Secrets of history 2024, October

The Truth About Women In The War, Which Was Not Written About In The Newspapers - Alternative View

The Truth About Women In The War, Which Was Not Written About In The Newspapers - Alternative View

“Daughter, I have collected a bundle for you. Go away … Go away … You have two more younger sisters growing up. Who will marry them? Everyone knows that you were at the front for four years, with men … "Memoirs of female veterans from the book by Svetlana Aleksievich "War has no woman's face" - one of the most famous books about the Great Patriotic War, where war is first shown through the eyes of a woman. The boo

Terminators From Dahomey - The Most Brutal Female Warriors In History - Alternative View

Terminators From Dahomey - The Most Brutal Female Warriors In History - Alternative View

Of the daughters - into soldiers, from household chores - to arms. The only documented female military unit in modern military history. These women lived in sub-Saharan Africa. They managed to make their colonialists tremble with fear

Soviet Kamikazes: How Many There Were In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

Soviet Kamikazes: How Many There Were In The Great Patriotic War - Alternative View

From the first days of the war, the Red Army displayed massive heroism, trying to slow down the enemy's advance. The air force also did not stand aside

The Spiritual Power Of The Druids - Alternative View

The Spiritual Power Of The Druids - Alternative View

Previous part: Druids - keepers of the great Hyperborean tradition In the "order" of the Druids, which provided such great opportunities to its members, a harmonious hierarchy and firm internal discipline was established

Geneticists Have Proved That The Vikings Could Have Women As Warlords - Alternative View

Geneticists Have Proved That The Vikings Could Have Women As Warlords - Alternative View

A recent scientific study showed that the examination was able to confirm the sex of the body, found near the Swiss settlement of Birka, where the Vikings once settled

About A Strange Wooden Artifact, Reminiscent Of A Viking Sundial - Alternative View

About A Strange Wooden Artifact, Reminiscent Of A Viking Sundial - Alternative View

Have you ever wondered how the Vikings, the ancient inhabitants of Scandinavia, navigated the sea? But they swam all the time. The first thought that arose personally in me was about the sun.But it should be borne in mind that they have been in places where the sun may not be for months (polar night)

Viking Compass: The Riddle Of Sun Stones - Alternative View

Viking Compass: The Riddle Of Sun Stones - Alternative View

For years, scientists have tried to determine how the Vikings managed to make long sea voyages

Archaeologists Have Found An Artifact 9 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Archaeologists Have Found An Artifact 9 Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Recently, archaeologists began to find more and more artifacts that are more than 5 thousand years old. Recently, an amazing find was presented to the general public at an exhibition that was dedicated to the prehistoric period in art

Josef Mengele. The Experiments Of The Doctor - Death - Alternative View

Josef Mengele. The Experiments Of The Doctor - Death - Alternative View

Joseph Mengele (born March 16, 1911 - death February 7, 1979) - the most famous of the Nazi criminals doctors. Auschwitz chief physician who conducted medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners

The Mysterious Connections Of The German Nazis With Shambhala - Alternative View

The Mysterious Connections Of The German Nazis With Shambhala - Alternative View

The Third Reich was also engaged in the search for Shambhala at the state level. The idea of a dominant race endowed with mystical powers and supernatural powers turned out to be extremely attractive to the Nazis

The Main Myths About Gladiators - Alternative View

The Main Myths About Gladiators - Alternative View

Our idea of gladiators is shaped by Hollywood films, which are characterized by a large proportion of cinematic fantasy. It's time to dispel the misconceptions that were born from watching historical films

Chess Pieces Of The 19th Century Were Found In England. They Were Used As A Talisman - Alternative View

Chess Pieces Of The 19th Century Were Found In England. They Were Used As A Talisman - Alternative View

In England, found chess pieces - Queen and Bishop (in the Russian-language version - elephant), made in the middle of the 19th century, reported on the website of the Lincolnshire County Council

Books Made Of Human Skin - Alternative View

Books Made Of Human Skin - Alternative View

Harvard University is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. The true jewel of the renowned educational institution is its extensive library. But it was she who recently brought Harvard an eerie fame. The fact is that during the census, manuscripts were found in the library depositories, for the binding of which … human skin was used!T

January 28, 1820 Russian Ships "Vostok" And "Mirny" Opened The World To The Sixth Continent - Alternative View

January 28, 1820 Russian Ships "Vostok" And "Mirny" Opened The World To The Sixth Continent - Alternative View

A land that strikes with extraterrestrial beauty. A land that few have seen with their own eyes, but its harsh ice expanses are admired, without exception, by all

An Irreversible Catastrophe Will Forever Change Life On Earth - Alternative View

An Irreversible Catastrophe Will Forever Change Life On Earth - Alternative View

How are the "Bronze Age catastrophe", Arab conquests, turmoil in Russia in the 17th century and the conquest of the Wild West in the United States in the 19th century? How has seismic activity on Earth influenced the history of our civilization?

