Whom Did George The Victorious Kill? - Alternative View

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Whom Did George The Victorious Kill? - Alternative View
Whom Did George The Victorious Kill? - Alternative View

Video: Whom Did George The Victorious Kill? - Alternative View

Video: Whom Did George The Victorious Kill? - Alternative View
Video: The Story of Oedipus: the King of Thebes (Complete) Greek Mythology - See U in History 2024, June

Scientists prove dragons existed.

Researchers at the International Union of Cryptozoologists, which brought together 800 scientists from 20 countries, came to the conclusion that the coat of arms of Moscow depicts a real, not a mythical monster.

Monstrous reality

The image of George the Victorious, a rider-snake-fighter with a spear, appeared on the coat of arms of the Moscow principality under Ivan III (1462 - 1505). The seal of the Grand Duke Ivan (1479) has also survived to this day, on which is placed a warrior striking a small winged dragon with a spear. And in the picture from the fresco of the XII century. (the Church of St. George in Staraya Ladoga) this is how the incredible is generally depicted: a centipede monster with a crocodile's tail, a dog's head and wings like an eagle. He is led on a string like a pet.

The image of George the Victorious, a rider-snake-fighter with a spear, appeared on the coat of arms of the Moscow principality under Ivan III (1462 - 1505)
The image of George the Victorious, a rider-snake-fighter with a spear, appeared on the coat of arms of the Moscow principality under Ivan III (1462 - 1505)

The image of George the Victorious, a rider-snake-fighter with a spear, appeared on the coat of arms of the Moscow principality under Ivan III (1462 - 1505).

What is it - painted fairy tales of our ancestors or a real Monster story?

“This very Serpent could once have lived in Russian forests,” says Irina TSAREVA, head of the scientific environmental program of RIKANN (Russian Intellectual Corps of Current Scientific Areas). - Numerous legends clearly indicate that bloodthirsty dragons were once found in the European part of Russia. They had a fierce disposition: they pounced on foot and horsemen and tore them to pieces. Russian heroes fought with them. And in Western Europe they were destroyed by medieval knights in order to win the favorable look of the lady of the heart. And who knows, perhaps, not without heroic participation, what

Promotional video:

Miracle of St. George about the serpent. XV century
Miracle of St. George about the serpent. XV century

Miracle of St. George about the serpent. XV century

An amazing record from the annals

“This is not so absurd as it might seem at first glance,” says Olga ZAKHAROVA, Candidate of Historical Sciences, specialist in mythology. - After all, not only legends and fairy tales tell about mysterious monsters, reminiscent of the description of lizards. There are other, quite trustworthy sources, with information about unknown dragon-like creatures. For example, in the thirtieth volume of the Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles, one can find an amazing record dated 1582 from Novgorod: “… In the summer, the Korkodil lutia came out of the river and the way of the shut-in, a lot of people lived, and people were sucking and praying to God all over the earth. And you will hide your packs, but you will have hid others. The same year, Grand Duke Ivan Ivanovich died in Sloboda, December 14 … "The question is,what kind of "corcodiles" - crocodiles (?) - came out of the river and attacked people? After all, it was not in distant Africa, but near Novgorod.

Frescoes of the XII century
Frescoes of the XII century

Frescoes of the XII century.

- So what? - I am interested. “Perhaps, in Russia, they christened dragons like that - a land variety of sea kites,” says Olga Vladimirovna. - And the mention of these monsters can be found even in Aristotle and Euripides, and then in the chronicles and historical works of the Middle Ages. The English monk Bartholomew in his book "Properties of Things" writes: "The dragon is the largest of all kites, often he comes out of his cave, rises into the air, with his movement he produces a strong wind, and the sea swells from his sting, and he has a crest and he sticks out his tongue, and he has teeth like a saw, and his strength lies not only in his teeth, but in his tail, and he hurts not only with a bite, but also with a sting. He kills everyone he meets on his way. " There is also an ancient description of the monster, dated 600 AD. e.:“The dragon is the largest of the snakes and in general the largest of all creatures living on Earth. He has a large muzzle and narrow breaths through which he breathes and sticks out his tongue."

Meetings with the serpent

- Are there more modern descriptions? - I am interested.

“Nothing is known about dragons today, but there is a great deal of evidence of encounters with a sea serpent,” says Olga Vladimirovna. - A couple of years ago my acquaintance from ITAR-TASS called me and told me that at one of the whaling bases in the Indian Ocean helicopter pilots twice observed animals similar to giant kites, 10-15 m in length. The snake lay calmly on the surface of the water. The helicopter pilot descended by 30 m, and observer Igor Dolzhenko, with the help of binoculars, was able to determine: the sea monster was a meter thick and had a light brown color. A second such snake was seen a few minutes later.

And the famous TV presenter Yuri Senkevich said: “In one experiment related to seismicity, an explosion was required at great depths in the ocean. And we, together with my friend - mind you, a biologist - suddenly saw how, at a distance of about half a kilometer behind the stern of the research vessel, a huge body rose above the water and in a moment disappeared into the depths.

The existence of the monster is also confirmed by amazing finds. In 1932, off the coast of North America, there was a strong earthquake that threw ashore many corpses of the inhabitants of the sea, including the sea serpent. The animal had a pointed head and a mouth full of sharp teeth. And in 1947, on the west coast of Vancouver Island in the Atlantic, a skeleton of an amazing creature was found 12 meters long with a head resembling a ram's head.

- So there are monsters?

“The fact that people really saw a sea serpent is beyond doubt,” says biologist and researcher of anomalous phenomena Yevgeny POTAPOV. - And the descriptions of monsters differ from each other because sea snakes can belong to different types.


The Asian calendar is divided into 12-year cycles, each of which is associated with a specific animal. People born in the Year of the Dragon are said to be the best leaders, since in their character strength is combined with generosity.