Secrets of history 2024, October

The Most Mysterious Disappearances In The History Of - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Disappearances In The History Of - Alternative View

The Bermuda Triangle has long been known as the site of some very strange disappearances. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappears in March 2014

The Dark Secrets Of Eugenics - Alternative View

The Dark Secrets Of Eugenics - Alternative View

It is believed that for the first time eugenics began to be widely practiced by the German fascists, sterilizing and killing representatives of the "lower races", as well as crazy and homosexuals - in a word, to everyone who could spoil the gene pool of the Aryans

Sadist Nobles: The Realities Of Serfdom - Alternative View

Sadist Nobles: The Realities Of Serfdom - Alternative View

The lady from "Mumu" - collective image of the era. And who were they - real cruel landowners? Serfdom existed in Russia de facto since the 11th century, but officially confirmed by the Cathedral Code of 1649 and canceled only in 1861

Aryan Traditions Of The Cossacks - Alternative View

Aryan Traditions Of The Cossacks - Alternative View

The problem of Aryan traditions in the culture of the Cossacks-Zaporozhians requires studying: 1) folklore, 2) terminology, 3) anthropology, etc. The traditions of the Aryans in the culture of the Cossacks have an obvious expression, while the Aryan roots can also be traced

What Are The Rules In Cossack Families - Alternative View

What Are The Rules In Cossack Families - Alternative View

It is impossible to understand the Cossacks without recognizing its basic value - families. Cossacks treated other people's children as their own, even if they were born of a non-Christian. Cossacks considered it a shame to have illiterate sons, and dreamed that their daughters were happy

The Most Mysterious Books In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Books In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

In 1557 Konrad Lykosfenes published an illustrated book presenting an illustrated history of medieval life from the point of view of a Renaissance man

The Hacked Battalion, Or Attack At Chulchice - Alternative View

The Hacked Battalion, Or Attack At Chulchice - Alternative View

Could 200 Russian Cossacks stop the victorious advancing German infantry - and, attacking in a mounted formation, destroy a large infantry unit? About such a landmark episode - this article. It was July 1915

How The Cossacks Defended The Capital - Alternative View

How The Cossacks Defended The Capital - Alternative View

In our country, in places consecrated by the shed blood of defenders, pictures of the past seem to rise in consciousness. One of these places is - 95th kilometer of Novorizhskoe highway, Fedyukovo village near Moscow

Cossacks Against Russians. How General Denikin Ruined The "white Cause" - Alternative View

Cossacks Against Russians. How General Denikin Ruined The "white Cause" - Alternative View

As soon as the Bolsheviks came to power in Petrograd and Moscow, a mass of “dissenters” poured into the Don. It has become a "coast of hope" for thousands of people: from landowners and bourgeoisie to the Socialist-Revolutionaries

The Main Falsifications In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

The Main Falsifications In The History Of Russia - Alternative View

There are many blank spots in the history of our country. The lack of a sufficient number of reliable sources gives rise not only to speculation, but also outright falsifications. Some of them turned out to be very tenacious

Who Stole 5508 Years From The Slavs? Slavic Chronology - Alternative View

Who Stole 5508 Years From The Slavs? Slavic Chronology - Alternative View

What year is it really? We need to remember our history and go our own way. Currently we use the dating of the years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar

Ivan The Terrible Bastard? - Alternative View

Ivan The Terrible Bastard? - Alternative View

The first "Miss Russia" In 1505, the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Ioannovich, having decided to marry, organized the first All-Russian beauty contest. Throughout the country, the princely people performed bridegings of the most beautiful girls, despite the nobility of the family

Saltychikha: Diagnosis - Alternative View

Saltychikha: Diagnosis - Alternative View

History knows many examples of sophisticated sadism. The deeds of serial killers are freezing. And when a woman acts as a murderer, it's doubly scary

Historians Have Agreed Not To Falsify Russian History - Alternative View

Historians Have Agreed Not To Falsify Russian History - Alternative View

The international historical community decided not to succumb to provocationsOn the first meeting of the International Commission on the development of objective approaches to the assessment of historical facts on June 3, the scientific director of the Institute of General History told reporters

