Secrets of history 2024, October

Five Myths In History Books - Alternative View

Five Myths In History Books - Alternative View

We figure out where the misconceptions came from, which humanity perceived as immutable truths Napoleon's complex What they wrote in the textbooks: Napoleon was short (most often called 157 cm), because of this he developed an inferiority complex

"Third Rome" - The Greatest Decision - Alternative View

"Third Rome" - The Greatest Decision - Alternative View

The course of political events that led to Moscow's rise was very difficult. The growth of the political power of Muscovite Rus is the result of very complex terms

The Cult Of The Russian Ancestors: What It Was Like - Alternative View

The Cult Of The Russian Ancestors: What It Was Like - Alternative View

The cult of ancestors, that is, the worship of deceased ancestors or simply relatives, is characteristic of many nationalities and tribes. Since ancient times, people believed that the spirits of ancestors take an active part in their lives

Hitler And The Seers - Alternative View

Hitler And The Seers - Alternative View

During the reign of Hitler's regime in Germany, various psychological, mythological and scientific theories spread widely throughout the country

Boris Godunov. Five Myths About Tsar Boris That Annoy Historians - Alternative View

Boris Godunov. Five Myths About Tsar Boris That Annoy Historians - Alternative View

The mysterious and controversial personality of the first elected Tsar in Russian history, Boris Fedorovich Godunov, continues to interest scientists, composers, writers and poets, theater and film directors

Chest On The Embrasure. Truth And Fiction About The Feat Of Alexander Matrosov - Alternative View

Chest On The Embrasure. Truth And Fiction About The Feat Of Alexander Matrosov - Alternative View

Alexander Matveevich Matrosov, awarded the title of Hero of the USSR (posthumously), was born in Dnepropetrovsk on February 6, 1924. Very early Sasha lost his parents and was brought up first in the Ivanovsky and then in the Melekessky orphanage of the Ulyanovsk region

Biography Of Nikolai Gastello. The Truth About Feat - Alternative View

Biography Of Nikolai Gastello. The Truth About Feat - Alternative View

Nikolay Gastello (review) Nikolay Frantsevich Gastello - (born April 23 (May 6) 1907 - death June 26, 1941) - Soviet pilot, captain, Hero of the Soviet Union (1941 posthumously)

Divorce In Soviet Style - Alternative View

Divorce In Soviet Style - Alternative View

In the 1920s, divorce in the USSR was an easy and, one might say, everyday procedure. But under Stalin, everything changed: in the "struggle for the purity of the moral character of citizens", which, as you know, accompanies any lack of freedom, divorce became a difficult procedure and a stain on the reputation of any Soviet citizen

Secrets Of The Vatican - Secret Burial Of The Apostle Peter - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Vatican - Secret Burial Of The Apostle Peter - Alternative View

An unusual and fantastic find was discovered on the territory of the Vatican in February 1939. Pope Pius XI died at this time

Peter I In Holland - Alternative View

Peter I In Holland - Alternative View

On October 20, 1696 (which corresponds to October 30 according to the Gregorian calendar), the Boyar Duma, on the proposal of Tsar Peter I, adopted a resolution "

The Bearded Decree Of Peter I - Alternative View

The Bearded Decree Of Peter I - Alternative View

A beard in Russia was of particular importance and symbolized power, reliability and was even considered an indicator of male wealth

How Peter I Wanted To Colonize Africa - Alternative View

How Peter I Wanted To Colonize Africa - Alternative View

Few people know, but at the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I decided to colonize Africa. Why was it necessary? Why didn't Madagascar become ours? We decided to find out. Peter I was noted in history as a tsar-reformer with irrepressible seething energy

Peter The Great Was Killed By A Kikimor - Alternative View

Peter The Great Was Killed By A Kikimor - Alternative View

The Emperor died in the prime of life on February 8, 1725, the Tsar, who had good health, was only 52 years old! The Tsar, who had good health, was only 52 years old

Biography Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Biography Of Peter The Great - Alternative View

Peter the Great biography Peter the Great (Born in 1672 - died in 1725) The first Russian emperor, known for his reforms of public administration. 1725, January 27 - The Emperor's palace in St. Petersburg was surrounded by reinforced guards

