Secrets of history 2024, October

Baghdad Battery - Alternative View

Baghdad Battery - Alternative View

According to modern history, the electric battery was invented in 1800 by Alassandro Volta. The scientist noticed that when two dissimilar metal probes are placed in the frog's tissue, a weak electric current appears

Terrible Weapon Of Antiquity - Alternative View

Terrible Weapon Of Antiquity - Alternative View

The walls of the fortresses of Dundalk and Ekoss in Ireland keep traces of the impact of an enormous temperature, so high that granite blocks were melted, and in fact the melting point of granite is over 1000 degrees

The Mystery Of The Devonian Giant Mushroom - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Devonian Giant Mushroom - Alternative View

This mystery haunted paleontologists for 150 years. Something called Prototaxites could not be confidently attributed not only to a family or genus, but to any biological kingdom

Our "forefathers" Were Many Times More Than "forefathers" - Alternative View

Our "forefathers" Were Many Times More Than "forefathers" - Alternative View

Geneticists are puzzled by the gender composition of the ancestors of Europeans and Asians. Either much more men came out of Africa than women, or the colonialists practiced matriarchy and polytheism, or men lived much longer than their girlfriends

Rethinking Our Heritage: Ancient Sunken Cities. - Alternative View

Rethinking Our Heritage: Ancient Sunken Cities. - Alternative View

In the photo: photographs of a bottom scan in the Gulf of Cambay (India), where in 2002 the remains of super-ancient cities were found on the ocean floor. Then there are 4 more photos from there. They realized that people had rebelled and decided to exterminate them

Traveling Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

Traveling Through The Looking Glass - Alternative View

Of all the interior items, one can hardly find more mysterious than mirrors, which at all times were surrounded by a halo of mysticism and mystery

The Tibetan Magi Lived On The Volga - Alternative View

The Tibetan Magi Lived On The Volga - Alternative View

Samara region is famous for its numerous wonders

Golem And Homunculus - Artificial Life - Alternative View

Golem And Homunculus - Artificial Life - Alternative View

In the Middle Ages, in addition to experiments on the creation of a philosopher's stone and a universal solvent, alchemists tried to comprehend the secrets of the origin of life and, comparing this with the Lord God himself, create an artificial creature - a homunculus (from the Latin "ho

Princess Olga's Secret Weapon Is The Famous "Greek Fire"? - Alternative View

Princess Olga's Secret Weapon Is The Famous "Greek Fire"? - Alternative View

After ordering a piece of tinder to be tied to the birds, set it on fire and released the birds into the city. They flew to their nests and burned the city of the Drevlyans. Iskorosten fell. The surviving townspeople Olga imposed an exorbitant tribute

The Mystery Of The Clay Army - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Clay Army - Alternative View

The famous clay soldiers of the Chinese emperor Qin Shi-huang-di - one of the most intriguing mysteries for researchers. In the 3rd century BC

The Missing Patriarch Nikon - Alternative View

The Missing Patriarch Nikon - Alternative View

In October 2013, restorers of the famous New Jerusalem Monastery solved a riddle that haunted Orthodox believers for more than half a century

Cats, Cathars, Catholics - Alternative View

Cats, Cathars, Catholics - Alternative View

In the first part of my work "How and when people became civilized and began to fight" I substantiated the emergence of religion in general and Christianity in particular from the fertility mysteries of the Mesolithic

Giordano Bruno And The Main Secret Of The Church - Alternative View

Giordano Bruno And The Main Secret Of The Church - Alternative View

Old archives store many interesting records and miracles that mankind does not open for only one reason - too lazy to delve into piles of papers. So, recently excerpts from the book of W. Churchill were discovered, where he reasonably and with full responsibility discusses extraterrestrial life, exoplanets and other miracles

Strange Inventions For Caring For Children Of The 20th Century, For Which Today Would Be Deprived Of Parental Rights - Alternative View

Strange Inventions For Caring For Children Of The 20th Century, For Which Today Would Be Deprived Of Parental Rights - Alternative View

