Secrets of history 2024, October

The Witches Of Arras - Alternative View

The Witches Of Arras - Alternative View

1461 turned out to be a year of great change for Europe and was associated with some curious, perhaps accidental, and possibly significant, coincidences associated with the number 22

The Ship Of The Dead "Octavius" - Alternative View

The Ship Of The Dead "Octavius" - Alternative View

As a rule, the names of travelers who left and did not return are known. Only their further fate is unknown. In this case, everything was the other way around: the missing travelers were found. Only who they were was forever unknown

Soviet Inter-NET - Alternative View

Soviet Inter-NET - Alternative View

Soviet scientists have been trying to network their country for decades. What prevented them then is splitting the global internet today

Mysterious Ermak - Alternative View

Mysterious Ermak - Alternative View

What do we know about the legendary conqueror of Siberia? Ivan Rostislavovich Sokolovsky, a researcher at the Institute of History of the SB RAS, Candidate of Historical Sciences, spoke about how Yermak's personality was perceived in different centuries, and what questions it raises among modern researchers

Third Reich On Drugs: How Hitler Hooked The Germans On Methamphetamine - Alternative View

Third Reich On Drugs: How Hitler Hooked The Germans On Methamphetamine - Alternative View

It is believed that in the Third Reich there was a cult of health and power eradicated any substances that alter consciousness and harm the body

The Most Amazing Mummies In The World - Alternative View

The Most Amazing Mummies In The World - Alternative View

If for you all mummies are the same, then you are greatly mistaken. Scientists sometimes find such exhibits that it is difficult to believe in their reality. Sometimes the mummy amazes with its age, how it was preserved, its appearance, and sometimes its fate

What Peoples Lived In The Place Of Moscow Before The Arrival Of The Slavs - Alternative View

What Peoples Lived In The Place Of Moscow Before The Arrival Of The Slavs - Alternative View

In the area of modern Moscow, the first Slavic settlers appear, apparently, not earlier than the 8th-9th centuries. Of course, before their arrival, these places with tracts of fertile lands in the floodplains, with forests rich in game, were not uninhabited desert

How To Become Gods? - Alternative View

How To Become Gods? - Alternative View

There are many different religions in the modern world. Many of them are incredibly closely intertwined, but each has its own unique origins. All religions of the world have one thing in common, this is the belief in God (gods) who descended from heaven

It Is Not The First Time For The Americans To Destroy The People Of North Korea - Alternative View

It Is Not The First Time For The Americans To Destroy The People Of North Korea - Alternative View

The atrocities of US soldiers on the territory of the DPRK have been remembered since the 50s of the last century. Events on the Korean Peninsula continue to be in the spotlight of the world

How New Year Was Celebrated In The USSR, And How It Differs From The Modern - Alternative View

How New Year Was Celebrated In The USSR, And How It Differs From The Modern - Alternative View

As in the days of the Soviet Union, the New Year remains one of the most beloved holidays for Russians to this day. In all houses they decorate a Christmas tree, prepare a treat and buy gifts for the closest and dearest people

Biography Of King Frederick The Second King Of Prussia - Alternative View

Biography Of King Frederick The Second King Of Prussia - Alternative View

Origin Frederick 2, (Frederick the Great), he is also known by the nickname "Old Fritz" (born January 24, 1712, - death August 17, 1786) - King of Prussia since 1740

Human Skin Bindings - Alternative View

Human Skin Bindings - Alternative View

By the early 18th century, the art of book binding had reached a high level of perfection, and many bibliophiles competed with each other to acquire rare specimens of books with elegant and original bindings

The Legendary King Of Dacia - Alternative View

The Legendary King Of Dacia - Alternative View

Burebista was the king of the Getae and Dacians. Throughout his kingdom, he led an active policy of conquest.In 60 BC. e. he defeated the Celtic tribes on the Danube, thus clearly marking the primacy of the Dacians in the region.- Salik.bizFrom 55 BC e

