Secrets of history 2024, October

Murderous Holiness - Alternative View

Murderous Holiness - Alternative View

Historians suspect this woman of the murder of her husband, the Byzantine emperor Leo IV, and accused of destroying the only son of Constantine VI with special sadism. But at the same time, she is revered to this day as Saint Irene of Byzantine

Wonder Weapon: Trumpets Of Jericho - Alternative View

Wonder Weapon: Trumpets Of Jericho - Alternative View

For many centuries, Bible students have been agitated by the question: did the walls of ancient Jericho in 1240 BC really fall from the sounds of Jericho trumpets and the one hundred thousand cry of the Israelites?

Stones Flew And Will Fly - Alternative View

Stones Flew And Will Fly - Alternative View

Occultists have long said that the Atlanteans and the ancient Egyptians, when building their sanctuaries, were able to move their massive stone parts with the help of sound, that is, they owned acoustic levitation

The World In Black Fog Or The Riddle Of 536 AD - Alternative View

The World In Black Fog Or The Riddle Of 536 AD - Alternative View

There have been many disasters in human history, such as plague epidemics, mass famine, destructive wars, influenza pandemics and others, which posed a threat to the entire human civilization. But the worst year is probably AD 536

Glass Walls Made Of Cubes In The USSR: Who Invented Them And Why They Were So Popular - Alternative View

Glass Walls Made Of Cubes In The USSR: Who Invented Them And Why They Were So Popular - Alternative View

Anyone who lived in the Soviet Union or saw buildings from that period knows what glass blocks look like. They were used to decorate medical institutions, boarding houses, sanatoriums, schools, kindergartens and administrative buildings. If it was possible to bring home, dachas were finished with glass blocks or garages were decorated

"Mummies Of Frankenstein" Were Discovered In Scotland - Alternative View

"Mummies Of Frankenstein" Were Discovered In Scotland - Alternative View

For a long time, scientists believed that Europeans did not mummify dead people. However, as it turned out, this opinion was false

Russia Has Such An Ancient History That Not A Single Country, Not A Single People Can Be Compared With It - Alternative View

Russia Has Such An Ancient History That Not A Single Country, Not A Single People Can Be Compared With It - Alternative View

Geopolitical strategists of the West continue to hatch plans, the implementation of which implies not only the disappearance of Russia as a state, but also the destruction of the Russian people as a subject of history

Slavs At Ibn Fadlan - Alternative View

Slavs At Ibn Fadlan - Alternative View

In 1937 the Iranian government donated to the USSR Academy of Sciences a photocopy of the Mashhad (complete) manuscript of Ibn Fadlan, discovered in 23 A.Z.V. Tagan (A.Z. Validov) - an orientalist who emigrated from Russia

7 Amazing Facts About The Life And Death Of Niccolo Paganini - Alternative View

7 Amazing Facts About The Life And Death Of Niccolo Paganini - Alternative View

Even those who thought that the fame of Niccolo Paginini was inflated, had to accept when they happened to hear him play. On October 27, 1782, the Italian virtuoso violinist, composer, recognized genius of world music was born

Why Russians Began To Be Compared With Bears - Alternative View

Why Russians Began To Be Compared With Bears - Alternative View

Why has a bear been a visual marker of Russia from time immemorial? Not an eagle, which is depicted on the Russian coat of arms, not a loyal dog, and not even an elk, which are so rich in Russian forests

The Course Of The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) - Alternative View

The Course Of The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) - Alternative View

The Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763) - a war of two coalitions for hegemony in Europe, as well as for colonial possessions in North America and India. General political situation

Imperial Bum. How They Begged In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

Imperial Bum. How They Begged In Tsarist Russia - Alternative View

What should the first thing any pious Moscow or St. Petersburg Christian do in 1900, if he came to a Sunday service at church? Cross yourself? Bow to icons? Or the abbot?