6 Most Shocking Facts About The White Army - Alternative View

6 Most Shocking Facts About The White Army - Alternative View

The White Guards were one of the main forces in the Russian Civil War. A little about the White movement knows, perhaps, every citizen of our country. We will tell you about some of the facts that still remain unknown to the general public

Secret Mission Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View

Secret Mission Of Peter I To Africa - Alternative View

Two years and 3000 gold rubles were spent on the preparation of the secret mission of Peter I. And all in order to make Russia a colonial power

Why Were The Results Of The Population Census Classified In 1937 - Alternative View

Why Were The Results Of The Population Census Classified In 1937 - Alternative View

Data collection was carried out in the Soviet Union more than once. However, only the 1937 census had such dire consequences

Why Did Stalin Classified The Results Of The 1937 Census - Alternative View

Why Did Stalin Classified The Results Of The 1937 Census - Alternative View

Data collection was carried out in the Soviet Union more than once. However, only the 1937 census had such dire consequences.The preparations for the 1937 all-Union census were very thorough. This is evidenced by the fact that back in 1932, a trial balloon was launched in the Moscow region - a preliminary census, taking into account the results of which the process of collecting data from all residents of the country was planned

What Experiments Were Carried Out On People By The Nazis - Alternative View

What Experiments Were Carried Out On People By The Nazis - Alternative View

In 1947, there were 23 doctors in the dock at Nuremberg. They were tried for turning medical science into a monster that obeyed the interests of the Third Reich. January 30, 1933, Berlin. Professor Blots Clinic

Was There A Conspiracy Of Zhukov Against Stalin - Alternative View

Was There A Conspiracy Of Zhukov Against Stalin - Alternative View

There is a version that after the war, Stalin was preparing the arrest and execution of Marshal Zhukov for treason. This version became widespread largely thanks to the memoirs of Georgy Konstantinovich himself

Who Was Nikita Khrushchev Before The Revolution - Alternative View

Who Was Nikita Khrushchev Before The Revolution - Alternative View

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was one of the country's most memorable leaders of the Soviets. Two objects are most often associated with his name - - corn cob and boot

Why Was Menshikov Shot? The Fate Of The Anti-corruption Fighter - Alternative View

Why Was Menshikov Shot? The Fate Of The Anti-corruption Fighter - Alternative View

All his life, with his striking articles, he fought to strengthen the Russian state, bravely exposing corrupt officials, liberal democrats and revolutionaries, warning of the threat looming over the country. The Bolsheviks who seized power in Russia did not forgive him for this

How Hitler Exterminated Weak People Under The Aktion T4 Program - Alternative View

How Hitler Exterminated Weak People Under The Aktion T4 Program - Alternative View

After the military defeat of the Third Reich, the Fuhrer of the German nation Adolf Hitler was declared the embodiment of universal evil

The Shooting Of The Royal Family: What Really Happened - Alternative View

The Shooting Of The Royal Family: What Really Happened - Alternative View

After the shooting on the night of July 16-17, 1918, the bodies of members of the royal family and their entourage (11 people in total) were loaded into a car and sent in the direction of Verkh-Isetsk to the abandoned mines of Ganina Yama

Nikita Khrushchev Is The Son Of A Polish Landowner - Alternative View

Nikita Khrushchev Is The Son Of A Polish Landowner - Alternative View

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was very proud of his peasant origin and the fact that from an early age he worked in a mine and at a factory

How Khrushchev Became General Secretary - Alternative View

How Khrushchev Became General Secretary - Alternative View

With the death of Stalin, the security situation of the USSR deteriorated significantly. A leader was needed with a high level of intelligence, with extensive knowledge, with a state mindset

Khrushchev's Son Explained Why His Father Gave Crimea To Ukraine In 1954 - Alternative View

Khrushchev's Son Explained Why His Father Gave Crimea To Ukraine In 1954 - Alternative View

The son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev, Sergei, a professor at Brown University in the United States, told why his father gave Crimea to Ukraine in 1954

