Secrets of history 2024, October

Sinful Matilda. How The Ballerina Kshesinskaya Drove The Men Of The House Of The Romanovs Crazy - Alternative View

Sinful Matilda. How The Ballerina Kshesinskaya Drove The Men Of The House Of The Romanovs Crazy - Alternative View

A love story that descendants are trying to rewrite. People who lived in Russia at the end of the XIX - at the beginning of the 20th century, little thought about what their image would be in the eyes of distant descendants

There Is A New Theory About The Personality Of Jack The Ripper - Alternative View

There Is A New Theory About The Personality Of Jack The Ripper - Alternative View

Jack the Ripper - is the notorious serial killer who stalked and killed women on the streets of London during the Victorian era

Historical Inconsistencies And Falsifications. Where Is The Truth? - Alternative View

Historical Inconsistencies And Falsifications. Where Is The Truth? - Alternative View

Historical inconsistencies are not immediately evident, but if you start to think about it, then … Any student of the metallurgical course knows that first people learned to extract high-carbon metal from bog ore, then low-carbon one, and only then by analogy with non-ferrous metal ore. O

The Secret Life Of Harems. The Historical Truth About "groupensex" And Eunuch-like Homosexuals - Alternative View

The Secret Life Of Harems. The Historical Truth About "groupensex" And Eunuch-like Homosexuals - Alternative View

Eunuchs were ideal servants of the harem, used out of a simple precaution: so that the concubines lived in safety and pleased only their master. But there was one more reason

Who Decided That The Romanovs Would Occupy The Russian Throne? - Alternative View

Who Decided That The Romanovs Would Occupy The Russian Throne? - Alternative View

On March 3, 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom. How was the first tsar from the Romanov family elected, who was behind this, and could a different decision be made? Candidates There were many contenders for the Russian throne

Matilda Pompadour - Alternative View

Matilda Pompadour - Alternative View

After the 1917 revolution, hundreds of thousands of people fled from Soviet Russia. For many who constituted the glory and pride of the country, the last refuge was the Russian cemetery in the Paris suburb of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois

Mikhail Romanov's Golden Ladle - Alternative View

Mikhail Romanov's Golden Ladle - Alternative View

The Great Troubles in Russia ended in 1613 with the election of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov by the Zemsky Sobor. The country was terribly devastated by crop failures and enemy invasion

The Tsar's Family: Real Life After The Alleged Execution - Alternative View

The Tsar's Family: Real Life After The Alleged Execution - Alternative View

History, as a corrupt girl, - falls under any new "king". So, the modern history of our country has been rewritten many times

The Results Of A Comprehensive Examination Of The "Yekaterinburg Remains" Proved - They Are Not Tsarist - Alternative View

The Results Of A Comprehensive Examination Of The "Yekaterinburg Remains" Proved - They Are Not Tsarist - Alternative View

July 17 will mark one hundred years since the murder of the Royal family - Nicholas II, his wife and children. After the collapse of the USSR, the circumstances of the death of monarchs became one of the most discussed topics

Who Needs The Death Of The Royal Family? - Alternative View

Who Needs The Death Of The Royal Family? - Alternative View

Who and why needed to shoot the king who had renounced power and his relatives with his servants? (Versions) The first version (New war) A number of historians say that neither Lenin nor Sverdlov are responsible for the murder of the Romanovs

Why Did The Romanovs Begin To Rewrite The History Of Russia - Alternative View

Why Did The Romanovs Begin To Rewrite The History Of Russia - Alternative View

But few know that it was with the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty, who are not without reason considered henchmen of the West, that they began to rewrite Russian history in Russia. Paradoxically, but true: this process continues to this day

Winter Holidays In The House Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

Winter Holidays In The House Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

Varvara Ponomareva - historian, specialist in the history of Russian culture XVIII - early XX century. Member of the Faculty of History, Moscow State University. Why should we be grateful to the royal family for the Christmas tree?