The Crash Of The Airship "Hindenburg" - Alternative View

The Crash Of The Airship "Hindenburg" - Alternative View

As the huge airship freed itself from the ropes that held it and began to rise smoothly into the evening sky, applause rang out below. The people who saw him off shouted "hurray!" and for a while they ran after the receding giant

Royal Birth Is Not A Test For Weaklings. From Traditional Medicine Advice To Public Ceremonies - Alternative View

Royal Birth Is Not A Test For Weaklings. From Traditional Medicine Advice To Public Ceremonies - Alternative View

On November 1, 1661, a significant event took place - Queen Marie-Teresa, the shy wife of the French monarch Louis XIV, began fighting. The royal court was immediately notified of this, and the queen's chambers began to fill with dukes and countesses

World War II: War Of Meanings And Interpretations - Alternative View

World War II: War Of Meanings And Interpretations - Alternative View

It must be admitted that the really terrible test for Europe was not the Second, but the First World War. The largest European countries have buried a whole generation of compatriots in it

In The Case Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Sensational Twist - Alternative View

In The Case Of The Death Of The Dyatlov Group - Sensational Twist - Alternative View

60 years after the death of the Dyatlov group, the Prosecutor General's Office again began an investigation into the causes of the tragedy

Remnants Of Greatness: 10 Abandoned Soviet Secret Objects And Unique Technology - Alternative View

Remnants Of Greatness: 10 Abandoned Soviet Secret Objects And Unique Technology - Alternative View

In the Soviet Union, a huge number of unique objects and samples of complex equipment were created. All this was done with the sole purpose of serving for the good of the Motherland

What Is Hiding At The Secret US Ice Base - - Alternative View

What Is Hiding At The Secret US Ice Base - - Alternative View

In early August, it became known that the melting of the Greenland ice is bringing to the surface radioactive waste buried under a thick layer of snow from the American military base Camp Century. "Tape

DNA Examination: Another Person Is Buried In The Grave Of Semyon Zolotarev. Alternative View

DNA Examination: Another Person Is Buried In The Grave Of Semyon Zolotarev. Alternative View

In the grave of Semyon Zolotarev, a Dyatlovite at the Ivanovskoye cemetery in Yekaterinburg, another person is buried - this is the result of the DNA examination. It was announced on May 16 on the air of the "Actually" program on Channel One

The First Soviet "color Revolution" - Alternative View

The First Soviet "color Revolution" - Alternative View

Thirty years ago, in April 1989, the Tbilisi events took place, which in many ways became the starting point in the process of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Their study and comparison with other similar large-scale actions, for which our history is rich, allows us to draw interesting conclusions

War Diary: Trajan's Column. Obvious And Not So - Alternative View

War Diary: Trajan's Column. Obvious And Not So - Alternative View

The story of the victory of Emperor Trajan over the mighty barbarian kingdom is not just a story from the pen. This event, whose glory is carved in 155 scenes on the spiral frieze of the mighty monumental column, which still fascinates

How The French Shot Down A Passenger Plane And They Didn't Get Anything For It - Alternative View

How The French Shot Down A Passenger Plane And They Didn't Get Anything For It - Alternative View

The DS-9 passenger plane, which took off from Bologna to Palermo with a two-hour delay, disappeared from the radar screens at 20 hours 59 minutes. There were 81 people on board the airliner of the private company Itavia, including 13 children

Why Were 34 Deaf And Dumb People From The Drama Circle Shot In 1937? - Alternative View

Why Were 34 Deaf And Dumb People From The Drama Circle Shot In 1937? - Alternative View

The Great Terror of the late thirties is perhaps the most terrible and shameful page in the history of the Soviet Union, and of Russia as a whole. Fanatical extermination of their own people for the sake of "ephemeral security of the country" and "fulfillment of standards" demonstrated the brutal nature of thousands of executioners

Eternal Light - Alternative View

Eternal Light - Alternative View

Who among us can imagine life without a chandelier, sconce, or at least a table lamp? I think no one. They got used to it, and "Ilyich's bulbs" have become so firmly embedded in their homes that people get candles only in case of power outages

