Secrets of history 2024, October

PPP: The Forgotten Legend Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

PPP: The Forgotten Legend Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

The Great Patriotic War became an ordeal for the Soviet Union. Hundreds of thousands of Red Army soldiers died in bloody battles, millions of people who found themselves in the occupation were killed or driven to Germany to work as slaves

Unknown Auschwitz: What The Prisoners Of The Death Camp Were Silent About For 70 Years - Alternative View

Unknown Auschwitz: What The Prisoners Of The Death Camp Were Silent About For 70 Years - Alternative View

On January 27, 1945, Red Army troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp, or Auschwitz - a whole complex of death camps, where in several years the Nazis killed almost one and a half million people

Children Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Children Of The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Wartime children Their childhood was not sweet. The Vladimirovsky (now Akhtubinsky) district of the Astrakhan region was separated from Stalingrad by some two hundred kilometers. At night, a glow burned in that side - there were heavy fighting

Photos Of The Remains Of Giants. Photoshop Or Real Evidence? - Alternative View

Photos Of The Remains Of Giants. Photoshop Or Real Evidence? - Alternative View

Some people are arranged in such a way that we do not really believe the official versions of historians and scientists, and perhaps this can be called a belief in a miracle, a desire to comprehend the unknown and unravel the secrets of ancient civilizations

"Doctor Death". Why Was Not Josef Mengele Executed - Alternative View

"Doctor Death". Why Was Not Josef Mengele Executed - Alternative View

Among all Nazi criminals from the Third Reich, one stands out, which, perhaps, even among the most disgusting murderers and vile sadists, rightfully takes the place of the vilest of the vilest

The Inca Maiden And Her 500-year-old Secrets - Alternative View

The Inca Maiden And Her 500-year-old Secrets - Alternative View

In 1999, researchers of a joint Argentine-Peruvian expedition at an altitude of more than 6 thousand meters near the Llullaillaco volcano discovered a tomb where the bodies of three children were buried: one boy and two girls

Explosion On The "Empress Mary" - Alternative View

Explosion On The "Empress Mary" - Alternative View

To this day, the minds of historians and researchers are haunted by the tragic death in 1916 of one of the strongest Russian warships - Of the Black Sea battleship Empress Maria. Ships, like humans, have their own destiny

Death To Spies - SMERSH - Alternative View

Death To Spies - SMERSH - Alternative View

Around the legendary structure - Main counterintelligence department SMERSH, - which operated during the Great Patriotic War and was part of the USSR People's Commissariat of Defense, there are many rumors

Japanese Spies In Russia - Alternative View

Japanese Spies In Russia - Alternative View

Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905 showed not only that the Russian government was absolutely not ready to defend its interests in the Far East, but also how seriously Japan took the solution of its continental problems

Richard Sorge - Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Richard Sorge - Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Communist dynasty Richard Sorge, apparently, was written by his family to become a communist. His great-uncle Friedrich Adolf Sorge was the personal secretary of Karl Marx, edited the famous "Manifesto of the Communist Party"

Collection Of Scrap Metal In The USA. 1942 - Alternative View

Collection Of Scrap Metal In The USA. 1942 - Alternative View

When the United States entered World War II following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, global commodity trade was in a state of complete uncertainty and decline

Why, Because Of One Scientist, The Germans Could Not Bomb Leningrad For 6 Months - Alternative View

Why, Because Of One Scientist, The Germans Could Not Bomb Leningrad For 6 Months - Alternative View

While the patrol was arresting him, a crowd of onlookers gathered, in which the famous Soviet organic chemist, a student of the great Favorsky, Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov

On January 27, The Country Celebrated The 75th Anniversary Of The Complete Lifting Of The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

On January 27, The Country Celebrated The 75th Anniversary Of The Complete Lifting Of The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

Today, on the day of the 75th anniversary of the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, Russian President Vladimir Putin will arrive in St. Petersburg

Pre-revolutionary Peter - Alternative View

Pre-revolutionary Peter - Alternative View

There is something in old photos like alluring. Like a window to another world, like a time machine. Especially looking at pictures of familiar places or people, events, circumstances. This is what Peter was like … What year is it about? Nevsky Prospect