Why Did The Bolsheviks Not Shoot The Royal Family - Alternative View

Why Did The Bolsheviks Not Shoot The Royal Family - Alternative View

New data indicate that no one shot the last Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family. These people lived for many more years, and Tsarevich Alexei even became one of the leaders of the USSR

The Magic Of The Old Belt - Alternative View

The Magic Of The Old Belt - Alternative View

For many years, the belt has been a significant piece of clothing. For centuries, its embroidered canvas wrapped around the expensive outfits of the nobility and hid under the coarse cloaks of smerds, and even the all-powerful whims of fashion could not send this accessory to the dustbin of history

Who Was Tsarevich Dmitry? - Alternative View

Who Was Tsarevich Dmitry? - Alternative View

One of the most mysterious episodes of Russian history is associated with the name of Tsarevich Dmitry

Whom Do Historians Consider The Ancestors Of Russians - Alternative View

Whom Do Historians Consider The Ancestors Of Russians - Alternative View

Russians - one of the most numerous peoples of the Earth, however, scientists are still arguing about which people can be considered its progenitor. One thing is clear: Russian roots are older than official history suggested

Occult Knowledge And Experiments Of Joseph Stalin - Alternative View

Occult Knowledge And Experiments Of Joseph Stalin - Alternative View

The occult background of the Soviet regime was discussed no less actively than the occult background of the Third Reich. What role did Joseph Stalin play in it, who ruled the country of "victorious socialism" for almost 30 years

Teleportation To The USA And The USSR - Alternative View

Teleportation To The USA And The USSR - Alternative View

For centuries, people have dreamed of finding their perfection. One of the most priority areas of improvement has long been nothing more than movement in space. The invention of the wheel forever changed the way people move around the world

How The Polovtsy Conquered Rus - Alternative View

How The Polovtsy Conquered Rus - Alternative View

On the territory of ancient Russia lived peoples, which are known only from chronicles and numerous legends

Stalin And His Doubles - Alternative View

Stalin And His Doubles - Alternative View

On the last day of October 1961, in the middle of the night, through the back entrance of the Mausoleum, they carried out the coffin with the body of Generalissimo Stalin. This was done by order of Nikita Khrushchev, who was then the General Secretary of the USSR

Russian Eaglets - Alternative View

Russian Eaglets - Alternative View

The Russian imperial army was created by Peter I. First, the army was formed by a set of recruits, including the compulsory service of nobles, and then, from 1874, universal conscription was introduced

How Beria Fought For The Independence Of Georgia - Alternative View

How Beria Fought For The Independence Of Georgia - Alternative View

According to official data, in December 1953, Lavrenty Beria, the closest associate of the "leader of all peoples" - was executed - - Stalin. It was believed that the truth triumphed - the criminal and the villain are finally punished and justice is done

Love And Russian Monarchs - Alternative View

Love And Russian Monarchs - Alternative View

Anna Ioannovna - the daughter of Tsar Ivan V (co-ruler of the first Russian emperor Peter I) did not even dream of becoming a Russian empress someday

Cossacks: In The Service Of Russia - Alternative View

Cossacks: In The Service Of Russia - Alternative View

A brief overview of the thirteen Cossack troops, which by the beginning of the 20th century formed the Cossack shell of Russia. The history of the founding of each, the structure of government, land ownership, as well as the vicissitudes of fate in the tragic years of the civil war. 1

Fierce Highlanders. The Indigenous Inhabitants Of Crimea Lived By Robbery And War! - Alternative View

Fierce Highlanders. The Indigenous Inhabitants Of Crimea Lived By Robbery And War! - Alternative View

This people entered the history of Crimea under the name "Tavry". It comes from the ancient Greek word tauros, which translates as "bulls"

Worker In The Russian Empire: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

Worker In The Russian Empire: Truth And Fiction - Alternative View

The entire Marxist historiography tirelessly reiterated the plight of the Russian proletariat. Recently, people began to remember very often how the worker lived in the Russian Empire until October 1917

