Secrets of history 2024, October

Stalin's Economic Miracle - Alternative View

Stalin's Economic Miracle - Alternative View

From plow to atomic bomb. Could the methods of Stalin's economy have been more humane? The economy of Stalin's era is as controversial as the entire era of Stalin

Secrets Of The Kremlin Doctors - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Kremlin Doctors - Alternative View

How foreign leaders were treated and treated in the USSR.In the Soviet Union, many leaders of friendly foreign states were treated for free. Information about their health was sometimes more valuable than any military secret.- Salik.bizFriendship in exchange for healthnBeginning in the 1930s, the Soviet leadership began to invite communists from different countries for recreation and treatment in the USSR

NASA Specialists Have Found A Living Icon - Alternative View

NASA Specialists Have Found A Living Icon - Alternative View

NASA specialists have found an icon that depicts the image of the Mother of God. The image not only has a pulse, its temperature is 36.6 degrees, as in a healthy living person

How Did Two English Grandmothers Manage To Deceive The Whole World And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Himself? - Alternative View

How Did Two English Grandmothers Manage To Deceive The Whole World And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Himself? - Alternative View

This story happened a long time ago, when the ladies mentioned were still teenage girls and did not really know what they were doing. They simply did not suspect that actions of this kind are qualified by Scotland Yard as a fraud

Soviet Industrialization - How The Economic Machine Worked - Alternative View

Soviet Industrialization - How The Economic Machine Worked - Alternative View

Beginning: "Soviet industrialization - to the 90th anniversary of the beginning."Part 2: "On the sources of financing for Soviet industrialization."- Salik.bizLong before the emergence of transnational corporations, the USSR was the world's largest corporate economic structureThe transition of the Soviet Union from NEP to industrialization meant that the country moved from a wagon that began to fall apart to a powerful car

The Economic Success Of The Regions Was Explained By The Presence Of Jews - Alternative View

The Economic Success Of The Regions Was Explained By The Presence Of Jews - Alternative View

Scientist Luigi Pascali of the University of Warwick linked economic growth in parts of Europe to the expulsion of Jewish communities from other parts of this part of the world

"Alas, I Am Dead!" - The Oldest Comic Strip In The World Was Found In Jordan - Alternative View

"Alas, I Am Dead!" - The Oldest Comic Strip In The World Was Found In Jordan - Alternative View

It is drawn in the genre of a production novel, contains 260 characters and 60 inscriptions. Comics are a story in pictures where the direct speech of the characters is transmitted in the form of a word bubble

The Closed Cities Of The USSR: How They Lived There - Alternative View

The Closed Cities Of The USSR: How They Lived There - Alternative View

Inhabitants of the secret cities of the Soviet Union almost knew what socialism is - in their numbered settlements it was much easier to get goods in short supply at that time, crime was reduced to a minimum, and the size of wages in almost all

The Jericho Trumpet - What Do Modern Scientists Know About It - Alternative View

The Jericho Trumpet - What Do Modern Scientists Know About It - Alternative View

Recently modern science has been faced with paradoxes. Some events and phenomena described in ancient religious books actually existed. This applies to the mass of phenomena, including the description of ancient types of weapons

Belyany - Giant Wooden Ships That Sailed Along The Volga In The 19th Century - Alternative View

Belyany - Giant Wooden Ships That Sailed Along The Volga In The 19th Century - Alternative View

Beliany - unique ships of the 19th century As you know, the need for invention is cunning

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Airship "Hindenburg" - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of The Airship "Hindenburg" - Alternative View

On March 4, 1936, the largest airship was taken out of the airship assembly dock - - zeppelin LZ 129 "Hindenburg". It was the largest aircraft ever flown above the ground

Mangazeya: Fur Klondike Of Muscovy - Alternative View

Mangazeya: Fur Klondike Of Muscovy - Alternative View

It would seem that the Russian cities of the 16th century are well known to us - Vladimir, Suzdal, Ryazan, Uglich, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Moscow Almost all ancient cities remained standing in their places

Mangazeya - Alternative View

Mangazeya - Alternative View

The enterprising Pomors more than once passed to the north of Western Siberia, who took upon themselves the colonization of these lands

