Secrets of history 2024, October

From The History Of Justice, Elusive And Unforgiving - Alternative View

From The History Of Justice, Elusive And Unforgiving - Alternative View

As humanity sought eternal and unshakable justice, but it could not find it.Striving for justice is one of the most important human aspirations. In any social organization of any complexity, the need for a moral assessment of interactions with other people has always been extremely great

Dyatlov's Group Could Have Been Killed By "bounty Hunters" From The Special Forces Of The KGB Of The USSR - Alternative View

Dyatlov's Group Could Have Been Killed By "bounty Hunters" From The Special Forces Of The KGB Of The USSR - Alternative View

It turns out that the whole story with the mysterious death of a group of tourists in February 1959 may have completely different reasons. Today, only a few versions have remained "alive"

Why Was Hitler Awarded The Iron Cross?, Or The Main Secret Of The 3rd Reich - Alternative View

Why Was Hitler Awarded The Iron Cross?, Or The Main Secret Of The 3rd Reich - Alternative View

Scientists still have not come to a consensus, when did the dinosaurs become extinct? Most agree that we are separated by millions of years. But from time to time, here and there signals come in that in our time people have met prehistoric monsters

Moscow Trophies Of Napoleon - Alternative View

Moscow Trophies Of Napoleon - Alternative View

More than 200 years have passed since the time when Napoleon's army invaded Russia. Here the great commander, who brought many European countries to his knees, learned all the bitterness of an inglorious defeat

Why, On The World Maps, America Is In The Western Hemisphere, And Russia - In The East - Alternative View

Why, On The World Maps, America Is In The Western Hemisphere, And Russia - In The East - Alternative View

First, let's figure out how it happened that the maps have east and west, north and south. With the east and west, everything is quite simple - people have always been guided by the movement of the sun. It rose on one side of the earth and entered the other

Map Of The Americas Of The Pre-Columbian Era - Alternative View

Map Of The Americas Of The Pre-Columbian Era - Alternative View

This 1763 map is said to have been copied from another map created in 1418

Illuminati - Heirs Of Secret Knowledge - Alternative View

Illuminati - Heirs Of Secret Knowledge - Alternative View

Since ancient times, people have united in secret alliances, wishing by collective effort to comprehend certain truths and thereby gain power unknown to others

25 Million Years Of Confrontation - Alternative View

25 Million Years Of Confrontation - Alternative View

Freemasons, Rosicrucians and Illuminati Now it's time to tell you where I started my story. It is traditionally believed that Freemasonry was organizationally formed in 1717 with the formation of the first Grand Lodge in London

Mysteries Of History. Sophia Paleolog - Alternative View

Mysteries Of History. Sophia Paleolog - Alternative View

Ivan III was married for the first time to the daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver. The Grand Duchess Maria Borisovna was a humble and meek woman. Andrei Kurbsky called her a saint. She did not seem to interfere in management affairs

Slavery In Russia: Where Did They Take The Living Goods, How Much They Cost, And How They Could Become Free People - Alternative View

Slavery In Russia: Where Did They Take The Living Goods, How Much They Cost, And How They Could Become Free People - Alternative View

Slavery was practiced in almost all ancient communities. Eastern Slavs were no exception, although in many ways the oppression was much less than in other slave countries

Perunov Vedas - Alternative View

Perunov Vedas - Alternative View

Unique information about the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, written on gold plates more than 40,000 years ago, with the history of the settlement of the Earth, knowledge of the laws of nature, the commandments of our ancestors and the forecast of events to our time

A Brief History Of Soviet Psychics - Alternative View

A Brief History Of Soviet Psychics - Alternative View

A person is inclined to believe in miracles. And if a need arises, then, according to the laws of the market, there will be those who are always ready to satisfy it

An Assassination Attempt On Lenin. Kaplan Or The Kremlin Conspiracy - Alternative View

An Assassination Attempt On Lenin. Kaplan Or The Kremlin Conspiracy - Alternative View

Among the many legends and myths of Soviet history, the statement that the Socialist-Revolutionary Kaplan shot Lenin seemed indisputable for a long time

Was There An Attempt On Lenin's Life? - Alternative View

Was There An Attempt On Lenin's Life? - Alternative View

The older generation of our readers probably still remembers the film "Lenin in 1918"

Archeology In 2017: The Main Finds And Discoveries - Alternative View

Archeology In 2017: The Main Finds And Discoveries - Alternative View

Among the main finds - 100-year-old raisin cupcake, the oldest modern man, many skulls and gold, several drawings, two inscriptions, one sword and a cruiser

What Secrets Are Hidden By The Ocean? - Alternative View

What Secrets Are Hidden By The Ocean? - Alternative View

The fate of earthly and underwater treasures is amazing. About them for many hundreds of years nothing is known, and only thanks to chance the secret can be revealed

How Did The Ancestors Of The Slavs Greet? - Alternative View

How Did The Ancestors Of The Slavs Greet? - Alternative View

Significant in initiation terms is the ritual of greeting. So from the form of the greeting, you can understand whether the interlocutor is respected or not, you can understand the gender and social status of the person to whom the greeting is assigned