For a long time, the concept of "child" did not exist. It appeared only during the modern period. Mankind decided to start raising children closely only at the beginning of the 20th century. It is surprising that things created at that time for posterity for the most part resemble some kind of strange tools

Time Of Troubles: Liberation Of Moscow From Poles - Alternative View

Time Of Troubles: Liberation Of Moscow From Poles - Alternative View

The liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders by the combined forces of the First and Second militias under the leadership of Prince. Pozharsky and K. Minin. PROGRESS OF EVENTS Early XVII century

Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich: "Macedonian Of Ancient Rus" - Alternative View

Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich: "Macedonian Of Ancient Rus" - Alternative View

With the light hand of Karamzin, Prince Svyatoslav is considered the ancient Russian Alexander the Great

A Sinister Sect Of Thugs-stranglers - Alternative View

A Sinister Sect Of Thugs-stranglers - Alternative View

The Indian thugs (thagi), who were "the most bloodthirsty bandits in the history of mankind", received the most notorious reputation for sophisticated killers. In 1812 alone, about 40,000 people died at their hands

Knightly Armor Of False Dmitry At The Tsarskoye Selo Arsenal - Alternative View

Knightly Armor Of False Dmitry At The Tsarskoye Selo Arsenal - Alternative View

In the 19th century, the Tsarskoye Selo Arsenal occupied an almost central place in the park ensemble of Tsarskoye Selo

False Dmitry: The Swindled Sovereign - Alternative View

False Dmitry: The Swindled Sovereign - Alternative View

According to many contemporaries, False Dmitry I had the right to the throne. Who was this man, who had grasped the highest power - - riddle. He was considered by both the fugitive monk Grishka Otrepiev, and the Portuguese, and the cunning Italian

False Dmitry I: The Main Delusions - Alternative View

False Dmitry I: The Main Delusions - Alternative View

The figure of False Dmitry I still causes a lot of controversy. Rumors and speculation surrounded the liar more during his lifetime, with the historical memory of him, everything is also far from unambiguous

The Execution Of The Royal Family Of The Romanovs. New Details - Alternative View

The Execution Of The Royal Family Of The Romanovs. New Details - Alternative View

It would seem difficult to find new evidence of the terrible events that took place on the night of July 16-17, 1918. Even people far from the ideas of monarchism remember that this night was fatal for the royal family of Romanov

The Life Of The Family Of Nicholas II After The Shooting - Alternative View

The Life Of The Family Of Nicholas II After The Shooting - Alternative View

The history of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, the execution of him and his entire family has been exciting the minds for almost a hundred years. The Russian Orthodox Church even ranked the Romanov family as a saint and in its absurdity even goes as far as banning the film "Matilda"

Why Did The Ruling Houses Of Europe Not Begin To Save The Family Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

Why Did The Ruling Houses Of Europe Not Begin To Save The Family Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

You can often find statements that some European crowned heads had full opportunity through diplomatic channels to help out of the Bolshevik captivity, if not Nicholas II himself, then at least his wife and children

Riot In The Royal Family - Alternative View

Riot In The Royal Family - Alternative View

On the eve of the February Revolution, politicians and generals hatched plans for a palace coup. The most amazing thing is that close relatives of Nicholas II also played an active role in this

The Greatness Of The Sacrifice Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

The Greatness Of The Sacrifice Of Nicholas II - Alternative View

In 1917, Nicholas II accepts the sacrifice. What is the essence of his sacrifice? The Emperor had the opportunity to gather an army or regiment of people loyal to him and continue the fight. But he left the fight

Alexei Kosygin - The Surviving Tsarevich Alexei Romanov - Alternative View

Alexei Kosygin - The Surviving Tsarevich Alexei Romanov - Alternative View

According to historian Sergei Zhelenkov, there was no execution of the Romanovs

Why Is Nicholas II Revered As A Saint? - Alternative View

Why Is Nicholas II Revered As A Saint? - Alternative View

The canonization of the royal family of the Romanovs and, above all, of Emperor Nicholas II himself, is not perceived unambiguously by everyone. Quite often one hears questions: what did this king do that, for which he was canonized? Let's turn to the facts

