Secrets of history 2024, October

Corruption In The USSR - Alternative View

Corruption In The USSR - Alternative View

The socialist system has invented an effective mechanism to minimize corruption. We can say that the large nomenklatura party workers simply had no reason to take bribes. The state already created excellent living conditions for them: special food, special medicine, special health resorts, special vehicles, special tasks

Archaeologists Have Reported A Sensational Find In The Persian Gulf - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Reported A Sensational Find In The Persian Gulf - Alternative View

In Kuwait, Polish archaeologists, with the help of local colleagues in the desert area, have discovered the oldest temple in the Persian Gulf, more than 7,000 years old

Favorite "toy" Of Charles VIII - Alternative View

Favorite "toy" Of Charles VIII - Alternative View

If we cut off the relevant information about the countries of the East, then the first reports of artillery in Europe date back to the end of the 12th century

Sensational Finds Of Russian Archaeologists - Alternative View

Sensational Finds Of Russian Archaeologists - Alternative View

Russian archaeologists have unearthed many amazing finds that help to better know the history of the country and mankind. Remembering the 7 biggest sensations of Russian archeology

Sensational Find - Alternative View

Sensational Find - Alternative View

In 1978, a sensational event took place, which received a huge resonance around the world

Traces In Tanzania, Left Over 3 Million Years Ago - Alternative View

Traces In Tanzania, Left Over 3 Million Years Ago - Alternative View

When, in the late 1970s, a couple of archaeologists discovered about 70 prints in Tanzania near the Sadiman volcano, it became a significant discovery among scientists. It turned out that the traces were left about 3.6 million years ago

Jeanne D &Rsquo; Arc And Gilles De Re - Relationship - Alternative View

Jeanne D &Rsquo; Arc And Gilles De Re - Relationship - Alternative View

PR - or "public relay", public relations - is nothing more than the organization of a positive image of someone or something. Formation of a positive image, that is. It is created by experienced PR people who know how to manage information. Moreover, behind these meaningful words, in fact, there are very common situations

Forgotten Headquarters Of Hitler - Alternative View

Forgotten Headquarters Of Hitler - Alternative View

It was the main "lair" of Hitler's headquarters on the western front. From a secret bunker in the cliffs of the Eifel Mountains (western part of the Rhine Shale Mountains), Hitler led a blitzkrieg war against France in 1940

Tsarevich Alexei. Was The Son Of Peter I "unfit"? - Alternative View

Tsarevich Alexei. Was The Son Of Peter I "unfit"? - Alternative View

Tsarevich Alexey - a very unpopular personality not only among novelists, but also among professional historians

How The 1957 Soviet Default Was Prepared - Alternative View

How The 1957 Soviet Default Was Prepared - Alternative View

And I remember how as a child I was allowed to play with a pack of just such pieces of paper. The attitude towards them was seemingly as "not needed", but either out of habit, or because of some kind of hope, they were still cherished and were not considered especially a "toy"

Who Is King Peas? - Alternative View

Who Is King Peas? - Alternative View

Let's try to figure out who the king of peas is and "what they eat him with."The colorful expression "under King Peas" has been intriguing scientists for more than one century. And there is also a "jester of peas", "like peas against a wall" and a mini-tragedy in two acts "A woman sowed peas

Masha Against All: How A 20-year-old Girl Destroyed A Platoon Of Fascists - Alternative View

Masha Against All: How A 20-year-old Girl Destroyed A Platoon Of Fascists - Alternative View

“In a fight with the enemy, she killed 15 soldiers and one officer from a machine gun, killed four soldiers with a rifle butt, recaptured the commander and eight soldiers from the Germans, captured the enemy's machine gun and machine guns,” - this is how Maria Baida's main feat is described in a short and dry manner in the award list. But

Sponsors Of The Revolution - Alternative View

Sponsors Of The Revolution - Alternative View

In 1917, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich said: "The Bolsheviks decided to start a war against God himself."