The Longest Wars - Alternative View

The Longest Wars - Alternative View

According to historical standards, the most terrible wars in the history of mankind - both the First and the Second World War - were very fleeting

"The Great Ship Eater" - Alternative View

"The Great Ship Eater" - Alternative View

In this area, disasters have lasted for over a millennium. But no one, not even Lloyd's insurers, can say for sure how many ships and people died in this terrible place in the North Sea

The Tragic Fate Of "Britannica" - Alternative View

The Tragic Fate Of "Britannica" - Alternative View

"Britannic" - a hospital ship, the third and final Olympic class ship, which was ordered by the White Star Line of the Harland & Wolf shipbuilding company

Biography Of Boris Godunov - Alternative View

Biography Of Boris Godunov - Alternative View

Origin. Nomination Godunov, Boris Fedorovich (born 1552 - death 13 (23) April 1605) - Tsar from 1598 to 1605 Boyarin, the actual ruler of the state during the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich

Rodrigo Borgia, "Satan's Apothecary" - Alternative View

Rodrigo Borgia, "Satan's Apothecary" - Alternative View

In the history of any human community, including religious ones, there are pages that cannot be turned over without shuddering. Catholics have such a "black historical stain" - the pontificate of Pope Alexander VI, who died on August 18, 1503

The Secret Occupation Of The Russian North By The Germans During The Second World War - Alternative View

The Secret Occupation Of The Russian North By The Germans During The Second World War - Alternative View

An amazing discovery in the Arkhangelsk forests (deep in the rear of the Second World War) was made by local residents 43 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War. They found the wreckage of the Soviet heavy fighter Pe-3

A Plan For The American Occupation Of Ukraine In 1957 Has Been Published - Alternative View

A Plan For The American Occupation Of Ukraine In 1957 Has Been Published - Alternative View

Throughout human history, not a single military plan has been fully implemented, something always interfered

Missing Malaysian Boeing Flew To Antarctica? - Alternative View

Missing Malaysian Boeing Flew To Antarctica? - Alternative View

It will soon be exactly one year since the mysterious disappearance of a Boeing 777-200ER Malaysia Airlines passenger plane. Communication with flight MH370 was lost on 8 March 2014

Fatal Clash Of Boeings - Alternative View

Fatal Clash Of Boeings - Alternative View

The American passenger aircraft Boeing-747, capable of taking on board more than six hundred passengers and covering distances of more than fourteen thousand kilometers without landing, is today rightfully considered not only the largest, but also the most over

The Mystery Of The Boeing Missing A Year Ago - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Boeing Missing A Year Ago - Alternative View

Exactly a year has passed since the Malaysian Boeing-777, flying on flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared. The search for the plane, in which there were 227 passengers and 12 crew members, so far have not led to anything … Victim of a psychopath

Biography Of Johannes Kepler - Alternative View

Biography Of Johannes Kepler - Alternative View

Johannes Kepler (born December 27, 1571 - death November 15, 1630) - the great German astronomer and mathematician, was the discoverer of the laws of motion of the planets of the solar system. Johannes Kepler - was one of the creators of modern astronomy

By The Paths Of History. Where Did Hitler Actually Disappear? - Alternative View

By The Paths Of History. Where Did Hitler Actually Disappear? - Alternative View

Sensation lovers keep looking for a black cat in a dark room

How Moscow Resisted The Wehrmacht - Alternative View

How Moscow Resisted The Wehrmacht - Alternative View

Exactly 75 years ago, on April 20, 1942, the months-long battle for Moscow ended

Queen Of The Sands And Palmyra - Alternative View

Queen Of The Sands And Palmyra - Alternative View

The mistress, who was called "the noblest and most beautiful of all women in the East" - Zenobia was stubborn, intelligent and very educated. Sometimes demanding and harsh, all Eastern peoples and even the Egyptians were terrified of her

A Message From The 19th Century Was Found In A Slab Of Limestone - Alternative View

A Message From The 19th Century Was Found In A Slab Of Limestone - Alternative View

James Whiting from Somerset County (England), cutting a slab of limestone bought several years ago, found a glass bottle inside which he found documents hidden inside