Secrets of history 2024, October

Ahnenerbe: The Most Secret Organization Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

Ahnenerbe: The Most Secret Organization Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

In popular culture, the image of Ahnenerbe is significantly distorted. It is believed that the main purpose of the organization was eugenic pseudoscientific experiments and the search for ancient, supposedly magical artifacts

At The Conference On The 60th Anniversary Of The Death Of Tourists Will Present A New Version Of The Causes Of The Tragedy - Alternative View

At The Conference On The 60th Anniversary Of The Death Of Tourists Will Present A New Version Of The Causes Of The Tragedy - Alternative View

On February 2, 2019, several commemorative events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the death of the Dyatlov group will take place in Yekaterinburg

The Innocent: The Story Of A Russian Village, Which People In The USSR Prefer Not To Remember - - Alternative View

The Innocent: The Story Of A Russian Village, Which People In The USSR Prefer Not To Remember - - Alternative View

Almost on the very border of Russia with Estonia there is a tiny Russian village Zasosye, which is really behind the pine trees

Where Is The Head Of Equal Of The Apostles Prince Vladimir? - Alternative View

Where Is The Head Of Equal Of The Apostles Prince Vladimir? - Alternative View

Equal to the Apostles (because he baptized Rus), Prince Vladimir "rested in Bose" on July 15 (O.S.) 1015. But his head, one of the main shrines of the Orthodox world, disappeared in the 1937-1939s

Petrovsky Dock - Alternative View

Petrovsky Dock - Alternative View

The Russian fleet was strengthened in the Northern War, more and more foreign ships began to arrive. Only on June 22, 1715, Peter I met 45 English and Dutch ships at the same time

Family Secrets Of Christ. The Savior's Descendants Became European Kings - Alternative View

Family Secrets Of Christ. The Savior's Descendants Became European Kings - Alternative View

The formation of Christianity took more than one century after the preaching of Christ of Nazareth and his martyrdom on the cross. At first, Christian communities were too busy surviving to think seriously about the nuances of their faith

The Death Of The Cathedral Of Christ The Savior - Alternative View

The Death Of The Cathedral Of Christ The Savior - Alternative View

The story of the death of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, blown up in 1931, began almost a decade and a half before its physical destruction with a fact not directly related to the demolition of the temple. In 1918, a monument to Emperor Alexander III was dismantled in the park near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Great Mystics: Meister Eckhart - Alternative View

Great Mystics: Meister Eckhart - Alternative View

Meister Eckhart is an ardent preacher, an excellent orator, the author of daring paradoxes and bold, unexpected formulations that did not leave indifferent the flock, but thrilled the authorities. He himself believed that his teaching was in accordance with the Christian, but now it becomes clear the similarity with Eastern teachings, for example, with Zen Buddhism

Star Fever Of The Secretary General - Alternative View

Star Fever Of The Secretary General - Alternative View

Leonid Brezhnev got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most awarded person in the world. In the 1991 edition, the list of his awards included 15 orders and 18 medals of the USSR, as well as 29 medals and 49 orders of foreign states

Russian Well - Alternative View

Russian Well - Alternative View

What role did the well play in the life of the Slavs? Why was it considered a connecting bridge with the ancestral world? Why was the "double" of the village well dug in the forest? And why was he often left with various offerings?

13 Unexplained Disappearances In History - Alternative View

13 Unexplained Disappearances In History - Alternative View

There are many mysteries, from the first colonists in North Carolina to former leader Jimmy Hoffa. Help us solve the most mysterious disappearances in history

"Egyptian" Legacy Of The Freemasons And Other Myths - Alternative View

"Egyptian" Legacy Of The Freemasons And Other Myths - Alternative View

All the information that mankind has today is obtained from the Freemasons themselves or drawn from the "artistic imagination" of writers: Dan Brown, Graham Hancock

The Gregorian Calendar Will Ruin The Planet! - Alternative View

The Gregorian Calendar Will Ruin The Planet! - Alternative View

This is a regular calendar that we use every day. And here is another, our ancestors lived on it