Russian Eugenics: How To Create A Superman - Alternative View

Russian Eugenics: How To Create A Superman - Alternative View

Russian eugenics: how to create a superman At the beginning of the 20th century, especially after the First World War, Europe was captured by a new scientific passion - the doctrine of the improvement of the human breed eugenics (epsilon; upsilon; epsilon; nu; ή sigmaf; - noble)

Lentils - Alternative View

Lentils - Alternative View

For desertion and evasion of conscription into the ranks of the Red Army, for active anti-Soviet work, for harboring bandits, for going over to the side of the fascist occupiers, since many believed in the victory of Germany, on January 31, 1944, the Presidium of the USSR adopted a resolution on the abolition of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR …On February 23, 1944, Operation "Lentil" began, the purpose of which was the total resettlement of the inhabitants of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR

How A Russian Landowner Could Dispose Of His Serfs - Alternative View

How A Russian Landowner Could Dispose Of His Serfs - Alternative View

Serfdom existed in tsarist Russia since 1649. It meant a form of dependence of the peasant, who was attached to the land and was subordinate to the landowner

Harem - What Is It? Complex Female World - Alternative View

Harem - What Is It? Complex Female World - Alternative View

Harems were not the invention of Eastern rulers. There was something similar in China, and in Africa, and in Scandinavia, and in Russia, and among the American Indians. Everywhere a strong man captured several women and zealously guarded them from the encroachments of rivals

In Russia There Were Also Harems - Alternative View

In Russia There Were Also Harems - Alternative View

Many modern girls imagine life in an oriental harem as something romantic. Thinking that basking in luxury, they would lead an ordinary carefree life

"The Idiots Say That A Conspiracy Ruined Russia." Why Was The 1917 Revolution Inevitable - Alternative View

"The Idiots Say That A Conspiracy Ruined Russia." Why Was The 1917 Revolution Inevitable - Alternative View

Was the Russian Revolution of 1917 inevitable? Did it determine the start of the civil war?

Peter The Great, Dressed "in Russian" - Alternative View

Peter The Great, Dressed "in Russian" - Alternative View

Emperor Peter I, as you know, opened a window to Europe, shaved everyone's beards, and so on: he changed fashion forever

How Serfdom Was Abolished - Alternative View

How Serfdom Was Abolished - Alternative View

On March 3, 1861, 155 years ago, Emperor Alexander II signed a manifesto abolishing serfdom. About how the landowners treated the peasants, what does St. George's Day and the pretty brides have to do with it

Workdays From Paul I. How He Arranged Russia - Alternative View

Workdays From Paul I. How He Arranged Russia - Alternative View

Paul I considered the abolition of serfdom a disaster and categorically did not want such a step. However, the love and trust of the peasants in him were boundless. He managed to make it so that the number of peasant unrest was reduced 40 times

Not A Man, But A Soul: Why Were The Serfs Called So Strangely - Alternative View

Not A Man, But A Soul: Why Were The Serfs Called So Strangely - Alternative View

Serfdom is one of the most shameful and terrible pages in the history of Russia. It was canceled in 1861 officially

"Serfdom" - Alternative View

"Serfdom" - Alternative View

The situation of the peasants in "enlightened and freedom-loving" Europe was not much different from Russia, and even worse were laws, like the "right of the first night", and were abolished by historical standards almost simultaneously

How Did The Concubines End Up In The Harem? - Alternative View

How Did The Concubines End Up In The Harem? - Alternative View

How did you get into the harem? Surely you will remember that concubines were captured in overseas campaigns, but that's not all. The very word "harem" means "that which is forbidden." Indeed, the harems of the sultans were very strictly protected from prying eyes

Was Serfdom Or Serfdom In Russia? - Alternative View

Was Serfdom Or Serfdom In Russia? - Alternative View

There was no slavery in Russia. Think of your best NegroEverything, as usual, began a long time ago. Namely, with the word "nigger".- Salik.bizWhere you do not write it, very "politically correct" citizens immediately fly in with their amendments in the style ("he is not a Negro, he is an Ethiopian") "you dare not call an African American a Negro