Where Is Mangazeya - Alternative View

Where Is Mangazeya - Alternative View

Mangazeya was the first Russian polar city built in the north of Western Siberia. This city was called "the gold-boiling patrimony", they aspired here for the difficult Russian northern happiness, which was built on labor and mutual assistance

Toy City: Artifacts Of The Age Of Christ Found In China - Alternative View

Toy City: Artifacts Of The Age Of Christ Found In China - Alternative View

In China, toy soldiers were found, which supposedly appeared at the very beginning of our era. Scientists have already given the find the code name "Miniature Terracotta Army"

Legend Of The Arctic - The Disappeared City Of Mangazeya - Alternative View

Legend Of The Arctic - The Disappeared City Of Mangazeya - Alternative View

At the end of the 16th century, Ermak's detachment cut through the door for Russia to Siberia, and since then the harsh lands beyond the Urals have been stubbornly mastered by small but persistent detachments of miners, who set up forts and moved further and further east

The Amazing History Of Ancient Athens - Alternative View

The Amazing History Of Ancient Athens - Alternative View

Oliva - a tree sacred to the Greeks, the tree of life. Without it, one cannot imagine the Greek valleys sandwiched between the mountains and the sea, and the rocky mountain slopes themselves, where olive groves alternate with vineyards

The Source Of Life: The Secret Plan Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Source Of Life: The Secret Plan Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Just a hundred years ago, the concept of eugenics, inhuman in its essence, enjoyed serious popularity and support in many ideological circles

The Buddha's Tooth Is The Main Relic Of Buddhism - Alternative View

The Buddha's Tooth Is The Main Relic Of Buddhism - Alternative View

The Buddha's Tooth is the main relic of Buddhism, which is revered in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China … The history of this artifact is not just mysterious, it is rich in incredible adventures, which are asked for in a novel

It Became Known Where The Extraterrestrial Buddha Statue Came From In Germany - Alternative View

It Became Known Where The Extraterrestrial Buddha Statue Came From In Germany - Alternative View

In 2012, a unique metal statue of Buddha was discovered in Germany, with an ornament on its chest that clearly resembled a fascist swastika

In China, Found A Ceramic Sarcophagus With The &Ldquo; Remains Of The Buddha &Rdquo; - Alternative View

In China, Found A Ceramic Sarcophagus With The &Ldquo; Remains Of The Buddha &Rdquo; - Alternative View

The inscription on the relics of the 11th century says that the monks have been collecting cremated ashes bit by bit for 20 years

The Ancient Statue Of Buddha Hid A Terrible Secret! - Alternative View

The Ancient Statue Of Buddha Hid A Terrible Secret! - Alternative View

Scientists from Utrecht decided to thoroughly investigate one of the ancient Buddhist statues that have survived to our time. At first, the data obtained seemed strange, and even computer diagnostics horrified everyone

Communism Against The Dalai Lama - Alternative View

Communism Against The Dalai Lama - Alternative View

Today religion, especially Christianity, is a very delicate topic in social terms. It is ambiguous and raises many questions. The church is its separate link. She takes on the function of a mediator between man and God. But is this so in Buddhism?

Nirvana Of The Awakened - Alternative View

Nirvana Of The Awakened - Alternative View

As everyone knows, gods differ from humans in that they are immortal. The Egyptian Osiris, killed and dismembered by Set, is resurrected and becomes the ruler of the kingdom of the dead. The Son of God Jesus, crucified and dead on the cross, is resurrected and ascended to heaven

The Secret Of The Buddha's Head Is Kept By The Bodhi Tree - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Buddha's Head Is Kept By The Bodhi Tree - Alternative View

In Thailand, in the city of Ayutthaya, on the territory of the Wat Mahathat temple, an unusual tree grows - among its roots you can see the head of Buddha

Secrets Of Ancient Stone Hieroglyphs - Alternative View

Secrets Of Ancient Stone Hieroglyphs - Alternative View

The small Buddhist shrine Fayuan, the Temple of the Source of Dharma, is located in the heart of modern Beijing

Karmic Punishment For The Shooting Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

Karmic Punishment For The Shooting Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

