Secrets of history 2024, October

Where Did The Russians Come From? - Alternative View

Where Did The Russians Come From? - Alternative View

Russians - the largest people in Europe and the most numerous Slavic ethnic group. However, scientists still cannot come to a consensus: how did they appear and where is their homeland?

Why Did Ivan III Want To Conclude An Alliance With The Pope - Alternative View

Why Did Ivan III Want To Conclude An Alliance With The Pope - Alternative View

Relations between the Orthodox rulers of Russia and the throne of St. Peter were not always hostile

Finno-Ugrians In Northern Europe Are Not An Autochthonous Population - Alternative View

Finno-Ugrians In Northern Europe Are Not An Autochthonous Population - Alternative View

We continue the story about the speech in Soviet times by the now deceased Russian ethnologist and art critic S. Zharnikova at a conference dedicated to Hyperborea, during which she was able to prove that people of the white race lived for many millennia in Eastern Europe, while in Western Europe there are climatic conditions for people living due to glaciation were much less favorable

How The Bloodiest Russian Tsar Was Having Fun - Alternative View

How The Bloodiest Russian Tsar Was Having Fun - Alternative View

Legends were made about the feasts of those times. There were rumors that sometimes they lasted up to ten hours, the stewards brought up to 200 different dishes to the royal chambers. As a result, boyars and overseas guests overeat to such an extent that they could hardly get up from the table

Who Was Ivan The Fool Really - Alternative View

Who Was Ivan The Fool Really - Alternative View

God loves fools for a reason. And fools are not just lucky. Oh, this Ivan: fool, lazy, dirty. And why only this impractical, superfluous person becomes the main fabulous lucky man? Why is everyone helping him?

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Part 2 - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. Part 2 - Alternative View

All materials in the article are taken from here.I express my deep gratitude to "Citizen" Anton Sizykh for his help in preparing the article.- Salik.bizThe first part of the article is here.The case on the death of UPI students was initiated on February 26, 1959, when the first bodies were found, but the date 6

The Most Mysterious Deaths Of Russian Monarchs - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Deaths Of Russian Monarchs - Alternative View

The Russian people have always grieved at the death of the monarch and expected the end of the world after the “tsarist” end

Vyatichi: In Whom Did The First Muscovites Believe - Alternative View

Vyatichi: In Whom Did The First Muscovites Believe - Alternative View

To understand what the native Muscovites were like, you need to imagine Vyatichi. This tribe became the basis of the Moscow population of the "first wave". With the Vyatichi, not everything is so simple. It's not even clear who they were: pagans or Jews

7 Outstanding Women Of Pre-Petrine Rus - Alternative View

7 Outstanding Women Of Pre-Petrine Rus - Alternative View

In pre-Petrine Russia there were many outstanding women - and rulers, and educators, and saints, and beautiful and faithful wives. We will tell about seven of them. Princess Olga Olga, baptized Elena, according to legend, came from Pskov

Battle Of Sinop 1853 - Alternative View

Battle Of Sinop 1853 - Alternative View

"Everyone's life belongs to the Fatherland, and not daring, but only true courage brings him benefit." - Admiral P. Nakhimov The Sinop naval battle took place on November 18 (30), 1853 between the Russian squadron under the command of Admiral P.S

Everyone Should Read - Alternative View

Everyone Should Read - Alternative View

Once, thirty-five years ago, a Soviet athlete gave up sports forever. It would seem that it is an unremarkable story, there are thousands of them in the sports world. But this is only at first glance. Because we are talking (get ready to count

Twenty-two Against One. How Tanker Kolobanov Humiliated The Third Reich - Alternative View

Twenty-two Against One. How Tanker Kolobanov Humiliated The Third Reich - Alternative View

A strange incident occurred with the main feat of the Soviet tanker Zinovy Kolobanov - they simply refused to believe in him.-"Fight to the death!"In the early 1990s, a huge amount of literature appeared in Russia, glorifying the exploits of German pilots, tankers, and sailors. The

Stanislav Vaupshasov - Super-saboteur Of The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

