Secrets of history 2024, October

Battle In Antarctica - Alternative View

Battle In Antarctica - Alternative View

On February 1, 1947, an expedition led by Rear Admiral Richard Byrd landed in Antarctica in the area of Queen Maud Land and began to study the territory adjacent to the ocean. The studies were designed for 6-8 months

Hollow Earth: Why Did The Elite Of The Third Reich Believe In This Theory - Alternative View

Hollow Earth: Why Did The Elite Of The Third Reich Believe In This Theory - Alternative View

Some scientific and pseudo-scientific theories claim that the Earth is inside - hollow, and deep down there is life. It is curious that the researchers of the Third Reich were seriously concerned about this issue. True, all their research did not lead to anything

Archaeologists Have Discovered More Than 800 Tombs In Egypt, 4 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Discovered More Than 800 Tombs In Egypt, 4 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

The ancient cemetery, which is more than 4 thousand years old, was discovered by archaeologists in Egypt. This is reported by the Egypt Independent

In Cologne, Archaeologists Have Discovered A House Two Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

In Cologne, Archaeologists Have Discovered A House Two Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Remains of a stone house made of basalt, two thousand years old, were discovered by archaeologists at the construction site of an evangelical center in Cologne

Vito Genovese - "Boss-bosses" - Alternative View

Vito Genovese - "Boss-bosses" - Alternative View

1957 - Vito Genovese convened the largest gangster meeting in the history of American crime, at which he was supposed to proclaim himself "the boss of all bosses"

How Kasimovsky Khan Simeon Bekbulatovich Became The Russian Tsar - Alternative View

How Kasimovsky Khan Simeon Bekbulatovich Became The Russian Tsar - Alternative View

During the long reign of Ivan the Terrible, there was one interesting case associated with the Russian throne. This case still raises questions from historians, what can we say then about the contemporaries of Ivan IV, who were sometimes, frankly, dumbfounded by the decisions of the Terrible Tsar

The Mystery Of The Qumran Scrolls - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Qumran Scrolls - Alternative View

In the spring of 1947, an unusual find was made in the Dead Sea region, in the Ras Feshkh mountains. Two Bedouin boys, who went in search of a stray goat, noticed a narrow cleft in the rock

Slavism In Baptized Russia - Alternative View

Slavism In Baptized Russia - Alternative View

In our view, created by textbooks and school lessons on the past (history), there is a deep misconception that Christianity on our earth is already 1000 years old. Moreover, they even talk about a thousand-year-old Christian Rus, and the date of the baptism of the Kievites was made a public holiday in Russia and Ukraine

110 Seconds Between Life And Death - Alternative View

110 Seconds Between Life And Death - Alternative View

35 years ago, in 1982, at the Aviamotornaya station of the Moscow Metro, an escalator accident killed and injured several dozen people. Lack of official information has led to the spread of ominous rumors about the incident

The Terrible Secrets Of The London Underground - Alternative View

The Terrible Secrets Of The London Underground - Alternative View

When the bubonic plague broke out in London in 1665, the inhabitants of the city were horrified again. This was not the first time Londoners had to prepare for an ordeal

The Riddle Of The "ice Maiden" - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The "ice Maiden" - Alternative View

The ancient Incas made human sacrifices to appease the gods. And more often children became them. Many of the victims found were mummified, and their remains have survived to our times

Secrets Of Underground Moscow - Alternative View

Secrets Of Underground Moscow - Alternative View

None of the Muscovites have ever seen the way the country's leaders got to the stands of the Mausoleum during parades and demonstrations. And this is not surprising

The Wonders Of The Second World War Remain On The Conscience Of Those Who Believe In Them - Alternative View

The Wonders Of The Second World War Remain On The Conscience Of Those Who Believe In Them - Alternative View

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, saving Moscow from Nazi capture. Stalin's secret visit to St. Matrona of Moscow. "Air procession" by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief

Secrets Of The 1980 Moscow Olympics - Alternative View

Secrets Of The 1980 Moscow Olympics - Alternative View

One of the most significant events of the eighties of the last century was the Moscow Olympics. How should it be treat, let everyone decide for himself. According to some, it resembled a feast held during a plague

