Secrets of history 2024, October

The Mystery Of The Death Of Alexander The First - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Death Of Alexander The First - Alternative View

Alexander I Pavlovich (born December 12 (23), 1777 - died November 19 (December 1) 1825) - - Emperor of All Russia. In history, phenomena often occur that leave behind secrets, in order to unravel them, it takes years, or even centuries

Interesting Facts About The Life Of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About The Life Of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich - Alternative View

The sudden death of Alexander I, who had almost never been ill before, had excellent health, was not yet old (he was not even 48 years old), gave rise to many rumors and legends

The Dramatic Story Of The "orphans" Of The Titanic - Michel And Edmond Navratil - An Alternative View

The Dramatic Story Of The "orphans" Of The Titanic - Michel And Edmond Navratil - An Alternative View

On the night of April 15, 1912, three-year-old Michelle and two-year-old Edmond boarded the last boat that departed from the doomed Titanic. But the fact that they left the lost ship was not yet a happy ending to their story

Lublin Damn Court - Alternative View

Lublin Damn Court - Alternative View

The city of Lublin is one of the most beautiful cities in Poland, which has an interesting and rich history, while being a symbol of an entire era

How Did The "Invincible Armada" Die - Alternative View

How Did The "Invincible Armada" Die - Alternative View

430 years ago, on August 8, 1588, during the Anglo-Spanish War, the English fleet dealt a strong blow to the Spanish "Invincible Armada"

During The Construction Of The Crimean Energy Bridge, Traces Of The Ancient Slavic Civilization Were Found - Alternative View

During The Construction Of The Crimean Energy Bridge, Traces Of The Ancient Slavic Civilization Were Found - Alternative View

Under the energy bridge, which is currently being built between mainland Russia and the Republic of Crimea, the builders came across an object of an unknown ancient civilization

Matriarchy: How It Was - Alternative View

Matriarchy: How It Was - Alternative View

Matriarchy - mysterious page in the history of mankind. It is generally accepted that all developed cultures, the material of which researchers can now have at their disposal, were patriarchal. However, not everything is so simple

Stellar "rock" Of Fate - Alternative View

Stellar "rock" Of Fate - Alternative View

The human soul for others - darkness. It seems that a person has everything - glory, prosperity, like, live and be happy, but he suddenly, having done an unexpected act, radically changes his life. And often no one knows the reasons for such changes

Ancient Maps: Secrets And Surprises - Alternative View

Ancient Maps: Secrets And Surprises - Alternative View

In January 2006, the media reported sensational news. An ancient map, which a Chinese collector acquired from a Shanghai antique store for only $ 500, clearly indicated that America was not discovered by Columbus

Tutankhamun's Tomb Is The Traditional Version. Part Two (207 Photos) - Alternative View

Tutankhamun's Tomb Is The Traditional Version. Part Two (207 Photos) - Alternative View

Read the beginning of here. Perhaps the kingdom of Tutankhamun was purely nominal and Egypt was ruled by the priestly elite behind the back of the dummy king? .. So Smenkhkara, Akhenaten's co-ruler, was a nominal person

Did Hitler Really Commit Suicide? - Alternative View

Did Hitler Really Commit Suicide? - Alternative View

Historians who collected material regarding Hitler's death have several versions of the fact that Hitler did not actually commit suicide on April 30, 1945, but fled to South America, Antarctica or Tibet with Eva Braun

Phantom Time Hypothesis: Why We Now Live In The 18th Century - Alternative View

Phantom Time Hypothesis: Why We Now Live In The 18th Century - Alternative View

Has there ever been a period of 300 years in our history? According to the phantom time hypothesis, we were added 3 never existed centuries

The Russian Tsars Did Not Have A Drop Of Russian Blood - Alternative View

The Russian Tsars Did Not Have A Drop Of Russian Blood - Alternative View

After the death of Peter the Great, the Russian throne rarely ended up in the hands of the heirs of Russian descent. You can say almost never