Stanislav Vaupshasov - Super-saboteur Of The Twentieth Century - Alternative View

Changing surnames, he fought almost without interruption for twenty years - from Spain to Manchuria, from Finland to Belarus. He not only performed the most daring operations, but also trained others. Even his enemies respected him. Who was Stanislav Vaupshasov - in our article

The Battle At The 12th Border Outpost On July 13, 1993 - Alternative View

The Battle At The 12th Border Outpost On July 13, 1993 - Alternative View

In fact, each of these guys should be told separately, it would be right. There were fates, plans, problems … everything ended in an instant. And at the moment when there was no longer the country to which they swore allegiance and not one of them, the mother did not live on the land that they defended as their own.P

Duplessis Orphans (Impressive Not To Read 18+) - Alternative View

Duplessis Orphans (Impressive Not To Read 18+) - Alternative View

We already had a topic about Prohibited experiments on people in the USA, but I came across some more new information for me

Descendants Of The Ancient Russians Live In The Pamir Mountains - Alternative View

Descendants Of The Ancient Russians Live In The Pamir Mountains - Alternative View

In the photo: A girl from the Kalash tribe (Pakistan) in a national costume. Just an amazing similarity of cultures. Further more photos

How They Fought Against Illiteracy In Russia - Alternative View

How They Fought Against Illiteracy In Russia - Alternative View

On July 19, 1920, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy was established. The population of Soviet Russia between the ages of 8 and 50 was obliged to learn how to write and read. Large-scale program was successfully carried out

Adam Worth Is The Prototype Of Professor Moriarty - Alternative View

Adam Worth Is The Prototype Of Professor Moriarty - Alternative View

In 1891, Conan Doyle decided to "kill" Sherlock Holmes. Of course, the famous detective could not die at the hands of an ordinary criminal, a great criminal was required, a villain, whose personality scale was not inferior to Holmes

Is There A "Jewish Question"? - Alternative View

Is There A "Jewish Question"? - Alternative View

Jews have played a crucial role in the history of our country more than once: in the revolutionary movement, economy and press before the 1917 revolution; in the power apparatus after the revolution (in the party, the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD, the leadership of the main people's commissariats)

People Who Died On The Titanic, But Could Change The World - Alternative View

People Who Died On The Titanic, But Could Change The World - Alternative View

Nothing in this life lasts forever. Happy people are confident that it will always be this way. But they cannot know what awaits them tomorrow. Who knows, maybe sweet ignorance is much better than bitter truth

How Did The Jews End Up In Russia - Alternative View

How Did The Jews End Up In Russia - Alternative View

The first surviving authentic document of Kievan Rus was a letter written in Hebrew. By the end of the 19th century, there were already five and a half million Jews living in Russia, which accounted for 80 percent of the total number in the world

Biography Of Denis Davydov - Alternative View

Biography Of Denis Davydov - Alternative View

Davydov, Denis Vasilievich (born July 16 (27), 1784 - death April 22 (May 4) 1839) - - partisan, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, lieutenant general (1831), poet, military historian and theorist

"Scorched Earth". How Hitler Imagined Himself To Be Nero - Alternative View

"Scorched Earth". How Hitler Imagined Himself To Be Nero - Alternative View

"Scorched Earth" This terrible phrase is often remembered when they talk about the bloody wars of the past and the present

Tesla And Marconi: The Secrets Of Friendship And The Hidden City - Alternative View

Tesla And Marconi: The Secrets Of Friendship And The Hidden City - Alternative View

Tesla and Marconi's friendship was exciting! While Tesla has become a popular figure for revisionist scholars over the past ten years, Marconi remains unknown and is regarded as the usurper of Tesla's inventions

Interesting Facts About Surnames - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About Surnames - Alternative View

For centuries in Russia surnames were more than surnames

Last Name History - Alternative View

Last Name History - Alternative View

The origin of the surname Be proud of your mind from a young age, and the surname - Surely, there will not be a single person on Earth who is not interested in the history of his kind, his family