The Haiger Massacre - Alternative View

The Haiger Massacre - Alternative View

The tragedy that played out in 1924 in the tiny provincial town of Haiger (Lahn-Diehl-Kreis district in central Germany) not only made local journalists sharpen their pens and start scribbling reports, but also scared all the townspeople without ex

The Main Secrets Of The Battle On The Ice - Alternative View

The Main Secrets Of The Battle On The Ice - Alternative View

Back in 1242, one of the brightest battles in the military history of Russia took place. The forces under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky defeated the powerful army of the knightly Livonian Order. Much has been said and written about the battle

Riddles Of The Battle On The Ice - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Battle On The Ice - Alternative View

Many books and articles have been written about the famous battle on the ice of Lake Peipsi in April 1242, but it itself has not been fully studied - and our information about it abounds in white spots …At the beginning of 1242, German Teutonic knights captured Pskov and advanced towards Novgorod. O

The Amazing Discoveries Of Abu Al-Zahrawi - Alternative View

The Amazing Discoveries Of Abu Al-Zahrawi - Alternative View

It is amazing, but true: when pediatricians in modern Europe prescribe inhalations to small patients, they may not even realize that the spirit of the blessed Abul-Qasim al-Zahrawi (963-1013), better known in Staro

10 Bizarre Siege Tactics And Strange Weapons In Military History - Alternative View

10 Bizarre Siege Tactics And Strange Weapons In Military History - Alternative View

It just so happened in the history of war that defensive technologies were significantly superior to those associated with offensive weapons. Powerful city walls held back the most powerful enemy armies

Conspiracy Theory: The Johnstown Massacre - CIA Operation - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: The Johnstown Massacre - CIA Operation - Alternative View

Corpses, only corpses around … Men, women, children Just under a thousand bodies lying all over the place Such a picture was seen in the fall of 1978 by people who came to Johnstown, where at the same time members of the "Temple of the Nations" sect committed mass suicide

How Did The Ukrainians Appear: What Do Genetics Say - Alternative View

How Did The Ukrainians Appear: What Do Genetics Say - Alternative View

The question of the origin of the Ukrainian nation is one of the most controversial and controversial. Historians of "Samostiynaya" prove that the roots of the Ukrainian ethnos are the oldest in Europe, scientists from other countries are trying to refute them

Nuclear War And Other Fears Of The Soviet People - Alternative View

Nuclear War And Other Fears Of The Soviet People - Alternative View

Evil tongues say that the citizens of the Soviet Union lived in fear all along. This is partly true: the Soviet people really had phobias, as, in fact, all the inhabitants of the globe. We remember the most feared in the USSR

The Soviet Elite Who Destroyed The USSR - Alternative View

The Soviet Elite Who Destroyed The USSR - Alternative View

States do not collapse because of a shortage of sausages, "freedom-loving" Ukrainians or environmental disasters. States are dying after their elite.And vice versa. In order to "raise" the country, one must first raise an adequate elite. The Bolsheviks and those elite groups that stood behind them were so adequate that they were able to rebuild a huge empire from the ruins of the civil war in a short time

10 Rare Artifacts Found On Sunken Ships - Alternative View

10 Rare Artifacts Found On Sunken Ships - Alternative View

When ancient shipwrecks are found, basically all that remains after them is the remains of wood. Over the centuries spent under the waves, any organic matter is destroyed

10 Amazing Ancient Artifacts That Were Found With A Metal Detector - Alternative View

10 Amazing Ancient Artifacts That Were Found With A Metal Detector - Alternative View

The hope of finding treasures or ancient artifacts feeds those people who go in search of them with metal detectors. And, perhaps, these hopes and efforts will not turn out to be in vain, because in the bowels of the earth there are really many interesting things still hidden

10 Most Interesting Ancient Artifacts That Were Found Completely By Accident - Alternative View

10 Most Interesting Ancient Artifacts That Were Found Completely By Accident - Alternative View

Many spend their whole lives looking for ancient treasures. To some lucky ones, they pass as a family heirloom. But it happens that people find valuable ancient artifacts by chance in the most unexpected places

An Ancient Skeleton Of A Giant Woman Was Found In The Center Of Vladimir - Alternative View

An Ancient Skeleton Of A Giant Woman Was Found In The Center Of Vladimir - Alternative View