The Main Mysteries Of Alexander Blok - Alternative View

The Main Mysteries Of Alexander Blok - Alternative View

Alexander Blok lived 41 years old and died from the fact that he stopped hearing music

Duel Of Pushkin With Dantes: The Main Riddles - Alternative View

Duel Of Pushkin With Dantes: The Main Riddles - Alternative View

Shortly before the poet's duel, a rumor began to circulate in Petersburg society that Pushkin had allegedly started an intrigue with his wife's sister, Alexandra Goncharova

Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day) Holiday History - Alternative View

Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day) Holiday History - Alternative View

On February 14, many countries around the world celebrate Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day

Unusual Facts About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

Unusual Facts About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

On February 14, lovers from all over the world will celebrate Valentine's Day, confess their tender feelings to each other, and arrange pleasant surprises. On the eve of the holiday, we will acquaint the readers of "Lady TBN" with some interesting facts

What Is Hidden Behind The Mysterious And Indecipherable Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

What Is Hidden Behind The Mysterious And Indecipherable Voynich Manuscript - Alternative View

The Voynich manuscript - a medieval work written in the 15th century by unknown authors. Researchers have been trying to solve its riddle for several hundred years: the language of the manuscript is unknown to anyone. Some even speculate that it was created by aliens

Why Were Russian Eunuchs Very Rich - Alternative View

Why Were Russian Eunuchs Very Rich - Alternative View

The skopstvo movement appeared in Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Its founder is considered to be the fugitive serf Kondraty Selivanov, who left the sect of the Khlysty "Mother of God" Akulina Ivanovna

Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View

Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View

Order of ro zenk rey tse moat ("Order of the Rose and Cross") - a theological and secret mystical society, was founded, according to one version, during the late Middle Ages in Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz

Secrets Of The Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View

Rosicrucianism (order of the Rosicrucians, Rosicrucians, "Order of the Rose and Cross") - theological and secret mystical society, presumably founded during the late Middle Ages in Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz

On The Contrary, Dissidents - Alternative View

On The Contrary, Dissidents - Alternative View

Many citizens of the USSR did not accept the debunking of the cult of Stalin, threatened with death Khrushchev and accused the CPSU of degeneration.It is believed that the personality cult of Joseph Stalin, who was born 140 years ago, was imposed from above and, after being exposed at the 20th Party Congress, came to naught

Did The Freemasons Care About Pushkin? - Alternative View

Did The Freemasons Care About Pushkin? - Alternative View

Yes, there was, and mainly because he was a Freemason

Scientists Have Found The Father Of Jesus Christ ?! - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found The Father Of Jesus Christ ?! - Alternative View

The canons are one thing, but the Apocrypha say that Jesus did not like carpentry, but always strove for the spiritual

Death Of A Living Stalin - Alternative View

Death Of A Living Stalin - Alternative View

On March 5, 1953, Comrade Stalin, "the greatest leader of all times and peoples," died. But it turns out that his "political death" occurred two days before that, on March 3

Roots Of Slavism - Alternative View

Roots Of Slavism - Alternative View

Once a sage was asked: "How can you recognize a good person?" And the sage replied: "This is not what he says, and not what he seems, but the atmosphere that is created in his presence. This is what is evidence

Why Andropov Got Rid Of Hitler's Remains - Alternative View

Why Andropov Got Rid Of Hitler's Remains - Alternative View

On March 13, 1970, Yuri Andropov sent a letter to Leonid Brezhnev, in which he proposed to destroy the remains of Hitler. Brezhnev approved the idea. So the covert operation Archive was launched. Why? It would seem, why seek and destroy the remains of Hitler

Japanese Army. Why Is Pearl Harbor A Disaster? - Alternative View

Japanese Army. Why Is Pearl Harbor A Disaster? - Alternative View

How the Japanese managed to defeat the American fleet and why the attack was not as successful as it could

What Does The "goat" Gesture Mean? - Alternative View

What Does The "goat" Gesture Mean? - Alternative View

Anyone who has ever been to a rock concert has seen dozens of hands in the hall raised in a gesture called a "goat"

Lefortovo Palace - Center Of Freemasonry In Russia - Alternative View

Lefortovo Palace - Center Of Freemasonry In Russia - Alternative View

The shadow of an old mansion, formerly a beautiful palace, hangs over the Yauza. More than 300 years ago it was called the Lefortovo Palace, although many know it under the name of the Menshikov Palace or the Chambers of Peter I

Secret Masters Of Europe - Alternative View

Secret Masters Of Europe - Alternative View

Of all the military-monastic orders of the Middle Ages, it is the Order of the Templars that is surrounded by the largest number of mysteries and legends. The most important questions are still not fully understood. How did the order achieve such power

Freemasons Are Free Masons - Alternative View

Freemasons Are Free Masons - Alternative View

The Masonic Brotherhood has been around for centuries

Transnational Corporation "Order Of The Knights Templar" - Alternative View

Transnational Corporation "Order Of The Knights Templar" - Alternative View

By the beginning of the XIV century, there were about fifteen spiritual orders of chivalry in Europe. The Order of the Templars (Knights of the Temple) was by no means the richest, the Hospitallers possessed much more significant land holdings