What If The USSR Was Headed Not By Stalin, But By Trotsky? - Alternative View

What If The USSR Was Headed Not By Stalin, But By Trotsky? - Alternative View

For some reason, liberal historians and other representatives of the domestic “democratic community” who adore talk about “tyranny”, “repressions” of Stalin and other mistakes allegedly committed by him during his leadership of our country

When The Freemasons Appeared - Alternative View

When The Freemasons Appeared - Alternative View

Some researchers attribute the emergence of Freemasonry to the time of the construction of the Jerusalem Temple under King Solomon

Freemasonry In Russia. From Peter The Great To The USSR - Alternative View

Freemasonry In Russia. From Peter The Great To The USSR - Alternative View

“First they will remove Stalin, then after him there will be rulers, one worse than the other. They will take away Russia troubles and strife will begin … But this will be for a short time "

7 Famous Russian Masons - Alternative View

7 Famous Russian Masons - Alternative View

On August 1, 1822, Alexander I signed the rescript "On the Prohibition of Secret Societies and Masonic Lodges". Rescript-rescript, but the Masonic lodges, showing an enviable vitality, are still in good health

Tsar Cannon: Who Did She Shoot At - Alternative View

Tsar Cannon: Who Did She Shoot At - Alternative View

Every resident of Russia during a tour of the Moscow Kremlin, of course, saw two unique historical artifacts - the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell. At the same time, the guide probably claimed that the bell never rang, and the gun did not fire

Who Paid The Debts For Pushkin - Alternative View

Who Paid The Debts For Pushkin - Alternative View

On February 10, 1837, 2 days after the unfortunate duel with Dantes, the poet Pushkin died, leaving the world a rich literary heritage, and his family huge debts and financial insolvency

“If You Shoot Into The Past With A Gun, The Future Will Shoot You With A Gun” - Alternative View

“If You Shoot Into The Past With A Gun, The Future Will Shoot You With A Gun” - Alternative View

You know, I am amazed by those who suggest deleting a page from our history. To admit that it is illegal and that we have nothing to do with it. Someone proposes to delete the Soviet Union, someone to forget the Russian Empire.How do these people imagine it?

Jacob Bruce And Other Scots Who Became Russians - Alternative View

Jacob Bruce And Other Scots Who Became Russians - Alternative View

The Scots in Russian history played key roles, served in the Russian army and reformed it. Beginning The history of Russian-Scottish relations is long, but at the same time, scientists still cannot reliably establish exactly when it began

"Mechanical Man" By Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

"Mechanical Man" By Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

For a long time, people were attracted by legends about artificial humanoid creatures. Let us recall at least the Czech legend about the clay giant Golem .. It is not surprising that the mechanics of antiquity were constantly trying to make dreams come true

Jacob Bruce - Russian Nostradamus - Alternative View

Jacob Bruce - Russian Nostradamus - Alternative View

He seemed to have lived two independent lives. One - as an associate of Peter the Great, a military commander and scientist. Another - as a warlock and a sorcerer, a mysterious figure and still little known

The Mystery Of The Bryusov Calendar And Its Author - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Bryusov Calendar And Its Author - Alternative View

The personality of Jacob Bruce, statesman and scientist, associate of Peter the Great and famous military leader, is shrouded in the secret of mysticism and occultism

The Genealogy Of The Bible - Alternative View

The Genealogy Of The Bible - Alternative View

There is hardly a book in the world that rivals the Bible in popularity. Tens of millions of copies in dozens of languages

Secrets Of Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

Secrets Of Jacob Bruce - Alternative View

The mention of Yakov Vilimovich Bruce still excites the minds of scientists, mystics and treasure hunters

Who Got The Property Of The Romanovs Abroad After The Revolution - Alternative View

Who Got The Property Of The Romanovs Abroad After The Revolution - Alternative View

According to various estimates, there are now about 500 tons of gold transported abroad since the days of tsarist Russia