Crocodile Attack - Alternative View

Crocodile Attack - Alternative View

February 19, 1945, during World War II, there was one incredible and terrible incident

How Trotsky Was Killed - Alternative View

How Trotsky Was Killed - Alternative View

The assassination of Trotsky - the planned assassination by NKVD agent Ramon Mercader of the former ideologist of the revolution, L. D. Trotsky, on August 20, 1940

What Do The Russian Chronicles Teach? - Alternative View

What Do The Russian Chronicles Teach? - Alternative View

What is a chronicle? To what science can these monuments of ancient Russian culture be attributed? Should they be considered facts of the country's literary life or a phenomenon of historical writing, paleographic evidence?

The Secret Of The Greek Fire - Alternative View

The Secret Of The Greek Fire - Alternative View

It seems that the story of how Archimedes destroyed the ancient Roman squadron that approached Syracuse with the help of a system of mirrors is another myth about the great mathematics and mechanics. The story goes: in 121 BC. eh

Secrets Of The Visegrad Mountain - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Visegrad Mountain - Alternative View

The nomadic Magyars took a fancy to the Visegrad Mountain at first sight. Perhaps she reminded them of the Urals, where their ancestors made sacrifices to their gods. Or Altai, whence their forefathers descended from time immemorial

"The Eliseev Brothers" - Alternative View

"The Eliseev Brothers" - Alternative View

Trading empire from a box of oranges Is it possible to create a luxurious Trading House with a capital of 8 million rubles from 100 rubles and a box of oranges? Peter Kasatkin, the son of a serf peasant count Sheremetyev, proved that all this is very possible

Panama 1989: The Forgotten Truth About The US Invasion - Alternative View

Panama 1989: The Forgotten Truth About The US Invasion - Alternative View

We know little about world history. It just so happened. Then I'll tell you the story of the state of Panama, which happened in 1989. Again - just facts, no emotion

At The Bottom Of A Mountain Lake In Mexico, An Ancient "model" Of The Universe Was Found - Alternative View

At The Bottom Of A Mountain Lake In Mexico, An Ancient "model" Of The Universe Was Found - Alternative View

In Mexico, a team of archaeologists discovered a stone sanctuary at the bottom of a lake at the foot of the Istaxihuatl volcano, which is a model of the universe as imagined by the ancient Aztecs, reports

Myths And Truths About American Indians - Alternative View

Myths And Truths About American Indians - Alternative View

1. The nickname "Redskins" Indians got because of their skin color. From the first American colonists, Indians began to be called "redskins"

Comte Saint-Germain: Politician, Alchemist, Seer And Immortal? - Alternative View

Comte Saint-Germain: Politician, Alchemist, Seer And Immortal? - Alternative View

The Count Saint-Germain is said to have lived for centuries. "A man who knows everything and never dies" - this is what Voltaire said about him

What Did You Find Interesting On The Sunken Ship, Besides The Famous Antikythera Mechanism? - Alternative View

What Did You Find Interesting On The Sunken Ship, Besides The Famous Antikythera Mechanism? - Alternative View

Most likely, almost everyone has heard at least something about the Antikythera mechanism, or as it is called "The world's first computer". But it is clear that there could not be one mechanism on the ship, in this article I will tell you about some more finds from that ship

Alchemy - The Secret Science Of Transformation Of Man And Substances - Alternative View

Alchemy - The Secret Science Of Transformation Of Man And Substances - Alternative View

Alchemy was a whole secret science, striving for the transformational improvement of not only minerals, but also the person himself

English Mathematician And Alchemist John Dee And The "angels" Who Visited Him - Alternative View

English Mathematician And Alchemist John Dee And The "angels" Who Visited Him - Alternative View

If you analyze the many reports of contact with aliens, it turns out that aliens never demand their recognition from the general public

Kachina - Heavenly Hopi Teachers - Alternative View

Kachina - Heavenly Hopi Teachers - Alternative View

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Hopi lived on the continent washed by the Pacific Ocean. They called this continent Kasskara. But one day the lands of Kasskara split, and the ocean depths gradually swallowed them

In Search Of The Philosopher's Stone - Alternative View

In Search Of The Philosopher's Stone - Alternative View

Any information about the Philosopher's Stone is considered a legend. And who can believe that there is a certain substance, the use of which turns the simplest metal alloy into gold or silver bars?