Was Nicholas II Russian - Alternative View

Was Nicholas II Russian - Alternative View

The last direct descendant of the Romanovs who ruled on the Russian throne was Elizaveta Petrovna. The Great Empress died on January 5, 1762. The first tsar with German blood After Elizabeth, Peter III ascended the throne

The Assassination Attempt On Tsarevich Nicholas In Japan - Alternative View

The Assassination Attempt On Tsarevich Nicholas In Japan - Alternative View

And everything was so great at the beginning. Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich at the end of 1890 set off on a sea voyage to the Far East aboard the armored cruiser "Pamyat Azov"

Why Were The Daughters Of Nicholas II Unmarried - Alternative View

Why Were The Daughters Of Nicholas II Unmarried - Alternative View

As you know, in 1918 the entire royal family was shot in the Ipatiev house, in Yekaterinburg. There is still debate about whether the emperor himself, his wife and their children could have avoided a terrible fate

How Much Did The Members Of The Royal Family Work? - Alternative View

How Much Did The Members Of The Royal Family Work? - Alternative View

Unknown facts from the life of the imperial family. The ordinary, casual life of tsars still remains largely a secret behind seven seals. And meanwhile, today she can surprise many

How Rich Was The Russian Tsar Nicholas II - Alternative View

How Rich Was The Russian Tsar Nicholas II - Alternative View

It is clear that history does not like the subjunctive mood, but the historian Vladimir Fetisov somehow calculated that in today's realities Nicholas II would be considered the richest man in the world

Dancing On The Bones: The Remains Of The Romanov Royal Family Haunt - Alternative View

Dancing On The Bones: The Remains Of The Romanov Royal Family Haunt - Alternative View

The shooting by the Bolsheviks in July 1918 of the royal family in Yekaterinburg (later Sverdlovsk and again Yekaterinburg) was not advertised in the USSR. This is understandable: who will direct the shadow on his own fence. And yet, once it eluded censorship

Who Is Jack The Ripper - Alternative View

Who Is Jack The Ripper - Alternative View

Who was hiding under the nickname Jack the Ripper

Who Was Jack The Ripper: Prime Suspects - Alternative View

Who Was Jack The Ripper: Prime Suspects - Alternative View

In 1888 London was shocked by a series of brutal murders in the Whitechapel area. It was a slum area where various dregs of society settled, among which there were a lot of immigrants

Secret Excavations Of The Remains Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

Secret Excavations Of The Remains Of The Royal Family - Alternative View

In 1979, a group of enthusiasts discovered the place where the Bolsheviks hid the bodies of Nicholas II, his relatives and servants

The Grave Of The Alleged Jack The Ripper Has Been Found - Alternative View

The Grave Of The Alleged Jack The Ripper Has Been Found - Alternative View

Briton David Bullock established that the late 19th century serial killer Jack the Ripper was a certain Thomas Cutbush, whose grave is located in London's Noonhead Cemetery

Who Are You, Jack The Ripper? - Alternative View

Who Are You, Jack The Ripper? - Alternative View

For famously twisted plots, the forty-five-year-old American writer, author of detective stories Patricia Cornwell is often compared to the famous John Grisham. Patricia earned $ 150 million from novels about forensic scientist Ney Scarpetta

Who Could Be Jack The Ripper? - Alternative View

Who Could Be Jack The Ripper? - Alternative View

1888 - London's East End witnessed a series of brutal murders of prostitutes. Until our time, these crimes remain unsolved. Jack the Ripper, who he really was - a maniac surgeon?

The Mysticism Of The House Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

The Mysticism Of The House Of The Romanovs - Alternative View

The accession to the Russian throne of the Romanov family was accompanied by evil and mystical events