We Are Being Told A Lie About The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

We Are Being Told A Lie About The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

Someone really wants from the hero city of Leningrad to make the city-concentration camp Leningrad, in which, during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. supposedly people died of hunger in hundreds of thousands of people

About The Hero Of The Soviet Union Richard Sorge Truthfully - Alternative View

About The Hero Of The Soviet Union Richard Sorge Truthfully - Alternative View

AnnotationNot every "literature about Sorge" can be trusted. For when revealing the exploits of the outstanding intelligence officer during the reign of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev, a legend was created, or rather a myth that deliberately distorted reality, about the alleged complete disclosure of the plans and plans of Hitler and his generals regarding the defeat of the Soviet Union in lightning war

Gangs Of Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

Gangs Of Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

The siege of Leningrad will forever remain in the memory of our people as a history of incredible fortitude and courage. But human nature is such that the history of the blockade is not limited to this alone

The Siege Of Leningrad: Who Needed It? - Alternative View

The Siege Of Leningrad: Who Needed It? - Alternative View

Everyone in our country knows about the blockade of Leningrad

Why Hitler Couldn't Take Leningrad - Alternative View

Why Hitler Couldn't Take Leningrad - Alternative View

At the initial stages of the war, the German leadership had every chance to capture Leningrad. And yet this did not happen. The fate of the city, in addition to the courage of its inhabitants, was decided by many factors. Siege or assault?

Thanks To The Soviet Chemist, German Pilots Could Not Bomb Leningrad For 6 Months - Alternative View

Thanks To The Soviet Chemist, German Pilots Could Not Bomb Leningrad For 6 Months - Alternative View

This story happened in October 1941, when the Me-109 was shot down over Leningrad. The pilot had to land the plane on the outskirts of the city.While the patrol was arresting the German pilot, the famous Soviet organic chemist, Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov, appeared in the crowd

Elusive "Snow Ghosts" - Alternative View

Elusive "Snow Ghosts" - Alternative View

There are pages in the history of the Second World War that are not often published by modern media. These are military formations such as ski battalions

"Ideal Nazi" In The Service Of The "Mossad" - Alternative View

"Ideal Nazi" In The Service Of The "Mossad" - Alternative View

In 2005, by decision of the US Congress, the American intelligence services transferred to the open national archive about 250 thousand pages of documents on cooperation of various organizations with Nazi criminals

What Were The Post-war Plans Of Hitler In The USSR - Alternative View

What Were The Post-war Plans Of Hitler In The USSR - Alternative View

The Second World War, in which the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition defeated the horde of German conquerors, caused irreparable damage to many countries. And only a few knew that the Nazis had a real plan for the destruction of the conquered peoples

900 Days Of Hell And Hunger Trials: How Did Leningraders Survive And What They Ate - Alternative View

900 Days Of Hell And Hunger Trials: How Did Leningraders Survive And What They Ate - Alternative View

The winter of 1941-1942 became a real nightmare for the inhabitants of Leningrad. In the city besieged by the Nazi troops, there were more than two and a half million inhabitants, including 400 thousand children. The lives of each of them were in jeopardy

Millionaires Of Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

Millionaires Of Besieged Leningrad - Alternative View

On June 22, 1941, thousands of Leningraders lined up outside the military enlistment offices. But there were others - those who rushed to grocery stores. They stocked up on sugar, canned food, flour, lard, vegetable oil

Meeting On The Bug - Alternative View

Meeting On The Bug - Alternative View

75 years ago, on September 1, 1939, the Wehrmacht troops crossed the German-Polish border. This is how the Second World War began. On September 17, parts of the Red Army moved across the Soviet-Polish border

Mysteries Of The Siege Of Leningrad - Alternative View

Mysteries Of The Siege Of Leningrad - Alternative View

In that terrible war, the Russian people showed unprecedented mass heroism and dedication in a deadly struggle against a parasitic scourge, which once again tried to conquer and destroy Great Russia