The unexpected find surprised local archaeologists. For several weeks in the area of the Patriarch's Gardens, exploration archaeological work has continued at the site of the future construction

Rostov Archaeologists Have Found The Remains Of An Alien? - Alternative View

Rostov Archaeologists Have Found The Remains Of An Alien? - Alternative View

The skeleton of a woman with a strange skull was discovered during excavations on the area of the 5th Don Corps.Rostov archaeologists excavating the area of the 5th Don Corps have discovered burials more than 3.5 thousand years old

A Medieval "dancing" Skeleton Was Found In Russia - Alternative View

A Medieval "dancing" Skeleton Was Found In Russia - Alternative View

Archaeologists have discovered near the village of Ust-Ivanovka in the Amur Region an unusual skeleton of a man who died in VII - IX centuries, reports The Syberian Times. When scientists excavated the grave, the remains of a man lay in front of them in a strange position

Where Did Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller Disappear After The War? - Alternative View

Where Did Gestapo Chief Heinrich Müller Disappear After The War? - Alternative View

According to the official version, Heinrich Müller died at the end of World War II, in 1945. What really happened to him? Heinrich Müller was born in 1900, in Munich, Bavaria

The Fateful Fate Of The Twin Ships - Olympic, Titanic, Britannic - Alternative View

The Fateful Fate Of The Twin Ships - Olympic, Titanic, Britannic - Alternative View

In the photo: "Olympic" and "Titanic" (right) in Belfast. Ships of the "Olympic" class - "Olympic", "Titanic" and "British" were created by engineers of the British shipbuilding company "Harland &Wolf" by order of "White Star Line"

The Love Story Of Akhenaten And Nefertiti - Alternative View

The Love Story Of Akhenaten And Nefertiti - Alternative View

The 19th century was ending. The boom of Egyptian antiquities in the world was at its peak. Egyptian peasants and merchants, artisans and petty officials carried thousands of "artifacts" to dealers, who then tried to hand them over to interested foreigners

In The Oldest English Printed Bible, A Hidden Text Was Discovered - - Alternative View

In The Oldest English Printed Bible, A Hidden Text Was Discovered - - Alternative View

The handwritten notes were found on sheets of the Latin Bible printed during the reign of Henry VIII. Someone pasted over all the sheets with notes made in English, and only today scientists were able to read the secret inscriptions

Secrets Of The Aksai Labyrinths - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Aksai Labyrinths - Alternative View

In the small town of Aksay, Rostov Region, there is an attraction that causes superstitious horror among local residents. This is a unique system of underground passages

The Mysterious Death Of Rudolf Diesel - Alternative View

The Mysterious Death Of Rudolf Diesel - Alternative View

The engines invented by this ingenious German engineer revolutionized the world, ending the era of bulky and inefficient steam engines

Jack Kevorkian - Kind "Doctor Death" - Alternative View

Jack Kevorkian - Kind "Doctor Death" - Alternative View

This shabby, reminiscent of our "UAZ" van performs two functions - ndash; gas chambers and corpse vehicles. The van is owned by Dr.Jack Kevorkian, he receives another patient in it, who wished to speed up his death

The History Of Soviet Chocolate - Alternative View

The History Of Soviet Chocolate - Alternative View

Now it seems to us that chocolate has always been. Meanwhile, the first chocolate bar appeared only in 1899 in Switzerland. In the Russian Empire, confectionery production until the beginning of the 19th century. was mostly artisanal

The First Printer Ivan Fyodorov: The Book Is The Source Of Power - Alternative View

The First Printer Ivan Fyodorov: The Book Is The Source Of Power - Alternative View

Ivan Fedorov is traditionally called the first book printer in Russia. And also - the first martyr of the Russian press. However, neither the first nor even the second statement is true. Fedorov was not at all the beginning of the printing business in our country

Why Do Months Have Such Names? The Stories Behind Each One - Alternative View

Why Do Months Have Such Names? The Stories Behind Each One - Alternative View

Have you ever thought about why all the famous months have such names? Hardly. We call them for granted, without even thinking about where they came from

The Mysterious Echo Of The Revolution - Alternative View

The Mysterious Echo Of The Revolution - Alternative View

When civil war was raging in the country, prophets made predictions, and practical people hid money and silverware. The old houses of the Stavropol Territory still keep centuries-old treasures