The fact that the Civil War broke out in Russia in 1917 is also the fault of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II. But it so happened that of the ten million victims of this war, it was he who became the most famous

Scientists Have Restored The Appearance Of Mary Magdalene - Alternative View

Scientists Have Restored The Appearance Of Mary Magdalene - Alternative View

For the reconstruction, anthropologists used a skull that is kept in the Church of Saint-Maximin in France, where the relics of St. Mary Magdalene rest, one of the few characters in the Gospel, whose burial place is known

Why Was The Gospel Written In Greek And Not Hebrew? - Alternative View

Why Was The Gospel Written In Greek And Not Hebrew? - Alternative View

“Gospel” is translated from Greek as “good, joyful news”. The Gospels are the four canonical books of Holy Scripture that make up the first part of the New Testament. They tell about the activities of Jesus Christ, his divine nature.The fou

Enemies Of The Savior - Alternative View

Enemies Of The Savior - Alternative View

The culmination of the gospel narrative - it is the trial of Jesus Christ and his execution on Mount Calvary. In this story, in addition to the spiritual edifying meaning, there is also a historical component

New Testament. What Language Are The Sacred Books Written In - Alternative View

New Testament. What Language Are The Sacred Books Written In - Alternative View

It is clear that the Holy Spirit guided the Church in the gradual establishment of the composition of the canon, so that the Church introduced into it truly apostolic works, which in their existence were caused by the most essential needs of the Church

Who Invented Jesus' Wife? Part Two - Alternative View

Who Invented Jesus' Wife? Part Two - Alternative View

Part One - But if Fritz did it, what was the motive? Many fraudsters are driven by the desire to make money, and by 2010 Fritz's financial affairs were, to put it mildly, deplorable

Who Invented Jesus' Wife? Part One - Alternative View

Who Invented Jesus' Wife? Part One - Alternative View

Part Two - Here it is - clues to one of the most intricate mysteries that have emerged in the world of science in recent decades. A thousand-year-old piece of papyrus with the phrase: "Jesus said to them:" My wife "

The First Witch Of Ireland - Alternative View

The First Witch Of Ireland - Alternative View

A grim, terrifying and bloody witch-hunt took place in full force in Europe around the fifteenth century, when the infamous Hammer of the Witches appeared

Geneticists Have Revealed The Family Traditions Of The First Inhabitants Of Russia - Alternative View

Geneticists Have Revealed The Family Traditions Of The First Inhabitants Of Russia - Alternative View

DNA analysis of the first inhabitants of Russia, whose remains were found in the Vladimir region, helped scientists to reveal their family traditions and find out how the ancestors of modern inhabitants of Europe escaped genetic degeneration, says an article published in the journal

Amazing Magic Mirrors Of The Past - Alternative View

Amazing Magic Mirrors Of The Past - Alternative View

We all know by heart Pushkin's lines "My light, mirror, tell me, but report the whole truth" from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs." As we remember, "the mirror had the property: it can speak skillfully"

The Elusive Avenger - Alternative View

The Elusive Avenger - Alternative View

It is known that often writers do not invent images of their characters, but take them from real life. It is possible that the fearless Ksanka Shchus from "The Elusive Avengers" also had a very real prototype

Yolka, Olivier And "Soviet Champagne". Where Did The Main Symbols Of The New Year Come From - Alternative View

Yolka, Olivier And "Soviet Champagne". Where Did The Main Symbols Of The New Year Come From - Alternative View

And also - what they ate and drank before the appearance of the herring under a fur coat and how Peter I taught to celebrate the holiday. The oldest New Year - this is the oldest holiday. The first documentary evidence of him dates back to the third millennium BC

The Witch On The Ship - Alternative View

The Witch On The Ship - Alternative View

The pirate craft is still shrouded in a romantic halo - sea, freedom, sails full of wind And, of course, battles, blood, robbery, death of innocent people

Anne Bonnie: Female Pirate - Alternative View

Anne Bonnie: Female Pirate - Alternative View

Speaking about women warriors, one cannot fail to mention the representatives of the "venerable" pirate "profession". In the list of "sea robbers" there are several famous female pirates. One of them was Anne Bonnie