In The Ancient Castle Of The Crusaders In Syria, They Discovered A Secret Room - Alternative View

In The Ancient Castle Of The Crusaders In Syria, They Discovered A Secret Room - Alternative View

In the ancient fortress of Krak de Chevalier in the province of Homs, archaeologists have discovered a walled up room. The caretaker of the castle, Muhammad Hariri, told the journalists about this. "When we were clearing the corridors, we saw a hole in the wall, and behind it some kind of space

Scientists Have Found That The Middle East Supplied Oil To Europe In The 7th Century - Alternative View

Scientists Have Found That The Middle East Supplied Oil To Europe In The 7th Century - Alternative View

Scientists have unexpectedly discovered on one of England's oldest ships traces of the Middle East supplying oil and petroleum products to its current European customers as early as the 7th century AD, according to an article published in PLoS One

Leper Island - Alternative View

Leper Island - Alternative View

Even 100 years ago, black flags were flying on the shores of this tiny island near Crete. They warned every ship that passed by: it is forbidden to land on the shore on pain of death. No, no, the island was not a haven for Mediterranean pirates

El-Abyad Cave Near Palmyra Is Filled With Mysterious Petroglyphs - Alternative View

El-Abyad Cave Near Palmyra Is Filled With Mysterious Petroglyphs - Alternative View

Sometimes the war brings unexpected surprises. More often unpleasant, for example, in Syria we have almost lost the unique monuments of culture and architecture. However, there is some good news

How Milk Changed The Face Of Civilization - Alternative View

How Milk Changed The Face Of Civilization - Alternative View

We know much less than we think about the reasons that push us to eat what we eat. And this mystery is not only about scientists

How Did "vandalism" Appear - Alternative View

How Did "vandalism" Appear - Alternative View

Surely, you have heard more than once about the tricks of hooligans who cut the seats on the bus or broke the windows in the train. "Here are the vandals!" you thought, shaking your head disapprovingly. This word has become so widely used that we rarely think about its origin

We Are Alive Thanks To The Great Extinction - Alternative View

We Are Alive Thanks To The Great Extinction - Alternative View

In those days, when the Pangea supercontinent was just formed from shifting tectonic plates, and volcanoes ruled on Earth, one of the greatest catastrophes of biological life occurred - the Great Extinction

Mass Extinctions Of Flora And Fauna In The History Of The Earth - Alternative View

Mass Extinctions Of Flora And Fauna In The History Of The Earth - Alternative View

In the history of earthly life, scientists have counted up to 11 mass extinctions of flora and fauna, 5 of which greatly changed the appearance of our biosphere

How Our Reconnaissance Group Of 25 People Defeated A 5-thousandth German Garrison - Alternative View

How Our Reconnaissance Group Of 25 People Defeated A 5-thousandth German Garrison - Alternative View

On the Internet in many places you can find just such a similar story, about the feat of the famous reconnaissance group of 25 fighters. Among the group were German defectors who hated Hitler

Did Hitler Come To The USSR Before The War - Alternative View

Did Hitler Come To The USSR Before The War - Alternative View

The history of relations between Germany and the Soviet Union in the period preceding the outbreak of World War II gave rise to many legends and rumors, providing abundant food for numerous conspiracy theories

The Crash Of The Royal Train - Alternative View

The Crash Of The Royal Train - Alternative View

On October 17, 1888, the Russian telegraph reported the tragic news: on the section of the Kursk-Kharkov-Azov railway, near the Borki station, located seven miles south of Kharkov, a train crashed, on which Emperor Alexander II

"Flying Saucers" Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

"Flying Saucers" Of The Third Reich - Alternative View

One of the SS units was tasked with finding and developing alternative energy sources that would save the Third Reich from the shortage of liquid and solid fuels

False Myths About Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

False Myths About Ivan The Terrible - Alternative View

For quite a long time, many foreign experts have been trying to distort the history of Russia