Was The Royal Family Shot? - Alternative View

Was The Royal Family Shot? - Alternative View

Sometimes one can hear a very bitter phrase from historians that history is like a corrupt girl - obeys any next "king". Regretfully, we must admit - Russian history has been rewritten many times

The Beginning Of The Reign Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

The Beginning Of The Reign Of The Romanov Dynasty - Alternative View

The Romanov dynasty - Russian boyar family, which bore the surname Romanovs from the end of the 16th century. 1613 - a dynasty of Russian tsars that ruled for more than three hundred years. 1917, March - abdicated

Biography Of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov - Alternative View

Biography Of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov - Alternative View

Fedor III Alekseevich Romanov (born May 30 (June 9) 1661 - death April 27 (May 7) 1682) - - Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia, from the Romanov family. The years of government 1676 - 1682. Father - Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov

Princess Sophia Alekseevna Romanova - Alternative View

Princess Sophia Alekseevna Romanova - Alternative View

Sofya Alekseevna Romanova (born on September 17 (27), 1657 - death on July 3 (14), 1704) - princess, ruler-regent of the Russian kingdom. Daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his first wife - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya

Who Really Were The False Romanovs, Who Claimed To Have Escaped From The Shooting - Alternative View

Who Really Were The False Romanovs, Who Claimed To Have Escaped From The Shooting - Alternative View

In 1918, the Bolsheviks passed judgment on the royal family without trial or investigation. The Romanovs were shot at dawn on July 17, finished off with bayonets, the remains were doused with sulfuric acid and buried

The Japanese Have Proved: The Yekaterinburg "royal" Remains Are Fake - Alternative View

The Japanese Have Proved: The Yekaterinburg "royal" Remains Are Fake - Alternative View

The publication by Japanese geneticists of the results of a study of human remains, which the official Russian authorities recognized as the remains of Nikolai Romanov's family, made a lot of noise

Why Did The Romanovs Distort The History Of Russia? - Alternative View

Why Did The Romanovs Distort The History Of Russia? - Alternative View

Today it is customary to deify family members of the last Romanov dynasty, who ruled Russia for more than three centuries in total

Biography Of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - Alternative View

Biography Of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov - Alternative View

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (born 12 (22) July 1596 - death 13 (23) July 1645) - Sovereign, Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia. Board from February 21 (March 3) 1613 - to 13 (23) July 1645

The Tragic Fate Of Princess Anastasia Romanova - Alternative View

The Tragic Fate Of Princess Anastasia Romanova - Alternative View

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova; (born 5 (18) June 1901 - death 17 July 1918) - Grand Duchess, fourth daughter (three more daughters - Olga, Tatiana and Maria) of Emperor Nicholas 2 and Alexandra Feodorovna

Reasoning About Pushkin - Alternative View

Reasoning About Pushkin - Alternative View

The proof of the poet's immortality is interest in his descendants. Scientists have counted 58 branches in Pushkin's family tree. It is clear that there is no possibility and sense to list all the names. It would make a volume the size of a phone book

Who And How Sold Alaska - Alternative View

Who And How Sold Alaska - Alternative View

On March 30, 1867, an agreement was signed in Washington on the sale by Russia of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the United States of America. There are thousands of myths about the sale of Alaska

The Beginning Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

The Beginning Of The Slavic Tribes - Alternative View

According to The Tale of Bygone Years, the Slavs left Central Europe, from the banks of the Danube, and the history of Russia began in 853, when Russia was first remembered. However, this is a rather late date for comparison with Rome, for example

How The Russian Empire Sold Alaska 150 Years Ago - Alternative View

How The Russian Empire Sold Alaska 150 Years Ago - Alternative View

Why Alexander II ceded "Russian America" and what this deal gave our country 150 years ago an agreement was signed in Washington on the sale of Russian Alaska to the United States of America

Russian Jews Holstein-Gottorp, Glucksburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, The Power Of The People - Alternative View

Russian Jews Holstein-Gottorp, Glucksburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, The Power Of The People - Alternative View

Alice of Hesse (Holstein-Gottorp), Grand Duke Ernst-Ludwig of Hesse, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Hesse, Victoria of Hesse, Irena of Hesse, Eleonora of Hesse

An Alternate History Of The Civil War - Alternative View

An Alternate History Of The Civil War - Alternative View

In 1917, our state was shaken by two revolutions, followed by a bloody civil conflict. The result of the four-year war was the victory of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, the defeat of the military formations of the White movement and the establishment of socialism in the country