Information About The Philosopher's Stone Has Survived To Our Time - Alternative View

Information About The Philosopher's Stone Has Survived To Our Time - Alternative View

Information about the philosopher's stone has survived to our time, and many still believe that such a stone actually exists

Found Heretical Revelations Of Jesus About The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Found Heretical Revelations Of Jesus About The Apocalypse - Alternative View

Biblical scholars at the University of Texas in Austin have discovered a Christian text that is 1,500 years old

Hitler's Secret Diaries - Alternative View

Hitler's Secret Diaries - Alternative View

In the early 80s, the loudest media sensation in the history of Germany broke out: Hitler's diaries, which the Stern magazine began to publish

Allied Scale Swindler - Alternative View

Allied Scale Swindler - Alternative View

From the height of the present years, life in the USSR seems to be somehow unreal, as if from another dimension. People existed in a conditional dimension, where both a pragmatic attitude to double morality and a naive belief in miracles coexisted peacefully

Secrets Of The Possible Descendants Of Jesus - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Possible Descendants Of Jesus - Alternative View

It is still an open question whether Jesus was married and whether he had descendants. For example, the hierarchs of the Church deny the very fact that Jesus was married

As A Japanese Officer, He Fought In The Jungle Of The Philippines For 30 Years After The Surrender Of The Empire - Alternative View

As A Japanese Officer, He Fought In The Jungle Of The Philippines For 30 Years After The Surrender Of The Empire - Alternative View

Junior Lieutenant of the Imperial Japanese Army Hiroo Onoda for almost 30 years fought a guerrilla war against the Philippine authorities and the American military on Lubang Island in the South China Sea

The Real Truth About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass Was Hidden. The Criminal Lie Of The Prosecutor Tempalov ?! - Alternative View

The Real Truth About The Tragedy At The Dyatlov Pass Was Hidden. The Criminal Lie Of The Prosecutor Tempalov ?! - Alternative View

It turns out in this case there is something that, most likely, can give an answer to the question of how the unfortunate tourists died. And you can find this, directly, in the publicly available materials of the criminal case. Now everything is in order

Was World War II Provoked By Great Britain? - Alternative View

Was World War II Provoked By Great Britain? - Alternative View

After the capture of Berlin in 1945, when it became clear that the war was over, the planet, it turns out, was hanging by a thread from the Third World War. Its instigator (as in the case of World War II) was … Great Britain

The Novel "The Master And Margarita": What Bulgakov Encrypted - Alternative View

The Novel "The Master And Margarita": What Bulgakov Encrypted - Alternative View

"The Master and Margarita" - one of the most mysterious novels in history, researchers are still fighting over its interpretation. We will give seven keys to this piece

Bernard Madoff. The Scam Of The Century - Alternative View

Bernard Madoff. The Scam Of The Century - Alternative View

Bernard Lawrence Madoff (born 1938) - creator of the largest pyramid in American history. You can rob in broad daylight, absolutely open

Who Wrote Books Instead Of Leonid Brezhnev - Alternative View

Who Wrote Books Instead Of Leonid Brezhnev - Alternative View

The trilogy of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was published in such circulations that even the most popular modern publications did not dream

What Is The Legacy Left By Mavrodi - Alternative View

What Is The Legacy Left By Mavrodi - Alternative View

Recently, in one of the Moscow hospitals, Sergey Mavrodi died of a heart attack - founder of the legendary financial pyramid "MMM", which in the mid-90s suffered thousands of defrauded depositors throughout the country

Evil Genius: How Sergei Mavrodi Built Himself A Pyramid - Alternative View

Evil Genius: How Sergei Mavrodi Built Himself A Pyramid - Alternative View

The departure of Sergei Mavrodi to another world leaves few Russians indifferent - if only because few of them escaped in their time the temptation to become a participant in his project "MMM"