The Lifting Of The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

The Lifting Of The Blockade Of Leningrad - Alternative View

On January 18, 1943, with the breakthrough of the blockade of the city and the meeting of the units of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts in the village of Maryino, Operation Iskra ended

Special Purpose Man - Alternative View

Special Purpose Man - Alternative View

In the post-war years, a distinguished guest was expected in the capital of Yugoslavia

Underwater Phenomenon: Ghost Submarines With Incredible Speed And Elusiveness - Alternative View

Underwater Phenomenon: Ghost Submarines With Incredible Speed And Elusiveness - Alternative View

1963 year. The United States Naval Force, led by the aircraft carrier Wasp, is conducting another exercise, this time in the southern corner of the infamous Bermuda Triangle, near the island of Puerto Rico

Arkona (Jaromarsburg) - Alternative View

Arkona (Jaromarsburg) - Alternative View

Arkona (Yaromarsburg) is a city and religious center of the Baltic Slavic tribe Ruyan. The city of Arkona existed until the XII century and was located on the cape of the same name on the island of Rügen. It was described in detail by a contemporary Dane Saxon Grammaticus in Acts of the Danes, XIV: “The city of Arkona lies on top of a high cliff; from the north, east and south it is protected by natural protection … from the west it is protected by a high embankment of 50 cubit

Great Rulers - View From The Other Side - Alternative View

Great Rulers - View From The Other Side - Alternative View

Who are they, the Great people whom we are invited to respect and admire in every possible way, whom they offer us as an example to follow and a moral guideline? What is so great that they have done to forever remain in the memory of mankind?

The Study Of The Oldest Iron Product Puzzled Scientists - Alternative View

The Study Of The Oldest Iron Product Puzzled Scientists - Alternative View

Scientists from Japan have established that the oldest iron object found in Anatolia was not made in the territory of modern Turkey, as was previously believed, but in another remote region, the location of which was not possible

They Took Over The World And Then Disappeared. There Are Only Baubles Left - Alternative View

They Took Over The World And Then Disappeared. There Are Only Baubles Left - Alternative View

Their movement rippled across the planet in the 1960s, but are they influencing today's style?

Pearl Harbor: Provocation Of The Century - Alternative View

Pearl Harbor: Provocation Of The Century - Alternative View

On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Japanese aircraft dealt a devastating blow to the American base in Hawaii. In two hours, the US Pacific Fleet was defeated, more than 2,400 people were killed.The next day, President Roosevelt, speaking in Congress, said that this day "will go down in history as a symbol of shame

Russia In The 17th Century. Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

Russia In The 17th Century. Time Of Troubles - Alternative View

The turmoil in Russia at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries was a shock that shook the very foundations of the state system.There are three periods in the development of the Troubles. The first period is dynastic. This is the time of the struggle for the Moscow throne between various contenders, which lasted until Tsar Vasily Shuisky inclusive

Ainu: The People Of Russia, Who Were Considered Extinct - Alternative View

Ainu: The People Of Russia, Who Were Considered Extinct - Alternative View

The mysterious people of the Ainu have lived in the Far East since time immemorial, their way of life has been preserved even with the arrival of the Russians. Everything began to change at the end of the 19th century after the aggravation of relations between Russia and Japan

How Koreans Rebelled Against Japan - Alternative View

How Koreans Rebelled Against Japan - Alternative View

On March 1, 1919, a mass uprising of Koreans against the tough policy of the Japanese colonialists began in Seoul. Within days, spontaneous protests spread throughout the Korean Peninsula

Pearl Country Russia - Alternative View

Pearl Country Russia - Alternative View

In the 17th century, Russia had not yet mined gold or silver in its depths. But every Russian woman was wearing pearls: pearls on a dress, pearls on headdresses, on chobots, on handkerchiefs. Russia was a pearl country.Zhuravlev, Firs Sergeevich

White Ainu: Despised By The Japanese, Who Created Japanese Culture - Alternative View

White Ainu: Despised By The Japanese, Who Created Japanese Culture - Alternative View

Japan has not always been populated by Asians. It took them a long time to conquer the islands from the tribes that are now known as the Ainu or Ainu