Biarmia: The Mysterious Russian Land - Alternative View

Biarmia: The Mysterious Russian Land - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, the Norwegians who traveled to the northeast mentioned a rich country - Biarmia, where everything is enough, and people know how to conjure. Information about it is found in other sources that placed it in different parts of modern Russia

10 Facts About Sea Robbers Who Terrified Decent People - Alternative View

10 Facts About Sea Robbers Who Terrified Decent People - Alternative View

Many writers and filmmakers romanticize piracy as an adventure full of adventures, big drunks and a hunt for untold riches on the lost islands

Biography Of Jonathan Swift - Alternative View

Biography Of Jonathan Swift - Alternative View

Jonathan Swift - was born on November 30, 1667, on October 19, 1745 (77 years old) In 1678 or 1679, on the banks of the river, a boy - and this was Jonathan Swift - was fishing

Third Reich In Antarctica - Alternative View

Third Reich In Antarctica - Alternative View

Studying the history of the penetration of the Nazis into Antarctica, one more aspect should be considered

Why Was It Strictly Forbidden To Eat Veal In Russia? - Alternative View

Why Was It Strictly Forbidden To Eat Veal In Russia? - Alternative View

For many centuries in a row in Russia there was a ban on the consumption of veal. It was even tougher than the Jewish ban on eating pork. Having eaten young beef, a Russian man risked goodbye to life

What Was The Emperor Caligula Actually - Alternative View

What Was The Emperor Caligula Actually - Alternative View

Guy Caligula can be called one of the most controversial political figures in world history. There are so many speculations about the short period of his reign that it is very difficult to distinguish them from the truth

Solovetsky Tragedy, How The Decline Of Holy Russia Took Place - Alternative View

Solovetsky Tragedy, How The Decline Of Holy Russia Took Place - Alternative View

In the summer of 1668, a detachment of archers, 125 people, appeared under the walls of the Solovetsky Monastery. They looked confused: it seemed that the archers themselves did not understand why they were brought here

Archaeologists Have Found Strange Coins Depicting The Devil - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found Strange Coins Depicting The Devil - Alternative View

Burnt heads of people, strange masks, traces of rituals and so on - all this was part of the cult. People said that all the items were part of the rituals. By the way, they were most often found hidden in churches and museums

10 Chilling Facts About The Guillotine - A Murder Weapon Created From Good Intentions - Alternative View

10 Chilling Facts About The Guillotine - A Murder Weapon Created From Good Intentions - Alternative View

Mechanical devices to decapitate prisoners on death row have been used in Europe for centuries. However, the guillotine was most widely used in France during the French Revolution

Balloon Train - Triumph And Downfall - Alternative View

Balloon Train - Triumph And Downfall - Alternative View

“Balloon train? How, I remember, - the old railroad worker told me. - There was a lot of noise. And then everything calmed down at once, like there was nothing. Everything is forgotten. " And it is true, there are almost no witnesses of that epic with the ball train

How Did A Single National Currency Appear In Russia - Alternative View

How Did A Single National Currency Appear In Russia - Alternative View

At the initial stage of statehood (IX - XI centuries), the commodity exchange of Rus both with the West and with the East, was often accompanied by campaigns and bloody struggle

Russky Island - Alternative View

Russky Island - Alternative View

Russky Island, located in the Pacific Ocean, got its name from the light hand of Count N.N.Muravyev-Amursky. Over the centuries-old history of the island, everything has happened - ups and downs, prosperity and decline

How Many Years Of History Actually? - Alternative View

How Many Years Of History Actually? - Alternative View

This question is far from idle, given that the capabilities of modern instrumental dating methods are not able to provide researchers with accurate data on the time of a particular historical event

Strange Disappearances In Iceland - Alternative View

Strange Disappearances In Iceland - Alternative View

This sparsely populated country is mostly a frozen desert, but it is also one of the safest countries in the world and has a unique culture