What Napoleon Wanted To Do In Russia - Alternative View

What Napoleon Wanted To Do In Russia - Alternative View

Napoleon's invasion of Russia was the beginning of the collapse of his ambitions. Here his "great army" suffered a fiasco. But the Corsican all his life seemed drawn to Russia. He wanted to serve in the Russian army and planned to intermarry with the Russian emperor

The Mystery Of The Abdication Of Alexander I - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Abdication Of Alexander I - Alternative View

How many more secrets does Russian history keep? "Things of bygone days …" - how difficult it is today to reveal the secrets of events about which there are almost no documents left. The death of the Russian Emperor Alexander I will remain such a historical secret

The Mystery Of Anastasia And The Death Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Anastasia And The Death Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

Grand Duchess Anastasia was killed along with her family in the Russian revolution. For almost 100 years, there have been new rumors about her death. Many fraudsters claimed that they are heirs to the Russian throne

In The Tomb Of The Ruler Of The Celestial Empire, The Lost Sayings Of Confucius Were Found - Alternative View

In The Tomb Of The Ruler Of The Celestial Empire, The Lost Sayings Of Confucius Were Found - Alternative View

Chinese archeology is less than a hundred years old. Perhaps this explains the incredible number of archaeological sensations from the Middle Kingdom: not everything has been excavated there yet

10 Of The Most Bizarre Tombs, The Discovery Of Which Became A Real Sensation - Alternative View

10 Of The Most Bizarre Tombs, The Discovery Of Which Became A Real Sensation - Alternative View

Many of the greatest archaeological discoveries have been made in ancient burial grounds, but sometimes the tombs themselves are the most interesting part of the excavation

Tutankhamun's Tomb - Traditional Version Of - Alternative View

Tutankhamun's Tomb - Traditional Version Of - Alternative View

We have already read with you conspiracy and mysterious version of the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun, and now let's get acquainted with the traditional one. Lord Carnarvon, a typical English aristocrat, was a man

Runes, Codes, Pictograms: The Most Mysterious Ciphers In History - Alternative View

Runes, Codes, Pictograms: The Most Mysterious Ciphers In History - Alternative View

A few days ago, a Norwegian rune specialist deciphered ancient scripts and discovered a medieval analogue of flirty sms. The code "jotunvillur", dating from the XII-XIII centuries, is known only from nine surviving inscriptions

Russian Devils - Alternative View

Russian Devils - Alternative View

From time immemorial, Zaporozhye Cossacks have been related to devils not only by their bold disposition and resinous forelocks. Turks and Tatars, having endured the fear of these freedom-loving citizens, called them only Shaitan Urus, which meant "Russian devils"

The Fate Of Scott, Daughter Of Nefertiti - Alternative View

The Fate Of Scott, Daughter Of Nefertiti - Alternative View

Meritaton Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) back in the XIV century BC. e. tried to introduce monotheism in the country, the worship of the only god - Aton. Akhenaten and his wife - beauties Nefertiti - had six daughters

Clean Business - Alternative View

Clean Business - Alternative View

According to archaeologists, already 6 thousand years ago there was a well-established production of soap, raw materials for which were natural alkaline salts, plants and animal fats

The Most Unusual Interview Of Nikola Tesla, Hidden For 116 Years! - Alternative View

The Most Unusual Interview Of Nikola Tesla, Hidden For 116 Years! - Alternative View

An intriguing conversation with the inventor, in which he says that "not a single person that existed died." An intriguing interview with Nikola Tesla in which he says: “Everything is Light

The High-profile And Unsolved Murder Of The Black Dahlia - Alternative View

The High-profile And Unsolved Murder Of The Black Dahlia - Alternative View

This is one of the most famous unsolved crimes in history. The victim's name was Elizabeth Short, but the name Black Dahlia was more common in the newspapers. She was killed in the vicinity of Los Angeles back in 1947. A brutal and mysterious death shook the United States