The Lead Mask Case: The X-Files Brazilian - Alternative View

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The Lead Mask Case: The X-Files Brazilian - Alternative View
The Lead Mask Case: The X-Files Brazilian - Alternative View

Video: The Lead Mask Case: The X-Files Brazilian - Alternative View

Video: The Lead Mask Case: The X-Files Brazilian - Alternative View
Video: Mulder Believes He Has Been Mislead | Season 10 Ep. 1 | THE X-FILES 2024, June

Once Upon a Time in Brazil

August 1966 was pretty nasty in Brazil. Because of the cyclone, it rained for three weeks, almost without stopping. At thirty degrees of heat, this became a test even for healthy people - what can we say about those who had health problems. Jorge, the owner of a radio parts store in Niteroi (one of the districts of Rio de Janeiro), tried not to get up from behind the counter once again. Only in this way, having ruffled and constantly wiping his forehead, either from sweat or from dampness, could it be possible to survive these disgusting rains. However, today he was not allowed to sit still. Despite the rain, two unfamiliar men of about thirty, dressed in suits, came.

They spent a long time, checking the list in their notebook, buying and ordering radio components. They themselves, they say, were from Campus dos Goitakasis, there are no such details at all, so they have to wander one and a half hundred kilometers to Rio.

After the purchase, the men clarified where you can buy waterproof raincoats. The rain continued on the street, and Jorge waved in the direction of a shop with clothes and other junk. Two of them were getting ready for the exit, when they suddenly asked where to get some more water. Jorge waved in the same direction - there is a bar next to it, buy what you want. The men thanked the owner and headed for the exit.


A day later, their bodies were discovered by a young man who was about to launch a kite on the Vinten hill. The police found a great excuse not to go for a check - who wants to walk through wet bushes in the rain? But soon another citizen called, who found the bodies, and the police nevertheless moved to the scene of the crime.

Not far from the trail leading to the top of the hill, in the bushes, on a bed of palm leaves, were two radio amateurs - Miguel Jose Viana and Manuel Pereira da Cruz. For two days at high humidity and temperature, the bodies, dressed in raincoats and suits, began to decompose very quickly, and the police had to pour almost a canister of formalin onto the corpses in order to interrupt the terrible smell and start examining.


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They found money from the killed, but not much. Later it turned out that they left home with a more significant amount. Nearby lay a homemade glass, a bottle of water, and two clean white towels wrapped in wrapping paper.

The strangest thing is that in front of the eyes of the victims were homemade masks made of sheet lead, similar to ski goggles.

Also, one of the victims was found to have a notebook, where, in addition to the list of radio components, there was a very strange entry. It was with a bunch of errors and no approvals, although other entries turned out to be quite correct.

16.30 Hs. esta 'local determinado.

18.30 Hs. ingerir cápsula após efeito proteger metais aguardar sinal máscara.

This can be roughly translated like this:

16:30 Arrive at the agreed place.

18:30 Swallow the capsule after the effect of protection metal wait for the signal mask.


There was also a sheet with the schedule of the weekly intake of these capsules, but he disappeared somewhere in the process of investigative actions - then he was no longer found. The physician examining the bodies found no signs of a violent death. The police assured that they had done all the tests for poisons, but now no one will confirm this.

Until now, the murder of men in "lead masks" has not been solved.

During the investigation, it turned out that the murdered were fond of ufology, and the inevitable began.

The best ufologists pulled up to the case and brought a terrible blizzard: flying saucers, opening the third eye, the spirits of the mountains and a whole lot more.

This Brazilian episode is considered one of the strangest and most incomprehensible cases in history.

There are three versions of what happened that can satisfy almost any reader.

The first version: conspiracy theory.

Two years before this incident, a military coup took place in Brazil, and General Umberto de Alencar Castelo Branco, who organized the coup, came to power.

The country was stormy and shook like an old truck on bumps. The government saw conspirators everywhere. Most of the possible nuts were tightened with all their might - to a squeak.

In Brazil, radio stations were even nationalized, and death squads, so beloved by Latin America, were gathering dust on the roads - special detachments ready to explain to the population the urgency of the modern political course with a knife and rifle.

Umberto de Alencar Castel Branco
Umberto de Alencar Castel Branco

Umberto de Alencar Castel Branco.

At the same time, two lovely electronics lovers travel to cities and towns, order radio parts and talk about their hobby for ufology.

Flying saucers, seriously?

And they went to look for them in Rio de Janeiro, one of the largest Brazilian cities. Something is not very hard to believe.

It is difficult to screw masks and incomprehensible pills to this version. The only real possibility is that it was part of the legend in case of capture. It is possible that the guys were secretly spying or working for partisans who were not particularly happy with the putsch. However, in this case, it is strange that the “ufologists” were not eliminated in a more banal and simple way.

Version two: household

Maybe it's not that difficult. The world is full of people who have chosen as their hobby, if not their way of life, the hunt for the paranormal. They really crawl hills and collect radio stations to pick up signals from space. And neither common sense, nor relatives and friends are able to curb and return to the earth such hunters for miracles.

In this case, there may be strange instructions, and incomprehensible lead masks, and pills from a bottle with the inscription "Don't eat me." Perhaps the guys were simply unlucky - either they found the wrong instructions, or someone cruelly made fun of them, giving poison instead of a drug that could open the third eye and see aliens to the deepest space.

Miguel Jose Viana and Manuel Pereira da Cruz
Miguel Jose Viana and Manuel Pereira da Cruz

Miguel Jose Viana and Manuel Pereira da Cruz.

Then it's just a pity for them, but, alas, “it happens”.

Version three

The two dead were indeed conspirators. But they got so used to the role of ufologists and came close to disclosing a deeply conspiratorial network of aliens that they preferred to eliminate them using alien poisons.

Everything is logical and does not contradict the facts at our disposal.

However, the answer to the question of what exactly happened on a rainy August day in 1966 remains a matter of conjecture.

Author: Mikhail Kotov