View

10 Recent Archaeological Finds That Could Shed Light On Our Past - Alternative View

Archaeological discoveries, be they accidental or those that have been prepared for years, almost always make a splash in the scientific community

State Of Urartu - Alternative View

State Of Urartu - Alternative View

Where was the state of Urartu- Salik.bizThe state of Urartu was located on a large highland located between Asia Minor, Transcaucasia (southern Armenia and Georgia), the northwestern outskirts of Iran and the Northern Mesopotamia.The territory of Urartu was protected from all sides by mountain ranges and therefore presented natural conveniences for the successful protection of the population from the raids of neighboring tribes and predatory campaigns of conquest, mainly the

Mysteries Of History. Scythian Burial Mounds - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Scythian Burial Mounds - Alternative View

Trade relations with the ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region played an important role in the social and cultural life of Scythia. They accelerated the process of property stratification among the Scythians

Move The Mountain With Your Finger - Alternative View

Move The Mountain With Your Finger - Alternative View

How huge boulders similar to this stone were moved from the Baalbek complex

Atlantropa - Crazy Project Of "merging" Europe And Africa - Alternative View

Atlantropa - Crazy Project Of "merging" Europe And Africa - Alternative View

Once, in the prehistoric era, Africa and Eurasia were together - they were part of a single supercontinent Pangea. In addition to them, it included almost all the land on the planet. At present, Eurasia and Africa are two different continents, while at some points they are close to each other

In Bulgaria, Archaeologists Have Found An Eight Thousand-year-old Figurine Of The Goddess - Alternative View

In Bulgaria, Archaeologists Have Found An Eight Thousand-year-old Figurine Of The Goddess - Alternative View

In Bulgaria, archaeologists during excavations in a Neolithic settlement near the city of Uzunovo discovered a sculpture depicting the deity of the first farmers of Europe

How The United States Fought With Canada - Alternative View

How The United States Fought With Canada - Alternative View

Although the United States and Canada are now close allies, their relationship has not always been peaceful. The southern neighbors tried to conquer Canada twice, and the first time was in 1775, during the Revolutionary War. Then the Continental Army invaded Quebec in order to get support from the local French-speaking population in the battle with the British, but the British managed to stop the invasion in December

Forgotten Experiments - Alternative View

Forgotten Experiments - Alternative View

Australian journalist John Mount has been a passionate collector of ancient books and manuscripts on his chosen topics for over 40 years, and his interests include alchemy, archeology and philology