Why Did Russia Sell Alaska: Main Versions - Alternative View

Why Did Russia Sell Alaska: Main Versions - Alternative View

On October 18, 1867, the frigate "Osipi" entered the harbor of Novoarkhangelsk (today the American city of Sitka), on which there were commissioners of the United States and the Russian Empire

Man-made Famine Of The USA - Alternative View

Man-made Famine Of The USA - Alternative View

If we compare the life of Soviet collective farmers, not with some abstract ideal in the head of all sorts of strange, not with the life of people in completely different conditions decades later, but take, for comparison, the time when Stalin's collective farmers lived

Rothschilds - History Of The Formation Of War As Earnings - Alternative View

Rothschilds - History Of The Formation Of War As Earnings - Alternative View

As the character Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind said, "Big money can be made in two ways: when a new state is created and when it collapses." War has always brought ruin to someone, and to someone - profit

Rothschilds And Russian Gold - Alternative View

Rothschilds And Russian Gold - Alternative View

Strange, but back in 1876, the Rothschild billionaires signed an agreement with the Russian Tsar Alexander II, who had sold Apyaska to the United States 9 years earlier, an agreement for the storage of Russian gold in Spain. Gold was laid in the mountains of Spain in the amount of 47,800 tons

Secrets Of The Rothschild Family, Or How The Capital Was Created - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Rothschild Family, Or How The Capital Was Created - Alternative View

Once Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the famous clan of bankers, said: "Let me manage the money of the state, and I do not care about who creates its laws, and the very laws of this state."

How Did The Rothschild Dynasty Come Into Being - Alternative View

How Did The Rothschild Dynasty Come Into Being - Alternative View

There are few people on the globe who have not heard of the Rothschilds. Today this surname has become a symbol of wealth. Where did these same Rothschilds come from?

Elder Theodore Tomsky - Russian Emperor Alexander I? - Alternative View

Elder Theodore Tomsky - Russian Emperor Alexander I? - Alternative View

In the Siberian city of Tomsk, at the cemetery at the Theotokos-Alekseevsky monastery, there is a grave with a wooden eight-pointed cross, on which the inscription is made: “The body of the great blessed elder Theodor Kuzmich is buried here

Hitler Belonged To The Rothschild Dynasty? - Alternative View

Hitler Belonged To The Rothschild Dynasty? - Alternative View

Official history - it is just a veil designed to hide the truth about what really happened

Who Was Buried Instead Of Emperor Alexander I? - Alternative View

Who Was Buried Instead Of Emperor Alexander I? - Alternative View

On December 12, 1777, the most mysterious emperor of Russia Alexander was born. Two centuries ago, Alexander I, the fourteenth Russian emperor, approved the proposal of engineer-colonel Haeckel to build the Dinaburg fortress

Biography Of Emperor Alexander III Alexandrovich - Alternative View

Biography Of Emperor Alexander III Alexandrovich - Alternative View

Emperor of All Russia, the second son of Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, Alexander III was born on February 26, 1845, ascended to the royal throne on March 2, 1881, died on November 1, 1894

Biography Of Emperor Nicholas 2 Alexandrovich - Alternative View

Biography Of Emperor Nicholas 2 Alexandrovich - Alternative View

Nikolai II Alexandrovich (born - May 6 (18), 1868, death - July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg) - Emperor of All Russia, from the Imperial House of the Romanovs

Murderer Martin Radziwill - Alternative View

Murderer Martin Radziwill - Alternative View

The famous ancient family of the Radziwills became famous not only for their fabulous wealth, but also for their ambiguous personalities. Among them were generals, politicians, diplomats, patrons of art, scientists, and also - murderers and sadists

On May 27, 1883, The Coronation Of Emperor Alexander III Took Place - Alternative View

On May 27, 1883, The Coronation Of Emperor Alexander III Took Place - Alternative View

He was one of the most powerful rulers of Russia, whose reign, unfortunately, was short-lived. He owns many catch phrases, for example: “ When the Russian tsar is fishing, Europe can wait & rdquo

The Goals And Means Of Covert CIA Operations - Alternative View

The Goals And Means Of Covert CIA Operations - Alternative View

Since its inception in 1947, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a vast arsenal of assets. But have they been applied in practice?