Secrets Of The Death Of Great People - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Death Of Great People - Alternative View

The life and death of great and famous people are often surrounded by secrets. Sometimes real, sometimes fictional. Even with the help of modern science, it is not always possible to solve them. The curse of the pharaoh In 1323 (according to some sources) BC

Than The Germans Shocked The Soviet People In The Occupied Territory - Alternative View

Than The Germans Shocked The Soviet People In The Occupied Territory - Alternative View

After the German attack, about 70% of Soviet citizens ended up in the occupied territories. They had to live in completely different conditions and obey the laws, which often did not fit into their traditional way of life

Who Is She, The Grandmother Of Ivan The Terrible? - Alternative View

Who Is She, The Grandmother Of Ivan The Terrible? - Alternative View

She's not just from a royal family. Under her uncle, the reign of the Byzantine emperors ended. Constantine XI was removed from power by the Ottomans. And Sofia's father Paleologus was a despot (this is such a title of a ruler)

Which Parts Of The Red Army Wore The Swastika Emblem, And Why Was It Abandoned - Alternative View

Which Parts Of The Red Army Wore The Swastika Emblem, And Why Was It Abandoned - Alternative View

The swastika symbol has been known by many peoples around the world since ancient times. Much more important is that it was thanks to World War II, primarily in the Western world, that the swastika began to be perceived mostly as an emblem of the Nazis

Scientists Are Fighting The Mystery Of The Rostov Sarcophagus - Alternative View

Scientists Are Fighting The Mystery Of The Rostov Sarcophagus - Alternative View

Russian archaeologists are exploring one of the most unusual ancient Russian artifacts - sarcophagus, which is located under the floor of the Assumption Cathedral in Rostov the Great. About the mysteries of a strange tomb

Amelia Earhart: The Life And Mysterious Disappearance Of The First Female Pilot To Cross The Atlantic Ocean - Alternative View

Amelia Earhart: The Life And Mysterious Disappearance Of The First Female Pilot To Cross The Atlantic Ocean - Alternative View

On July 2, 1937, the Lockheed Electra monoplane, piloted by Amelia Earhart, mysteriously disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. The legendary aviator was only thirty-nine years old

Why Was China Called "China" - Alternative View

Why Was China Called "China" - Alternative View

In general, the etymology of words is far from unambiguous, but interesting knowledge. Sometimes it happens that you don't even think about it

Three Hundred Years Before Mavrodi: The First Financial Pyramids - Alternative View

Three Hundred Years Before Mavrodi: The First Financial Pyramids - Alternative View

Our people, taught by the bitter experience of the 90s, who "gave" us "Khoper-Invest", "Russian House of Selenga", "Vlastin" and, of course, Sergei Panteleevich Mavrodi with his MMM, today, albeit sometimes at an intuitive level, understand sign of the words "financial pyramids

Semyon Gendlin: The Most Ingenious Swindler In The USSR - Alternative View

Semyon Gendlin: The Most Ingenious Swindler In The USSR - Alternative View

Semyon Lvovich Gendlin was born in 1939 in Kharkov. His father was a professor, his mother - candidate of sciences. The parents hoped that their son would follow in their footsteps. Thanks to their efforts, the boy learned to read and count early

Colosseum In Rome - Alternative View

Colosseum In Rome - Alternative View

The name of the Roman amphitheater of the Colosseum comes from the huge statue of Nero - "Colossus", which once stood nearby. The facade of the building was faced with marble and was decorated with sculptural images of the gods. Built between 70 and 82 AD eh

Gladiators And Gladiators: Fight For The Death - Alternative View

Gladiators And Gladiators: Fight For The Death - Alternative View

"Bread and circuses" - this was the slogan of the ancient Roman people. At the same time, the spectacles were very peculiar, bloody. Take at least the same gladiatorial battles in which they fought for life and death