Biography Of Prince Eugene Of Savoy - Alternative View

Biography Of Prince Eugene Of Savoy - Alternative View

Prince Eugene of Savoy (born October 18, 1663 - death April 21, 1736) - an outstanding commander of the Holy Roman Empire, generalissimo. Evgeny Savoisky was born in Paris

Sensational Find Near Irkutsk: Scientists Have Discovered Human Bones That Are 50 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Sensational Find Near Irkutsk: Scientists Have Discovered Human Bones That Are 50 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Now they are being investigated by anthropologists in Germany, and if it is confirmed that they belong to Homo sapiens, then the find will become the oldest

Archaeologists Have Discovered Zhdun Of The 17th Century - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered Zhdun Of The 17th Century - Alternative View

Excavations near Staraya Russa turned into a sensation An unknown animal, the sight of which excited the Internet, was discovered by the Old Russian archaeological expedition

10 Little-known Facts About Witches - Alternative View

10 Little-known Facts About Witches - Alternative View

Witches have always been part of our cultural heritage. However, today we mostly think of them as cartoonish antagonists with green skin, pointy hats and sinister laughter

God Of The Wind, Politics And Jade: Amulet Of The Mayan Leader Revealed Secrets - Alternative View

God Of The Wind, Politics And Jade: Amulet Of The Mayan Leader Revealed Secrets - Alternative View

It would be an understatement to say that archaeologist Geoffrey Braswell of the University of California, San Diego was surprised to find a huge jade amulet of a Mayan chieftain at the site of the Nim-Lee-Punit historic site

What Happened To The Son Of Ivan The Terrible Actually - Alternative View

What Happened To The Son Of Ivan The Terrible Actually - Alternative View

On November 19, 1582, the son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich, died. This event became fatal for Russian history. And one of the most confusing

Transmission Of Thoughts At A Distance: Experiments That Have Confirmed Telepathy - Alternative View

Transmission Of Thoughts At A Distance: Experiments That Have Confirmed Telepathy - Alternative View

It is believed that transmitting or "reading" thoughts at a distance is a unique ability that only a few have

Siberian Khanate. A Dark Story - Alternative View

Siberian Khanate. A Dark Story - Alternative View

Sources The Siberian Khanate was unlucky in the historical arena during its lifetime, it is unlucky even after its death - in the field of historiography. Literature about the Khanate - times, and missed

Fool's Gold And Revolution For The Dull-witted - Alternative View

Fool's Gold And Revolution For The Dull-witted - Alternative View

During the gold rush that Jack London and Louis Lamour described so vividly, early prospectors were often fooled by a mineral such as pyrite, which was confused with native gold. It was also called "the gold of fools". The euphoria of such a prospector who has filled his traveling bags with pyrite is very reminiscent of the revolutionary excitement of recent months

The Great Wall Of Russia - Alternative View

The Great Wall Of Russia - Alternative View

In 2004, on an old earthen rampart in the area of the Mullovka settlement of the Melekessky district of the Ulyanovsk region, a post was installed with the inscription "The border of Russia passed here from 1656 to 1736". Speech - about the big bar

Crazy Or Saints? The Secret Of Russian Foolishness - Alternative View

Crazy Or Saints? The Secret Of Russian Foolishness - Alternative View

Holy fools - who are they: the mentally ill, simply eccentric or saints? There is no definite answer to this question. However, foolishness is voluntary, but it is natural. Most holy fools are quite reasonable people, since foolishness is a deliberate departure from an ordinary "normal" life into a martyr's

Did Christ Really Rise From The Dead? - Alternative View

Did Christ Really Rise From The Dead? - Alternative View

We all think about what will happen after death. When a loved one dies, we yearn for him and hope to meet when our turn comes. Will there be a glorious reunion with those we love, or will death end our identity?

10 Worst Human Experiments In History - Alternative View

10 Worst Human Experiments In History - Alternative View

Research ethics have been updated since the end of World War II. In 1947, the Code of Nuremberg was developed and adopted, which protects the well-being of research participants today