CIA Against Fidel Castro - Alternative View

CIA Against Fidel Castro - Alternative View

If Fidel Castro were the leader of any country other than Cuba, he would look like the most paranoid head of state: Fidel was convinced that the US government and its CIA were determined to destroy both himself and his regime

The Hapless Defector - Alternative View

The Hapless Defector - Alternative View

His father, Nosenko Ivan Isidorovich, Stalin's favorite, selflessly devoted to the leader, the minister of shipbuilding, died of a heart attack in 1954, when he learned about Khrushchev's decision to reduce appropriations for the country's Navy, in particular, the refusal

CIA Secrets: Murderous Experiments - Alternative View

CIA Secrets: Murderous Experiments - Alternative View

The MK Ultra project remains one of the most inhuman and outrageous designs in human history and one of the fewest CIA secrets ever uncovered. It combines a series of experiments carried out in 1950-1970

The Most Famous Failures Of The CIA In The USSR - Alternative View

The Most Famous Failures Of The CIA In The USSR - Alternative View

American intelligence has long claimed to be the best in the world. However, this very "best intelligence" did not really succeed in operations against the Soviet Union: the main failures of the CIA happened here

The Great African War. For Which Five Million People Died - Alternative View

The Great African War. For Which Five Million People Died - Alternative View

Twenty years ago, in August 1998, one of the bloodiest wars in modern history began

War Of Spanish Succession: World War I Of The 18th Century - Alternative View

War Of Spanish Succession: World War I Of The 18th Century - Alternative View

The Great European War of 1701-1714, nicknamed the War of the Spanish Succession, can rightfully be considered one of the world wars. Almost all major states of Western, Central and Southern Europe took part in it

The Mystery Of The Celtic Forest: Where Did The Soldiers Of The "Terrible" Battalion Disappeared? Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Celtic Forest: Where Did The Soldiers Of The "Terrible" Battalion Disappeared? Alternative View

In 1917, during the First World War, a mysterious incident occurred on the territory of Belgium. In preparation for the Battle of Paschendale - the biggest battle of the war - there were many distractions

The First World War Happened Back In The Bronze Age - Alternative View

The First World War Happened Back In The Bronze Age - Alternative View

Not far from the Baltic Sea, traces of a massive battle have been discovered that took place on the bridge over the Tollense River about 3200 years ago and in which several thousand soldiers from two ancient Germanic tribes warring among themselves participated

When Was The First War Of Russia - Alternative View

When Was The First War Of Russia - Alternative View

At the end of the 15th century, a single Russian state was formed with its capital in Moscow. In 1478, the Moscow Grand Duke Ivan III annexed the vast Novgorod state to his possessions, in 1485 - Tver Grand Duchy, in 1489 - Vyatka

General Kaledin, Alexey Maksimovich - Alternative View

General Kaledin, Alexey Maksimovich - Alternative View

Alexey Maksimovich Kaledin (born 12 (24) October 1861 - death 29 January (11 February) 1918) - general from the cavalry. The military chieftain of the Don Cossack army. One of the main leaders of the White Cossack movement

100 Years Of Russian Glory. The Russian Imperial Army On The Eve Of The First World War - Alternative View

100 Years Of Russian Glory. The Russian Imperial Army On The Eve Of The First World War - Alternative View

Before proceeding to consider the hostilities on the Eastern Front during the First World War, it is necessary to remember / find out / explain / tell (underline as necessary) what the Russian Imperial Army represented during this period

History Of The Jutland Naval Battle (1916) - Alternative View

History Of The Jutland Naval Battle (1916) - Alternative View

Battle of Jutland (May 31 - June 1, 1916) - the largest naval battle in the North Sea during World War I, where the British and German fleets met in a general engagement

Battle Of The Somme. The Course Of The Battle. Bottom Line - Alternative View

Battle Of The Somme. The Course Of The Battle. Bottom Line - Alternative View

Operation on the Somme River Battle of the Somme - battle in the French theater of the First World War, the British and French armies against Germany. Held from 1 July to 18 November 1916 on both banks of the Somme