Arzamas-16 And Other Most Secret Cities In The USSR - Alternative View

Arzamas-16 And Other Most Secret Cities In The USSR - Alternative View

These cities were not on the maps. Their residents gave nondisclosure subscriptions. Before you - the most secret cities of the USSR

Biography Of The Commander Alexander Suvorov - Alternative View

Biography Of The Commander Alexander Suvorov - Alternative View

Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov (born November 13 (24), 1730 - death on May 6 (18), 1800) - an outstanding commander who did not lose a single battle in his military career, Count of Rymnik (1789), Prince of Italy (1799

The Beginning Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

The Beginning Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

The Romanovs - old Russian noble family. The dynasty that ruled in Russia from 1613 to the 1917 revolution. 1613 - the most representative and largest of all that were convened in the XVI-XVII centuries, the Zemsky Sobor

The Romanov Dynasty. The Whole History Of The Board - Alternative View

The Romanov Dynasty. The Whole History Of The Board - Alternative View

The reign of the Romanov dynasty (1613-1917) For 10 centuries, the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian state was determined by representatives of the ruling dynasties

Scientists For The First Time Fully "read" The DNA Of Ancient Egyptian Mummies - Alternative View

Scientists For The First Time Fully "read" The DNA Of Ancient Egyptian Mummies - Alternative View

Paleogeneticists have completely recovered and deciphered the DNA of almost one hundred ancient Egyptian mummies of people who lived in different historical eras, from the Middle Kingdom to the times of the rule of Rome, according to an article published in the journal Natu

From A Soviet Prison To Hell. How Terrorist Prisoners Punished Themselves - Alternative View

From A Soviet Prison To Hell. How Terrorist Prisoners Punished Themselves - Alternative View

On August 19, 1990, a group of Soviet prisoners, who were transported by plane, disarmed the guards with the help of weapons brought aboard in advance and seized the liner. In the hands of the air pirates were more than 40 passengers and crew members

What Does A Russian Need To Know About Ivan IV The Terrible? Very Briefly - Alternative View

What Does A Russian Need To Know About Ivan IV The Terrible? Very Briefly - Alternative View

Very briefly (the minimum that every person should know about Ivan IV the Terrible

What Does A Russian Need To Know About Ivan IV The Terrible? - Alternative View

What Does A Russian Need To Know About Ivan IV The Terrible? - Alternative View

1) On the paternal side, the family of the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible goes back to the participant of the Kulikovo battle, Grand Duke Dimitri of the Donskoy, and on the maternal side, he directly goes back to another participant in the battle, Tsar Mamai

The Most Hated People - Alternative View

The Most Hated People - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages in France and Spain, these people were treated much worse than Jews and Gypsies

How Much Did The Russian Tsars Earn - Alternative View

How Much Did The Russian Tsars Earn - Alternative View

Most people in the world love money. In particular, many are very curious about how much the neighbors get, and the question of income of those in power is breaking all popularity records

Why Did The Russian Tsars And Princes Take Monastic Vows Before Their Deaths - Alternative View

Why Did The Russian Tsars And Princes Take Monastic Vows Before Their Deaths - Alternative View

When a warrior, peasant, monk or artisan died in Russia - in other words, an ordinary resident, according to the Orthodox funeral rite, he was buried in order to help his soul answer in another world for the sins he had committed during his life

Assassination Attempt On Stalin: Weapons - Mystical Power - Alternative View

Assassination Attempt On Stalin: Weapons - Mystical Power - Alternative View

You shouldn't think that in Russia they only used to "bast soup". There were also amazing people here who mastered the extraordinary secrets of the East, which the common people revered as real witchcraft

Russian Tsars Whom You Knew Almost Nothing - Alternative View

Russian Tsars Whom You Knew Almost Nothing - Alternative View

Not all rulers manage to take a place in history. Will descendants remember the sovereigns of our time or will they forget how we forgot about these seven Russian tsars?