Where Did Stepan Bandera Come From - Alternative View

Where Did Stepan Bandera Come From - Alternative View

The personality and activities of the leader of Ukrainian nationalists Stepan Bandera cause a lot of controversy. Some historians and researchers consider him an ardent fighter for the idea of Ukraine's independence. Others - an accomplice of Hitler

The Mystery Of The Death Of Stepan Bandera. KGB Or CIA? - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Stepan Bandera. KGB Or CIA? - Alternative View

The assassination of the "head seer" of the OUN seems to belong to the category of historical events that do not cause controversy. Back in 1990, the USSR officially recognized that Banderu had liquidated the KGB and, it seemed, the issue was closed forever

Secret CIA Projects - Alternative View

Secret CIA Projects - Alternative View

Scientists and engineers in the United States working for the defense department of their state usually do not lack funding and have the opportunity to test many unusual ideas in practice. We present to the readers several secret projects that were developed under the control of the US special services - and only recently, after declassification, they became known to the general public

"I Launched A UFO Into The Sky." Confessions Of A CIA Veteran - Alternative View

"I Launched A UFO Into The Sky." Confessions Of A CIA Veteran - Alternative View

Bernard Gildenberg, a retired colonel of the US Air Force, participated in the secret programs of the CIA for thirty-five years and was recruited to them as a consultant for another quarter of a century, already retired.In an article published in the American magazine Skeptical Inquirer in 2006, Gildenberg explains how the CIA's probe balloons have contributed to the chronicle of sensational UFO sightings

Secret CIA Documents - Alternative View

Secret CIA Documents - Alternative View

These censored documents, classified as state secrets and kept in secret archives, contain information that should never have become known to the public. However, history teaches that the truth always comes out in the end.- Salik.bizKennedy assassination still a mystery?

Operational Game Of SMERSH. "Saturn" Against Smersh - Alternative View

Operational Game Of SMERSH. "Saturn" Against Smersh - Alternative View

On the eve of the decisive battles on the eastern front, the Abwehr sharply intensified its activities around the Moscow railway. The main brunt of the struggle fell on the shoulders of the SMERSH (Death to Spies) employees.Here is just one episode of this struggle

Covert Operation Ivy Bells - Alternative View

Covert Operation Ivy Bells - Alternative View

A former counterintelligence officer of the Pacific Fleet told about this operation, surprising in its audacity, by the American special services, who organized wiretapping of negotiations on a government cable laid along the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk. let's call him Dmitry Ilyich

Chief On "skeet" - Alternative View

Chief On "skeet" - Alternative View

How the CIA unsuccessfully searched south of Volgograd, at the Kapustin Yar test site, a base with broken UFOs Kapustin Yar, located just 90 km from Volgograd, is rightfully considered one of the most mysterious places on the planet

KGB Paranoia: Science Fiction Writer Efremov - English Spy Or Alien - Alternative View

KGB Paranoia: Science Fiction Writer Efremov - English Spy Or Alien - Alternative View

In 1972, after the death of the famous science fiction writer Ivan Efremov, the KGB opened a case - allegedly the writer was replaced by the British in his youth. Then the KGB began to suspect Efremov of being an alien

The Miracle Of Ancient Artifacts - Alternative View

The Miracle Of Ancient Artifacts - Alternative View

Many of the antiquities, especially weapons, jewelry, and cult objects, have some mysterious properties that manifest themselves in one way or another. Usually these properties of archaeological finds are not widely publicized, but scientists are well aware of them

Where To Look For The Templars In Russia - Alternative View

Where To Look For The Templars In Russia - Alternative View

On October thirteenth, 1307, the French king Philip IV ordered the arrest of all the Templars in France. Having officially banned the activities of the order, the king decided that he had finally destroyed the Order. But he was wrong

Wooden Egyptian Bird: Toy Or Airplane Model? - Alternative View

Wooden Egyptian Bird: Toy Or Airplane Model? - Alternative View

Pyramids and other amazing ancient Egyptian artifacts continue to attract archaeologists, but is it possible that the ancient Egyptians had aviation? BC. was found in Sakkara, Egypt, in 1898

Wooden Water Pipes Of The Past - Alternative View

Wooden Water Pipes Of The Past - Alternative View

I would not be surprised if it soon turns out that wooden pipes are environmentally friendly, safe, economical and modern.Speaking of plumbing, everyone has an association with cast iron, polypropylene, metal and other pipes, but not with wood, but in vain