Barchenko: Mysteries Of The Expedition To The Crimea - Alternative View

Barchenko: Mysteries Of The Expedition To The Crimea - Alternative View

In 1921, on the instructions of the head of the Brain Institute Vladimir Bekhterev, Alexander Barchenko went to the Seydozero region to study the mysterious disease of "measuring". The head of the Laboratory of Neuroenergy failed to deal with the disease

Expeditions Of John Cabot To The Shores Of North America - Alternative View

Expeditions Of John Cabot To The Shores Of North America - Alternative View

John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) (born May 23, 1450 - death 1499) - an Italian explorer and merchant in the English service, known throughout history as the discoverer of the east coast of North America

The History Of Vitus Bering's Expedition - Alternative View

The History Of Vitus Bering's Expedition - Alternative View

285 years ago, on April 28, 1732, the words were written on the paper: "We have ordered Captain-Commander Bering to send packs to Kamchatka." Empress Anna Ioannovna, who signed the document, did not even think that she determined the fate of Russia for centuries to come

The Colosseum Was Not The Biggest - Alternative View

The Colosseum Was Not The Biggest - Alternative View

When you and I hear or see in films about entertainment in Rome, the Colosseum and gladiator fights immediately come to mind. The majestic image of a huge structure has been used more than once in the cinema. However, the most popular place was not this arena

10 Loud And Mysterious Expeditions To Antarctica That Still Excite The Minds Of Scientists - Alternative View

10 Loud And Mysterious Expeditions To Antarctica That Still Excite The Minds Of Scientists - Alternative View

In the south of the world there is an almost unexplored giant continent - Antarctica. Under the seemingly impenetrable multi-kilometer layer of ice, endless secrets are hidden, exciting the minds of scientists

10 Monstrous Experiments That Were Conducted By The "Unit 731" - Alternative View

10 Monstrous Experiments That Were Conducted By The "Unit 731" - Alternative View

The events of World War II negatively affected humanity. Clashes between political ideologies and global struggles have led to an almost unprecedented level of bloodshed and destruction

Forgotten Expedition Of Grigory Ivanovich Langsdorf - Alternative View

Forgotten Expedition Of Grigory Ivanovich Langsdorf - Alternative View

How historians sometimes work to clarify some little-studied events of the distant past

Conspiracy Theory: The Colosseum That Doesn't Exist - Alternative View

Conspiracy Theory: The Colosseum That Doesn't Exist - Alternative View

Who does not know the business card of Rome, but when, by whom and for what the Colosseum was built in Rome - Italy? The history of the Roman Colosseum or how it turned from the Flavius amphitheater into the Colosseum

The Reasons For The Appearance Of Wigs And Long-brimmed Hats In Europe - Alternative View

The Reasons For The Appearance Of Wigs And Long-brimmed Hats In Europe - Alternative View

Syphilis was the legislator of this medieval fashion.In the Middle Ages, the city was mowed down not only by plague, cholera and ergotism, but also by syphilis, a favorite disease of the Catholic Church, right now sometimes called the "plague of the Middle Ages

The Yeltsin Phenomenon - Alternative View

The Yeltsin Phenomenon - Alternative View

When Boris Yeltsin graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute, he was offered the position of a foreman in the construction of industrial facilities. However, he refused, deciding to "feel everything with his own hands."

Which Astrologer Advised Boris Yeltsin? - Alternative View

Which Astrologer Advised Boris Yeltsin? - Alternative View

Personal astrologers and fortune-tellers were kept with them by many prominent politicians and historical figures. Such a sin was noticed at one time for Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Ronald Reagan, Jacques Chirac, etc

Secrets Of The Mystical Books Of Solomon - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Mystical Books Of Solomon - Alternative View

Not many rulers managed to win the love of their people, become famous for wisdom and insight. And all this applies to King Solomon! He is also credited with pretty fantastic qualities. It is believed that he understood the language of animals, subjugated the elements of nature, knew how to command jinn and angels

7 Most Terrible Secrets Of The USSR - Alternative View

7 Most Terrible Secrets Of The USSR - Alternative View

In the Soviet Union, they knew how and loved to keep secrets. So, in fact, it is easier to govern a country whose citizens live under the motto “you know less”; you sleep better "

Petroglyphs Are The Key To Understanding The History Of Mesoamerica - Alternative View

Petroglyphs Are The Key To Understanding The History Of Mesoamerica - Alternative View

These amazing petroglyphs … In the absence of written evidence, petroglyphs found in South America are important keys to understanding what the ancient inhabitants of the continent knew and saw